irclog2html for blob on 2002.01.16

15:28:10erikm was last seen on #blob 22 hours, 14 minutes and 50 seconds ago, saying: shouldn't do_io_probe() probe in the PCMCIA IO space? [Tue Jan 15 17:13:20 2002]
15:28:10seletzibot: seen erikm?
15:28:27seletzhi folks!
15:32:25prpplaguemorning seletz
15:32:45prpplagueseletz: hows the pcmcia ide stuff going?
15:33:37seletzprpplague: hmmm, same errors. Quite unreliable. At times i'm able to mout and read/write stuff, then suddenly my board freezes.
15:34:33seletzprpplague: I'm now trying to confirm wether or not this is a HW problem. Sounds like some timing problems to me.
15:35:06seletzprpplague: Maybe something with lost IRQs, I'll have to put in some printk()s to verify that.
15:35:44prpplagueseletz: that my moto - if it don't work, load it down with debug statements
15:36:14seletzprpplague: One thing what keeps me thinking 'bout a hw problem is that the kernel oopses on completely unrelated areas.
15:37:03seletzprpplague: Well yes, That's why i keep having lots of debug macros handy which can simply turned on if needed.
15:37:38prpplaguegets a little freaky on debug statements, i.e. every other line a printk
15:39:29seletzprpplague: well, to be completely honest: When doing userland stuff i have even a debug/log library of my own which logs _every_ function call, keeps them at the right indent, and can be turned off/on at run-time. Saved quite often the day. It's built-in in my function templates VIM generates when i type "kfhead" ...
15:40:02prpplaguewow thats nice
15:40:38seletzprpplague: the macros look like _DBG(( "<some_function( arg1=%d arg2=%s )", x, string ));
15:40:54seletzprpplague: actually _DBG(( flag, "<some_function( arg1=%d arg2=%s )", x, string ));
15:41:27seletzprpplague: the "<" tells the lib to add one indent level
15:41:47seletzprpplague: _DBGDRETURN( dbg, someval ); closes the function
15:42:09seletzprpplague: "dbg" is a module static, which can be turned to "1" if needed.
15:43:01seletzprpplague: _DBGD( dbg, my_fancy_var_name ) prints "my_fancy_var_name=123" with right indent.
15:43:58seletzprpplague: i have macros for ints, floats, strings, arrays, pointers and even some high level data structures (hashes and lists) that work the same way.
15:44:27seletzis getting too excited 'bout the debug lib ....
15:46:18seletzhas to write a report for my boss ("hows the dev going?" etc. )
15:46:27prpplagueseletz: that way too cool, that'd save alot of time
15:46:56prpplagueseletz: doh, ( "hows the dev going?" - "better if i didn't have to write reports"
15:47:05seletzprpplague: Want to have it?
15:47:13seletzprpplague: plain ANSI C
15:47:56prpplagueseletz: ya thanks
15:48:03you are
15:48:03prpplagueibot: prpplague
15:50:43seletzbuilding arch
15:53:32prpplagueseletz: thanks
15:57:32prpplagueseletz: will this code help debug my wife's bad moods?
15:59:21seletzprpplague: wellll, You'd have to recompile her sw with libdbg.a added. Then it'd be no problem.
15:59:31seletzprpplague: oh, wait ....
16:02:04prpplaguewife.c - #undefine NAG_MODE
16:06:18seletzprpplague: well, i _could_ think of quite some #undef and a _lot_ of #defines, too.
16:06:44seletzprpplague: and a quick shutdown button.
16:07:08seletzprpplague: (beeimng able to do a restart would be nice.)
16:07:56prpplagueseletz: selective data erasure
16:08:19seletzprpplague: cool! Send the diffs!
16:09:28prpplagueseletz: are you married?
16:09:31seletzhates reports
16:10:04seletzprpplague: not yet. As a matter of fact iI'm currently in the process of getting married.
