irclog2html for blob on 2001.12.17

01:51:00Sammyhello BZFlag :)
02:00:51BZFlagI guess I woke erikm up. Things are happening. ;-)
02:04:45SammyBZFlag :what's happening ?
02:16:48BZFlagI added a new platform and a memory dump routine.
02:17:11BZFlaglooks like erikm is adding neponset (a flavor or assabet)
02:17:30BZFlagI have updated Russ' read-from-jffs2 patch as well.
02:25:25Sammywhat's new platform ?
02:58:52BZFlagmine? unreleased. CES in january.
04:29:06SammyBZFlag: I think this maybe the problem you say ...
04:29:35SammyReceived 4194304 (0x00400000) bytes
04:29:51Sammyflash_write_region(): flashing 0x00100000 (1048576) words from 0xc0400000 to 0x00180000
04:29:56Sammyerasing at 0x00180168... scanning down... resume writing at 0x00180000
04:29:56Sammyerasing at 0x0029b964... scanning down... resume writing at 0x0027fff8
04:29:56Sammyerasing at 0x0033e17c... scanning down... resume writing at 0x002ffff8
04:29:56Sammyerasing at 0x00340de0... scanning down... resume writing at 0x0033fff8
04:30:01Sammyerasing at 0x0053a594... scanning down... resume writing at 0x004ffff8
04:30:01Sammyerasing at 0x00540000... scanning down... resume writing at 0x0053fff8
04:30:01Sammy1048576 words source image
04:30:02Sammy393213 words written to flash
04:30:04Sammy807938 words skipped
04:30:05Sammy6 erase operations
04:30:07Sammy152569 words scanned down
04:33:32Sammydo you knoe why only written 393213 words and 807938 words skipped ?
04:35:30Sammylike you say before it's must at least write to 0x00EF0000, but at you see , it's only write only 0x00540000 , so many block don't currect write , why ?
04:35:41Sammyany idea or suggest ?
04:50:02BZFlagit only got 4194304 bytes.
04:52:05Sammyso , change it from blob to get more byte ?
04:52:15Sammyright ?
05:41:19BZFlagright. look at RAMDISK_SIZE and RAMDISK_RAM_BASE
05:41:32BZFlagI think it needs to be contiguous memory at present.
06:08:59SammyBZFlag: thanx a lot , working ....
06:46:04skandahello amrutha
07:03:08amruthahello ..
07:03:23amruthahowz work coming up?
07:20:28skandapretty cool, glad you asked:-)
10:11:31Sammydinner time ...
10:19:27erikmmorning, *
10:21:32amruthaeruk: i have a dsp processor from texas instr. i want to make use of that processor with my board(which is very similar to assabet)... any inputs?
10:24:39erikmamrutha: does it use any interrupts?
10:24:58amruthathe processor?
10:25:44amruthayes... it has 2 external interruots.
10:25:45erikmamrutha: ehm, let me put it like this: can the dsp toggle an interrupt on the CPU?
10:26:57amruthahmm..well..there are two interrupt pins brought out which can be connected
10:28:28erikmhow is the dsp connected? with a couple of gpio pins or is it mapped in a memory area of the cpu?
10:30:34amruthaerikm: right now my dsp processor what i have is like another development board. and the board which i am using is very similar to assabet (but for the absence of jflash)... so was just thinking if i could integrate both of them..
10:32:03amruthawell..i could map the dsp processor to some memory area..or i could use the gpio pins of my board to the dsp processor..both are possible.
10:33:17erikmamrutha: the problem is that all people tell their sa-1110 board is "like assabet", but that's only because it also has an sa1110 and sdram. variance in sa1110 boards is quite large, even though they "look like assabet"
10:33:51erikmamrutha: (iow: the devil is in the details)
10:34:15erikmamrutha: mapping the dsp in a memory region makes it very easy to develop a userland driver first
10:40:46amruthaerikm: can you be more specific please. I was trying to use the dsp to improve the efficiency of the it possible?
10:41:35amruthaokie..for my audio processing examples..using a dsp will be more efficient that a sa1110?
10:42:29erikmthe sa1110 is awfully good at audio processing
10:43:10erikmespecially the multiply/accumulate in a single clock cycle (with some pipeline delays) makes it extremely fast
10:43:17amruthaso that means incorporation of a processor like TMS 320C30 is not going to make thimgs better??
10:44:04erikmchances are high that moving the data to the DSP takes more time than doing the whole operation with the sa1110
10:44:22amruthathatw as exactly what i was thinking right now.
10:44:59amruthawhich other area of application do you think of where things are made better by the use of tghis oprocessor?
