irclog2html for blob on 2001.12.12

07:37:37Sammyruss_: help
07:39:12Sammyhow can I currect use ldconfig make into my designate dir ?
07:39:34Sammyldconfig /jffs2-file ?
07:39:51Sammyor need some special command ?
07:40:45Sammyor ldconfig -C <directory> ?
09:12:04Sammyha ha :)
10:21:07prpplaguemorning all
10:25:27erikmhello prpplague
10:34:14Sammyhi <prpplague | erikm >
10:47:52prpplagueneeds more coffee
10:48:04prpplagueall nighter working on raid cabinet
10:48:21erikmprpplague: :(
10:48:46prpplaguetell me about it, the only good thing is that i'm in barbados
10:49:02erikmheh, so what's the weather like over there?
10:49:17prpplaguebout 85 with a little rain
10:49:33erikmso quite a high humidity
10:49:58prpplaguei'm going to the hotel in about 3 hours and drink a beer and pass out on the beach
10:49:58prpplagueya pretty humid
10:50:17prpplaguewhat about the UK today?
10:50:32erikmis in .nl
10:50:43erikmbut that's pretty close
10:51:18prpplaguehmm, why did i think you were in the uk, maybe because of alpeha
10:52:07erikmI guess it's about  5C, foggy (500m visibility)
10:52:21prpplaguesounds like fun
10:52:58erikmbetter than a couple of days ago, where we head fog with -2C, so the fog froze immediately on cars :(
10:53:58prpplagueewww, sounds dangerious
10:54:37erikmluckily it was on sunday morning, so not too many people on the road
10:55:10prpplagueppl from texas are really dangerious on the road when it gets icy
10:56:13erikmyeah, I've seen that. two weeks ago when I was in NY, they had a couple of winter storms in north texas. pretty scare pictures on the weather channel
10:56:48prpplaguei'm based out of east texas
11:28:53prpplaguesammy: knee how
11:31:30Sammyprpplague: knee how, :-D
11:31:57prpplaguewo han how
11:32:10Sammy's iPAQ have brother .... hehe
11:32:23SammyI by another one
11:32:26Sammyer buy
11:32:55Sammyonly cost $289 us dollars
11:33:02prpplaguethats a good price
11:33:24prpplaguewhy not a girlfriend so they can multiply
11:33:54Sammyhe he I know that
11:34:21Sammythat's  why I want to buy another Tuxscreen ...
11:34:33SammyI have two ipaq now...
11:35:16Sammybut ,the new one I will let WXX CX live until 2001.12.31 and then ...
11:35:41SammyI'll change it with some QPE and QT App on it ,
11:36:01prpplaguesounds fun
11:37:46Sammyand this one is waiting erikm's blob stuff  stable then his job is useing for blob test platform ... ^_^
11:45:16prpplagueerikm: find something good for lunch?
11:46:15Sammysuggest chinese food ...
11:47:01prpplagueSammy: we have lots of chinese food places in texas, but no india places
11:47:50erikmprpplague: just regular lunch, moderate amount of bread, some fruit, and milk.
11:48:18erikmclosest chinese restaurant is 2km away
11:48:38erikmhas been to an india place yesterday evening
11:49:06erikmwe have lots of chinese restaurants (but where don't you have a chinese restaurant)
11:49:28erikmalso lots of indonesian restaurants because indonesia is a former dutch colony
11:51:14Sammyprpplague: you must find it and test it once ...
11:51:38Sammyit's deliciou ...
11:51:51prpplagueSammy: chinese? i eat there alot
11:52:33prpplagueSammy: of course its kinda of american/chinese ( too much meat )
11:53:17prpplaguewell the stores have started to open, keep your fingers crossed!
11:54:38Sammyprpplague: ohh, that's cool,
11:55:06prpplaguehopes the new raid has no problems today
11:55:42prpplague  7:57am  up 1:46,  34 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
11:55:42prpplagueUser     Tty       Login@   Idle   JCPU   PCPU  What
11:58:08erikmprpplague: what kind of raid is it?
