irclog2html for blob on 2001.12.10

03:31:40SammyRuss: Hillo , have any idea what's this flash map title show massage ?
03:31:41Sammy128x 0x00040000, lockable
03:31:42Sammy*** not enough flash_blocks
03:31:44SammyFlash map:
03:55:09Sammyramdisk can run , but jffs2 >::(
04:49:30SammyKernel panic: Attempted to kill init!
04:53:39Sammywhen I make jffs2 fs , is that my kernel version need to match that ?
04:55:31Sammymy pc's kernel use 2.2.17 , but puppy's kernel use 2.4.9 is that matter ?
04:55:45SammyI don't know ?
05:03:48Sammycan you tell me  ?
10:35:51Sammyok ,
10:36:31Sammyer final ....
10:36:40Sammyit's __work__
14:07:31Sammyerikm: Kon knee ge wa ....
14:09:34SammyAhh, erikm: good evening ...
14:09:54erikmhello sammy
14:10:18Sammyfinally the puppy can work ....
14:14:28Sammyand kon knee ge wa, is japanese language , mean's good evening ...
14:15:26erikmSammy: cool!
14:16:02erikmSammy: I knew that, a co-worker had a japanese girlfriend
14:16:22erikmSammy: (that is: I recognised it :)
14:22:56Sammyho ho , that's greet , have a girlfriend come from asia is good ,
14:24:40Sammythis made me remember one thing , I heard some one name erik sound like don't have girlfriend ....
14:26:01Sammyand I also heard the girl's in taiwan is good too , :)
14:26:57Sammyso ,hehe , interesting now , what you think ?
14:27:32Sammysuggest can really think about this :-D
14:28:25erikmSammy: ehm, I am without girl friend right now, but to go to taiwan with the only reason to find a girl friend is a bit odd, IMHO...
14:45:26Sammylater :)
14:45:49Sammychange place to home ....
15:57:36erikmanswers question on LART list
16:00:14erikmBZFlag: you there?

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