irclog2html for blob on 2002.01.15

01:47:44SammyBZFlag: have you got my mail ?
02:52:03SammyBZFlag: ? did U got mail from Sammy ?
02:56:11BZFlagI think so, yes.
02:56:35Sammyand  " $  " ?
02:56:50Sammyyou check ?
10:23:27seletzhi folks!
10:23:54erikmhello seletz
10:23:59erikmand morning, *
10:27:22seletzerikm: hi, and thanks for the driver diff. I looked at it, and found that i do quite the same on my board, except that i use russels last patches for pcmcia, so i more and more suspect a hw problem. sigh.
10:28:46erikmseletz: heh :) at times russell can be picky about his name :)
10:29:24seletzerikm: yes "russell, that's with two s and two l ..."
10:29:47seletzerikm: one never knows who's listening :))
10:32:59seletzerikm: btw, did you read kernel traffic #150? The part 'bout a new scheduler that does 6M context switches per second? The numbers quite baffled me ...
10:33:46seletzdetects heavy blob changes ....
10:47:32seletzdebugging pcmcia
10:49:04erikmseletz: yeah, interesting thread.
11:40:27Sammygoes home
11:57:53seletzerikm: on lart, have you been able to mount flash cards using ide-cs?
12:00:15erikmno, the PCMCIA doesn't work yet
12:01:04seletzerikm: actually what i want to know is: Does _someone_ actually use ide-cs to talk to flash cards on ARM?
12:11:35erikmseletz: yes, the ipaq people do
12:22:04seletzerikm: hmmm, i can dd from/to /dev/hda1, but mount hangs forever.
14:54:11seletzhmmm, russell's web site is down?
14:56:06seletzprpplague: hi!
14:56:42prpplaguehowdy seletz
14:56:51prpplagueseletz: hows the biz going?
14:57:17seletzprpplague: fine, thx! Got _lots_ of work todo recentls ...
14:58:17seletzprpplague: atm i'm struggeling with ide flash cards and pcmcia on the PT Digital Board.
14:58:30prpplagueseletz: ohh fun
14:58:37seletzprpplague: not really :(
14:58:47prpplagueseletz: my point
14:59:35seletzprpplague: i can dd in/out from the flash through hdax but mount hangs the system. Get even an kernel oops in irq_check_lock(). sigh.
15:00:04seletzprpplague: not exactly reliable behavior, i'd say :/
15:00:37prpplagueseletz: definetly something causing a problem
15:01:46seletzprpplague: now i try to use ide.c as module and pass hda=slow hda=flash to it. Well, i'ts worth a try.
15:02:23prpplagueseletz: have you compiled multi-mode ide access into the kernel
15:02:52seletzprpplague: not that i'm aware of. What's that?
15:03:56prpplaguemost flash type memory that emulates ide needs to have the multi-mode access configured under the ide functions
15:04:07prpplaguestandby let me get some more details for ya
15:04:32seletzprpplague: ok, thanks
15:05:59prpplagueseletz: the config option is CONFIG_IDEDISK_MULTI_MODE , and its under the ATA/IDE options
15:06:13seletzone moment
15:06:34prpplagueseletz: i ran into this problem using the Disk-On-Module units as well as CF cards
15:06:43seletz# CONFIG_IDEDISK_MULTI_MODE is not set
15:07:06prpplagueseletz: i can't guarrante its all of your problem, but i'd bet its part of it
15:07:21seletzprpplague: i'll give it a try. Thanks a lot, anyway.
15:07:37prpplagueno problem, i like to help when i can
15:10:53seletzconfiguring kernel
15:11:47seletzbuilding new modules
15:13:55seletzflashing kernel
15:22:53seletzhaving insmod problems ... :(
15:33:03seletzprpplague: hmm, now ide-cs.o fails registering with the ide driver. Hmmm.
15:34:21prpplagueseletz: thats odd
15:35:07seletzprpplague: i compiled everything as module: pcmcia subsystem, ide driver and ide card services module.
15:35:37seletzprpplague: before i had the ide driver 1) compiled into the kernel and 2) compiled w/o multi mode
15:36:16seletzprpplague: now i try to switch back to ide driver as module & w/o multi mode. Let's see.
15:37:52seletzprpplague: i want to be able to pass hda=flash to the ide driver ...
15:38:03seletzprpplague: w/o rebooting, that is
15:39:03prpplagueseletz: this is odd, i've not had any problems with the multi-mode function, its solved all of my errors on the ide flash
15:40:24seletzprpplague: i'ts still possible that there's a odd hw bug. I'm able to dd on the raw dev, tough. That's really odd.
15:59:02seletzhmmm, still a no-go. I'm going to put the ide driver into the kernel. Hmm, something is wrong here.
16:05:10seletzreading Documentation/ide.txt :)
16:12:47seletzbuilding kernel ...
16:17:00prpplagueanyone seen these guys -
16:19:00seletzbtw, /,e checking out
16:20:12prpplagueguess i should have really pointed to -
16:23:24seletzsadly enough the dont habe an sa1111 on it, and dont have some more infos on their homepage.
