irclog2html for blob on 2001.12.27

03:27:03blob is the Boot Loader OBject
03:27:03Russibot1: blob?
03:27:07Russlxrbot: blob?
03:27:07lxrbotruss: i don't know
03:27:17Russlxrbot: blob is the Boot Loader OBject
03:27:20lxrbotsomebody said blob was the Boot Loader OBject
03:30:11That must have hurt...
03:30:11Russibot1: Doh!
03:31:00Russgets himself into trouble
03:31:05lxrbot: recurse
03:31:05Russibot1: recurse
03:31:05lxrbot: recurse
03:31:05lxrbotibot1: recurse
03:31:05lxrbot: recurse
03:31:05lxrbotibot1: recurse
03:31:06lxrbot: recurse
03:31:06lxrbotibot1: recurse
03:31:06lxrbot: recurse
03:31:06lxrbotibot1: recurse
03:31:07lxrbot: recurse
03:31:07lxrbotibot1: recurse
03:31:07lxrbot: recurse
03:31:07lxrbotibot1: recurse
03:31:08lxrbot: recurse
03:31:08lxrbotibot1: recurse
03:31:10lxrbot: recurse
03:31:10lxrbotibot1: recurse
03:31:12lxrbot: huh?
03:31:12lxrbotibot1: recurse
03:38:59...but this is a very important quest you're starting| ibot's boom stick....
03:38:59Russibot1: this is that
03:39:13Russ: I forgot this
03:39:13Russ ibot1 forget this
03:39:14OK, Russ.
03:39:14Russibot1: this is that
03:39:22Russlxrbot: that is this
03:39:29this is that
03:39:29Russibot1: this
03:50:17sammy: bugger all, i dunno
03:50:17Sammyibot1: that ?
03:50:23Sammy: excuse me?
03:50:23Sammyibot1: that ]
03:50:27Sammy: huh?
03:50:27Sammyibot1: that
03:51:03Sammylxrbot : this
03:51:18Sammylxrbot : that
03:51:18lxrbotthat is this
03:51:25Sammylxrbot : this
03:51:35somebody said this was that
03:51:35Sammyibot1 : this
03:52:31Sammylxrbot : that
03:52:32lxrbotthat is this
03:52:47Sammy: excuse me?
03:52:47Sammyibot1 : that
03:53:27OK, Sammy.
03:53:27Sammyibot1 : lxrbot say that is this
03:53:32Sammy: sorry...
03:53:32Sammyibot1 : that
03:53:46sammy: no idea
03:53:46Sammyibot1 : that ?
03:53:54rumour has it this is that
03:53:54Sammyibot1 : this
03:54:06Sammy: i'm not following you...
03:54:06Sammyibot1 : that
03:54:48lxrbot is my fellow bot. he knows a lot about the linux kernel and normally lives on #kernelnewbies.
03:54:48Sammyibot1 : lxrbot
03:54:57Sammy: huh?
03:54:57Sammyibot1 : lxrbot say
03:55:27OK, Sammy.
03:55:27Sammyibot1 : that is ask lxrbot
03:55:35i heard that was ask lxrbot
03:55:35Sammyibot1 : that
03:55:49Sammy: I forgot that
03:55:49Sammyibot1 : forget that
03:56:18Sammy: i'm not following you...
03:56:18Sammyibot1 : ibot + 1
03:56:43OK, Sammy.
03:56:43Sammyibot1 : ibot + 1 is ibot1
03:56:47somebody said ibot + 1 was ibot1
03:56:47Sammyibot1 : ibot + 1
03:57:34SammyRuss: how to test your touchpanel driver ?
04:19:10Russkinda difficult
04:20:35Russdon't really deal with userspace very much
04:46:00SammyRuss: ok that's the problem , now I  include the driver like you say , but I don't know is that really support ,
04:46:56SammyRuss: how do you do to let the Tux toy touchpanel support ?
04:48:03Sammymaybe I can do something like that , because I don't really know how to get into driver debug ?
04:49:21Sammyis that some App or something like that to use ? or I can run qt app to test that ?
04:51:20Sammywhat you say ? suggest ?
05:32:05Russask in #tuxscreen
17:19:05sammy_wms was last seen on #blob 0 seconds ago, saying: ibot1: seen sammy_wms ? [Thu Dec 27 17:19:05 2001]
17:19:05sammy_wmsibot1: seen sammy_wms ?
