irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.12

00:47:38prpplaguemorning sammy
00:48:20Sammymorning prpplague ^_^
00:48:42prpplagueSammy: hows things in your part of the world?
00:51:57Sammyfine, still running, the weater is getting colder :)
00:52:10Sammyprpplague:I find and buy the book "The Practice of Programming"
00:52:22prpplagueyou found it?
00:52:36prpplaguei ordered mine last week off of
00:52:46prpplaguestill not here yet :(
00:54:07Sammyhere have one book store aleays input the original text book
00:55:18Sammybut they don't have "Programming Pearls, Second Edition"...
00:56:39Sammymaybe I should order to Amazon or wait ...
00:57:37prpplaguewhere are you located?
00:58:57Sammythe country who just join to the WTO :)
01:00:32Sammyso order to Amazon is the last chance I do , because the shipping , you know ...
01:00:44prpplagueya we do alot of biz with taiwan, i've been trying to learn mandarin
01:01:10prpplagueya shipping is probably big $$
01:01:34Sammyhave you ever been here before ?
01:04:02Sammynext time maybe you travel here , tell me , I can be a good tour guide here :)
01:04:38prpplaguecool, sounds like a deal
01:04:56prpplaguewell its past my bed time, i'm headed home
01:05:26prpplaguehave a nice day
01:05:39Sammy: ) you too
01:06:04prpplaguesee ya in 12 hours
01:17:22Sammyso beautiful : -)

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot logs, split per channel and by date, etc.