irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.09

00:38:39Sammymorning :)
01:09:58prpplaguemorning sammy
03:06:33SammyRuss : you have the blob 2.0.5 pre1 ?
03:11:05Sammy2.0.5 the latest update can work on puppy , but I try to change it let the early update still can work ,but something stuck ...
03:11:32SammyI don't know if that the problem with because erikm rewrite the flash code
03:12:27Sammyor something wrong with the BCR control the serila port ?
03:12:46Sammydo you know if like this how to debug ?
03:13:45Russhow about your LED?
03:14:40SammyI tell it shine the time's I want , it quite do it ...
03:15:05Sammybut the terminal still don't show any screen on minicom ...
03:15:06Russbut no output on the serial port?
03:15:19Russare you doing everything you need to enable it?
03:15:58Sammyyeah , I write some code to init the BCR control ...
03:16:34Sammyand also use some code from erikm in assabet.c to control the BCR ...
03:18:20Russdoes the board have a BCR?
03:20:05SammyI am sure now , because I have already make the blob work on it , but it's come from the erikm's last update (after rewrite the flash part)
03:21:39Sammyand some magic thing is if I config with assabet , it also can work ....
03:22:14Sammybut erikm say that's only sheer luck :)
03:24:08Sammyafter the blob into memory, is that have some way to debug ?
03:33:38prpplaguenight sammy/Russ
03:33:56prpplaguehas been at work for 13 hours 37 minutes
03:34:00Russdo you hawe the schematic of the bcr?
03:40:02Sammyand also  init the same bit with RS232 and GREEN, RED etc...
03:41:05Sammyso after see the erikm's assabet.c , I even don't add anything in it to let it work...
03:41:22Russwhat would assabet.c have to do with your board/
03:42:14Sammyom..because it's init the flash driver and bcr ...
03:42:26Sammyand puppy also need do that too...
03:42:53Sammyso I try copy the bcr function from assabet.c to puppy.c ...
03:42:57Russwhat does your bcr do?
03:43:36Sammylet the RS232 bit enable , and the Green led on...
03:43:46Russdo you know what address your bcr is at?
03:44:25Russand which bit is for the rs232 tranciever?
03:44:38Russand if its active low or active high?
03:45:02Sammyand RS232 is bit 13 and green led is 14
03:46:39Sammysorry RS232 is bit 12 and both of then are active low
03:47:27Russok, so you are setting both to 0?
03:47:53Russare you sure the led functions aren't accidentally setting bit 12?
03:48:48Sammywhich led function ?
03:49:24Sammyyou mean the __initlist() function ?
03:50:55Russok, your are clearing bit 12 before the serial port gets used, right?
03:52:11Russand you double checked that you are using the right serial portl/
03:52:46Sammyabsolutely right ...
03:53:30Russfind the function that outputs to the serial port, and try setting it there, to see if its getting cleared somewhere
03:54:52Sammyok :)
04:11:33Russer, clearing it there, since its active low
04:13:11Sammyoutput to serial port ...must be in serial.c right ?
04:13:58Sammyso clean it there must be in serialinit()  function right ?
04:18:17RussI don't have a current copy handy
04:18:21Russjust dig around
04:20:14Sammyis let the blob naked now...
04:23:07Sammynothing , just use the software (Source Insight) to recheck the blob ^_6
05:04:25amruthaskanda: hai!!
05:06:54amruthaanyone knows if i can access the chat window a day or 2 back?? is there any provision for the same??
05:07:23Russonly if something is keeping logs
05:07:53amruthahow do i find out about that??
05:14:51RussI don't think any of the bots are, why?
05:17:01amruthaRuss: are you familiar with the sleep/wakeup process ?
05:27:30Russthe log starts out as #nvidia, just skip down to the #blob part
05:40:06skandawheres the log
05:40:28RussI have a buffer that I saved
05:41:03skandahow can I get it
05:41:50amruthajoin #nvidia
05:48:19amruthaRuss: i got the log file..but how do i access only the blob chat room log file...??
