irclog2html for blob on 2001.12.26

04:47:58Russ was last seen on #tuxscreen 23 hours, 7 minutes and 18 seconds ago, saying: ok, I hopefully have put the cs8900a timing issue on arm-kernel to rest [Tue Dec 25 05:40:40 2001]
04:47:58Sammyibot1: seen Russ ?
04:48:27I haven't seen 'ibot', Sammy
04:48:27Sammyibot1: seen ibot ?
04:48:43Sammy was last seen on #blob 0 seconds ago, saying: ibot1: seen Sammy ? [Wed Dec 26 04:48:43 2001]
04:48:43Sammyibot1: seen Sammy ?
04:48:48hello is probably any one around?
04:50:25SammyRuss: I want include some module ...but I don't know which file should I add to ?
04:51:46Russwhat do you mean?
04:52:03SammyRuss: do you know if I want to include touchpanel support with module , what's file should I really join to ?
04:52:33Sammyall ucb1x00-* ?
04:53:10Russinclude them in what?
04:53:48SammyAhh I mean
04:55:02Sammymake the kernel use "m" and then insmod the .o file after boot to test the touchpanel
04:55:17Russwhy not just compile them into the kernel?
04:55:50SammyAmm... because loading take's a little time ...
04:56:35Sammyso I think loading with module is faster ...
04:57:10Russwhy would using a module be faster?
04:58:13Sammybecause I don't need to loading the kernel , and only need to load that .o file with zmodem
04:59:20Sammythen use insmod to join the module , ( I'm not sure should I use " join" )
05:00:12Sammybut I got a problem , because I am not sure which .o file should I need to join ?
05:00:39Russreuploading the kernel won't take very long at 115200
05:02:42Sammyany idea about which file is for touchpanel use ?
05:06:47Russcheck the Makefile in drivers/misc
05:15:45Sammyok I'll try both :)
16:44:10sammy_wmssorry , wrong windows :)

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