irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.15

08:24:59skandai compiled the kernel 2.4.12  for the Assabet which uses a blob 1.0.8.
08:25:40skandabut everytime I try to download the zImage of the kerenl, the kernel hangs, by printing" Could not load initial Console"
08:25:53skandaany idea why this is happening
08:29:00Sammyskanda: when you boot have you see Uncompressing Linux................... ?
08:29:14Sammyuntil done
08:29:54skandai see it
08:30:20skandai see a whole lot of messages and then suddenly out of the blue i get the eroor
08:30:38Sammythat's maybe the console problem ...
08:30:51skandai do not know.
08:31:12skandabut the same blob( 1.0.8) works perfect for the kernel 2.4.2
08:31:34skandai evem get a login prompt and the rest
08:31:57Sammyafter you make oldconfig do you also make menuconfig again ?
08:32:25skandayes, everything until I get zImage at the boot directory
08:32:32Sammyto change it's console ?
08:32:48skandai do not understand please
08:32:55Sammywhat's your console command ?
08:33:05erikmmorning, *
08:33:10skandai am soory, i do not understand
08:33:21Sammymorning erikm
08:34:56Sammymaybe you must add console=ttySA0,9600 root=/dev/mtdblock2
08:35:40skandawhere do i add this
08:36:25skandasorry Sammy, I have just dwelt into the Assabet and I need a lot of help
08:38:47Sammyskanda: I just use assabet config try on my board _PUPPY_ whick board alike assabet , and I use kernel 2.4.9 it's can run...
08:38:48erikmskanda: please use at least blob-2.0.5-pre1 on assabet
08:39:06Sammybut I am not suer that's the blob problem or kernel problem ?
08:39:14Sammyerikm : you say ?
08:39:15skandaerikm: I am not able to get blob2.0.5 working
08:39:52erikmskanda: you need a small kernel patch for it
08:40:04skandaSammy: could you please mail the .config file to my address at
08:40:19Sammyskanda: don't worry about that , I am sure blob 2.0.5 _can_ work on assabet
08:40:27skandaerik:oh!!, where can I access the patch
08:40:48erikmskanda: nowhere, cause I'm just writing it :)
08:40:55skandaok I will wait then
08:42:25Sammyskanda: why you want .config file ?
08:42:31skandathe problem that I get when I try to run blob2.0.5 is it says that bitfield.h is not found
08:42:31skandaso is SA1100.h
08:42:51skandajust to know whether I have to take care of anything else
08:43:46skandai copied the header files to the required location and then I compiled it. I get the blob at the prompt, but everything else just hangs
08:45:11skanda8need help
08:47:40Sammyskanda: you say your kernel run stop at Could not load initial Console ?
08:52:21erikmskanda: you need to have a *configured* arm-linux tree
08:53:41Russdo you have something like "console=ttySA0,9600"?
08:53:47Russand not ttyS0
08:54:16erikmhey Russ
08:54:34Russgot a nifty backlight interface
08:54:47skandai do not understand, exactly where do i need to incorporate all these
08:55:06erikmskanda: on the command line
08:55:36SammyRuss: is that the ramdisk don't run ?
08:55:52skandathat is at the blob prompt
08:55:53Russcheck out the drivers/video/sa1100fb.[ch] drivers/video/shannon_backlight.c hunks in:
08:55:54erikmskanda: blob-1.0.8-pre2 doesn't support command line, blob-2.0.3 and higher does
08:56:06erikmskanda: yes, but only with blob-2.0.3 and higher
08:56:17erikmskanda: you can set a default command line, though
08:56:26erikmskanda: (during kernel configuration)
08:56:26skandabut the problem is that blob 2.0.3 and the rest of the versions refuses to compile in my system
08:56:42skandaok, how do i do that
08:56:43erikmskanda: I already told you that you need a CONFIGURED kernel tree to solve that
08:57:14skanda8need help
08:57:28skandaon this regard
08:57:40Russmake assabet_config/make oldconfig
08:58:21skandai did that
08:58:40skandacp arch/arm/def-configs/assabet .config >>>>>right
08:59:08Sammylater ^_^
08:59:19erikmskanda: that only copies the config file. now run make oldconfig
08:59:39erikmskanda: or better: "yes no | make oldconfig"
08:59:43skandadid that also
08:59:51erikmskanda: so what kernel are you using?
