irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.21

01:41:30Sammymorning all
05:53:44amruthaseletz: hello!!
10:17:14skandaerikm: I hope you got my mail
10:42:08erikmskanda: yes, I got your mail, but seletz already fixed the CVS version
10:42:22erikmskanda: (last thursday, IIRC)
10:55:26Sammycool ...
11:12:21erikmSammy: *nod*
11:12:35erikmSammy: btw, eink uses LART as well :)
11:14:48Sammyerikm: me **nod** too , and not only on LART :)
11:33:50skandaerik:as a test, suppose if we want to test the flash, how do we do it through software
11:37:13seletzhi !
11:37:43Sammyyo seletz :)
11:37:57seletzhi sammy!
11:38:27skandaok, lets say that I am manufacturing Assabets and need to determine if all the memory and the flash are working fine
11:39:02skandaI mean like a Power On Self Test, any suggestions how do I go about it
11:40:46skandaany one with any suggestions!!!
11:40:56seletzskanda: well, a POST routine would be nice. diag has quite some support for memory test, very good support IMHO (like memtest86). Lcd support is in too.
11:41:53seletzskanda: a POST routine would likely go into diag and call all available tests. That could be even done with erik's initcall feature.
11:42:58seletzskanda: for flash IMHI it would be best if you write a CRC32 routine, write a image to flash and calculate the CRC32 on your host (via the "sum" command) and then compare it to the assabed-generated crc.
11:44:05seletzskanda: then all you need is some support for the additional HW on assabet (audio, usb slave) if you really want to do a POST of all HW related things.
11:44:15seletzamrutha: hi ya!
11:44:26skandaactually I wanted to do a complete test on everything
11:44:28amruthaseletz:looks like you were busy!!
11:45:02amruthaseletz:finally got that assabet out of sleep :-)
11:45:06seletzskanda: those tests shoeld be hw-related, not assabet-related. so write the test functions for i.e. USB in general.
11:45:28seletzamrutha: yes, i were busy. got my ehernet chip toi work, now working on PCMCIA.
11:45:32skandawhere exactly should I implement any tests for POST
11:45:45seletzamrutha: cool! What was the problem?
11:46:08seletzskanda: just add a command in diag for now.
11:46:17amruthaseletz: as usual some memory works fine...
11:46:36amruthaseletz: but when i try to probe the sd_cke pin the process hangs.
11:46:52seletzamrutha: did you use blob?
11:47:07amruthaseletz:any concretely i can make sure that it has gone to sleep and woken up??
11:47:34amruthayes...the modified blob..
11:47:55seletzamrutha: well, IIRC there is a power up reason register
11:48:30seletzamrutha: there are some bits that indicate the reset reason (HW reset, Sleep reset etc)
11:48:46seletzamrutha: hmmm, blob patches?
11:48:58amruthaseletz: yeah...that's all fine..i mean by probing the pins..i want to know..
11:48:59seletzamrutha: which blob version?
11:49:32seletzamrutha: you mean probing in HW from external HW?
11:49:56amruthayes..u'r right.
11:50:11seletzamrutha: could you please try it with 2.0.5 and send patches? Please :)
11:51:17seletzamrutha: well, i'm not a hw guru, so i cant help you with that. Try asking erikm when he's back from lunch.
11:51:42seletzamrutha: (beeing a pure sw developer actually :)
11:51:57amruthaseletz: i shall try that out with 2.0.5 and get back to u.. :-)
11:52:38amruthaseletz: my next POA is to import this kernel onto my own board..but i do not have a Jtag interface...:-)
11:52:48skandaseletz: i think you are trying to say that I should implement my POST in my __initcall function, am i right
11:54:17seletzskanda: first do it in a simple command. Then try it out and make it working. _then_ we think about __initcall :)
11:54:47skandahow do I do that please
11:55:07seletzamrutha: hmm, no need for jtag, just upload it with blob over serial line and flash it. Whats the problem with that?
11:55:49seletzskanda: get 2.0.5 cvs blob version. Look into blob/src/diag.
11:56:33skandayup, I am looking at it right now
11:56:43skandais it in commands.c
11:56:45amruthabut that shud be permanent blob ..right?? i am just bothered if that blob does not work.. :-(
11:56:46seletzskanda: system3.c ist for ex. my personal testing field.
11:57:23skandaright, I got it
11:57:28amruthaseletz: how do i get the cvs version of blob 2.0.5?? i shall check my assabet with it..
11:57:35seletzamrutha: why? Np if you see some otput and can issue commands.
11:58:08seletzamrutha: have linux running and internet connection? :)
11:58:20amruthayes..pretty much..
