irclog2html for blob on 2001.12.04

02:02:59SammyHello :)
02:25:25i heard Russ was my big hunk of man-love
02:25:25SammyRuss ?
02:25:46Russ was last seen on #blob 10 hours, 13 minutes and 23 seconds ago, saying: sammy_wms: did you figure out what I asked you? [Mon Dec  3 16:12:23 2001]
02:25:46Sammyibot :seen Russ ?
02:26:05no idea, sammy
02:26:05Sammyibot : set ?
02:26:12Sammy: what?
02:26:12Sammyibot : set !!
02:26:24Sammy: what?
02:26:24Sammyibot : ibot set !!
02:26:35Sammy: huh?
02:26:35Sammyibot : ibot sleep
02:26:43ACTION drifts off to sleep.
02:26:43Sammyibot : sleep
03:05:14Russblob reports on DRAM, not flash
03:07:28SammyRuss: here comes the kernel massage ...
03:08:17Sammyanyway add _all_ massage....
03:11:49Russso you have a bunch of 0x40000 flash sectors
03:11:59Russthe jffs2 image from erikm won't work
03:12:16Russit was build for 0x20000 erase size flash
03:12:56Sammybut I really don't have that line you said...
03:15:51SammyRuss: see I only have this line"SA1100 flash: probing 32-bit flash bus" ....
03:16:10Russkeep outputting from "Assabet UDA1341 audio driver initialized"
03:18:30rumour has it sammy is now porting blob on PUPPY
03:18:52SammyRuss: re output again ?
03:19:33Russafter "Assabet UDA1341 audio driver initialized"
05:16:49skandaguys: if I need to test the flash on the Assabet, lets say as a POST routine, any idea how do I do it
05:33:25skandaguys: if I need to test the flash on the Assabet, lets say as a POST routine, any idea how do I do it
09:01:50amruthahai!! ... can someone lemme know how do i copy a block of code from the blob on to sdram...execute instructions there and get back to the blob???
09:21:24BZFlagamrutha: I think the diag stuff in CVS does that. might wanna take a look.
09:54:25seletzhi all
14:51:09erikmwaves the "Hello, world!" flag
15:30:19seletzhi erik! Had a nice time in NY?
15:33:16erikmseletz: yes, I did
15:34:48erikmseletz: unfortunately the air in a plane isn't too good for a starting cough :(
15:35:25seletzerikm: well, i got a cold already. Have it for two weeks now :(
15:38:03erikmputs himself on a diet of vitamine C :)
15:38:15seletzerikm: i've been working on pcmcia for the last 2 weeks. I started to add pcmcia code to diag. based on brad parkers code.
15:38:24erikmah cool
15:38:48seletzerikm: it took me some time to separate brads code into neat pieces.
15:38:57erikmI can imagine :)
15:39:14seletzerikm: its not in cvs yet, i want your opinions first.
15:39:35seletzerikm: identifyiing cf cards does work.
15:39:36erikmseletz: ehm, not right now. I'm feeling a little sleepy ;)
15:39:49seletzerikm: nah, not right now.
15:39:49erikmseletz: (I arrived this morning)
15:40:04seletzerikm: just wanted you to know.
15:40:36seletzerikm: i am busy now generating patches for rmk.
15:40:59seletzerikm: and keep failing. :(
15:41:03erikmseletz: you might want to put the pcmcia code in libblob, we might use that as well for blob
15:41:45erikmseletz: handy for booting a kernel from a CF card or using a PCMCIA ethernet card
15:42:19seletzerikm: yes. But FS code is not, erm, cleaned yet.
15:43:36seletzerikm: well, ethernet (TFTP/BOOTP) ist on my to-do list. I just have to get PCMCIA and PS/2 to work.
15:44:12erikmI'll bug rmk again
15:44:21erikmand benjamin herrenschmit
15:44:40seletzerikm: for tftp/net code?
15:45:07erikmseletz: yes. I do have the code, but I need a GPL compatible license for it
15:45:39seletzerikm: cool! Then all we have to proviude is some sort of rx/tx of eth packets?