16:24:11prpplagueseletz: hmm this looks cool -
16:26:38seletzsilly url names, dammit.
16:29:47seletzwell, another arm based chip design. Cool is the on-chip frame buffer, It's a little tiny, tough.
16:30:25erikmhmm, lineo support. /me guesses that BZFlag is involved :)
16:30:44prpplaguehmm, i like the sound of this -
16:31:57prpplaguethat might be nice for a newbie like me to get into the board level stuff
16:33:56seletzhmm, thats the same link, no?
16:34:28seletzoh, kernel is compiled :)
16:35:40prpplagueseletz: doh
16:37:31prpplagueseletz: too many people comming in and out of here today, didn't realize i'd already sent the link
16:37:42prpplaguegoes for more coffee
16:38:51prpplagueerikm: what do think? think that sharp cpu would be easy to implement?
16:39:13erikmprpplague: after I'm done with the start.S cleanup it certainly will be
16:40:13prpplagueerikm: sorry, i meant on the hardware level, i want to get to the point i can play around with my own design
16:40:25erikmprpplague: I'm currently splitting it up in an arch independent and arch dependent part
16:40:49erikmprpplague: oh, ok. well, the most difficuly part usually is the memory layout
16:41:34prpplagueerikm: The LH7A400 provides glue-less interface to SRAM/SDRAM/Flash devices, MMC, PCMCIA/CF and Smart Cards.
16:41:47seletzerikm: oand to find someone to get a good pcb layout done, i guess...
16:41:52prpplagueerikm: i wonder how true that is?
16:42:37erikmseletz: that's what I mean. the pcb layout for the memory interface is the most critical
16:43:20seletzerikm: i see. I guess that's where most of _my_ problems come from.
16:44:50prpplagueerikm: btw, i had no doubt blob could boot on that cpu, after all, erikm is guru of bootloaders, lol
16:46:09prpplagueerikm: so what tends to be the issue on the memory layout? long traces creating timming issues?
16:46:28erikmprpplague: that, and traces of different length
16:47:00erikmprpplague: so D0 trace is longer than D15, and with a tight memory timing the D15 data comes too late at the CPU
16:47:31prpplagueerikm: gotcha, so the latch for the data grabs bogus info
16:48:27prpplagueman, i need to quite my job so i can get some work done!
16:48:44erikmthe problem usually doesn't show up until you enable the cache and the CPU starts doing burst reads or writes
16:49:10prpplagueerikm: sounds like you've had this problem before? on the lart?
16:49:53erikmprpplague: no, not on the LART. jdb hand routed the pcb for optimal memory speed.
16:50:43erikmprpplague: but there have been problem reports about that on l-a-k
16:50:54seletzerikm: autorouter don't do good jobs, then?
16:51:12erikmseletz: no, autorouters are completely useless
16:51:43erikmseletz: one of our silly plans is to write an autorouter that actually works :)
16:52:20seletzerikm: :)
16:52:47Russerikm: the new pcb lets you autoroute traces individualy or as groups
16:52:50seletzerikm: Tell me when youre done, so even ican create some pcb's :D
16:52:53prpplagueerikm: one thing i've always wanted on a autorouter is a metric to weight the traces
16:53:40prpplaguemaybe there is one, i just haven't spent enough time playing around with them
16:56:00seletzsuffering from another oops
16:56:29erikmo/~ do you suffer from long term memory loss? I don't remember... o/~
16:57:05prpplagueis suffering from an oops otherwise known as the boss
16:58:15seletznah, my pcmcia oopses the kernel. I now tend to call it a hw problem.
17:11:45Russgrep this diff for rsrc_mgr.c
17:12:38Russthat hunk stops pcmcia from doing do_io_probe(), since the sa110 has no IO ports (but the kernel assumes it does since CONFIG_ISA is enabled)
17:13:20erikmshouldn't do_io_probe() probe in the PCMCIA IO space?
17:13:38Russits always oopsed for me
17:14:00Russchanged it to #if defined(CONFIG_ISA) && !defined(CONFIG_ARCH_SA1100) instead of #ifdef CONFIG_ISA
17:17:59seletzerm, could someone explain that a little more, please?
17:18:01Russat attempts to access x86 io space
17:18:09Russand the addresses aren't mapped
17:18:17Russmaybe you could map them on your board and it would fix it
17:18:33seletzhmm, thus the "tries to free ressources not allocated" error
17:19:15Russno, that isn't familiar
17:19:22Russbut backtrace the oops
17:21:17seletzhmm, it oopsed in check_irq_lock(), but it seems to completely random at times. the last one didn't have a vaild frame ptr, so no function adrs.
17:21:23seletzchecking out diff
17:27:18seletzRuss: hmm, it's already fixed in 2.4.16-rmk2. There's a CONFIG_PCMCIA_PROBE and it's handled properly in
17:27:45seletzRuss: But thak you anyway!
17:59:15seletzWell, i'll call this a day.
17:59:33seletzbye, 'til tomorrow ...

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