05:48:32Russjust search it for #blob, and start reading there
08:01:17amruthaanyone has erik's mail id??
08:17:58skandai have
09:20:48seletzcvs help update
09:20:53seletzwrong window.
09:31:37SammyYo seletz  ^.^
09:44:00Sammyhellooo erikm
09:52:15Sammyerikm : I'm lost in blob , help...
09:53:36SammyI had already let the puppy on blob ,clean and run . but that's your last update ...
09:54:49SammyI try use the early version to change the it and make it run ...but
09:55:22Sammystill stuck on serial port output :(
09:56:42Sammybut I use the function init_bcr() with __initlist() , but it's sounds not work ?
09:57:22Sammybeside this is that  anything need to hand on ?
09:57:49Sammyif like now , how to debug that ?
09:59:08erikmthe BCR is an assabet specific register. the assabet is the only board that has a BCR. your puppoy probably has something different
10:00:28Sammyno , and just I say , your last update both assabet and puppy config all can run ...
10:01:02Sammyso I think the puppy is 90% the same with assabet ...
10:02:16Sammyso I think is that anything other reason or some other place stuck it or something ...
10:03:51SammyI don't know, maybe your experience can let me get some hint ....
10:10:39seletzcompiling kernel
10:10:46seletzSammy: what's the prob?
10:11:12Sammydo your board has BCR ?
10:13:20SammyI think my question always stuck on __initlist(init_flash_driver) and __initlist(init_bcr)
10:13:29seletzSammy: no, but something similar. Understand the following: The BCR "register" is located in an CPLD on the assabet only. Has noting to do with the Processor. Our Board has a CPLD, too. (CPLD is a programmable Hardware chip. One can desing registers, conters and other simple logic with them. We use it for adress-decoding, irq multiplexing and other board-specific tasks)
10:14:08seletzSammy: so, when you do not have an assabet, you simply dont have a BCR and thus dont need init_BCR()
10:14:21seletzSammy: just remove the line.
10:14:37seletzSammy: in (hopefully) puppy.c
10:15:04seletzSammy: what do you not understand?
10:16:13Sammybut in the erikm's last update when I remove __initlist(BCR) line it will _not_ show anything on serial port ...
10:16:31seletzone moment pls
10:16:41Sammybecause this part , I copy from assabet.c ...
10:17:26Sammyand after I let the // move off , the screen show the blob RUN ...
10:18:11seletzSammy: have you the schematics of puppy available?
10:18:23seletzSammy: or at last some docs? I think this line is necessary ....
10:19:02seletzSammy: is there a cpld on your board?
10:19:13seletzSammy: look at the schematics
10:19:13Sammyyes ..
10:19:36seletzSammy: where to in adress space is this cpld decoded?
10:19:52seletzSammy: look at some CSxxx line to the cpld
10:20:03seletzSammy: CS1,CS2, CS3 or CS4
10:20:41seletzSammy: or does the puppy hw spec mention this? (its a hassle to check this out via schematics :(
10:21:14seletzSammy: search something like "control register"
10:21:30seletzSammy: or similar
10:31:53Sammyseletz : tell you a bad things the cpld connect each all of CSX  but I don't know which one is that you want ?
10:31:53Sammybut the manual write that BCR Physcription address : 0x12000000
10:31:53Sammyand list all bit what it use to do ...
10:31:53seletzSammy: ok, that's what we're looking for.
10:32:04seletzSammy: ok, do you have assabet's developer manual available?
10:32:24seletzSammy: _not_ the sa11xx dev manual, but the assabet board manual.
10:32:40Sammyyeap ...
10:33:28seletzSammy: ok, now compare 1) the adress you found in puppy with the assabet's BCR address, 2) the bit meanings of the assabet BCR and the Puppys CPLD register.
10:33:58seletzSammy: if they look equal, then puppy has a CPLD similar to assabet.
