irclog2html for blob on 2001.12.01

01:29:35erikmBZFlag: you asked something. but I can't remember what...
01:29:50Russ"<BZFlag> so can I add jffs2 read support directly to cvs once I get it working?"
01:30:24erikmI think, so, yes
01:31:09erikmRuss: but you got it working, right?
01:31:31Russyah, the patch has conflicts with the current verios of blob tho
01:32:04erikmRuss: heh, that doesn't surprise me :)
01:32:19RussI need to start simple on paramater tags and work up, when I get a chance, I'll rip out all the "current config" stuff
01:34:38erikmRuss: k
01:46:17Russerikm: have you tried compiling ...

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