11:58:30seletzamrutha: fire up a bash and issue:
11:59:08seletzamrutha: on moment pls
12:00:04seletzamrutha: ok, fire netscape up and look at ""
12:00:30seletzamrutha: follow the cvs link. there is a description.
12:00:42seletzskanda: skimmed system3.c
12:01:22skandabut I am having trouble understanding certain things, like support for SA1111
12:01:41skandaproblem is I do not have SA1111 companion chip in my Assabet
12:02:01seletzskanda: nah, dont try to understand that yet. Yust wanted you to get some idea. Look at how commands are added.
12:02:38skandaok, i think I got a fair idea about it
12:03:04seletzskanda: look for ex at the regs_show() function.
12:03:52seletzskanda: basically every command gets (argc, argv) as in a c_main(). Then you add a help string and the __commandlist() macro. See?
12:04:04skandawill do that, just hold on for a sec please
12:04:24seletzskanda: line 275
12:04:57skandaam seeing that
12:06:10seletzskanda: ok. Now, "system3.c" is conditionally compiled into diag when blob is configured with "--with-board=system3". So, to add support in diag for assabet you'll have to add an "assabet.c". fine?
12:07:08seletzskanda: in assabet.c you can basically do everything you want. Add there a command "post" or similar. re-use the memtest routines from blob.
12:07:18skandaso you mean to say..when i configure the file with--board assabet...shud i add with--board=system3 too?
12:08:01seletzskanda: no. either you have a system 3 board or an assabet board. not both :)
12:09:14Sammyseletz: this let me remember something , I still don't send the puppy diff to you ....
12:09:21seletzskanda: later, if your post is working, we'll eventually add some board-independent facility to support POST calls.
12:09:53skandaokie...when i have assabet add system3.c .....where do i add that??
12:10:05seletzskanda: actually ther _is_ such a facility already. Its just not as of now used for POST things.
12:10:23skandawheres that
12:11:17seletzskanda: ok, look at in the src/diag dfir.
12:11:45seletzskanda: blob uses autoconf/automake for automagically generating makefiles.
12:12:12seletzskanda: dont try to understand all of it yet. Just get a basic idea. :)
12:12:44skandaso instead of system3.c, i put assabet.c in the Makefile and rename sy..3.c to assabet.c,
12:12:53skandaam i correct
12:13:01seletzskanda: NO. absolutely NO.
12:13:10seletzskanda: :)
12:13:12skandawell, guess i am lost again
12:13:36seletzskanda: one moment pls. figuring out a good expl.
12:13:56skandathanxx...a million
12:14:02amruthaseletz: his doubt is "where shud he add assabet.c" if he is using another board?
12:14:39seletz(wrong window :)
12:15:51seletzskanda: ok, look at in the base dir.
12:16:10Sammyskanda: you should see this
12:16:22seletzskanda: this is the main config file for configure and automake/autoconf. From this definition makefiles are generated.
12:16:42skandaright i understand
12:17:00Sammythat's the example for ipaq, and the same for assabet ...
12:17:19seletzskanda: yes, porting.txt is fine too. To get an idea how blob is organized for each platform. Doh, cold have thought of it sooner :)
12:18:01seletzskanda: but while you are at it, look at the case construct, at system3)
12:19:42seletzskanda: there look at the line DIAG_PLATFORM_OBJ="system3.o"
12:20:19seletzskanda: that's how i tell the blob config system to actually compile system3.c into diag for my Board.
12:21:03seletzskanda: so, for assabet you have to add a line similar to that, just changing the name of the source you want to add.
12:21:09skandabut I am unable to get DIAG_PLATFORM_OBJ="system3.o
12:21:18skandai am unable to find it anywhere
12:21:27skandais this in the CVS version
12:21:43seletzskanda: then do a configure again ant _zonk_ your code will get compiled into diag. Fine, isn't it?
12:22:15seletzskanda: hmmm.
12:22:22skandawait pls
12:22:23seletzhi erik!
12:22:26erikmhi seletz
12:23:26seletzskanda: found it?
12:24:52erikmseletz: I'm going on a one and a half week holiday this friday
12:25:33erikmseletz: I'm going to visit a friend in New York, so I have a 6 hour transatlantic flight. nice for writing documentation :)
12:25:41seletzerikm: cool!
12:26:03seletzerikm: well, flights to NY are quite cheap these days ...
12:26:40erikmseletz: yep, I booked mine less than two weeks ago for about 340 euro
12:26:50seletzerikm: something to do until then, to get blob into a nice form? Help needed?
12:27:04seletzerikm: Now, _that_ is cheap.
12:27:43seletzerikm: have a laptop that surrives 6 hrs?