20:29:51seletz_Hi all, and Merry Christmas (a bit late, tough :)
20:34:38prpplaguehowdy seletz_
20:34:47prpplaguewhat are you upto?
20:34:57seletz_Hi ya!
20:35:14seletz_Well, sitting in front of an tv and chatting at #blob
20:35:51seletz_hmmm, guessed no-one is on #blob now, but alas ...
20:36:35seletz_did you surrive christmas well?
20:37:38seletz_checking out patches ...
20:37:54prpplagueya problems on my end
20:40:29prpplaguestill has not heard back from roland
20:40:57prpplaguesee your not even in the office, and i'm harassing you!lol
20:41:13seletz_Well, you did not hear from me, too.
20:41:27prpplaguei figured i'd send him a couple of emails after the first
20:41:32prpplagueof jan
20:41:48seletz_Ok, i _have_ thought of some numbers.
20:42:19prpplaguelike $25 ?
20:42:30prpplaguehas a bad sense of humor
20:43:16seletz_No, like some $750 to $1000 :)
20:44:06prpplaguethats not too bad
20:44:21seletz_BUT beware. This is all on a, erm, quite instable guessing-like numbers :)
20:44:59seletz_AND: Im now in middle of getting a buisness of my own.
20:45:18prpplaguei see, embedded consulting?
20:46:30seletz_Erm, yes, one _might_ call it consulting.
20:47:01prpplaguewell the best of luck to ya
20:47:12prpplagueevery been in biz for yourself?
20:47:20seletz_We're going to get deeply into linux kernel developing, custom drivers etc. in the StrongARM environment.
20:47:38prpplaguethats really cool
20:47:43seletz_well, yes, im on my own since april (dont laugh.)
20:48:13seletz_but a friend of mine (well, he's my ex-boss :) is on his own since
20:48:25seletz_well, long enough i think,
20:48:51prpplaguenice, a word of advice, don't try to do everything, do what do best, and hire/pay someone for everything else
20:49:18seletz_(my ex-boss was so scared when i quit my last job that he decided to quit too. and then we did a couple of SW projects together)
20:49:29prpplaguei.e. pay someone to do your books
20:50:06seletz_i did that since april, because i'm too lazy to do this. one has to know himself ...
20:50:36seletz_I try to concentrate on _work_
20:50:43prpplaguei've had two biz's which i sold for pretty good $$
20:50:45seletz_i.e. sw developing.
20:50:58prpplaguei learned the hard way about trying to do everything
20:51:18seletz_tell me... (please?)
20:51:56prpplagueoh, i tried to save money by doing alot of the work, sales, the books, advertising, purchasing
20:52:30prpplaguebefore long i was spending more time doing the things i wasn't good at than what i was good at
20:53:26prpplaguecame to my senses and hire 4 people to do those jobs, doubled my profit in 3 months due to the fact i could concentrate on my work
20:53:46prpplague(and they could concentrate on theirs)
20:53:58seletz_Ok, i learned a lot on my last job. There were too many who were into marketing, sales, design, talk, managing, commiting meetings. No-one did the real work. To be honest, i wanted to get rid-off tese parts of the buisness and get it done by people who learned how to do this.
20:56:00seletz_but hey, i'm new to this whole bunch of buisness-stuff. just now i'm trying to learn as much i can 'bout linux and the kernel (and get someone to pay me $$ for this)
20:56:50prpplaguei'm not saying go hog-wild on personell, even if you just get someone to come in a do your books once a week, you'll be much better off
20:57:41prpplaguehow many ppl you going to have?
20:58:05seletz_well, i have. From start. Because i knew that i'm too lazy for doing this properly.
20:58:36seletz_well, me, my ex-boss and a undergraduate who will do an internship.
20:58:50prpplaguesounds like a winner
20:58:58prpplaguewish you the best of luck dude
20:59:00seletz_(hope so.)
20:59:29prpplagueyou'll have to send me an email with all of your info in case i need your assitance
21:00:04seletz_Well, you'll one of the first who know.
21:00:59prpplaguefeels provileged
21:02:05prpplagueso have you got some cool arm products to work on yet?
21:02:33seletz_Well, yes. The "Pruftechnik Digital Board" and its successors
21:03:03prpplaguecool, so you still get to work on it?
