irclog2html for blob on 2001.12.14

02:11:01Sammyalso need more and more coffee too ...
02:11:26prpplaguego for it dude
02:11:43prpplaguetry some really strong tea or columbian coffee
02:13:59Sammymy Red Hat 7.0 after reboot and then can't run X11 server ....
02:14:47Sammyand fight some times ...
02:16:53prpplaguehmm sounds like a problem
02:22:03Sammyand now consider change to debian and prpplague's suggest
02:24:33Sammytruetypr is the biggest problem , especially  big5 .
02:46:04BZFlagI just put up a read from jffs2 patch
02:46:12BZFlagit's Russ' code updated to current cvs
02:46:26BZFlagthe test app works, but I have not tried flashing yet.
02:46:38BZFlagit's on SF in the patches db
03:32:59Sammybackup data..
04:11:23prpplaguelol, just read the topic
05:57:39amruthahai sammy
06:11:47Sammyhi amrutha
06:12:57amruthaSammy: was just thinking... i had a texas dsp. i wanted to make use of that on my handheld board...any inputs?
06:13:17amruthai mean...i wanted to make use of the processor.
06:21:15Sammysorry, I am not hack on that yet  :(
06:23:11amruthano probs :-) shall try to ask seletz when he's back.
10:29:56SammyYo erikm ...
10:41:04Sammyweekend ...
10:41:32Sammya week pass .... fast
10:41:53erikmweekend? I still have to go 6 hours! ;)
10:46:57Sammyha ha , sorry, the earth turn around made me fast then you ...
10:48:02Sammylater, need to come home fix my RedHat 7.0 X11 can't run problem ,
10:48:20Sammyand let sammy_wms show ...
13:00:07prpplaguehehe, got a chance to read the bootldr_prase flame war lastnigh
13:00:24erikmhello prpplague
13:02:06prpplagueerikm: really like one of your post about "why should we burden the kernel to fix one hardware short falls"
13:03:45erikmprpplague: that one was a bit provocative, but IMHO hardware designers should *think* and talk before the software guys design something
13:04:38erikmprpplague: I have to admit my situation with LART was ideal: jdb is a hardware designer with software experience, and I am a software guy with hardware experience
13:05:18prpplagueerikm: hmm, i think you call that "team planning" ??
13:05:24erikmprpplague: though I haven't had a formal software training
13:06:04erikmprpplague: I think so. I think jdb and I make a good design team.
13:17:16prpplagueerikm: my point is hardware and software design should be thought out together, too many times the hardware is left on its own and does what it thinks is an easy route, only to make the software side pay the price with tons of fixup code
17:29:51sammy_wmsho ho I am back...
17:30:13sammy_wmsbut the screen still have some problem,
17:31:02sammy_wmswait moment.
18:12:24sammy_wmsBZFlag: about that no sence jffs2 image, I find out something strange ,do you know why I use /sbin/init but kernel panic ?
18:13:07sammy_wmsbecause in /sbin dir inside there doesn't had any init file in it ,
18:13:45sammy_wmsbut I am sure that I have that file in my source dir , why ?
18:15:00sammy_wmsHow I know that ? because I copy init file from /sbin to /bin then let the linuxrc to read the file in /bin so it can boot to login ,
18:15:52sammy_wmsthen after login , I find out there had the dir name /sbin , but there is nothing inside , why ?
18:16:12sammy_wmsis that because the jffs2 image file bigger then 12MB ?
18:18:53sammy_wmserikm: I also find out something strange in flash ramdisk, no matter how big jffs2 image file I use to downlaod , then when it download into flash , the last address always is 0x0058000 , is this currect ?
18:24:21erikmthere are currently some limitations in the size of the jffs2 image you can download
18:25:53sammy_wmserikm: how big ?
18:26:47erikmdunno exactly. it's determined by the size of the jffs2 partition in flash
18:29:35sammy_wmsbut I have  32MB - 1MB(kernel) - 256 kB(blob param) -256kB(blob) to give the jffs2 partition :o
18:30:20sammy_wmsso normally , it's must _can_ download currect all image file ,right ?
18:32:03erikmsorry, -EPARSE
18:44:03BZFlagsammy_wms: it could be that your image is getting chopped off, yes.
18:44:27BZFlagare you sure you have enough memory set aside in blob to cache the image when you download it?
18:44:39BZFlagie: the download size is reported correctly?
18:47:01sammy_wmsBZFlag: so that's maybe blob doesn't download currectlly all the image file into ram ?
18:48:28sammy_wmsBZFlag: because I am sure I have enough memory
18:51:38sammy_wmsbut ...
18:52:32BZFlagI'm asking.
18:53:04BZFlagI suspect that it might not have enough memory configured to hold the image before flashing.
19:01:08sammy_wmsBZFlag: I'll test it more times to get some point , checking is that the problem like you say ,
19:03:16sammy_wmsbut the 12MB image file is such a little big , it's take me more time to wait it download...
19:06:35BZFlagyep, I understand.
19:06:48BZFlagwe need to get that tftp ethernet code in there. ;-)
19:07:07erikmreminds rmk again
19:08:07BZFlagsammy_wms: 0x0058000 == 360448 which is far too small.
19:09:18BZFlagyou should see numbers like 0xFE0000 as the last block if it ends near the end of your 16M of flash
19:09:59BZFlagerikm: is anyone running blob on 16M flash systems? I will be soon perhaps by monday on this new project I'm working on. UD1
19:11:06erikmBZFlag: ipaq does
19:12:21BZFlagis it working now?
19:12:36erikmBZFlag: I need to run over the ipaq memory before I flash it at 0x00000000
19:12:44erikmBZFlag: I currently chain boot it from bootldr
19:13:11BZFlagcool. please mail the list when you have a working one! I'd love to get it on one of my ipaqs
19:14:14sammy_wmsme too.
19:15:27sammy_wmserikm: I buy that only cost $289 one two day's before ...
19:16:11sammy_wmsso this ipaq will be follow your step.
19:18:13sammy_wmsBZFlag: I'll check it more, and the other thing's is because this fs can run on my friend's ipaq with bootldr,
19:18:55sammy_wmsso I am sure this rootfs is ok, maybe is my problem...
19:30:06sammy_wmslast one , is this command right ? "  ldconfig -r /<directory>  "
19:30:36sammy_wmsto do ldconfig on my rootfs directory ?
19:32:00erikmthat should do the trick
19:34:26sammy_wmsis that need any other optiin ?
19:36:06erikmnot that I know
20:13:09sammy_wmsnight all...
22:45:32erikmgoes zzz

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