irclog2html for blob on 2002.01.17

01:05:35sammy_wmsBZFlag : I send with TT and " 9 " phones ..
01:45:51SammyBZFlag: yes use T/T , and total is 1063.6 and 9 phones , rebember ?
01:46:19Sammyer remember ?
01:49:41SammyI snet the $ last week , and with one check mail and one Invoice information mail ...
01:52:11BZFlagSammy: what is TT?
01:52:44BZFlagI got the invoice email, the check was sent via standard mail? or paypal? or what?
01:53:44BZFlagSammy: gotta run. email me the payment details k?
04:17:04Sammylunch time...
12:44:46seletz_realhi all
12:45:09erikmhello, real seletz
12:45:32seletz_realhas problems with registering the old nick
12:47:07seletz_realheading to a meeting :(
14:39:52erikmhello, Russ, russ_, and Russ|werk :)
16:18:53seletzsuffering from network hiccups
16:20:23prpplagueseletz: try breathing into a bag....
16:21:18prpplagueseletz: you done anything with the MTD driver for Disk-On-Chip ?
16:22:08seletzprpplague: no, I just do ARM linux ATM, and only the on-board flash there.
16:23:36seletzprpplague: All i did with mtd was to alter the default partition config
16:50:55seletzafk, bbl
17:22:15prpplagueRuss: what kinda problems you run into so far?
17:22:15prpplagueRuss: i just started messing with it this morning
17:22:22Russtime, I haven't touched it
17:23:01Russmy main issues will be bootloader, and partitioning
17:23:33RussI need a partition for static settings (serial no, mac addresses, etc), a partition with 2 erase blocks for a journaled config
17:23:53erikmRuss: look at linuxbios for x86
17:23:54Russand then a 500k partition for firmware rescue, and a 1500k for the main image
17:23:58Russboth being cramfs
17:24:16Russerikm: its an old p120 mobo, and I have ISA cards for the DOC's
17:24:26prpplagueRuss: sounds kinda similiar to what i'm going to do
17:25:19Russits just, how to decide which partition to boot, and how to make the bootloader read a kernel from cramfs
17:25:25Russit would be nice to drop the crap bios
20:19:18Russprpplague: I'm thinking it would be /dev/mtdblock?
20:19:29RussI plan to use only char access though
20:25:15prpplagueRuss: have you got a MTD howto?
20:29:45Russprpplague: they are around, what did you need to know?
20:30:17Russand what do you want to do
20:38:23prpplagueRuss: just the basics, i.e. how is partitioning handels, limitations, what needs to be compiled into the kernel for support
20:38:56prpplagueRuss: i've checked out the MTD driver site, but is very little userland reference, only developer docs
22:13:13Russprpplague: it varies by backend
22:13:21Russprpplague: I think DOC might use pc bios
22:20:28prpplagueRuss: i found some info burried in a jffs howto
22:20:35prpplagueRuss: thanks anyway
22:24:50RussI don't know if you'll want to use jffs2 though
22:29:10prpplagueRuss: no, i don't plan on it, its just has some good basic info on installing the drivers and how the unit is handled
22:34:11RussIt would be so cool to drop it into the bios socket though
22:34:24Russdrop 99% of the x86isms right there

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