16:11:01prpplagueseletz: doh
16:11:29prpplagueseletz: you know that its not a coincidence that married rhymes with burried
16:12:15seletzprpplague: well, i guess i'll find out afterwards.
16:12:30prpplagueseletz: you know you a geek thats married when you start refering to your wife in terms of /proc and /dev commands
16:12:58prpplaguecat /proc/wife/nag > /dev/null 2>&1
16:14:29prpplagueargh, this x86 stuff is getting boring
16:16:51prpplaguehowdy BZFlag
16:17:09prpplaguehows life with the new baby and work at lineo?
16:17:49seletzBZFlag: hi!
16:19:35BZFlagprpplague: busy, but it's ok. thanx
16:35:54prpplagueBZFlag: good to here it
16:36:11prpplagueBZFlag: andersee says that the c++ is going well
16:37:22seletzHmm, has one of you guys heard of BLUETOOTH support in Linux?
16:37:40seletzthinks there's a driver somewhere
16:38:04prpplagueseletz: ya there are several stacks out there, but i'm not sure what the level of support is right now
16:38:25prpplagueseletz: what embedded browser are you guys using?
16:38:41prpplaguehas had a need for embedded browser until now
16:38:44seletzprpplague: What HW do they use? Is it a networking device under linux (from userland)?
16:39:30prpplaguedon't start me to lying, i've only read about it
16:39:37seletzprpplague: well, none as of now. But if i had the need of one, i'd take QT/embedded and the HTML widget of QT.
16:40:14seletzprpplague: not that i tried it, that is.
16:40:38seletzprpplague: i heard of kfm running under an embedded system somewhere.
16:40:59seletzprpplague: try the iPAQ familar stuff, isn't there a browser?
16:43:26prpplagueseletz: ya i think so
16:43:46prpplagueseletz: the aquapad is using mozilla, but it seems too big almost 19meg
16:46:01prpplaguei wonder how small you can compile mozilla
16:48:29seletzprpplague: if you want HTML use a ready-made widget. Forget 'bout JAVA on embedded systems i'd say.
16:48:40seletzprpplague: and Javascript
16:49:33prpplagueseletz: gotcha
17:25:35seletzfinished writing report
17:25:50seletzakira|work: morning!
17:26:03akira|workmoin :P
17:26:30akira|workgot some interesting news from fh today...
17:26:54akira|workseems they inally decided on getting the master course for applied science in
17:27:04seletzprpplague: Ok, there seems to be a complete bluetooth stack for linux (gee, it's even certified. Whatever _that_ means). _And_ there are some drivers which mimic a tty connection.
17:27:19seletzakira|work: eh?
17:27:41akira|workmaster studiengang fuer AI :)
17:27:42seletzakira|work: ok, a master of science in computer science?
17:28:05seletzakira|work: Well, _thats_ intresting ....
17:28:11akira|worki just hope they get going with it before i am out there for 2 years :)
17:28:20akira|workbut even then :)
17:28:43seletzakira|work: Do you know wether or not "old" students are allowed to get through the course?
17:28:53akira|workshould be no problem as far as i know
17:28:59akira|worksince its also international course
17:29:15seletzakira|work: erm, international? in Weingarten? Come on ....
17:29:21akira|workaltho thers one smal ldownside to it...
17:29:35akira|workguess who'll be the responsible prof
17:29:44seletzakira|work: dont say it.
17:29:48prpplagueseletz: i just got a call from the sharp rep about that new arm core, they're going to send me an eval kit
17:30:01seletzprpplague: how much $$ ?
17:30:43seletzakira|work: koch?
17:30:47akira|work<g> i can guess your guess and it seems to be right, going to make sure tomorrow and ask whats it all about... for the masters degree i gues i could put up some more with our 'friend' :)
17:30:53prpplagueseletz: eval is free for 90 days
17:31:05seletzakira|work: arghhhhglmpf!
17:31:23seletzakira|work: stupid idiots, dammit!