21:03:18seletz_Yes, of course.
21:03:40prpplaguecheck out that
21:03:43seletz_This will be a whole line of products, all the same digital design, but different PCBs
21:03:52prpplaguei'd like to see linux on that
21:03:54seletz_checking out
21:03:56prpplagueohh cool
21:04:37prpplaguei can't wait to get my hands on one of the Pruftechnik board, maybe i should send roland an email now
21:05:19prpplaguei mean i want it with linux
21:05:34seletz_Ahhh. Thats cool.
21:06:08prpplaguei just want something with a pcmcia slot and a 640x480 display
21:06:15seletz_About the PT boards:
21:06:39prpplaguei'd like to get one of hnt's units but half the stuff i see, i can't get in the states
21:06:52seletz_You have to consider that this one is the "first try" of a series of boards the 'll develop.
21:08:01seletz_so, the design i work/develop with now is not worth a try IMHO. The HW guy is somewhat brain-damaged.
21:09:03seletz_It needs atr last one iteration to be usable. Thats what they plan now for. This PCB will go into a handheld device (somewhat bigger palmtop).
21:09:13seletz_Dont laugh.
21:09:33seletz_First they considered WinCE on MIPS.
21:09:56seletz_They did design as of now this way:
21:10:14seletz_1) design a bit of hardware
21:10:34seletz_2) design software for _this_ hw from ground up
21:10:42seletz_3) fiddle around
21:10:48seletz_4) more of (3)
21:10:53prpplagueoversized pda? sounds great
21:11:06seletz_then, when next product is to be done: goto (1)
21:12:04seletz_well, it will be a measurement device to capture live FFTs, on a route.
21:12:27prpplagueya i think you mentioned that
21:12:51prpplaguebut re-design everything everytime? seems like a waste of skill and time
21:13:02seletz_"condition monitoring" is the thing they do. Being able to predict machine failure and thus minimizing machine downtime (avin LOTS of $$)
21:13:19seletz_Yeah! Exactly!
21:13:35seletz_Thats the point i try to get into their heads.
21:14:06seletz_Goal: one platform, running linux. use in _all_ products.
21:14:22prpplaguethats creates long lead times for deployment
21:14:42prpplaguemodularity and encapsulation
21:15:11prpplaguesorry, have to redesign leads to long lead times for deployment into the field
21:15:36seletz_well, once the considered to write a tcp stack from ground up (in assembly/C) for a NEC processor (yuck-bleah)
21:16:16seletz_yes, thats what roland thought when he came to pruftechnik.
21:16:57seletz_Then he kicked all designs and said: "we now use Linux and OpenSoftware to shorten development time."
21:17:08seletz_Then he hired me.
21:18:07seletz_But the HW developer i mentioned is still struck in the olt times. He wants the sw designed after the HW. We want the HW designed for Linux.
21:19:25seletz_we need a couple of, erm, development cycles more to get this strange concept into his head.
21:20:36prpplaguegood luck
21:20:39seletz_If this doesnt solve the problem, well, then either Pruftechnik will have to drop its product plans or (which is more likely) drop this hw developer.
21:21:49prpplaguedid you guys look at this
21:21:57seletz_Well, if i had more exp with this, i would try to get a design up myself.
21:21:57prpplaguethats what i've been working on
21:22:05seletz_checking out
21:22:08prpplaguesame here
21:23:14seletz_cool board! How much $$ does it cost?
21:23:28prpplaguein qty around $395
21:23:57prpplaguethe elf-2 will be out in jan, which will be sa-1110 based with more memory and a video processor
21:24:54prpplaguei've got linux running about 50% functional
21:24:56seletz_(those who can read have an advantage in live, they say)
21:25:30seletz_Video processor? VGA output? LCD?
21:25:32prpplaguelol, everyone missing something on a webpage
21:25:39prpplagueya both
21:26:38seletz_If you dont mind me asking, what is your job actually?
21:32:30prpplaguehmm, my offical title is R&D manager
21:32:56seletz_Woha. Sound impressive.
21:34:47prpplaguehowever my un-offcial title is "problem solver"
21:36:02prpplagueif something doesn't get fixed in a reasonable amount of time, they turn the problem over to me and my guys
21:36:47seletz_ok, some sort of emergency mission critical "make this working" type of thing, no?