11:59:31prpplague4 cabinets with each cabinet containing 6 15000 rpm 36gig with rudundant adaptec hardware raid controlers
12:00:12prpplagueraid-1 for every two drives
12:04:55erikmsounds nice
12:06:10erikmlast raid I tuned was a 3 cabinet with each cabinet 4 10000 rpm 18GB drive, raid-1 for each cabinet
12:07:48erikmit was tuned for throughput. we needed at least 30MB/s sustained read and write throughput, I got 90MB/s per cabinet when using up to two cabinets, and 70 MB/s per cabinet when using all three
12:08:28erikmthe 70MB/s was because I saturated the PCI 64/33 bus with the three scsi controllers :)
12:14:07prpplagueerikm: this is not that good, we need to get a better design
12:14:32prpplagueargh, permission problems at point of sale
12:14:56seletzhi folks!
12:15:13prpplague  8:17am  up 2:06,  102 users,  load average: 0.06, 0.07, 0.02
12:15:13prpplagueUser     Tty       Login@   Idle   JCPU   PCPU  What
12:16:10prpplagueerikm: should see 1k+ users today
12:18:31erikmprpplague: it was good enough. the previous raid that MTI thought to sell us only reached 25MB/s when using all three voumes
12:19:15prpplagueerikm: i might have get some info on your system layout
12:19:26seletzwoha, heavy loads out there ... :)
12:23:05erikmprpplague: sgi onyx2, 4x MIPS r12k@300MHz with 8MB L2 cache each, 1GB memory. infinite reality graphics pipe, 3x digital video option (good for 20 or 40MB/s sustained data each), XIO to PCI 64/33 adapter with 3x QLocic QL2200 fibre channel controller each connected to a single raid cabinet
12:23:41erikmprpplague: main optimisation criterion was sustained throughput, not redundancy.
12:35:36seletzerikm: Did you found time to take a qick look at the pcmcia stuff?
12:36:28erikmseletz: not yet. I had a project dinner yesterday evening and fell asleep on the couch when I got home
12:36:49seletzerikm: np.
12:37:21erikmseletz: ... only to be awaken at 2am in the morning because of a terrible pain in my neck :(
12:40:10seletzerikm: ouch.
12:40:46seletzerikm: I dreamt of ld and aCC command line switches for HP-SUX shared library binding :(
12:41:59erikmseletz: that's bad. that's why I always read something before I go to sleep.
12:44:36seletzerikm: well, i usually do that too (ATM Terry Pratchet's "Truth").
12:45:35seletzerikm: i normally dream only of weird things when something did not work and/or i worked too long on it. Well, guess thats our fate anyway.
12:49:04seletzerikm: uh-oh. Just read your post on linux-arm-kernel 'bout this bootldr stuff. I guess this is all F**ed up ...
12:49:32erikmseletz: it is. bootldr wants to pass partition information through ATAG_ nodes
12:49:53erikmseletz: which is broken
12:49:54seletzerikm: ah, _this_ thread.
12:49:59erikmseletz: that one, yes
12:50:13seletzerikm: well, i thought rmk was your opinion?
12:50:48erikmseletz: he is
12:51:22erikmseletz: but I think he doesn't want to do that too much right now
12:51:49erikmreads his lkml backlog -- only 3300 to go
12:54:44seletzpoking PCMCIA HW
13:10:40prpplaguewell the raid is holding up, but have some frame relay problems this morning
13:14:58prpplague  9:16am  up 3:06,  182 users,  load average: 0.02, 0.10, 0.09
13:24:20skandaguys: any idea how can we implement -1 in Assembly
13:24:31skandaa negative one
13:25:06seletzwell, use twos-complement or ones-complement.
13:25:31skandabut does Sa1110 have a specific instruction to do that
13:25:54seletzTo do what? load a -1 in a reg?
13:26:34seletzfetches SA Ref Book
13:26:48seletzone moment pls
13:27:00skandaok, take your time
13:30:51seletzwell, page A6-17 talks about signed and unsigned loads ...
13:31:14skandajust wait lemme look at it
13:34:40seletzhmm, why dont you just write something like ldr r1, #0xffffffff which is -1 in two's complement IIRC
13:35:18seletzi guess in assembler it is you who must take care if or if not data is signed.
13:35:33seletzJust use the richt arithmetic functions. Lets see ...
13:35:33skandano I thought, suppose I implement a  function to return a -1 in case of an error
13:36:10erikmskanda: mov r0, #0
13:36:12skandaseletz: which book is this
13:36:16erikmskanda: sub r0, r0, 1
13:36:26erikmehm, sub r0, r0, #1
13:36:35skandaI thought so, but then I thought it could gimme  an error
13:36:37seletzerikm: oh well. yes.
