irclog2html for blob on 2001.12.06

06:20:25SammyBZflag: I just got my Tux tool ....
06:20:36Sammyit's really cool ....
06:22:08SammyBZFlag: some of my friend feel that's really cool , so he want me to sale one for him now...
06:24:00Sammyhaha, so how's Tux left now ?
06:26:23Sammysome of them that already have one , said  wants another one ....
06:28:10SammyI told them before , this will be worth to order more then two ,they are too conservative ...
06:30:54Sammybut now , they believe , so here have 3, and want 4 ...
06:31:06Sammyer wait
06:32:55Sammyanyway , maybe next month I'll order again , keep that for me :D
06:33:56BZFlagover 600 left.
06:33:58SammyBZFlag: oh, soem curious question , is that tuxscreen have black color ?
06:34:43Sammyif so , next time , I want a black one :) hehe....
06:34:51BZFlagthere were some black and some clear prototypes, but I have never had any.
06:36:45Sammyok , never mind ^_^
07:25:01Russ was last seen on #tuxscreen 36 minutes and 24 seconds ago, saying: we can do a vmlinuz on jffs2 [Thu Dec  6 06:48:37 2001]
07:25:01Sammyibot: seen Russ ?
07:25:18SammyRuss : ?
07:36:54SammySorry ,need to harry you again ...
07:37:29Sammyyesterday , I change what the erikm say , but sound like no use ...
07:38:10Sammynow have this kind of massage a lot ...
07:38:13SammyWrite error in obliterating obsoleted node at 0x00380744: -30
07:38:16SammyWrite error in obliterating obsoleted node at 0x00380000: -30
07:38:53Sammyand after this , also this massage ...
07:39:11SammyFreeing init memory: 60K
07:39:11SammyKernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel.
07:42:02SammyI got some problem to be clear by partition , if my flash is 32MB (28F128J3A) , am I right to define this partition ?
07:42:10Sammyhere is the define ...
07:43:26Sammystatic flash_descriptor_t assabet_flash_descriptors[] =
07:43:29Sammysize: 2 * 128 * 1024,
07:43:30Sammynum: 1,
07:43:31Sammylockable: 1
07:43:34Sammysize: 2 * 128 * 1024,
07:43:35Sammynum: 63,
07:43:41Sammy/* NULL block */
07:45:14SammyI feel sounds not right . because the flash map , show like this =>
07:45:16Sammy1x 0x00040000, lockable
07:45:17Sammy64x 0x00040000, not lockable
07:45:18SammyFlash map:
07:45:19Sammy0x00040000 @ 0x00000000 (256 kB), lockable
07:45:37Sammy0x00040000 @ 0x01000000 (256 kB), not lockable
07:46:15Sammyhere only have 16MB right ?
07:52:03Russdon't you mean "63x  0x00040000, not lockable"?
07:53:24Russhow is there flash *at* 0x1000000 if its 16M?
07:53:40Russflash should stop at 0xFFFFFF
07:55:45Sammybut I have 32MB flash ram , so if I set like this , strill wrong right ?
07:58:05SammyCan you give me a example , how to normally partition the 32MB flash RAM ?
08:17:00Russso you have 128 erase sectors, correct?
08:17:14Russdoes the data sheet say that? does it say which are locable?
08:19:29Sammyno , I just guess first one is lockable , I have try don't lock every block before, but the result all the same ...
08:33:57Russlook at the datasheet for your flash
09:57:25SammyI can't get any ieda in it .. check for me , help me some ...
10:26:24erikmmorning, *
10:29:12Russmorning erikm
10:29:14Russsmall update to your kernel in CVS guide
10:29:44erikmRuss: what's wrong?
10:29:50Russcvs update -j linus_2_4_7 -j my_2_4_7
10:29:54Russshould be:
10:30:01Russcvs update -j linus_2_4_7 -j my_2_4_7 -dP
10:30:22erikmI have  "update -dP" in my .cvsrc :)
10:30:35Russnoticed when I added drivers/video/backlight/
10:31:07Russany chance you want to put something up about keeping your tree in sync with more than one sync?
