irclog2html for blob on 2001.12.18

10:18:39erikmlooks for BZFlag
13:30:14skandahai erik
15:03:49sammy_wmsha llo
15:05:29erikmhello, guys
15:07:17prpplaguemorning/evening erikm
15:07:59prpplagueerikm: breaking any good code today? you know a programmers job isn't done until he/she breaks at least one line of code a day...
15:08:58erikmwell, I'm looking at BZFlags jffs2 reimplementation, and I have rmk's GPL'ed bootp/tftp loader
15:09:33erikmoh, and there is seletz pcmcia+ide code
15:09:48prpplaguehmm, sounds like you guys have been busy
15:11:07prpplaguehmm andersee was supose to send me quote, no mail
15:11:09erikmyeah, I'd say so
15:11:25erikmoh, and BZFlag contributed a new port to blob
15:12:45prpplaguedoh, i'm starting to feel a little slow, all i've done for the last 12 days is deal with boring raid
15:19:59prpplagueguess i'll have to put in an all weekender to get caught up
15:21:57erikmit's not that large.
15:22:39erikmgoes to shop
16:12:41prpplagueerikm: buy any thing good?
16:13:12erikmwire for the handset of my grandma's phone
16:13:33erikmshe managed to break it by curling it in funny ways :)
16:13:56prpplagueyour so sweet fixing your grannies phone
16:14:21erikmheh, I conditioned her to call me *first* to repair electrical stuff
16:14:55prpplaguemy familiar only calls after things are really fscked
16:14:57erikmotherwise she'll ask my uncle who usually makes the situation worst
16:15:05erikmworse, I mean
16:15:42erikmand after he broke it, I can usually try to glue the pieces together :(
16:40:36prpplagueerikm: does jdb ever do irc?
16:42:48prpplagueerikm: have you done any lcd interfacing before?
16:43:23erikmprpplague: jdb doesn't do irc
16:43:44erikmprpplague: the lart has an LCD interface, we've connected three kinds of LCD
16:44:28prpplaguei've ordered some of those
16:44:43prpplaguethis will be my first attempt at lcd interfacing
16:44:55prpplagueit seems a little daunting
16:45:37erikmit's very easy when you have the data sheets, especially with rmk's new LCD driver
16:51:46prpplagueerikm: i concerned about the physical electronics connections, i'm not an EE expert so it make take me a while
16:52:04prpplaguenever has gotten the hang of where to put pullup resistors
16:52:24erikmthe hardes part is getting the flatcable connector. farnell has a nice connector that you can just cut into the right shape
16:58:07prpplagueman the LART looks like a better board every day
16:58:25prpplaguethe more i read and learn, i can really appreciate your work
16:59:02erikmthere went a lot of thinking and discussion into the design
17:00:25erikmwe started thinking about it in september 1998 during a short trip after a conference in south africa. it was at an italian restaurant in cape town :)
17:07:46prpplaguelove those kinda brain storms sessions
17:08:16erikmpity I don't have the napkins with the initial design anymore :)
17:09:58prpplagueerikm: i still have my original design of a one digit by one digit calculator using relays that i build in the 6th grade
17:10:53erikmheh :)
17:10:54prpplagueof course thats not on the same level as the LART, but my wife gets a kick out of it
17:10:58erikmok. /me goes skating
17:11:03erikmsee you guys tomorrow
17:55:59sammy_wmsBZFlag: have some question to ask you  ...
17:56:53sammy_wmsBZFlag: now after a long fight with jffs2 file system , now my puppy can run this file system ...
17:58:20sammy_wmsbut I have soem dev question, if I use devfs , how to build the dev with /dev/fb0 ?
17:59:10sammy_wmsbecause today I let some qpe run on 800 * 600 LCD panel with puppy , and it's can work , but
18:00:06sammy_wmssomething still wrong , because qpe only can read /dev/fb0 , but can't read /dev/fb/0 ..
18:01:11sammy_wmsand when I use devfs it's will made fb or mtd or mtdblock into their director ...
18:02:07sammy_wmsso , how to currect made the dev to be sure the /dev  have fb0 in it ...
18:05:05sammy_wmsp.s: I use busybox , and the fs made by myself , is that only copy fb0 into /dev director ?
18:05:57sammy_wmsor I need to download the v0.5 to take a look ?
18:52:45prpplaguesammy_wms: hey how hard was it to get your lcd panel electronics working?
18:57:38sammy_wmsprpplague : not quite easy , because even it's can run qpe on it , but the frequency still feel not currect ...
18:58:12sammy_wmsbut I also fallow the erikm say from sa-1100fb.c to get start ...
19:04:13sammy_wmsand from the log you talk to erikm , I guess now will more easy to get the lcd panel on
19:06:48prpplaguei hope so
19:11:16sammy_wmsnight prpplague & all ...
19:12:11Russ|werknight (whoever)
19:12:29sammy_wmsRuss : is't me :)
19:12:33prpplaguesammy is going zzzzz
19:12:39Russ|werkah, night
19:12:53sammy_wmsnite .
19:14:09prpplagueRuss|werk: what's the biggest problem you've run into when interfacing a lcd on arm platform?
20:33:49Russ|werkprpplague: dunno, never done it
20:39:38prpplagueRuss|werk: ohh, thought you might have done some before

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