13:37:08erikmskanda: and then print the -1 in hex
13:37:13seletzerikm: but #0xffffffff should work too (if it fits into the opcode, that is)
13:37:31skandathat will be 0xFFFFFFFD right
13:37:37skandathe ones complement
13:37:38erikmseletz: IIRC it sould
13:38:03skandathe ones complement of -1 or will it be 0xFFFFFFFF
13:38:04seletzskanda: you generally most probably want two's complement
13:38:54seletzskanda: because you can represent 1 additional number. with one's complement there are +0 and -0, which wastes a number.
13:40:04seletzskanda: have "Architecture Reference Manual" for the ARM?
13:40:48skandai dont think so, can I download it from the net
13:41:57skandaso implemeting a twos complement of -1 will be 0xFFFFFFFE right
13:42:08skanda( 0xFFFFFFFD + 1 )
13:42:27erikmskanda: you can't download, just ask your local ARM representative for a copy (either hardcopy or PDF)
13:43:53skandaoh God, I dont think so I could do that
13:44:20skandaI have no idea where my institute sourced the Assabet from
13:45:06seletzskanda: no. its 0xffff. Look:suppose we have 4 bit then 1 is %0001. Negating that gives %1110, which is one's complement. then add 1, which gives %1111.
13:45:07erikmskanda: doesn't matter. Assabet is from Intel, and ARM doesn't care about that
13:45:47erikmskanda: you can also fill out the form on and ask for the ARM ARM. they'll send you the latest version as PDF file (18MB file, so watch out)
13:45:58skandabut thats one's complement, but what about 2 complement
13:46:16skandai guess I can download that
13:46:41seletzskanda: no. %1110 is one's complement. by adding one you get two's complement and that gives %1111
13:47:02skandaseletz: terribly sorry about that, how silly of me
13:48:19seletzskanda: np, i just took some paper to check it by myself, so ... :D
13:52:19seletz:D my collegues just testing M$ IE versus Netscape Java 2 performace (or lack thereof). Test program "surrived" 2 GUI clicks ...
13:52:49seletzvery happy _not_ using java
13:54:48seletzerikm: ever heard about linux running on a Psion 5 mx pro ?
13:55:34skandaseletz: ltes say I want to transmit data on serial lines 3, so
13:56:08skandahows the simplest way I can do that
13:56:59seletzskanda: use blob as an example
13:57:23seletzskanda: in you can select which serial line to use IIRC
13:58:41skandasorry, i am a little new to this,  whats IIRC
14:00:49seletz"if i remember correctly" :D
14:01:15skandayeah, you are correct, it is defined in
14:03:23erikmseletz: I know about linux running on some kind of Psion. wookey is involved in that
14:04:02seletzerikm: just got an used psion, i'd like to try this out :D
14:04:52prpplagueseletz: ya there is a project for the psion, however psion isn't exactly a linux friendly company, so co-operation has made the develop slow
14:05:50prpplagueseletz: last time i check in on linux on psion about a year ago, psion was still telling the developers "oh ya we'll get those specs to you soon..."
14:06:45seletzprpplague: well, now that they dropped the whole handheld buisness, perhaps they really fork those specs over ...
14:08:24prpplaguei didn't know the had quit the hh biz
14:09:00prpplague 10:11am  up 4 hrs,  205 users,  load average: 0.30, 0.39, 0.33
14:09:08prpplaguenot too bad for SCO
14:10:27seletzprpplague: well, they did. They now sell soley to "buisness customers". Some sort of rugged, sub-notebook style devices running guess it, a StrongARM at 206 Mhz.
14:11:52prpplagueprobably costs around 5 or 6k
14:12:41seletzprpplague: well, they sell on ebay for about DM 1.400.- that would be $700 or so. Called "Psion NetBook"
14:13:46seletzhmm, there's a sourceforge project 'bot linux on psion ...
14:13:58prpplaguehmm, i;'ll have to check it out, i wonder what the status of linux support is
14:16:04prpplaguei wish i had more time to work on my project, i need to get a prototype finished soon
14:47:23Sammychange place :)
14:47:38sammy: no idea
14:47:38Sammyibot: why not ?
14:47:49Sammylater all
15:06:32erikmanswers jamey
23:22:56prpplagueevening all

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