09:00:04amruthaerikm: hello!!
09:00:27erikmskanda: with what patches applied?
09:00:42skandawith ac3 and ac3-rmk4
09:01:13skanda2.4.12-ac3 and 2.4.12-ac3-rmk4 patches I mean
09:01:20erikmskanda: ok. clear
09:01:46erikmskanda: either use an older kernel tree, or pull the latest blob version from CVS
09:01:56erikmrecommends doing the latter
09:02:17skandaok i will give a try for that
09:02:34erikmskanda: seletz fixed it a week ago, the change is in CVS
09:03:05amruthaerikm: finally i was able to put the assabet to sleep and wake it up...but this was by a program downloaded on to the kernel..
09:03:27erikmamrutha: so suspend from the kernel works?
09:03:34amruthabut for this i used blob 1.0.8 (with some features os 2.0.5)
09:05:45erikmamrutha: please send the changes you made to blob-1.0.8-pre2 to me and seletz
09:07:13amruthaerikm: but as i told u..this was a program which i downloaded to the kernel at the blob prompt...
09:07:39erikmamrutha: ok, send the program as well so we can investigate the issue
09:08:20amruthabut now i am trying to downloadd the kernel itself to the assabet with the modified blob..but it starting kernel..
09:08:35amruthaokie..i shall send it righty now..
09:11:35erikmskanda: what's your email address? I do have the kernel patch ready
09:11:57skandaerik:thanks a million
09:12:08erikmskanda: it's untested, but it should work :)
09:13:52amruthaerik:please accept this
09:14:17erikmamrutha: doesn't work, you're behind a firewall, remember :)
09:14:37amruthaoh!! sorry...forgot about that!!
09:14:38erikmamrutha: just send it by email, and CC to seletz
09:15:28amruthayeah..i shall do that..
09:15:29erikmamrutha: and
09:22:01amruthaerik:i just sent the file to u..
09:22:02amruthait is essentially the same as 1.0.8-pre2
09:22:07seletzgood morining ....
09:22:09amruthabut i just added the code
09:22:10amrutha#if 1
09:22:10amrutha        mov     r1, #SA1110_DRAM_CONFIGURATION_BASE
09:22:10amrutha        ldr     r0, [r1, #SA1110_MDREFR]
09:22:10amrutha        /*
09:22:11amrutha         mask out all of the bits that are undefined after a reset
09:22:11amrutha         */
09:22:12amrutha        ldr     r2, mdrefr_valid_bits_after_reset
09:22:13amrutha        and     r0, r0, r2
09:22:14amrutha        /* Disable auto power down */
09:22:16amrutha        bic     r0, r0, #MDREFR_EAPD | MDREFR_KAPD
09:22:18amrutha        /* Set KnRUN (from Self-refresh and Clock-stop to Self-refresh) */
09:22:21amrutha        orr     r0, r0, #MDREFR_K1RUN
09:22:22amrutha        str     r0, [r1, #SA1110_MDREFR]
09:22:24amrutha        /* Clear SLFRSH (from Self-refresh to Power-down) */
09:22:26amrutha        bic     r0, r0, #MDREFR_SLFRSH
09:22:28amrutha        str     r0, [r1, #SA1110_MDREFR]
09:22:30amrutha        /* Set E1PIN (from Power-down to PWRDNX) */
09:22:39amrutha        orr     r0, r0, #MDREFR_E1PIN
09:22:39amrutha        str     r0, [r1, #SA1110_MDREFR]
09:22:39amrutha        mov     r1, #0xC0000000
09:22:40amrutha        ldr     r0, [r1], #4
09:22:45amrutha        ldr     r0, [r1], #4
09:22:45amrutha        ldr     r0, [r1], #4
09:22:53amrutha        ldr     r0, [r1], #4
09:22:53amrutha        ldr     r0, [r1], #4
09:22:54amrutha        ldr     r0, [r1], #4
09:22:54Russerikm: if you ever get a change to look at those patches, let me know
09:22:54amrutha        ldr     r0, [r1], #4
09:22:54amrutha        ldr     r0, [r1], #4
09:22:58amruthahello seletz!!