15:45:52erikmseletz: problem is that benjamin already used the stuff without rmk really knowing about it, and he also used it in some non-gpl compatible code
15:46:11seletzerikm: _ugh_
15:46:23erikmseletz: yes, an ethernet rx/tx is all what's needed
15:46:44erikmseletz: I proposed rmk to LGPL his code, that would solve all our problems.
15:47:22prpplaguewahoo, we have a crowd in #blob today
15:47:26erikmseletz: the LGPL allows us to relicense the code to GPL, and benjamin can still use the LGPL'ed code
15:47:34erikmhello prpplague
15:47:34seletzerikm: hmmm, what said russell?
15:47:45seletzprpplague: hi!
15:47:59prpplagueback in the uk erikm?
15:48:02prpplaguehowdy seletz
15:48:16erikmseletz: nothing yes, it's something I just thought of this morning when I took a shower (I get my best ideas when taking a shower :)
15:48:36erikmprpplague: s/uk/nl/ , but yes, I'm back :)
15:48:43prpplagueerikm: i have to be carefull, i get mine shaving!
15:49:06seletzerikm: well, LGPL would be quite fine.
15:50:38erikmprods rmk
15:50:41prpplagueseletz: what type of fs will the code be looking for on the pcmcia card?
15:51:33seletzprpplague: well, IMHO any FS for which we provide a piece of code.
15:52:30seletzprpplague: ATM there is _some_ code for ext2, but IMHO and FAT FS on CF cards makes more sense (for easy swapping kernels using non-linux laptops).
15:52:31erikmprpplague: IMHO JFFS2 or ext[23] would be the easiest
15:52:54erikmprpplague: and if we want to use ext[23], we might as well use libext2
15:53:05erikmprpplague: SILO uses it as well, it works pretty neat
15:53:23erikm(SILO: the SparcLinux loader)
15:53:26seletzwell, its always better to not re-invent the wheel.
15:54:55seletzerikm: what about an MS-DOS FAT FS? I have no idea how hard this would be, but i guess its fairly easy?
15:55:37erikmseletz: I don't know, didn't brad's code have support for FAT?
15:55:50seletzerikm: no, it was ext2
15:56:05prpplaguei just wish sony would be a little less secretive about their memory stick technology
15:56:26erikmseletz: ok, thought I saw some references to MSDOS. must have been the partitioning
15:56:48seletzerikm: yes, he uses an ms-dos part.
15:57:37prpplagueerikm: the bootloader for the ELF has dos fs access via pcmcia, doesn't look difficult
15:57:55prpplagueerikm: or big for that matter
15:57:56seletzprpplague: but that's just my dream: get linux/blob operate as an usb slave memory device.
15:58:15prpplagueseletz: that would be nice
15:59:31erikmseletz: would be nice, but IMHO USB support is very hard
15:59:54seletzerikm: yes, and docs/specs are hard to find, too.
16:00:24erikmseletz: IIRC the USB docs can be downloaded from
16:01:45seletzerikm: Well, yes. But no-where is anything told as how to behave as an usb slave storage device (or i looked not hard enough).
16:02:43Russmorning erikm
16:03:44erikmseletz: gregkh might know that, he usually hangs out on #usb, but he's currently gregkh_gone
16:03:48erikmhi Russ
16:04:43seletzerikm: thanks for the info. I'll look around when i'm up to usb next time :)
16:07:23prpplagueerikm: any news on creditlart schedule?
16:07:59erikmprpplague: no news
16:08:22prpplagueerikm: bummer
16:09:07seletzerikm: may i ask you a quick cvs question?
16:09:15erikmseletz: sure
16:09:31prpplagueerikm: i should be getting a new arm based web pad in tomorrow, going to see how long it takes me to get blob on it
16:13:33seletzerikm: ok, i have linux in cvs. want to upgrade to 2.4.16-rmk1. i imported, made a branch to hack and merged from my previous branch. so fine, so hoopy. i resolved cvs conflicts added the new files to this new branch , committed my changes. now i generate a diff using "cvs rdiff -r linux_2_4_16_rmk1 -r my_2_4_16_rmk1 ptlinux", and oops, one file is missing, that's in the rep and in my working brannch. how's that coming?
