irclog2html for blob on 2001.12.20

01:45:27Sammymorning :)
12:10:45seletzHi guys!
12:12:03erikmhello seletz
12:14:09seletzerikm: Well, it seems it was commit time last night?
12:17:56seletzerikm: What do you think of adding Brad's printf() to libblob? It would clean up quite some code and make it more readable.
12:18:28seletzsuffering from network hickups
12:18:33erikmseletz: yeah, it was commit time. I've been thinking about strcmp and strcpy for quite some time, and the changes were fairly easy
12:19:02erikmseletz: the flash partitioning is really a RFC
12:19:30erikmseletz: I haven't looked at brad's printf function, I'll do it soon
12:20:11seletzerikm: well, i read it, but i really got to think about it. You know that i really need partitioning.
12:20:46seletzswitching to another server
12:27:13seletzerikm: btw, i was unable to write the docs i promised. I had, erm, some problems involving some teeth, a dentisn and _much_ pain lastly, so i'm sorry.
12:28:29erikmseletz: np, health is always more important
12:38:54seletzerikm: we should _really_ have one place to put those MIN(), MAX() and the like macros. Suppose we could move it over to util.h.
12:40:07erikmseletz: come to think of it, that MIN() macro is not needed at all over there
12:40:55seletzerikm: hmmm. yes, and its dangerous too.
12:41:14seletzerikm: actually one could consider it a bug :D
12:42:01seletzerikm: btw, dont you think we should have a unique prefix on global defines?
12:42:22erikmseletz: hey, it was almost midnight when I commited that code :)
12:42:39erikmseletz: (and I didn't even have dinner because that would disturb my concentration)
12:42:45seletzerikm: no offense meant ...
12:43:50seletzerikm: i mean, look at those FOOBAR_NAMELEN defines. Which one is from BLOB and which one from bootldr?
12:44:42erikmseletz: the bootldr stuff is not global
12:45:22erikm(thanks $deity :)
12:45:31seletzerikm: ok, the point is: without tagging/grepping/searching one cannot immediately say which one is for blob.
12:46:22seletzerikm: make it BLOB_PRT_NAMELEN or so.
12:46:32erikmseletz: we haven't reached the point where it becomes annoying
12:47:02erikmseletz: and in that case I still vote for slightly shorter defines
12:47:27erikmseletz: and because blob is very self contained, we don't really polute the namespace
12:48:04seletzerikm: ahh. someone said "doit right the first time", but ok, doesn't matter much right now.
12:48:46erikmseletz: changing is just a matter of correct use of find+sed
12:49:14seletzerikm: yeah, ok. Its a minor thing.
12:50:43seletzerikm: I guess the bootldr partition reading stuff is just for testing in there, so later we dont need it anymore and could get blob partitions directly from flash, w/o translating from other partitioning scheme?
12:50:57erikmseletz: that's right
12:51:06erikmseletz: and it's also part of a cunning plan :)
12:51:31seletzerikm: do you want to get it near the mtd kernel stuff?
12:51:52seletzerikm: even to be compatible?
12:53:07erikmseletz: if there is another bootloader that uses the same partitioning system, it will make the bootldr people think before they come up with yet another unnecessary interface change
12:53:44seletzerikm: that's a good plan :)
12:54:11seletzerikm: does russell know about it?
12:55:00erikmyes, and he likes the idea (and so does nico)
12:55:24seletzerikm: well, then all is set i guess.
12:55:51erikmoops, graduation presentation, bbl
12:56:06seletzbye and have fun ...
16:56:18seletzok, i'm off now.
16:56:21seletzbye ...
17:46:16sammy_wmserikm: I got the some problem :(
17:47:32sammy_wmsafter yesterday's asking , I start add the touchscreen something into kernel ...but
17:48:32sammy_wmswhen I make clean and try to remake again with support the ucb1200/ucb1300 driver , that kernel hang ...
17:49:23sammy_wmsand I can't image that hang in this line ...
17:49:48erikmmake it a module
17:50:53sammy_wmsblock: queued sectors max/low ......
17:51:43sammy_wmsat before when the next line should be normal going with SA1100 flash : probing 32-bit flash bus ...
17:51:56erikmmake it a module
17:54:00sammy_wmsyou mean make the touchscreen module and use the module load in linuxrc ,not make into the kernel ?
17:54:28erikmin linuxrc or even later.
17:54:44erikmyou can't really separate out changes in a monolithic kernel
17:58:23sammy_wmsoh, but I don't really know how to make the touchscreen module :=(
17:58:34erikmjust configure as "M"
17:58:52sammy_wms"M" ?
17:58:59erikmM == module
17:59:31erikmlikes to have only the minimal stuff in the kernel and the rest as a module
18:00:02sammy_wmsoh, sorry , how stupid I am .....
18:00:21sammy_wmsok , now I know :)
18:01:23sammy_wmsbut now something I still afraid ....