10:34:24seletzSammy: if not, then you probably want to check your hw guru and shoot him :)
10:34:47Sammyyou mean this the bit 12= RS232_ON and bit 14= GREEN_LED
10:35:15Sammyand all active low ...
10:35:25seletzSammy: yup, thats our final goal (for getting blob to run properly)
10:35:57seletzSammy: Same as assabet BCR ??
10:36:28seletzSammy: cant find my assabet doc ATM, so you have to check it.
10:36:34Sammyyes all the __SAME__
10:36:58seletzSammy: ok, you just prooved that puppy has a BCR like assabet.
10:37:10Sammyyes , that's why I say this __initlist(puppy_init_bcr... is really need it ...
10:37:29Sammyand now I am double check with this thing's
10:37:44seletzSammy: just for avoiding further confusion: don't name it BCR, name it something else.
10:38:30seletzSammy: when you mention "BCR" then everyone thinks "assabet".
10:38:43Sammy? why , but assabet.c use it as well
10:39:08seletzSammy: yes, thats the reason. puppy is not assabet.
10:39:26seletzSammy: or did your hw gurus copy the assabet _exactly_
10:39:48seletzSammy: thinking over it.....
10:40:08seletzSammy: actually, it may be a bad idea to rename it. hmmmm.
10:40:27Sammyand by the erikm's sheer luck I can also use assabet's config to run puppy
10:40:35seletzSammy: you have already added puppy.c and include/blob/arch/puppy.h ?
10:40:51Sammyall prepare ....
10:41:15seletzSammy: add a puppy board definition in, just to make a difference.
10:41:26Sammyand config it with puppy ... and work ,
10:42:00Sammybut I don't understand is why it can work , but why I use the early version can't ?
10:42:31seletzSammy: then you _could_ name it BCR. But beware! you have to check where in the code BCR is used and make sure that it's used if PUPPY defined as well as when defined ASSABEt, clear?
10:44:04seletzfiddling with kernel
10:44:47Sammythis I can sure , beside this when I send the diff to you , if it's not ,you will also find it ..and tell me that's worng ...
10:45:01Sammy_early_ = erikm not rewrite the flash part
10:45:30Sammyso I think is that the problem with BCR ? or flash part ?
10:45:37Sammyohh...lost ...
10:46:20seletzSammy: always remember "Don't Panic"
10:46:23seletzSammy: :D
10:47:44Sammyok ok , just feel trance :-\
10:49:11Sammytake some rest ..go eat dinner ...
10:49:21seletzgood idea ....
10:50:47SammyI want change my place to home ...see you later :)
10:51:00seletzbye ...
10:51:25Sammylater ^_^ ..
12:09:19seletzhi erik!
12:09:44erikmhi seletz
12:10:20seletzerikm: sorry for the confusion/unecessary work i caused yesterday :( It was a _very_ black day for me ...
12:10:35erikmno problems :)
12:11:07seletzerikm: kernel 2.4.13 is just 2 seconds before working with my board.
12:12:27seletzerikm: btw, i fixed neposet/assabet handling in blob. Just added a "NEPONSET" board which just is a copy of assabet wit an additional "NEPONSET" define. then in linux.c when building memory tags i just "break" after the first bank for neponset. OK?
12:13:05erikmthat's a hack that should work for now
12:13:30seletzerikm: is neponset worth more support?
12:13:48seletzerikm: i mean, does someone actually _use_ it?
12:13:54erikmI'm not sure. I'll ask rmk about it
12:37:46seletzok, my system boots with jffs2. Just cant logi because serial line does not work anymore. Hmmm.
12:49:46erikmcontinues hacking a demo
12:55:26seletzok, i'm off now. SIGGIRLFRIEND :)
12:55:44seletzbye folks!
