irclog2html for blob on 2001.12.03

01:07:04prpplaguehowdy sammy_wms
01:43:49Sammy~O Hi Yo
02:01:23Sammyhi prpplague :)
02:01:38prpplaguehows things on your side of the world?
02:10:24Sammypretty fine :-)
02:10:28Sammyand you ?
02:10:40prpplaguei am good
02:10:59prpplaguefinding any time to read your programming book?
02:15:19Sammyshare part of time a day to read it , but not very much  
02:17:46Sammyuse the time when I compiler or download the kernel and ramdisk on the board to read
02:18:49prpplagueyes, i have had very little time to read as well, i need to try and spend more time
02:22:41Sammyyeah , so does me , time feel always not enough a day ...
02:23:00prpplagueneed 30 not 24 hours
02:25:46Sammyha ha ,even more ...
02:26:13prpplagueany more an my brain would melt
02:31:56Sammyhehe , or maybe we should take some sleep time ,even get enough sleep time is important ( doctor said )
02:35:26prpplaguegotta run
05:46:50SammyRuss: ?
05:52:48SammyRuss: now I change the mtd block like this ...
10:11:15skandaany idea where does the flash start in the assabet
10:12:23skandaat which address
10:14:54Sammyskanda: start what ?
10:16:00skandaat which memory location is the flash on the assbet mapped at?
10:16:28skandais it 0x000 or somewhere else
10:18:52Sammyskanda: you mean the bootloader start ?
10:25:42skandano, no
10:26:08skandaI mean all the hardware in a device are mapped to specific addresses right...
10:26:35skandalike a sound card starts at 0xFFEE00 or something like that. right
10:29:24Sammyok, but skanda what's that for ?
10:30:26skandai just want to know in the assabet at what memory location is the flash mapped at
10:36:18Sammyskanda: I think the flash map probable on 0x00000000~0x20000000
10:38:33skandabut if you are trying to test FLASH like in a POST, how do you do it
10:39:44Sammyuse the blob 2.0.5 debug massage
10:41:12skandawheres that
10:41:19skandai mean in the blob 2.0.5
10:45:39Sammyskanda: you can check the CVS version here
10:45:43skandai am not sure I understood the last statement
10:46:05Sammyyou must use CVS download ...
10:46:43skandadoes that really support FLASH testing
10:48:07Sammycheck here
10:48:26Sammyuse blob-2.0.5-pre1.tar.gz this version
10:48:38Sammydinner time ...
13:49:41Sammyhello seletz :)
13:50:15Sammyhow's the weekend ?
16:12:23Russsammy_wms: did you figure out what I asked you?
16:42:37sammy_wmsno I still remember ...
16:43:34sammy_wmsRuss: that's a bad afternoon :::(
16:45:42sammy_wmsmy boss had a long conversation with me ...
16:51:14sammy_wmsbtw , I try all night , I just came home at 00:30 ,I think maybe need you to write a guide for me
17:00:41Russ|werkhow many flash chips are on your board?
17:04:32Russ|werkare they interleaved, or in seperate banks?
17:07:00sammy_wmsonn....probable seperate backs...

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