irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.29

01:34:49salut, Sammy
04:43:56Sammylxrbot: lxrbot
04:43:57lxrbotit has been said that i am stupid
04:44:11lxrbot is, like, my fellow bot. he knows a lot about the linux kernel and normally lives on #kernelnewbies
04:44:11Sammylxrbot: lxrbot ?
04:44:12lxrboti think i am stupid
04:45:24Sammylxrbot: lxrbot is stupid and always lives on #kernelnewbies and #blob
04:45:25lxrbot...but lxrbot is stupid...
04:45:42Sammylxrbot: lxrbot is stupid and always lives on #kernelnewbies and #blob
04:45:42lxrbot...but lxrbot is stupid...
04:46:28Sammylxrbot: lxrbot is stupid and always lives on #kernelnewbies and #blob now
04:46:28lxrbot...but lxrbot is stupid...
04:47:30somebody said lxrbot was my fellow bot. he knows a lot about the linux kernel and normally lives on #kernelnewbies.
04:47:30Sammylxrbot: lxrbot ?
04:47:31lxrbotlxrbot is, like, stupid
05:03:22time is 05:03:22 2001
05:03:22Sammyibot: time ?
05:03:22time is probably 05:03:22 2001
05:03:22Sammyibot:what  time ?
05:03:42i am probably _
05:03:42Sammylxrbot : ibot ?
05:03:43lxrboti think ibot is my fellow bot. he knows a lot about ipaq and normally lives on #ipaq.
05:04:13somebody said lxrbot was my fellow bot. he knows a lot about the linux kernel and normally lives on #kernelnewbies.
05:04:13Sammylxrbot : lxrbot ?
05:04:14lxrbotsomebody said i was stupid
05:04:43Sammywho is whose fellow bot ?
05:08:22well, Sammy is now porting blob on PUPPY
05:08:22Sammylxrbot : Sammy?
05:08:22lxrbotyou are knowing nothing about everything .
05:10:53SammyKernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel.
05:11:04Sammywhy ?
05:11:25Sammyinit=/linuxrc ?
05:12:16i haven't a clue, sammy
05:12:16Sammyibot : which one ?
05:15:23Sammylunch first ...
05:46:50Russ---Sammy: which one is in your rootfs?
08:29:51SammyRuss: EVERYONE ...
08:30:24Sammyis back from meeting...
08:32:32SammyRuss: got another stuck ...
08:33:49Sammyin linuxrc I have PATCH and with some exec /sbin/init
08:34:10Sammyand exec /bin/sh
08:34:54Sammyso even I use init = ? all the kernel tell me .......this
08:34:55SammyKernel panic: No init found.  Try passing init= option to kernel.
21:42:03erikm was last seen on #blob 8 days, 8 hours, 15 minutes and 3 seconds ago, saying: walks of to do some soldering, bbl [Wed Nov 21 13:27:00 2001]
21:42:03BZFlagibot: seen erikm
21:42:23Russ was last seen on #tuxscreen 1 hours, 44 minutes and 37 seconds ago, saying: neato, the screen+/- keys work [Thu Nov 29 19:57:46 2001]
21:42:23BZFlagibot: seen Russ
22:44:38Russhey tim
22:55:16BZFlaglooking to do some serious blob hacking.
22:55:17BZFlagwhere are the jffs2 patches you did before?
22:55:18BZFlagI could start with them, no?
22:56:17RussI think the latest are on
23:06:54erikmhi prpplague
23:06:59prpplaguewe thought you'd died or something!
23:07:22erikmnot really, I'm just on a holiday
23:07:40erikmis in the US right now
23:07:46prpplagueerikm: cool!
23:07:57prpplagueerikm: where bouts?
23:09:21erikmprpplague: I'm currently in the US
23:09:34erikmprpplague: ehm, oops
23:09:55erikmprpplague: I mean: I'm visiting a friend who works at ibm watson research labs
23:11:46erikmprpplague: so that's about 50 miles north of NYC
23:21:21prpplagueerikm: well have a good time, drink a good, but stay away from those yankee women they're trouble....
23:21:21prpplagueerikm: well have a good time, drink a good beer, but stay away from those yankee women they're trouble....
23:21:28erikmprpplague: heh :)
23:21:46erikmprpplague: you speak out of experience? ;)
23:26:13prpplagueerikm: ya don't mess with yankee women, you need a good dixie chick
23:29:46Russhey erikm
23:29:52erikmhi Russ
23:30:03Russthe backlight stuff is pretty full blown now
23:30:28erikmah, cool

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