09:23:42erikmRuss: ehm, oh yeah
09:23:42amruthaassabet finally woke up ???? :-)
09:23:55erikmRuss: I'm awfully busy for a demo right now
09:24:02seletzamrutha: welll, it went to sleep ....
09:24:21erikmRuss: but I have a boring project meeting this afternoon and tomorrow, so I'll see if I can kill my time with it :)
09:24:38seletzamrutha: what did you change to memsetup-sa1110.S? diffs?
09:24:51amruthanothing at all..
09:25:57seletzamrutha: i _was_ busy getting SMC9196 ethernet chip to work, but wohaaa! It works. Now i can get to the little assabet again and test my DH fix.
09:25:57amruthait's all the same as 1.0.8-pre2 ..
09:25:57amruthaactually seletz..
09:26:17seletzamrutha: hmm?
09:26:45amruthaas i was telling erik..this was a program which i downloaded on to the kernel at the blob prompt..
09:27:12amruthabut with this modiffied blob...
09:27:22amruthawhen i try to download the actual kernel it hangs..
09:27:48erikmamrutha: I just got your message, thx
09:28:19erikmseletz: (you got a CC)
09:28:20amruthabut the assabet perfectly wakes up...with the modified blob and the following pr
09:28:38amruthaerikm: :-)
09:28:51erikmamrutha: could you send your test program as well?
09:29:01erikmamrutha: (again with a CC to seletz)
09:29:01amruthanow..kindly tell do i modify it further so hat the blob works well with downloading the kernel too.. ??
09:29:21amruthaoh..u mean the program which puts it to sleep??
09:29:39erikmamrutha: yes
09:29:39amruthasure..right away...
09:30:22erikmamrutha: not that I have time right now, but it's nice during a boring project meeting :)
09:30:27seletzamrutha: yes, that's it. You clear DramHold, that's what i guessed was the problem. That is not done in 2.0.5
09:30:49seletzamrutha: PSSR::DH
09:30:56amruthai get it
09:30:56seletzerikm: see what i mean?
09:31:29erikmseletz: /me looks
09:31:46seletzerikm: DH bit brings SDRAM out of self-refresh when coming from Sleep Mode.
09:32:14erikmseletz: doh! of course! :)
09:32:38seletzerikm: its in section pg 9-38
09:33:04seletzerikm: i have the patch right here, but never got to test it properly ....
09:33:08amruthayour right seletz :-)
09:33:17erikmseletz: if you change it in the source, please document it like that
09:33:21amruthaseletz: why don't you send it acroos to me..
09:33:41seletzerikm: of course. Will do right now ...
09:34:40seletzamrutha: when i'm done you can get a new source via cvs. Should now compile with newer kernels anyway :-/
09:34:45seletzamrutha: ok?
09:37:36amruthaokie..but 1 request..
09:39:04amruthaif you cud modify the blob that i have sent to support the download of the kernel without errors...i shall be very greatful                    
09:39:55amruthaonce i remove the block #if 1....the kernel downloads properly..but without that block the assabet never wakes up!! :-(
09:40:04erikmamrutha: the download code didn't change between blob-1.0.8-pre2 and the current CVS version
09:40:32erikmamrutha: it might work a lot better if you disconnect the parallel port cable from your computer
09:40:41erikmamrutha: I've seen some interference with that
09:42:20erikmamrutha: and if that still doesn't work, select a lower download speed
09:42:23amruthai shall try that too .. :-)
09:43:10amruthaerikm: but i'm not able to understand why that block added shud be a problem ....
09:54:18skandaerikm_lunch: you still there
10:56:23amruthaseletz: you there??
11:00:27amruthaseletz: i applied the patch you sent....but i'm getting the following:..
11:00:45amruthaNET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0                                                            IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP                                                                 IP: routing cache hash table of 512 buckets, 4Kbytes                                         TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)                                     NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.                            