12:27:52erikmseletz: no, it survives four hours
12:28:28erikmseletz: but that should be good enough. there's also lunch, and they even might have a nice movie
12:28:51seletzerikm: well, sounds fun :)
12:29:39erikmseletz: actually, it's cheaper than last summer, where I booked more than a month in advance for about 450 euro
12:30:30skandagot it at last
12:30:38skandawas searching the wrong file till now
12:32:39seletzerikm: Visiting NY often, do you?
12:33:58seletzman, my kernel oopsed just again. sigh.
12:34:18seletzstaring at my code ...
12:35:55erikmseletz: well, I have a friend who lives over there. summer 2000 I was there for holiday, januari 2001 for the intel strongarm linux summit, this summer again for holiday
12:36:21seletzerikm: intel strongarm linux summit? Regular happening?
12:37:12erikmseletz: and now my boss complained that I had to get rid of the huge pile of days off. that friend jost got a new house which needs some work, so that's a nice goal to visit again
12:37:42erikmseletz: no, that was the first one. it was nice, I met a lot of people over there I only knew from mailing lists
12:38:48seletzerikm: gee, i just started in april with this arm/linux buisness.  sigh. Hope they'll have another summit.
12:40:09erikmseletz: well, it was by invitation only. there were about 25 people, and they had a lot more people who'd like to attend
12:40:38seletzerikm: well, ok :) Got the message :)
12:41:32seletzerikm: actually :(
12:42:19erikmseletz: nico and me shared a hotel room. we changed it into a hackers lab cause we wanted to have linux running on the XScale so we could show it on linuxworld expo
12:42:41erikmseletz: yeah, intel had do disappoint quite some people
12:43:01erikmseletz: they really didn't expect so many people
12:43:36seletzerikm: ah, it was sponsored by intel. I see.
12:44:12seletzerikm: got it running? XScale not avaliable up to now, is it?
12:45:45seletzafk, bbl
12:49:25erikmseletz: we got it running
12:50:05erikmseletz: see
12:50:35seletzerikm: cool.
12:50:37erikmseletz: that was only the initial version. nico had been working on it for quite some time, but couldn't get it working
12:50:49seletzerikm: hmm. Are you working for montavista?
12:50:55erikmseletz: no. but nico is
12:51:21seletzerikm: ah. i see.
12:52:14erikmseletz: we had a late night debugging session. we started at 22:30, at 2:00 we got a bash prompt, and at 4:00 we even had a nice demo
12:52:24seletzerikm: lots of buzzwords in there, tough.
12:52:47erikmseletz: it's a press release, what do you expect?
12:53:14seletzerikm: well, its always like that when getting someting hacked up for demos and such, isn't it?
12:54:18seletzerikm: you strarted not from scratch, did you? Took SA1110 as a base?
12:55:17erikmseletz: nico did it. he had to create a new arm architecture specific directory
12:55:32erikmseletz: here's the news with less buzzwords:
12:57:58seletzerikm: well, ok. But have it working in 4 Hrs is, erm, fast. Then hacking up a demo (what demo, btw?)
12:58:27seletzerikm: you guys must be thinking in C, don't you?
12:58:33seletzerikm: :))
12:58:40erikmseletz: although the xscale is a member of the arm family, it's sufficiently different from the sa1110. especially because this particular core+support chip has PCI, so he had to setup PCI as well
12:59:33erikmseletz: the demo was just a hacked up ramdisk with enough "xscale" and "montavista" in it. it didn't do anything special besides running the lmbench benchmark
13:00:35seletzerikm: LOL! So demo == demo, as everywhere..... even in linux :)
13:01:07Sammymove body to home
13:01:30erikmseletz: demos are always the same. as long as it looks good, it is ok
13:01:52seletzerikm: actually one of _tis_ demos caused my boss tho think "well, linux runs on these boards. Ok, lets get some hw hacked together and we're into market in a minute."
13:01:56Sammyguys , see all of you later :)
13:02:03seletzlater sammy...
13:02:20erikmbye sammy
13:03:15erikmseletz: actually porting linux to an already supported architecture is quite easy
13:04:27seletzwell, ok. Yes. That's the reason even i managed to get my board running. sort of.
13:12:49erikmcool, somebody with waaaay to much free time:  telnet
13:14:16seletzerikm: hmm, no connection via telnet
13:15:16erikmseletz: it works for me. it's a star wars movie. in ascii.
13:16:00seletzerikm: _what_? in ASCII? oh my god, that needs some tome .... :)
13:27:00erikmwalks of to do some soldering, bbl
13:31:40erikm_afkseletz: just try a couple of times until you get "Original Work"
16:00:07sammy_wmshow long is that movie ?
16:02:36sammy_wms5 minute pass ...maybe that's all movie not just a part :)
16:18:32seletzheading home

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