irclog2html for blob on 2002.01.03

05:35:30Russwanna see something neat?
06:15:32Sammyshow it :)
06:29:05lxrbot: recurse
06:29:05Russibot: recurse?
06:29:44lxrbot: recurse
06:29:44Russibot: recurse?
06:29:44lxrbot: recurse
06:29:44lxrbotibot: recurse
06:29:44lxrbot: recurse
06:29:44lxrbotibot: recurse
06:29:44lxrbot: recurse
06:29:44lxrbotibot: recurse
06:29:44lxrbot: recurse
06:29:44lxrbotibot: recurse
06:29:45lxrbot: recurse
06:29:45lxrbotibot: recurse
06:29:45lxrbot: recurse
06:29:45lxrbotibot: recurse
06:29:46lxrbot: recurse
06:29:46lxrbotibot: recurse
06:29:48lxrbot: recurse
06:29:48lxrbotibot: recurse
06:29:50lxrbot: recurse
06:29:50lxrbotibot: recurse
06:29:52lxrbot: recurse
06:29:52lxrbotibot: recurse
06:34:15lxrbot: recurse
06:34:15Sammyibot: recurse?
06:34:20lxrbot: recurse
06:34:20Sammyibot: recurse?
06:35:07lxrbot: recurse
06:35:07Sammyibot: recurse?
06:36:01RussI made lxrbot forget
06:36:23Sammylxrbot: recurse?
06:36:24lxrbotsammy: i don't know
06:36:28Sammylxrbot: recurse
06:38:56Sammyibot: 99*9+60.6*2+25.4+26
06:39:30Sammyibot: 1063.6 * 35.1
06:39:55SammyBZFlag : hello ?
06:40:24SammyBZFlag : here?
06:41:34Sammylxrbot: recurse?
06:41:34lxrbotsammy: i don't know
06:41:42lxrbot: recurse
06:41:42Sammyibot: recurse?
06:41:42lxrbotsammy: i don't know
06:42:26Sammyecho " BZFlag )))"
06:57:26SammyBZFlag : order order order order ....
06:58:06SammyI want to order another 9 tux toy :)
06:58:55Sammycan you do that  ((4 in on box ) * 2 + one) = 9 ?
06:59:54Sammyand the $ = 1063.6
10:28:12erikmwaves a "Hello, world!" flag
15:41:47erikmfixes the other archs as well
15:47:12erikmhmm. quite a large patch. touches 67 files, while there are about 160 files in CVS
15:48:44erikmOTOH: the serial driver has become a beauty
15:51:37SpaceCoasteryo erikm!
15:51:47erikmhello SpaceCoaster
15:52:03SpaceCoasterbeen doin good stuff?
15:52:32erikmyeah, I rewrote the serial port driver so it becomes easier to port to non StrongARM architectures
15:53:11SpaceCoasterwow and that changed 67 files!
15:53:30erikmyes, but that was on purpose
15:54:06erikmI broke the semantics of SerialInputByte() and SerialOutputByte(), and the best way to avoid broken code is to rename those functions
15:54:20erikm(they're now serial_read() and serial_write())
15:56:14SpaceCoastergood idea, if it's different rename it, let the compiler/linker do the grunt work.
15:57:19SpaceCoasterAre there new features for StrongARM?
15:59:07erikmno, not really. it just makes it easier to add a serial driver for other archs
15:59:28erikmthere are at the moment at least two people busy porting blob to non-StrongARM, so I'd rather help them
16:00:28SpaceCoastersounds good
16:10:20erikmCVS commits
16:17:13erikmright, everybody subscribed to blob-cvs-commit got flooded with email :)
16:56:35sammy_wmserikm:  what's non-StrongARM platfrom like ?
16:57:08erikmsammy_wms: could be any other ARM platform
16:57:17erikmsammy_wms: ARM7TDMI, for example, or ARM9
16:57:38sammy_wmsthat's greet :)
16:57:52sammy_wmsI have ARM7TDMI
16:58:07sammy_wmscan xscale also ?
16:58:14erikmsammy_wms: yes
16:58:33erikmsammy_wms: but only the serial port driver has been made modular right now. the other drivers still have to follow
16:59:25sammy_wmsreally hope I can help some :( ....
17:00:45sammy_wmsbut still not strong enough to do that ...maybe someday before ...
17:01:11BZFlagsammy_wms: what's the 26?
17:01:24BZFlagibot: 99*9+60.6*2+25.4+26
17:01:53erikmhi BZFlag
17:02:06BZFlagheya, so does cvs work again now? ;-)
17:02:09erikmBZFlag: you think duck will like the serial stuff?
17:02:26sammy_wmsbecause your bank will also charge $ 6 from you ...
17:02:32erikmBZFlag: ? I haven't seen CVS was down
17:02:32BZFlaghe asked me about it yesterday. I said cvs would not compile. ;-)
17:03:05erikmBZFlag: actually it did compile. I always make sure my changes compile on all platforms
17:03:10BZFlagsammy_wms: ahh, bank charges. ok. that sounds right. go ahead with the order.
17:03:19sammy_wmsso I need to give you 20 + 6
17:03:36BZFlagoh, perhaps I grabbed in the middle of a commit or something. it did not compile for me.
17:03:49BZFlagI suspect the recent commit fixed it.
17:03:58erikmBZFlag: the only broken platform right now is system3, but that's not because of my changes. seletz has to fix that one
17:06:10BZFlagcool. I hope to do some testing today on it.
17:06:28sammy_wmsI must quick order that , because the rate of exchange is become more and more expensive now ( $ us 1 = $NT35.1 )
17:06:48erikmis completely unaware of the value of money right now
17:08:01erikmeuro was introduced two days ago. it's just like you're visiting a foreign country and have to get used to the coins and bank notes. the only difference that *everybody* has difficulties :)
17:10:28sammy_wmsso you think that's not good ?
17:11:17erikmsammy_wms: you don't hear me saying the euro is bad. quite the contrary: it's great
17:13:39sammy_wmsoh ? but I even never saw your country's money before , and now it's will gone in six month :( ....
17:14:12erikmsammy_wms: it makes a very nice transparent market. I already found out that getting IKEA stuff in germany is a lot cheaper, despite the fact that I have to drive 400km for that :)
17:15:27erikmsammy_wms: the euro banknotes are boring and look old fashioned. dutch banknotes had quite a modern design
17:16:21sammy_wmsho ho ho tha'
17:16:51sammy_wmsthat's a really big job for that IKEA stuff ....
17:18:59sammy_wmserikm: I saw that TV say euro about how it's design ....
17:19:43sammy_wmsbut if you have a chance to let me saw your dutch banknotes that's will be greet :)
17:20:53sammy_wmserikm: do you know ( $ 1 dutch banknotes = $ ? us dollars  )
17:22:21erikmsammy_wms: 1 fuilder was 2.40 us$
17:23:54sammy_wms is that => ( gulden ) ?
17:24:38erikmehm. yes. dutch: "gulden"
17:24:51erikm(in english it's called a guilder)
17:25:38sammy_wmsO , because I can't find what "fuilder" mean ?
17:26:18erikmyeah, that was a typo
17:31:20sammy_wmsib0t: 37333 / 35.1
17:31:29sammy_wmsibot: 37333 / 35.1
17:34:50sammy_wmsBZFlag: btw , I'll send at least 1063.6 to you at next monday .
17:38:58BZFlagok, cool.
17:39:22erikmBZFlag: so how's the little one doing?
17:59:52sammy_wmsnight all :)
23:30:17Russ|werkibot: 2560 / 512

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