irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.18

17:11:00prpplaguemorning SC
17:11:28prpplagueready for new day of breaking perfectly good code????
17:11:38SpaceCoasterprpplague: how is texas this morning?
17:11:44prpplaguenot bad
17:11:48prpplaguevery pretty today
17:12:04SpaceCoasterprpplague: make, break same thing
17:12:05prpplaguemight get to go to freeport bahamas to repair a network
17:12:45SpaceCoasterprpplague: see any meteors last night?
17:13:19prpplagueSpaceCoaster: shoot no, too cloudy
17:14:32SpaceCoasterit was clear here, very impressive, increased by lifetime total of shooting stars by a factor of 100 las night.
17:14:48prpplagueyou know a good site to find the HOWTO's in plain text?
17:14:53prpplagueSpaceCoaster: thats cool
17:15:51prpplagueSpaceCoaster: i've already started brain washing my son so that he wants to be a colonisist on mars
17:16:46prpplaguehmm, thats where i went but all the docs seem to be in html
17:30:18prpplagueSpaceCoaster: ohh thanks, i didn't think about checking there...

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.