16:13:38seletzerikm: cvs status says up-to-date
16:13:50seletzerikm: cvs add says it's already there.
16:14:55seletzerikm: status says sticky tag is my previous working branch.
16:15:20erikmseletz: apparently it's not updated
16:15:59seletzerikm: cvs -n update says nothing
16:16:01erikmseletz: first update it to the current revision
16:16:17erikmseletz: cvs update -d -r my_2_4_16_rmk1 file
16:16:37erikmseletz: that will probably remove it
16:17:17seletzerikm: cvs [server aborted]: no such tag my_linux_2_4_16_rmk1
16:17:35seletzerikm: sorry
16:18:17seletzerikm: you're right. it moved it away. ok. i move it back and add it, ok?
16:18:26erikmseletz: yep
16:18:59erikmseletz: with cvs update -j ... -j ...
16:19:25seletzerikm: ? why do i have to merge again?
16:19:34erikmseletz: because it didn't merge
16:19:44erikmseletz: only merge that file, not more
16:20:18seletzerikm: hmmmmm. Something is hosed up im my cvs.
16:20:42seletzerikm: i probably need to read your cvs intro one more time.
16:21:00seletzerikm: i _guess_ i forgot the second -j
16:22:33seletzerikm: hm. but cvs update -? gives me only one -j option possible.
16:23:08seletzerikm: using 1.10.7, is that ok?
16:23:38erikmuses 1.11.1p1
16:27:17seletzerikm: well, i had to manually add it and then commit it. merging did nothing.
16:32:57erikmseletz: that should do the trick as well
16:33:19erikmseletz: BTW, I have "update -dP" in my .cvsrc
16:33:43seletzerikm: what does the "P" ?
16:34:08erikmprune empty directories
16:34:11erikm(cvs update --help)
16:34:18seletzerikm: :)
16:36:42seletzerikm: ok, at last my patch generates, its an unified diff, it has all files in it, the -rmk1 kernel patched with it compiles, so let's hope rmk finally accepts it.
16:37:11erikmseletz: make it logically separate pieces
16:37:27seletzerikm: it's inital board support.
16:37:38erikmseletz: ok, that's a single piece
16:38:21seletzerikm: it consists only of include/asm-arm and arch/arm parts. And makefile and config changes. And and entry in MAINTAINERS.
16:38:45erikmseletz: most parts of Documentation/SubmittingPatches (aka Care And Operation Of Your Linus Torvalds) also apply for rmk :)
16:40:40seletzerikm: well, to be honest, i've been to careless in my last attempts. I guess that does _not_ increase my chances for further patches. oh well.
16:42:45seletzerikm: ok, the patch system rejected it. Let's see. This is getting annoying to me.
16:43:16erikmseletz: it's also annoying rmk
16:43:41erikmseletz: it looks like your mailer breaks the patch
16:44:12seletzerikm: i used the web interface.
16:44:37seletztrying a different browser
16:44:47erikmwait a second
16:45:19seletzok, russell mailed me what the patch system got.
16:45:23seletzchecking out
16:45:50erikmwhat browser did you use and what do you want to use right now?
16:46:31seletzwell now: Opera 5.0 for Linux - 20010510 Build 024 -[5]
16:47:00seletzwill use: iexplorer (eeek!) on Max OSX
16:49:37seletzshall i try it again using a different browser or shall i use email?
16:49:50erikmseletz: rmk might show up over here
16:50:20seletzerikm: well, there was a quick msg of him
16:50:31erikmseletz: ok, so he found you. good
16:50:35seletzit was in []
16:50:48seletzdo i have to do something special to talk?
16:50:57erikmseletz: just /msg him
16:51:10erikmseletz: /msg <nick> whatever
16:52:45erikmanyway, I've got to say hi to my parents, they're expecting me for dinner
16:52:47erikmsee you
18:09:15seletz_home'till later, folks ...

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