irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.13

00:40:22Sammymorning Russ/BZFlag
05:58:13skandaanyone has done a complete wakeup on the assabet
07:30:15skandadoes anyone know what kernel and blob completly supports the suspend resume
07:41:58Sammyfor assabet ?
07:43:20SammyI only know that blob 2.0.4 with kernel-2.4.9-ac10-rmk3 can support on LART..
08:06:18skandahow about 2.4.12
08:06:36skandaon the Assabet
08:08:01SammySorry I don't have assabet :(
08:08:47Sammybut now I have one board alike assabet name PUPPY...
08:09:12Sammystill porting blob and some kernel on it ....
08:09:32Sammyis that your problem in boot kernel ?
08:10:38skandasometimes I get kernel panic
08:11:11skandaand rest of the rimes, halfway through the kernel loading the boot fails
08:12:51Sammyhave you ever try the early version of kernel like 2.4.9 etc ...
08:15:48skandai initially started to try with 2.4.2
08:16:16skandait used to work great but that was on the blob1.0.8 without the wakeup
08:16:22skandacompletly resolved
08:17:12skandabut now I have got the blob 1.0.8 pre2 working for even a wkeup event but I try to load  a kernel and it fails
08:20:55Sammytry use the blob 2.0.4 (best suggest 2.0.5 pre1)and porting the wakeup event on it..
08:21:24Sammymaybe the kernel will boot on this version ;-)
08:43:29skandai cant get the blob 2.0.5. working
08:43:47skandait asks for a missing bitfield.h and gets struck at it
09:02:03erikmmorning *
09:02:56amruthagot the sleep wake up sequence working on the assabet...but this was by another program..i wrote which i downloaded on the kernel..with blob 1.0.8-pre2
09:03:43amruthabut when i try to doenload the linux kernel on to fails..
09:05:30Sammysee all later :)
09:25:50erikmamrutha: that's a known problem. blob-1.0.8-pre2 didn't support assabet too well
09:57:05seletzhi all
09:57:46erikmhi seletz
09:57:47seletz(have had terrible networking problems, thus i was not on #blob recently. EMAIL does still not work)
09:58:03seletzhi erik.
09:58:13erikmseletz: heh, your not-so-clueful NT admin again? ;(
09:58:49seletzerikm: not really. This time the source of problems is yet to be determined. :(
09:59:11erikmseletz: you already eliminated the NT admin? ;)
09:59:52seletzerikm: I'll change all arm-linux and blob email account to my own domain, so no admins at all (except me).
10:01:27seletzerikm: any changes in blob that i missed (since friday evening)?
10:02:39erikmno, I didn't change anything
10:02:54erikmseletz: btw, could you commit your assabet+neponset hack?
10:04:52seletzerikm: yes, of course.
10:05:29seletzerikm: bit as you would say, SIGLUNCH first ...
10:05:40erikmgood idea
12:26:30seletzerikm: should be done now.
12:27:52seletzerikm: now testing my PSSR DH bit fiy (sleep mode)
12:28:04seletzerikm: s/fiy/fix/
12:49:24seletzafk, bbl
13:15:37seletz_the_realerikm: could you please kick seletz? I got thrown out of ...
13:39:20seletzerikm: committed my changes ...
13:39:47erikmyup, I've seen them
13:40:34seletzerikm: got my mail?
13:40:49erikmseletz: yes, I just replied it
13:41:05seletzfine. sorry for the hassle.
13:42:41seletzafk, bbl
15:54:55hello, sammy_wms
15:55:16prpplagueseletz: !!!!
15:55:37prpplagueseletz: haven't heard anything from roland yet....
15:56:07sammy_wmshi prpplague/erikm/seletz :)
15:56:24privet, prpplague
15:56:24prpplaguesammy_wms: howdy
15:56:36prpplaguesammy_wms: how's TW today?
15:57:17erikmhi sammy_wms
15:59:56sammy_wmsprpplague : fine , but still lock on blob handle flash driver :(
16:01:25sammy_wmsstill try the erikm's new flash dirver porting on old blob ...
16:02:11erikmsammy_wms: that's of no use.
16:02:56erikmsammy_wms: if you want to retrofit the old flash driver into an old blob version you effectively end up with the latest blob version
16:03:06erikms/old flash/new flash/
16:03:53sammy_wmsbut I think the problem is not BCR now , is about flash driver init
16:04:20sammy_wmsand I mean the old version not really mean the 2.0.4
16:04:43sammy_wmsstill the 2.0.5 pre1 but you don't rewrite the flash part...
16:05:05erikmthe flash driver *is* completely rewritten in 2.0.5-pre1
16:06:39sammy_wmsI mean when I porting blob on PUPPY, the CVS version I downlaod is not the version you rewrite ...
16:06:49prpplaguehas been playing network guru for 2 weeks, starting to have blob withdrawal symptoms
16:07:19erikmsammy_wms: not if you run "cvs update" once in a while, yes
16:08:20sammy_wmsso even the blob can run on PUPPY now , I still don't give up let the blob (not the last you update) run ...
16:10:14sammy_wmsbecause I start porting on PUPPY maybe a month, I don't let the old blob abandon...
16:10:57sammy_wmsbut you really rewrite the flash part a lot , so still hard for me ...
16:11:57erikmsammy_wms: it was needed. the old flash driver was broken
16:12:12erikmsammy_wms: the new flash driver is a *lot* cleaner
16:12:42sammy_wmserikm: have you ever run old flash driver on sa1110 board ?
16:13:00erikmsammy_wms: no, because it was broken
16:14:09sammy_wmserikm: can I ask silly question ? when do the _puppy.c_ or _assabet.c_ do their init ?
16:15:17erikmsammy_wms: they are called from main(), function call init_subsystems()
16:16:07sammy_wmsbut I don't see any function call in init_subsystems() ?
16:16:28erikmin src/blob/main.c
16:19:49sammy_wmsomm... I mean the in init_subsystem() inside ..
16:20:21erikmsammy_wms: find . -name "*.c" | xargs grep init_subsystem
16:20:57erikm_dinneror better:
16:21:04erikm_dinnerfind . -name "*.c" | xargs grep init_subsystem /dev/null
16:21:14sammy_wmsmaybe that's my _C_'s problem ....I'll check it out ...
16:22:33sammy_wmsso, the old blob can't run not the BCR's problem , is because the flash dirver is broken ....
16:24:20sammy_wmsand I find out something if it don't __init(flash_driver_... the board led will shine 6th time a clock ...
16:26:08sammy_wmsand if it don't __initlist(BCR.... the bloard led just _ONLY_ show nothing on terminal ...the led not shine .
16:30:54sammy_wmser maybe I should say the blard is just can't show on minicom , but not show...
16:35:53sammy_wmsanyway, still try it maybe until this week , if it still can't work , ok give up ,but I really hope it can show something on terminal ...  
16:36:00sammy_wmsnight all...
17:06:55erikmwonders what's so difficuly about getting blob something to print

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