irclog2html for blob on 2002.01.04

04:50:12Russibot: 52 * 14
09:23:07Sammypanic panic panic panic panic panic
09:23:16bugger all, i dunno, sammy
09:23:16Sammyibot: panic ?
09:24:48sammy: i haven't a clue
09:24:48Sammyibot: kernek ?
09:24:54i heard kernel was in /dev/mtdblock2 or /boot (fam 0.5). To build one, see
09:24:54Sammyibot: kernel ?
09:25:54sammy: bugger all, i dunno
09:25:54Sammyibot: kernel panic?
09:25:56RussSammy: what are you babbling about?
09:26:39Sammybecause this massage make me crazy this two days ....
09:26:45Russwhat message?
09:26:54SammyKernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel.
09:27:41Russhave you tried making a statically linked sh, named it /bin/sash (or similar) and done init=/bin/sash
09:28:08Sammyldconfig ?
09:31:49Sammywhat you mean making staticcally linked sh ?
09:32:20Russbuild a shell that does not depend on shared libs
09:32:34Russwhen you do the final linking, do -static
09:36:22SammyAmm... so when kernel command line I must add init=/bin/sash ?
09:36:42Russwell, first you have to make a statically linked shell
09:36:54Russthen copy it into you root fs and name it /bin/sash
09:37:05Russand then add the init=/bin/sash
09:37:32Russthe name doesn't really matter, it could be /sbin/static-shell, just as long as its there and you tell the kernel to excecute it
09:38:06Sammybut my sh connect to busybox ...
09:38:23Sammyis that matter ?
09:42:54Sammyis trting .....
09:45:38Russor you could compile busybox statically
09:46:27BZFlaginit=/bin/sh  should work with busybox.
09:46:55Russright, but he is having cannot exec init problems
09:47:07Russtrying to get him trying a statically linked sh
09:47:16BZFlagyou just need to run ldconfig on the fs from some other system first.
09:47:41SammyI had do that
09:47:45BZFlagbut static busybox should also work
09:47:55BZFlagand you tried init=/bin/sh ?
09:48:12Sammyis trying now
09:48:17Russstatic is the safest bet
09:48:42BZFlagyes, but larger. ;-)
09:49:49Russgotta get it working first
10:07:01Sammybut ...
10:10:12Sammyuse BZFlag say : same result try Russ say ...
10:11:37Sammybut Russ I don't know how to build a static-shell with .....
10:18:53Russbuild a static busybox then
10:25:25Sammyre download busybox source code again ...
10:25:35Russwhy are you redownloading it?
10:38:08Sammybecause my source is not complete ..
13:13:02erikmhi Russ
13:33:06erikmgoes home
13:33:12erikmit's impossible to work over here
13:33:28Russpeople throwing old money about?
13:33:46erikmno, the workmen think it is a good idea to replace the windows right now
13:34:12erikmtoo much noise to think :(
13:34:12Russseems like that might make it a bit cold
13:34:26erikmthat as wel

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