18:02:23sammy_wmsI " make clean " and try make again with the same kernel ,
18:02:46erikmbest is like this:
18:03:15erikmcp .config config; make mrproper; cp config .config; make oldconfig; make dep clean zImage modules
18:03:32erikm(and don't forget the ARCH and CROSS_COMPILE variables)
18:03:42erikmthat makes sure that your kernel tree is absolutely clean
18:05:00sammy_wmsso I hang again on block: queued sectors max/low ....brabra is not fallow the step and kernel isn't clean ?
18:05:36erikmwhat kernel is that?
18:06:27erikmon what platform and with which (cross)compiler?
18:07:15sammy_wmsplatform = puppy , compiler = 2.95.3 ( make by erikm ) ,
18:08:04sammy_wmsbefore today , I don't use make clean , and puppy begin can run qpe ....
18:08:56sammy_wmsonly I use platform is assabet_config and oldconfig ... but it can run until this morning ...
18:09:08erikmso undo the changes
18:10:03erikmdinner, bbl
18:10:21sammy_wmsok :)
18:23:28sammy_wmsmust try try try again , later ...
18:23:50sammy_wmsnite ...
18:24:30sammy_wms...o..0..O .
20:10:17erikmgrmbl. a MiB vs. MB flamewar broke out on lkml while I was having dinner
20:10:24erikmupdates killfile
20:17:05erikmBZFlag: are you there?
20:19:59BZFlagyou integrated the xmodem file that was there? or added another?
20:20:34erikmBZFlag: yeah, the xmodem stuff
20:20:56erikmBZFlag: it looks good, but for the time being I'd like to have uuencode and xmodem next to each other
20:21:45BZFlagI agree.
20:22:00erikmthat's a good one
20:22:35erikmbtw, the other patch in the patch system
20:23:07erikmif I understand it correctly, blob.diffs is the large one, and the other ones are all split up, right?
20:24:56BZFlagyes. I asked him to split up the different features.
20:25:39BZFlagthe first patch of the same name should be closed as a dup. I'd be happy to do stuff like this if you up my project access. ;-)
20:26:45BZFlagheh, my 2 1/2 year old is sitting here playing luxman ;-)
20:27:51BZFlagapt-cache show luxman
20:36:08erikmBZFlag: I'll give you access to the patch system
20:36:29BZFlagtesting the xmodem patch now.
20:37:52erikmshould be done right now
20:38:02erikmyou're admin&tech in all trackers
20:38:29BZFlaglooks that way. thanx!
20:38:37BZFlagas far as the other entry...
20:39:05BZFlagmd5, locks, call should probably get reviewed and committed
20:39:29erikmdownloads the patches
20:39:32BZFlagno opinion on uu targets, if xmodem works it will not be real helpful.
20:39:52BZFlagRuss probably ought to look at the params stuff.
20:40:20BZFlagand we just need to be sure the arch stuff is done correctly, then that can be added.
20:40:33erikmyou mean for the non strongarm targets
20:41:05BZFlagI mean th jornada and badge4 they are sa1110
20:41:18erikmoh, ok, those two
20:41:31erikmif they are clean you can just apply the patches
20:41:35BZFlagI have not looked at ducks non-sa port. he claims it's clean and working now.
20:41:49BZFlagok, will do.
20:42:23BZFlagI'd suggest that you remove anonymous post access to the trackers.
20:44:35erikmit could be handy to have
20:45:14BZFlagbadge4 looks fine, jornada is just missing an entry in include/blob/arch/
20:45:16erikmotoh: it's a nice way to poison the project with code stolen somewhere else
20:45:25erikmyeah, that was my impression as well
20:46:20BZFlagwell, I've got to head into the office for a bit today. I'll get on these patches tomorrow. (well whatever isn't done by then ;-)
20:46:34erikmI won't have time tomorrow
20:46:47erikmI'll have a look at sunday or so
20:47:08erikmanyway, I'll take the flash patches
20:47:16erikmthey look good
20:49:13erikmI'll apply the paramsizefixbug, it's obviously correct
20:54:32BZFlagapply what you get to, I'll be able to tell from cvs what's there, but a comment on the SF patch when you are done would be nice. ;-)
20:54:32erikmI don't have much time, we're having the yearly x-mas lunch with the traditional games with the group
20:54:39BZFlagbzflag? ;-)
20:54:59erikmnot for 30 people
20:55:16erikmit's gonna be a monopoly variant with some extra rules and tricks
20:55:55erikmbut anyway, I'll be busy with that right now and tomorrow, and saturday I'm going to visit my grandma, so not much time to look at the patches right now
20:56:40erikmI'll answer chris message and also tell him (and you) my first impressions about the other patches
20:59:37BZFlag30 people on a local lan for bzflag ctf might be fun. ;-)
20:59:59BZFlagI'm off to the office, catch ya

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