14:04:30prpplaguemorning erikm
14:04:56prpplagueerikm: we missed your enlighted presence yesterday
14:05:10erikmprpplague: morning
14:05:15erikmprpplague: I was working at home
14:05:44prpplagueerikm: ya ya we know you were hung-over from doing a pub crawl
14:06:12erikmprpplague: no, it was just because I wanted to get something done.
14:06:35prpplagueerikm: instead of ppl on irc harrassing you?
14:07:39erikmprpplague: people disturbin me with silly questions. unfortunately people know that I know a lot about unix, C, etc :(
14:08:40prpplagueerikm: no silly questions from me today, got to spend all day doing the cisco thing
14:08:56erikmprpplague: I wasn't talking about you
14:10:31prpplagueerikm: lol, thanks
15:12:32sammy_wmsOh Oh ...
15:13:32sammy_wmserikm: maybe you are talking the people just like me :(
15:13:51erikmsammy_wms: no, I was talking about my co workers
15:14:10sammy_wmsok , I will control the silly speed  :)
15:14:18erikmsammy_wms: it's easy to ignore IRC. it's much more difficult to ignore people standing next to you
15:15:14sammy_wmsyeah. like a FLY
15:15:42sammy_wmsand you are the _candy_
15:17:06sammy_wmsbtw , can you suggest me , how to go on and get more use C to control the hardware ?
15:17:28sammy_wmsI think before this , I always use C to write some App...
15:17:48erikmsammy_wms: you mean a low level app like diag, or a linux app?
15:18:34sammy_wmsyes diag blob jflash  etc...
15:19:13erikmjflash is a linux app, blob and diag are really low level apps that run without an OS
15:20:58sammy_wmsomm..that must be _BLOB_ actaully say is that some of your code , I still don't know how it really control the hardware ...
15:23:42sammy_wmsif the code use on high level I can ease to know what it down , but in some low level code expecially in blob(diag) , just a little hard to image what it really to do
15:25:27sammy_wmseven you are really kind to write some hint beside the code ...
15:31:20erikmsammy_wms: most of the blob code doesn't really control the hardware.
15:31:48erikmsammy_wms: serial.c speaks with hardware, and led.c as well.
15:32:26erikmsammy_wms: and the flash drivers.
15:32:40erikmsammy_wms: and icache.c. but that's about it
15:33:48erikmsammy_wms: and some of the architectures need some hardware fiddling as well. like h3600.c and assabet.c
15:34:13sammy_wmserikm: but I think that code are just different the linux app ...
15:34:42erikmsammy_wms: it doesn't really differ that much with a kernel driver
15:35:39erikmsammy_wms: except that kernel drivers don't have a user interface ;)
15:36:17sammy_wmsbut it's all differ then all the window App , and network App...
15:36:34erikmyes, so?
15:37:06sammy_wmsmaybe I don't spend a lot of time in this way
15:37:42sammy_wmsso I think mnaybe you can suggest me HOW to go through it ...
15:38:02erikmwell, first of all don't develop an application that runs directly on the hardware
15:38:45erikmdevelop it to run under linux and your application will be portable to all other linux/unix systems
15:40:25sammy_wmsand ?
15:42:07sammy_wmsis that any book talk about this ?
15:42:19sammy_wmsor some doc ?
15:43:58sammy_wmserikm: I think maybe if I can use this tool(C) as well as , then about the blob grow up "maybe" have a little help...
15:45:19sammy_wmsbecause, after the blob grow up on puppy, the next step on puppy will let the blob can get kernel and ramdisk from the Ethernet...
15:45:28erikmsammy_wms: well, there are a couple of books that influenced my coding style
15:46:00erikmsammy_wms: I have code from rmk for getting kernel and ramdisk from ethernet. we only need to sort out the licensing issues
15:46:42sammy_wmswhat's that books ?
15:47:01erikmsammy_wms: I think I should put the titles on a web site, cause prpplague also asked about them
15:47:19erikm"The C programming language, ANSI edition", kernighan and ritchie
15:47:30erikm"The practice of programming", kernighan and pike
15:47:49sammy_wmsbook 1 I have :)
15:47:56erikm"Programming pearls, second edition", jon bentley
15:48:12sammy_wmswrite it down...