10:31:53Russ(ie, if I want to maintain a set of 2.4 tuxscreen patches and a set of 2.5 tuxscreen patches)
10:33:29Russbtw, if sammy comes back, his flash datasheet essential says:
10:33:39erikmyou can create multiple sandboxes
10:33:39Russthere are 128 blocks, all of which are lockable
10:34:16erikmI guess you're going to do a sleep(n*3600), where n >=6 or so
10:34:20Russin x16 mode the erase size in 64kB, and since he has interleaved chips, his erase size is 128kB
10:34:32Russno study(4*3600)
10:34:50Russtotal flash size is 128kB*128 = 16M
10:34:57erikmlike assabet
10:35:15RussI thought assabet had a 256kB erase size
10:35:22erikmyou're right :)
10:35:33erikmjust commited the changes to the CVS howto
10:35:45Russso how do I sync changes between my sandboxes?
10:36:31erikmI think you want changesets, but unfortunately cvs doesn't have such a thing
10:36:43Russshould I learn bitkeeper?
10:37:00erikmsomebody pointed me to , which adds changesets to cvs
10:37:13erikmhaven't looked at it yet, but it looks useful
10:37:36Russah, so I could break stuff out easier
10:38:01Russeverytime I do a new realese, I have to extract hunks manually atm
10:38:15Russbut this would just let me say "backlight", "dsp", etc?
10:38:22erikmI haven't tried bitkeeper yet.
10:39:16RussI haven't heard very much about it, other than people being upset about licensing details
10:39:44erikmyeah, I don't really like the "logging to big brother" idea
10:41:05erikmgets coffee
14:06:14Russcouldn't be simpler
14:06:30Russsimply by not sleeping, I turned a 7:40AM early morning final
14:06:38Russinto a late evening final
15:16:55prpplaguemorning all
15:16:59prpplagueeveryone been larted this morning?
15:17:27erikmmorning prpplague
15:17:52erikmprpplague: Russ might be autolarted by lack of sleep
16:21:38RussI just larted my phy361 final
16:22:10Russand now getting ready for an operating systems final in 3 hours
16:23:44erikmphy361 == physics?
16:24:11erikmdoesn't know US course codes
16:24:49prpplagueRuss: cool, good luck
16:25:01prpplagueis headed for barbados to clean a raid mess
16:28:28Russmodern physics
16:29:59erikmRuss: modern as in quantum theory, general relativity, etc?
18:25:13sammy_wmsho ho's really cool ...
18:26:05sammy_wmsBZFlag: tuxscreen can be the plone use over here ...
18:26:13erikmover here as well. I guess it's about 3 or 4 celcius
18:26:56sammy_wmshello erikm
18:28:25sammy_wmsbut few more days later , it's will change the OS running linux ,haha...
18:28:31sammy_wmsreally cool ...
18:29:05sammy_wmsBZFlag: next month , I'll order another 4 ...
18:30:34sammy_wmserikm: Ah, tell you one more things , about the jffs2 yesterday you told me , but still can't work .
18:31:35sammy_wmserikm: "kernel panic : no init found , try input some init= command line ..." some massage like that ...
18:31:48erikmsammy_wms: check /etc/
18:33:52sammy_wmsyeap , already check ...first , there is no such file in /etc/ dir and then after ldconfig , here comes the file ....
18:33:58sammy_wmsright ?
18:34:04erikmthat's right
18:34:33sammy_wmsso at this step , I _really_ do so , but.....
18:41:12sammy_wmserikm: if my flash is 32MB , how do I normal setup the partition ?
18:43:18erikmdepends on the flash block size
18:44:13sammy_wmsif that is flash is 28F128J3A , is that use 0x40000 be the block size ?
18:45:14erikmsammy_wms: you have a 128K block size
18:45:39erikmsammy_wms: (that's what Russ told me)
18:45:43Russsammy looks to me like your flash is 16M
18:46:15Russyour data sheet says that in x16 mode, your erase blocks are 64kB, and with them interleaved, that makes a 128kB erase size
18:46:29Russand in your chip, there are 128 erase blocks, making:
18:46:42Russibot: 2 * 64 * 1024 * 128
18:47:05Russalso, all of your sectors are lockable
18:47:17Russits all in the datasheet
18:47:55sammy_wmswhich part is saying the lock or unlock ?
