irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.20

07:40:56skandaanybody has any idea where exactly should the PH bit be cleared in the memory Setup
07:42:51skandathe PH bit in the PSSR
10:08:03seletzhi filks!
10:08:10seletzhi folks!
10:09:10Russmorning erikm
10:09:12erikmhi seletz
10:09:15erikmand Russ
10:09:27Sammyhello seletz
10:09:31Sammyand erikm
10:09:56Russmoved it to fbmem.c
10:10:03Russlost my nifty pm hooks though
10:10:19erikmfires up netscape Host not found.
10:11:56seletzworks for me ...
10:14:11seletzRuss: how do you get those jffs2 images so tiny? :)
10:14:41Russuclibc, they are old images though
10:15:05seletzRuss: ulibc worth the effort at all, then?
10:15:49Russuclibc is very good, but no C++ support, and minimal pthread support
10:16:15seletzugh. i need c++.
10:16:49Russits something that can be added
10:16:58Russjust no one has had time
10:17:06seletzhmm, well. :)
10:17:17erikmuhm, writing a C++ library is not trivial
10:17:17Russwhat do you need c++ for?
10:17:43seletzdoes not need c++. But our GUI will be in QT/embedded.
10:17:56Russthe main part that is aparantly missing is the arm loader
10:20:22erikmRuss: looks good
10:21:17erikmRuss: looks quite simple, actually
10:21:55erikmRuss: you could put the pm callbacks in shannon_backlight.c
10:21:59Russerikm: do you think there should be ioctl's to set values individualy?
10:22:41Russerikm: the point is to keep shannon_backlight.c very simple, because there will be such a module for every board
10:23:05erikmRuss: I don't think so. it's all physical display properties
10:23:20erikmRuss: so a single ioctl should do
10:23:45RussI mean, right now, it reads power, brightness, contrast all at once, and sets them all at once
10:24:09Russif one app tries to set power, and another brightness, there can be a race
10:24:19Russand one app doesn't get to do what it wants
10:26:49erikmthat might be a problem, yes
10:27:39Russalso, I thought I might break out the changing of values in fbmem.c into an individual function, that could be called safely from anywhere
10:27:42erikmseletz: I don't know if rmk already told you, but diffs to the patch system should be unified diffs, not context diffs
10:28:13seletzRuss: looking erikm: yes, rmk told me, the patch system told me and i know now :)
10:28:27Russand instead of having power/brightness/contrast, it would be an array of 3 settings, so the function could just be called with a enum or define, instead of if contrast/brightness, etc
10:28:32seletz(garbled input line)
10:28:51Russseletz: were you the one who sumbmitted the system3 stuff?
10:29:01seletzerm. yes?
10:29:37seletzRuss: yes, im the one to blame :)
10:30:20Russhow hard would it be to make a system3_backlight.c, like the shannon_backlight.c in the above patch?
10:30:54seletzRuss: one moment, i'll have a look ...
10:31:06seletzd/l files
10:31:54erikmRuss: you mean making functions fb_set_brightness(), fb_set_contrast(), etc?
10:32:52erikmRuss: well, it would certainly be according to the linux coding standards :)
10:32:59Russsystem3_brightness, system3_contrast, etc
10:33:08Russoh, wait, you are a little up
10:33:19erikmyes, I was in fbmem.c
10:33:50Russerikm: actually, fb_backlight_set_value(backlight, type, value)
10:34:26erikmRuss: functions that need type parameters are frowned upon in the kernel
10:34:27Russwell, then, if I put the different setable values in some sort of array, I don't need to make special cases for each
10:35:41erikmRuss: hmm, but if you use it as an index to an array, it might make sense
10:35:58erikmRuss: difficult case :)
10:36:09Russright now, I go through each case for power, contrast, and backlight
10:36:22Russand if I broke those out into functions, I'd be doing locking in each
10:36:45seletzok, as i see it this is quite above some hw stuff, there are some  mutexes around this stuff. I just wanted to write a driver for this sort of things. And no, it would be no problem to add such things. actually there is a system3_lcd:contrast(value) function.
10:37:02Russseletz: I protect your module
10:37:09Russseletz: you don't need to worry about any re-entry
10:38:09seletzRuss: yes, we wanted to have some sort of system-control driver, where some userland proc can do some ioctl()s to control various things.
10:38:22Russbrb, drp
10:38:25seletzRuss: backlight, contrast etc.
10:39:10seletztranslate( brp ) = ?
10:41:24Russdrp = dr pepper
10:42:28Russseletz: right
10:42:48Russseletz: and the system-control driver is completely board independant
10:43:04Russseletz: drivers for different boards can register with it
10:43:07seletzRuss: as i understood this up to now, should'nt this be handled by /dev/fb0 already?
10:43:21erikmseletz: no, it doesn't.
10:43:39erikmseletz: /dev/fb0 assumes that the framebuffer is just a framebuffer
10:43:50Russprobably would add a backlights directory to driver/video to handle the resulting clutter
10:43:59erikmseletz: it doesn't know that you can also directly control the hardware with it
10:44:22seletzRuss: ah. ok, but registering callbacks woud be nice. Probably with different services.
10:44:42seletzRuss: a /proc interface would be nice, too.
10:45:10seletzRuss: so one can test this things with some shell.
10:45:24Russseletz: maybe later, wouldn't be hard to add later, right now, I have a small test app
10:45:56erikmseletz: not really. we don't want to clutter /proc
10:46:23seletzerikm: hmm, then maybe via the sysctl() feature?
