irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.17

14:40:08prpplaguemorning all
14:40:32prpplaguewell i see we have some new faces today
14:43:28prpplaguesammy_wms: you alive?
15:00:39sammy_wmshello prpplague :)
15:01:04prpplaguesammy_wms: hey thanks for the mandarin lesson yesterday
15:01:53sammy_wmsdon't say that, I am glad to tell you about it ...
15:02:07sammy_wmshow do you know that ?
15:03:37sammy_wmsI mean is that some one next to you can speak chinese ?
15:04:50prpplaguesammy_wms: i've been working on a thin client ( ) which is made in TW, so i've been trying to pick some phrases
15:07:12sammy_wmsprpplague: sorry , maybe you tell before and I forget , so asking you again..
15:07:18sammy_wmswhere are you from ?
15:08:28sammy_wmsohh...a cowboy ?
15:08:59prpplaguemostly just geek
15:09:21prpplagueour offices in the middle of a 2800 acre ranch
15:11:57sammy_wmssounds greet, bot hope not too desolation ...
15:12:28prpplagueno i'm in the eastern part of texas, lots of trees and rolling hills
15:14:52sammy_wmsamm...this really sounds greet :-)
15:18:39prpplaguewb SpaceCoaster
15:19:27sammy_wmsyo SpaceCoaster :)
15:20:43SpaceCoasterhi, been rebooting alot today
15:21:31prpplagueSpaceCoaster: ya ya, we know you spilled a beer on the keyboard....
15:22:41SpaceCoasterprpplague: coffee maybe but spill beer, never
15:22:52prpplagueSpaceCoaster: lol
15:34:52sammy_wmsprpplague: you can check the word how it write like this :)
15:35:21prpplaguesammy_wms: cool
15:35:53prpplaguesammy_wms: no the "wo" is that pronouced like "woh" or more like "woo"
15:38:16sammy_wmsyeah , you are right, maybe should say "woh~~" or "wow~~"
15:39:25prpplaguesammy_wms: ok and "goodbye" is "dijin" right?
15:41:38sammy_wmsyeah, you are great,
15:42:23prpplaguesammy_wms: i don't know about great, just trying to learn a little...
15:43:34sammy_wmssorry maybe I should say you are good , and sorry about my poor english ...
15:44:39prpplaguesammy_wms: hey no problem, at least you speak more than one language, mostly people never learn more than one
15:45:52sammy_wmsprpplague: shi shi :)
15:48:25sammy_wmsprpplague: but you know , I prefer learn about more english then chinese , because like now , I read the web and book write by english , still have much problem  
15:48:52sammy_wmsprpplague: shi shi = thanx :)
15:50:43prpplaguesammy_wms: ahh i was try too look that up, shi shi
15:51:07sammy_wmsprpplague: the word what it mean is problem one, and I can't image what it really want reader to know is probblem two, so must need spend more time to get the point :(
15:52:55sammy_wmsprpplague: so I still need the software like pyDict or DoctorEYE ..
15:53:14prpplaguesammy_wms: technical books are often very difficult to follow even for english speaking people
15:53:51prpplaguesammy_wms: i find that some concepts are best learned by lecture or conversation
15:56:37sammy_wmsprpplague: so maybe all of you here type some word on it , I spend half time to translate it and know what it mean
15:57:59prpplaguesammy_wms: i guess we could put an effort in to being more concise in our wording
15:59:07sammy_wmsprpplague: shi shi :)
16:00:29sammy_wmsbut I still need to learn more , not only know what you say, but also what I say to let U know
16:02:09sammy_wmsprpplague: because sometime I say maybe not really what I really want to say , just because can't find the really word to mean that...
16:09:58prpplaguesammy_wms: i have that problem talking to my wife!
17:02:45prpplaguedijin sammy_wms
17:39:30prpplaguemorning russ
18:35:12prpplaguehowdy BZFlag
20:14:05SpaceCoasteris away: getting supplies

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