irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.14

00:39:57SammyGood morning (cold today)
00:41:57SammyYo Russ, howdy
08:41:33Sammywhat I lost ?
08:41:44Sammywhat should add ?
09:55:17Sammycold winter night ...
09:56:00Sammythe winter is coming soundlessly
11:28:40Sammystill broken ...
11:29:47sammy: i haven't a clue
11:29:47Sammyibot: why ?
11:30:05sammy: no idea
11:30:05Sammyibot: weater ?
11:31:09sammy: bugger all, i dunno
11:31:09Sammyibot: weater in asia?
11:31:30ACTION drifts off to sleep.
11:31:30Sammyibot: sleep
11:33:36SammyYo Russ ..
14:23:17Sammychange place ...
15:05:21prpplagueerikm: howdy
15:05:26erikmhi prpplague
15:05:27prpplagueerikm: books just arrived
15:05:28erikmand *
15:08:29prpplagueerikm: now if i could ever finish this @$#$%# cisco stuff and get back to ARM development....
16:24:42sammy_wmsprpplague: you got those book's all ?
16:33:29sammy_wmsGOOD Night All :)
16:49:42prpplaguelxrbot: msg for sammy_wms sorry i missed you, i did get the books, they look good
16:50:06prpplague: excuse me?
16:50:06prpplagueibot: msg for sammy_wms sorry i missed you, i did get the books, they look good
16:50:17prpplague: i'm not following you...
16:50:17prpplagueibot: message for sammy_wms sorry i missed you, i did get the books, they look good
16:50:22prpplagueohh well
21:21:15BZFlaganyone around?
21:21:33BZFlagare there any bootloaders for arm that do usb flashing?
21:21:48BZFlaghow much time would it take to add it to blob?
21:22:01BZFlagI have someone that might fund it.
21:22:49Russusb flashing?
21:25:59Russtangent is looking for contract work
21:26:15BZFlagyeah. usb flashing.
21:26:33Russwhat does that mean
21:26:42BZFlagbasically to have a usb cable only and be able to reflash from a pc (or another device)
21:27:27BZFlagso if the fs is corrupt, but the boot loader is fine, it should be able to accept updates over usb somehow.
21:27:57BZFlagI assume usb serail console support.
21:28:02BZFlager serial
21:28:28Russso you'd basically need usb serial endpoint emulation?
22:06:34seletzhi all
22:14:33prpplagueseletz: howdy dude
22:14:41prpplagueseletz: still no word from roland
22:14:58seletzprpplague: rgmpf.
22:15:35prpplagueseletz: whooo, having a little problem decoding that one, what is rgmpf ?
22:15:37seletzprpplague: he's on a management class right now, i'll send him a bugging mail :)
22:16:38prpplagueseletz: it really wouldn't be a big deal, but i'm excited about seeing a dev board
22:17:54seletzprpplague: rgmpf: something like "Argh." or "Ugh." or a similar nonsense. Man, this is all test-based :)
22:18:52prpplagueseletz: i normaly get most of the acronyms, just hadn't seen that one before
22:20:34prpplagueBZFlag: usb flashing support sounds like a worth challenge
22:21:03prpplagueBZFlag: i've just started playing with pcmcia/cf support
22:21:36prpplagueBZFlag: before long blob will support just about everything
22:40:06BZFlagRuss: yes USB serial endpoint in the bootloader.
22:41:40BZFlagmost blob bits we add need to be configure options. it needs to still fit in 32k for those that need it to at least.
22:42:17BZFlagbut if you have 128k or even 256k block size, it might as well use it up with useful stuff. ;-)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.