10:46:34Russseletz: there is already a ioctl
10:46:53Russtoo bad /proc/fb isn't a directory
10:47:14seletzRuss: well, lets make it one :)
10:47:24erikmexpect to see a lot of /proc crap go away in linux-2.5
10:47:45Russseletz: if it gets standardized, fbutils would have a app for it
10:47:51seletzhmmm. what exactly is the definition of crap in this context :)
10:48:18seletzRuss: right so.
10:48:22erikmseletz: everything not process related
10:48:47erikmseletz: like /proc/filesystems, for example
10:49:08seletzerikm: i always thought /proc as a great way to have an easy interface to drivers.
10:49:20seletzerikm: from shell scripts for ex.
10:49:36erikmseletz: it is, but most things could been done with normal device nodes as well
10:50:43Russseletz: seems like its doing the jobs of little user space utilities in the kernel
10:50:50seletzerikm: _silly question_: are dev nrs 16 bit in 2.5?
10:51:27erikmseletz: I expect them to go 32 bit
10:51:48erikmseletz: but that *will* break quite a lot of stuff, so how that is going to happen is not yet clear
10:52:34seletzerikm: well, then i'll have to change my mind i suppose. I counted strongly on the /proc interface up to now. Sigh.
10:53:33seletzRuss: this driver you wrote looks quite ready to go, does it?
10:54:14erikmseletz: the difference between 2.2 and 2.4 wasn't too large. I expect that the difference between 2.4 and 2.6 will be that large that we'll directly go to 3.0
10:54:43Russseletz: want to work out the details before I submit ti
10:54:44Russer, it
10:54:53Russand probably tie it in a bit with pm again
10:55:29seletzRuss: np.
10:56:00erikmRuss: you might want to integrate patch 700/1 directly
10:56:04seletzRuss: i also saw your ir keyboard patch. have some goot place to look at for understanding ps/2?
10:56:22erikmseletz: the linux-console project
10:56:34erikmseletz: (also on sourceforge)
10:56:40Russseletz: its more or less a serial keyboard
10:57:17Russeww...patch 700
10:57:21Russhave you looked at that thing?
10:57:32erikmRuss: I skimmed over it
10:57:44seletzerikm: well they seem not yet in a shape that will go into the kernel, do they? The event interface idea i like very much, tough.
10:58:05Russits horrid
10:58:24erikmRuss: but if you get the assabet mechanism out of it, you could show how easy it is to make a machine dependent driver
10:58:37Russthe freebird/assabet stuff needs to be pulled apart
10:59:40erikmRuss: ditch the freebird stuff, only go for the assabet
11:00:20Russa lot of sleeping can be involved
11:00:24Russbut thats probably ok
11:01:21Russright now, if one process is sleeping or running in kernel for its ioctl, and another process attempts an ioctl, it returns -EBUSY
11:01:26Russshould I have it sleep instead
11:02:13erikmioctl on the same device, you mean?
11:02:31Russthe ioctl to set backlight values
11:03:04Russright though, on the same device
11:03:18erikmthat would be quite normal
11:03:41Russkinda sucks to handle in userspace though, since you can't sleep on it
11:04:52erikmRuss: why not? just put the process to sleep
11:05:02erikmRuss: see linux device drivers 2nd edition
11:05:15Russshouldn't be too hard to do?
11:07:01erikmnot really. we used to have interruptible_sleep_on() for that, but that's racy. the current wisdom is to use set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE); schedule();
11:08:16erikmlots of drivers have these two lines of code
11:09:06erikm(or schedule_timeout() instead of schedule())
11:09:27erikmoops, SIGLUNCH
11:24:20seletzgot thrown out, now im back in ....
13:45:27seletzRuss: are you here?
13:47:33seletzRuss: i talked to you about ordering a tuxscreen, yes?
13:47:53Russno, you would want to talk to BZFlag
13:48:41seletzRuss: ugh, yes, now i remember. sorry for bugging.
13:48:59BZFlag was last seen on #bzflag 4 hours, 35 minutes and 2 seconds ago, saying: base pos is part of world, not a separate msg. [Tue Nov 20 09:13:57 2001]
13:48:59seletzibot: seen BZFlag?
13:55:56seletzsorry wrong window
19:15:35Russgeez, submitted a lot of patches
19:15:56erikmlooks at them
19:16:06erikmthough _rmk_ was also going to do that
19:16:46Russone would hope
19:17:42erikm_rmk_ has some problems with his adsl connection today
19:18:41Russhey lookie, a h3x00 frontlight driver
19:19:11erikmhe'll drop that :)
19:19:22Russwell, its stuck into another driver
19:19:29Russthe HAL thing
19:20:11erikma HAL? wtf...
19:21:48erikmwe'll need your backlight patch asap
19:22:11erikmI gave _rmk_ the url of the patch, I don't know if he got it
19:22:31erikm(due to hist adsl problems today)
19:23:20Russdon't think its done yet, its still kind of kludgy on the ioctl side
19:23:37RussI'll have time to work on it today though
19:24:28erikmI'll see if I can get rmk to visit #blob or #tuxscreen today
19:32:55erikmRuss: I don't see why we need 787/1. the kernel *is* the HAL. no need to make yet another HAL.
19:33:52RussI think its the best term they could find for what they are doing
19:33:56Russlook at the next patch
19:34:15Russruns lindent on sa1100_frontlight.c
19:50:59Russhmm...assabet_frontlight.c is very simple
19:54:08erikmyour rewrite of it, you mean?
19:55:50Russsince assabet only has power on/power off
19:56:21Russfreebird is a little strange though

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