15:48:28erikmand to lesser extent: "The mythical man month, 25th anniversary edition", fred brooks
15:48:33prpplagueerikm: i'll put a list on my site
15:48:58erikmprpplague: a list of books that I recommend? ;)
15:49:05prpplagueerikm: ya
15:49:52prpplague"erik says if you don't read these books your an idiot!"
15:51:08erikmehm I only said that those books influenced my programming style and knowledge
15:51:22prpplaguejust kidding with ya
15:51:39sammy_wmsok keep it in mind ...
15:51:51prpplague./prplague --mode harass
15:52:38prpplaguei've got so much stress on me today, irc and a good laugh is the only thing keeping me going
15:58:26sammy_wmserikm: about the download use ethernet , do you need to use some app like Ethload ?
15:59:12erikmsammy_wms: no, a bootp and tftp server will do
16:00:00erikmsammy_wms: and I have client code from rmk that can do arp, bootp, and tftp. (all in less than 200 lines of code)
16:00:18sammy_wmsyou mean the code eith in the blob ?
16:00:52erikmsammy_wms: yes, the client code that can be put into blob
16:02:38sammy_wmsthat's great, this will be better then Angel, and I think more guys will use blob more and more :D
16:03:38sammy_wms_BLOB_ small , speed more , strong , easy port ...
16:05:28sammy_wmsmaybe someday it's will be the normal bootloader for arm like the DOS for windows
16:08:26sammy_:( my x-chat is lock
16:08:47sammy_erikm: can you send the address again ?
16:10:09prpplagueerikm: saw those last night, my son got a kick out them "look tux!"
16:10:38erikmprpplague: hehe, he learns fast :)
16:11:12prpplagueerikm: he's had a tux doll since he was 1
16:14:41erikmprpplague: alan cox also has tux dolls around his screen
16:18:42erikmprpplague: go to , click on "latest program" and seek to about 22:20
16:20:13prpplagueerikm: no audio on this box
16:20:20erikmprpplague: :(
16:20:45erikmanyway, it features alan cox on a crypto/security story
16:20:52prpplagueerikm: this is suppose to be a server, i'm using it as a desktop
16:21:26prpplagueerikm: thats cool, i met ac at the 5th annual linux expo in raleigh, nc
16:21:42sammy_wmsfinally it's unluck....~o~
16:21:49sammy_wmsI am back
16:24:46sammy_wmsthanx erikm ,tomorrow I'll search that's book , now I need some zzz ...
16:25:00erikmgood zzz
16:25:05sammy_wmsnight erikm/prpplague
16:25:17prpplaguenight sammy_wms
16:27:02prpplagueerikm: ok when are you going to do an linux replacement for cisco ios???
17:56:21prpplague_luncherikm: i'm off to lunch, have a good weekend
17:56:35erikmok, bye
20:17:32erikmBZFlag: FYI: rmk just told me that times out
20:17:57BZFlagerikm: my stinking ISP went south with no warning. moved IPs but seems to be lagging.
20:18:14erikmBZFlag: ah, ok. that explains a lot
20:18:29erikmBZFlag: send rmk a message so he won't unsubscribe you will work for now,
20:18:50BZFlagbut I am getting mtd mail on, just not lak mail.
20:19:40BZFlagI suspect he has a cached DNS record. They are set to timeout at 8 hours, so if he still has it he has a DNS cache issue.
20:19:46erikmjust contact rmk, maybe mailman already unsubscribed you
20:20:05erikm(and contact him from your address)
20:20:19BZFlagI'm no worried. I'll resubscribe to any of the many lists I'm on once things settle down to the new address.
20:20:35erikmok. it was just a FYI :)
20:20:40BZFlagyou will note rdns thinks I'm at instead or
20:21:01erikmweekend, cu
20:21:07BZFlaghave fun

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