21:36:53prpplagueour companys 5 year plan is not use any third party product that we don't have a strong role in the development/production of
21:37:05prpplagueya thats it
21:37:55seletz_Hmm, good plan. Learn the tools you use or buld them. Hmmm.
21:39:40seletz_my plan for our development/production environment is to not use a non-open source product at all.
21:44:26prpplaguewe were using thin clients from maxspeed and wyse, however their products were unreliable and also were too complicated for our customer to install, so we began building our own thin client -
21:47:45seletz_hmmm, looks cool. i once hacked an old sparc to act as a thin client. but it turned out to be too clumsy to use and to be too unresponsible/slow. Nowadays i tend to use a full PC/Workstation and NFS mout my dev environment.
21:49:54prpplaguethis is real easy, as it boots you have a chance to "press s for setup" you tell it where you want it to be a serial terminal, telnet/ssh terminal, or x-terminal
21:50:05prpplagueput in your ip address and your done
21:50:50seletz_hmm, you need a big fat server for a couple developers, no?
21:51:30prpplaguewell we use them for Point of Sale
21:51:40prpplaguewe sell an unix based accounting package
21:51:56seletz_ah, ok. Thats cool. Linux-based?
21:52:52prpplaguewell...., its still SCO based, but we are slowly moving to linux, but we are having a hard time selling linux to our customers
21:53:15seletz_Hmm, they actually care what type of OS?
21:53:21prpplaguewe get "its free, how good could it be if it is free"
21:53:40prpplague"we'd rather pay for a good operating system"
21:53:48seletz_hmmm, sure. same over here.
21:54:18prpplagueevery time i hear that i want to bang my head on the wall
21:55:02seletz_at the comp i quit from, the used rather an M$ IIS instead of apache. Argh. Because of "security"
21:55:07prpplaguewe though about just changing all the linux kernel boot text to say SCO
21:56:29seletz_do that. noone wil notice the change. oh, wait ...
22:06:17prpplaguemight get caught
22:06:27seletz_yup :)
22:10:27prpplagueis ready to call it a day
22:10:50seletz_oh, well.
22:11:04seletz_have a nice (evening/day/morning)
22:11:17prpplaguecan't leave yet, still got two hours
22:12:21seletz_is on #blob at OpenProjects too
22:12:32seletz_wrong window. Doh.
22:18:23seletz_hi akira.
22:20:09seletz_prpplague: akira is the guy who's going to have an internship at my new company.
22:20:19akirahi everyone
22:20:29akiranoone with op in here ?
22:21:10seletz_no, erikm is not here now
22:21:18seletz_ibot: seen erikm?
22:21:32erikm was last seen on #blob 7 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 52 seconds ago, saying: I'll answer chris message and also tell him (and you) my first impressions about the other patches [Thu Dec 20 20:56:40 2001]
22:21:32seletz_ibot1: seen erikm?
22:22:17seletz_oops, that's long.
22:24:58Russ|werkwhat are you trying to do with an op?
22:25:17akirame ? nothing :)
22:25:47akirajust used to have a coupe of people in a channel with op to keep it secure
22:26:24prpplaguehowdy akira
22:26:30akirahowdy :)
22:26:40prpplaguesounds like your in for some fun
22:27:28akiradepends on what kind of fun :)
22:27:45seletz_man, fun==linux development, no?
22:28:14akirai skipped the obvious :)
22:29:58akiraany channel rules in here ? like: no offtopic talk etc...
22:32:45prpplagueseletz_: yes you have that right, i think at least twice a day " i can't believe someone is paying me to do this!
22:33:19seletz_yes. I still have to convince myself bot this.
22:34:55Russ|werkits unmarkud ops
22:36:32akirai take that as a typo...
22:36:39akiracoz i don't understand it :)
22:46:56prpplagueakira: things are pretty smooth around here, the only thing that i know about is erikm really hate people using verbal "/away" functions
22:47:48seletz_I've done that a lot
22:48:16akirai suppose he's referring to fancy colored spam scripts...
22:48:34prpplaguethat kinda stuff
22:48:41akirathis should still be ok no ?
22:49:37seletz_ich dachte ab februar.
22:49:47seletz_again wrong window.
23:04:50seletz_oh well, i got a SIGGIRLFRIEND over here ....
23:06:46seletz_bye all
23:07:04seletz_and a nice & happy new year to ya all!
23:07:27akiral8er :)

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