irclog2html for blob on 2002.01.14

10:50:40erikmhello, I mean
11:01:40Sammyha lo erikm
15:11:34erikmhello prpplague
15:12:27prpplaguemorning erikm
15:12:34prpplagueerikm: been larted today?
15:12:57erikmprpplague: no, I only lart people myself
15:13:47prpplagueerikm: ohh, we'll i've not been larted in two weeks, i've been playing around the FIC aquapad
15:16:16erikmprpplague: I've larted the people on the ipaq mailing list about not using linux-arm-kernel for arm-linux kernel related issues
15:18:27prpplagueerikm: choosing the right mailing list for a post can be confusing sometimes
15:22:03erikmprpplague: not if you have been told before
15:22:56erikmprpplague: and whining that experimental feature xyz got another interface since linux-2.4.9-ac13 while it was discussed on linux-arm-kernel is also not the way to do it
15:31:23prpplaguelol, point taken

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