11:00:46amrutha              NetWinder Floating Point Emulator V0.95 (c) 1998-1999                              RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0                                                   Freeing initrd memory: 3072K                                                                 EXT2-fs warning: mounting unchecked fs, running e2fsck is recommended                        VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem).                            
11:00:46amrutha                            Freeing init memory: 68K                                                                     Warning: unable to open an initial console.                                                  
11:01:02skandaseletz: kernel 2.4.12 on blob2.0.5 gives me a kernel panix
11:01:05skandaseletz: kernel 2.4.12 on blob2.0.5 gives me a kernel panic
11:01:28seletzamrutha: hmmm. I'll check
11:04:10seletzamrutha: my 2.4.13-ac5-rmk2 boots rather nicely.
11:05:28seletzskanda: my 2.4.13-ac5-rmk2 boots with blob 2.0.5-cvs rather nicely
11:05:43amruthawell..seletz: i was trying to load the kernel with the blob that i modified..
11:05:45skandabut i use 2.4.12--any info on that
11:06:16amruthaseletz: any idea why i get... "unable to open an initial console?? "
11:06:37seletzhmmm. assabet? neponset?
11:06:47amruthaassabet ONLY
11:07:17seletzok, try adding a "console=/dev/ttySA0" as boot params
11:07:39seletzor "/dev/ttySA1"
11:07:45seletzor "/dev/ttySA2"
11:07:55seletzyou'll have to try it.
11:08:08amruthaseletz: where shud i do that?
11:08:26amruthaat uuencode?
11:08:28skandais that at the blob prompt?????
11:08:30seletzblob> boot console=blah_blah
11:09:01amruthawill try that
11:09:44seletzamrutha: remember, i have had big problems getting 2.4.13 to run. My problem was that i did _not_ do a "make dep" after a "make xconfig"
11:10:18seletzamrutha: that day was very long .....
11:10:27amruthai did make oldconfig;make dep;make clean;make ZIMAGE
11:10:45seletzleave the make clean out.
11:10:54seletzjust saves time :)
11:11:12amruthaseletz:what happened later...were you successful??
11:11:21seletzmake dep && make zImage ist better, stops when make dep fails.
11:12:04amruthai still get the same error..
11:12:15seletzamrutha: yes, of coursde. i now have 2.4.13-ac5-rmk2 running on my brand-new designed board. yesterday i got ethernet running.
11:12:34amruthawow!! that's great...
11:13:08seletzamrutha: there must be something wrong with your kernel, IMHO. Try a fresh build.
11:13:28amruthablob 2.0.5 running? tested for sleep-wakeup too??
11:13:30seletzamrutha: make assabet_config && make oldconfig && make dep && make zImage
11:13:44erikm <-- LOL :)
11:14:05seletzchecking out
11:14:54seletz:) man, those guys rule!
11:15:30erikmyup ;)
11:15:47seletz"spiderman routine" LOL !!
11:18:50seletzamrutha: yes, 2.0.5 running. But i cant test wakeup, because i dont have any wakeup source programmed as of now. My somewhat brain-damaged hw design guy "forgot" to route those GPIO pins to a test pad, so i now have to solder right at the SA1110's BGA package. ARGHH!
11:19:27erikmseletz: just do it. no risk, no fun :)
11:20:00seletzerikm: man, i already soldered a _very_ thin wire to GPIO 10 to get a simple LED.
11:20:47amruthaseletz: use either gpio1 or gpio1 pin..for wake up sequence..
11:20:57amruthasorry gpio0 or spio1..
11:21:04seletzerikm: and that's _not_ fun, i tell you!
11:21:23seletzhmmm, gpio0 .... checking out schematics ...
11:21:41amruthathese pins already have connections.. :-)
11:22:06amruthaseletz: the program i mailed you shud come in handy..
11:22:10seletzcool. gpio0 is CTS of my 1st rs232.
11:22:34amruthai have programmed the PWER for the wake up sequence..
11:22:38amruthaand moreso...
11:23:21amruthaerikm: thanx a lott...i had forgotten to configure my serial port after the wake up .. ;-)
12:51:00erikmgoes off to a meeting (which is 100km away)
12:51:10erikmsee you next week

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