18:48:11Russits on the couple of pages
18:48:32sammy_wmsmaybe I must say , it's hard for me to read the hw ,
18:49:09Russlook at page 13, the memory map
18:49:26Russits pretty clear how much flash there is and what the erase size is
18:49:37Russer, wait, maybe I'm confused... was really late when I read it
18:50:10Russ64k*word* blocks in x16
18:50:12erikmsammy_wms: you're lucky. intel data sheets are quite readable. try ALI data sheets in which case it's a question of "ok, page 25 says pin 15 must be high, but page 43 says it should be low. what's it gonna be?"
18:50:37Russerikm: a 0 ohm jumper in the design?
18:51:03Russso it is 256k*byte* erase blocks
18:51:18Russand there are 128 of them, making 32M
18:51:18erikmRuss: basically two: one to Vcc, and one to Gnd. burn the one you don't need
18:51:29Russright the erase blocks is 0x40000 right ?
18:55:31sammy_wmschecking the page 13
18:55:44Russibot: ((64 * 1024 * 16) / 8) * 2 * 128
18:56:45Russ 11:58:17 up 9 days, 27 min,  6 users,  load average: 0.21, 0.27, 0.14
18:57:40erikm 19:58:37 up 1 day, 10:08,  6 users,  load average: 0.43, 0.42, 0.30
18:58:08erikmhad to shut down during flight back home. -ENOBATTERYPOWER :(
18:58:42Russdidn't mean to do -o
19:07:12sammy_wmsRuss: how to know which mode is that I use ? if I got a chip and have choose like this ?
19:11:43sammy_wmsoh, assabet only have 16 MB flash ?
19:11:58erikmsammy_wms: yes
19:17:52sammy_wmsso , my flash size is double then it , I must set the size : 2 * 128 * 1024 and num:128  lockable:1
19:19:54sammy_wmserikm : but at this how much size should I give it to RAMDISK_FLASH_LEN ?
19:20:24erikmsammy_wms: anything shorter than 4MB
19:21:01erikmsammy_wms: (and yes, that's a known bug)
19:22:12sammy_wmserikm: so now this part of setting maybe right for the chips ?
19:24:18erikmthe RAMDISK_FLASH_LEN has nothing to do with the flash layout
19:24:29erikmthat is: not *yet(
19:25:34sammy_wmsI am try find a way to let the kernel stop panic ....
19:26:07sammy_wmsif my jffs2 image is bigget then 4MB , what's will happen ?
19:26:33erikmsammy_wms: no, if your *RAMDISK* image is larger than 4MB.
19:29:10sammy_wmserikm: ok , what's will happen ?
19:30:06erikmsammy_wms: see the "large ramdisk" link on
19:30:13erikmsammy_wms: large ramdisks just don't make sense
19:33:05sammy_wmssome of my friend tell me he want to put some QT library into ramdisk, and I think the library normally almost about 3MB, so after build , the ramdisk must be over then 4MB , and it's must be right ?
19:34:11erikmsammy_wms: I repeat: large ramdisks don't make sense. period.
19:42:36sammy_wmsraining all night ... made the air feel so cold ....
19:42:43rumour has it time is 19:42:43 2001
19:42:43sammy_wmsibot : time ?
19:44:04sammy_wms: Try a 4-letter station code (see for locations and codes)
19:44:04sammy_wmsibot : weather ?
19:44:47ACTION drifts off to sleep.
19:44:47sammy_wmsibot : sleep
19:45:59sammy_wmsI also need that too ...- . -
19:46:11sammy_wmsnite ...
21:15:10BZFlaghacks up a jtag cable.
21:15:21BZFlaganyone used jflash on sa1110?
21:15:36BZFlagRuss: does your mtd/jtag detect chips?
21:25:35Russas in different flash chips?
21:26:07BZFlagyeah. I'm looking to hook up to a sa1110/sa1111 device.
21:26:19BZFlagnot sure what the flash on board is.
21:26:26Russit does, but it will need to be rewritten for sa1110
21:26:34Russand your jtag interface
21:26:46RussI have a funky homebrew isa card
21:27:13Russgood bit faster than a parallel port
21:30:08Russoutb(TMS << 1 | TDO)
21:30:20RussTDI = inb() & 1
21:30:34RussTCLK happens automatically
21:43:04BZFlagI've got the lart jtag dongle.
21:43:10BZFlaghas anyone used it with that?
22:58:33BZFlagRuss: hmmm.... will jflash or your mtd/jtag handle multiple devices on the jtag chain?
22:58:46BZFlaglooks like I've got 3 different devices on this one.
23:42:10Russno, rmk has code for that though

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