irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.22

09:39:39Sammycold today ...
09:44:18jeffrey_how to change message "Linux login:" show out when exec INIT, I hope let it be shown in ttySA0(my minicom) ,not show it in tty0 (LCD panel) ,now?
17:15:45sammy_wmsSpaceCoaster: but actually , the confuse comes from the development board, not on Tuxscreen, because my Tux still not get(no the way)...
17:17:13sammy_wmsSpaceCoaster: and it's come's from kernel with puppy run but connect with jffs2 ramdisk is just hang...
17:34:14sammy_wmsSpaceCoaster: but I still not know enough on QPE combine with the kernel , but I will try your stuff and discuss to you ..

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