17:31:24akira|workwell it ain't all gold htat glitters :)
17:31:44akira|workstill interested ? :)
17:31:50seletzprpplague: after the eval?
17:31:55seletzakira|work: no.
17:32:15seletzakira|work: i'd rather _buy_ a degree in turkmenistan.
17:32:32akira|worki'll make sure tomorrow and check how deeply he's ivolved in the courses
17:32:41akira|workif he just leads it i don't care
17:32:50seletzakira|work: that'll be fine.
17:32:54seletzakira|work: yup.
17:33:26akira|workwe know how ' busy ' the man is :) he can't possibly do more lectures :>
17:33:28seletzakira|work: do they plan to have some internships or praktikas abroad neccessary?
17:34:04seletzprpplague: do you plan to port linux on that board?
17:34:08akira|workwith international i meant that language will be english and a couple of foreign students will probably attend as well, like in mechatronics
17:34:19seletzakira|work: doh
17:34:48seletzakira|work: 4 semesters i guess.
17:35:03prpplagueseletz: the rep said lineo( i.e. BZFlag and company) are working on it already
17:35:12seletzakira|work: ok, gets mor intresting.
17:35:17seletzprpplague: pity.
17:35:41seletzprpplague: i wonder how they're getting these boards first every time.
17:35:52seletzprpplague: they==others
17:41:30BZFlagprpplague: which? the new core? we just got to a initrd bash prompt yesterday.
17:42:20prpplagueBZFlag: doh
17:42:31prpplagueBZFlag: i wanted to play with it first.....
17:42:57prpplagueBZFlag: so what do ya think about? or is that confined to a NDA ?
17:43:26BZFlagDuck is working on it. He will have blob patches out soon.
17:43:47BZFlagI just worked with him yesterday for an hour or so to get over a few initrd issues.
17:44:46prpplagueits sounds interesting, might be what we've been looking for
17:44:48BZFlagit has a ton of different hardware that I don't think duck has working yet. The serial port is and the mmu/interrupts/etc get setup.
17:45:54BZFlagemail and ask him to meet you here. ;-) he might be able to say more, I'm not sure of the NDA implications at this stage of the game.
17:46:18BZFlagI know sharp wants the source released so you will be able to read any patches he releases. ;-)
17:46:30prpplagueBZFlag: cool
17:46:55BZFlagthinks.. o O ( well, I guess I could walk the 30 feet and ask him... ;-)
17:47:12seletzprpplague: nice
17:48:01BZFlagok, it was more like 60 feet, and he is working from home today.
17:48:45seletzBZFlag: do you know how much the eval board is?
17:50:13prpplagueBZFlag: thanks anyway, i just sent him an invite
17:53:38prpplagueBZFlag: btw, did you ever get those jtag dongles ordered?
18:04:20akira|workseletz any idea about workstation CPU ?
18:04:37seletzakira|work: Athlon 1800 oder so
18:04:58akira|workyay :)
18:06:01seletzakira|work: give me an overview 'bout price/proc configs, i.e. how does the price change with the proc.
18:07:57akira|workneeds some time
18:08:06seletzakira|work: i know....
18:09:44akira|workthe gfx card doesn't have to be a special CAD card right ?
18:10:02seletzakira|work: no, just open gl hw accelerated
18:10:02akira|work a geforce 2 mx should do it i guess
18:10:08seletzakira|work: yup
18:22:38akira|workonboard audio ?
18:23:12seletzakira|work: as long it works with linux
18:23:29akira|workhmm right..
18:23:40akira|workalways crap with that....
18:31:58BZFlagprpplague: jtag dongles are ordered, I'll email the list when they come in. probably a week or two still.
18:35:47akira|workseletz: keyb/mice ?
18:38:03seletzakira|work: yup, normal things. nothing fancy.
18:41:40akira|workno screen for the server ?
19:06:31akira|workseletz: query
19:07:44seletzakira|work: swicth channel please
20:47:13seletzpreparing to go home
20:47:28prpplagueseletz: later

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