10:45:20erikmto give you an idea: a cache miss on an sa1100 costs about 60 cpu cycles.
10:46:08erikmthat might be a little bit different on the sa1110, but not that much
10:46:47amruthaoh okie...
10:47:43erikmthe latency of the dsp might be lower, so it might differ, but also remember that the CPU can do burst cycles to memory, but not to the dsp
10:48:04amruthaerikm: if i were to target my application of this board purely for handhelds.... do you have any extra suggestions?
10:48:53erikmif the application is for handhelds like the compaq ipaq, don't use a dsp
10:49:18erikmhow would you connect a dsp to the ipaq?
10:49:33erikmor to the yopy?
10:50:01erikmor to the hp jornada?
10:50:13amruthait's not actually ipaq... but my design of the board is flexible ..i mean at my will..
10:50:51erikmoh, ok, I thought you wanted to target the handhelds market in general
10:51:09amruthacould be.... i have a sa1110  and just the dsp to each other..
10:52:59erikmif you want to use a dsp, make pretty damn sure that you have a good reason to use it
10:53:17Sammyis back ...
10:53:25erikmIOW: the time needed for data load, processing on the dsp, and data offload should be lower than the time it takes to do everything on the sa1110
10:55:19erikmthe intel ipp libraries will give you a nice estimate how fast the sa1110 can be, but be careful: in contrast with what intel likes you to believe, their code is not optimal do i check that out?
10:55:58erikmso there is still speed to gain with a properly designed application
10:56:52erikmto give you an example: intel claims their FFT code in the IPP library is "optimal". we coded our own version that was four to eight times faster.
10:57:23amruthai tried the fft code on my dsp processor too..
10:57:56erikmand if they can't code something simple and well understood as the FFT, it gives a hint about the code quality of the rest of the IPP
10:57:59amruthabtw... how did you check the speed for your code?
10:59:35erikmif you are optimising a piece of code, you can't do without a profiler the major appliction that i was thinking was to use the dsp for the audio processing part of as you said i am not sure how better it's performance wud be..than the sa1110.
11:00:09amruthahow do i make use of the profiler?
11:00:31erikmsee "man gprof"
11:01:02erikmand if you don't have room for that on your ramdisk/jffs2 fs, you can also use a couple of gettimeofday() calls to do the calculation yourself
11:15:21Sammylater :)
14:01:34sammy_wmsibot: 1 / 8
14:01:46sammy_wmsibot: (1 / 8.8)
14:02:08sammy_wmsibot: (1 / 2*3)
14:02:20sammy_wmsibot: (1 / 2+3)
14:02:50sammy_wmsibot:( 1/ 2^10 )
14:03:03sammy_wmsibot:( 1/ 2 )
14:03:09sammy_wmsibot:( 1/ 2*10 )
14:03:21sammy_wmsibot:( 1/ (2*10) )
14:03:35sammy_wmsibot: 1/ (2*10)
14:04:07sammy_wmsibot: 1/ (2*10*5/4+3-11/3*15)
14:04:38sammy_wmshe he :P
14:06:04sammy_wms: huh?
14:06:04sammy_wmsibot: 1/ 5s
14:06:10sammy_wmsibot: 1/ 55
14:06:14sammy_wms: what?
14:06:14sammy_wmsibot: 1/ s5
14:06:25sammy_wms: huh?
14:06:25sammy_wmsibot: s / 10
14:06:33sammy_wms: excuse me?
14:06:33sammy_wmsibot: s1 / 10
14:06:38sammy_wms: i'm not following you...
14:06:38sammy_wmsibot: s 1 / 10
14:06:45sammy_wms: huh?
14:06:45sammy_wmsibot: s (1 / 10)
16:04:03sammy_wmsreboot ....
17:55:03BZFlagheya erikm
17:55:28BZFlagyou take a look at the updated jffs2 patch?
17:55:38BZFlagshould I put it in CVS?
17:55:52BZFlagI wanted you to take a look at the file layout first
17:57:26erikmBZFlag: I looked at it quickly. I'll have a proper look in an hour or so
19:33:16prpplagueBZFlag: hey what was the other item in uclibc you wanted to get andersee to add?
19:39:11erikmdiagnoses a dead lart
19:40:40erikm... and finds a broken Vcore power supply
19:40:58prpplagueshall we have a 21 resistor pop salute?
19:41:45erikmnot yet...
19:42:38erikmthinks the ltc1266 is dead
19:44:37erikmeither that or the fet
19:54:37erikmguesses the ltc1266
20:17:55erikmgoes hunting for food

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