irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.08

00:27:06prpplaguehowdy asami
00:27:23asamiprpplague: hi
00:27:50prpplaguewell now that the night shift is here, i'm going home
00:28:30prpplagueso long asami
00:28:38asamisee ya
00:46:45Sammymorning all :)
00:47:19asamiSammy: morning
04:21:50skandahai there
04:22:55skandahai amrutha
04:23:28amruthahai skanda
04:24:09amruthadid anyone get to know about experiments of seletz on the assabet yesterday?
04:25:47skandaI did
04:26:14amruthago very much curious
04:26:34skandawhy dont you say sorry and then I will answer
05:10:05asamiprobably dumb question: in memsetup.h, how to calculate #define MDREFR_TRASR(X)         (X & (0x0000000f))
05:10:06asami#define MDREFR_DRI(X)           ((X & (0x00000fff)) << 4 )
05:10:45asamiwould anyone teach me, thanx
05:26:08asamiprobably dumb question: in memsetup.h, how to calculate #define MDREFR_TRASR(X)         (X & (0x0000000f))
05:26:12asami#define MDREFR_DRI(X)           ((X & (0x00000fff)) << 4 )
06:43:36BZFlagjoin #TuxScreen
06:48:57Sammyyo seletz :D
06:49:26seletzfighting with assabet again
06:49:45Sammyyou have it ?
06:50:26Sammythe board ?
06:50:52seletzwell, i dug one up. But the kernel 2.4.13-ac5-rmk2 won't run. Maybe i'm too deaf to actually compile a correct kernel, but ...
06:52:02SammyI only sure that 2.4.9-ac10-rmk3 can run :)
06:53:00Sammymaybe when my blob job clean , and your diag code finish then go follow your step : |
06:53:40amruthahai seletz!
06:53:42seletzoh my. I kept struggeling with kernel versions since i know linux.
06:53:54seletzamrutha: morning!
06:54:08amruthajust sent you a mail to know about ur assabet expts.
06:54:21amruthagood morning!!
06:54:37amruthaany positive results??
06:55:18seletzamrutha: Well, as i said above, i cant get 2.4.13-ac5 running. Maybe i'll try an older kernel.
06:55:37seletzamrutha: maybe i should just get rid off the neponset. Hmmm.
06:56:00seletzamrutha: you have 2.4.12 running on assabet, right?
06:56:12amruthaoh!! were you also using neponset alongside?
06:56:21amruthayup!! that's right..
06:56:21seletzYes, all the time.
06:56:55amruthai have 2.4.12 kernel..
06:57:15seletzNeponset has real PCMCIA, which was very important for us, we develop analg measurement/datalogger hardware for pcmcia/arm
06:57:36seletzOK, i'll try w/o neponset. Hang out...
06:57:38amruthacan't you do away with it..and only have the assabet?
06:57:50seletztrying, be patient
06:58:22amruthaseletz: with the older program atleast runs uptoi some extent but not with blob2.0.5 :-(]
07:02:17seletzcompiling assabet kernel (w/o neponset)
07:06:06seletzinvestigating wakeup source for assabet
07:07:23seletzhmmm. why does assabet.c clear all wakeup reasons ....
07:08:31seletz section 9.6, investigating ...
07:10:15seletzhmmm. does blob clear PSSR:DH upon exit from sleep mode when dram is configured?
07:10:24seletzin doubt
07:12:30seletzNO! We dont clear it. Oh my.
07:14:01seletzThat could be the reason of it all, folks. Anyone have a sa1110 dev manual at hand to double-check this? Section, page 9-38 PSSR Bit DH.
07:18:47Sammyseletz : you need that ?
07:19:16seletzno i want some of you to double check my statement.
07:21:26seletzI think its not so good when the DH (DramHold) bit is set and we want actually access dram ....
07:21:26amruthaamrutha back from lunch..
07:21:39amruthaseletz: i have it right here..
07:22:28seletzamrutha: possibly found a reason why wakeup cant work with blob. DH bit of PSSR is not cleared after mem setup. please see also the section and check it too.
07:23:02amruthait says DH bit set upon exit fron sleep..
07:23:38seletzamrutha, yes. and we should clear it when we have set up dram, dont we? see the table!
07:24:28amruthaseletz: have taken care of that..actually
07:24:28skandaseletz: were you successful with the Assabet experiment
07:24:37amruthahai skanda..
07:24:46skandaneed help on LED,
07:24:48amruthathat was what i was talking to him about..
07:25:17seletzamrutha: it states "proc should clear this bit _before_ trying to access dram"
07:25:29amruthaseletz: but it says these are cleared by processor..
07:25:37skandaseletz: where exactly do you enable the LED on the Assabet so that it remains on after the blob has been set up
07:25:38seletzamrutha: your program executes from DRAM, does it?
07:26:31amruthaactually not...i download the program on to the assabet at the blob prompt.
07:26:45seletzskanda: led is activated both from assembly and c. look at start.S, memsetup-sa1110.S and led.c
07:26:59amruthaso isn't it on to the kernel..
07:27:08seletzamrutha: then it runs from ram.
07:27:45seletzamrutha: blob is split into 2 parts, one part runs from flash and copies the second part to ram and jumps to it.
07:27:47amruthaseletz: i think so..
07:28:06amruthawhat is that part which runs from ram??
07:28:24seletzamrutha: so you cant clear DH before acessing DRAM in your code, because your code actually runs in DRAM, am i right?
07:28:40seletzamrutha: basically the "C" part access dram..the DH bit shud be cleared..right??
07:29:32seletzamrutha: yes, _after_ the memsetup code ran.
07:30:03amruthaokie..i.e b4 a dram access..
07:30:24seletzok, i'll send a patch to you, ok?
07:30:35amruthaseletz:shud i set up the memory and everything even after the sleep as in a herdware reset??
07:30:37seletzagainst blob 2.0.5
07:30:46amruthayes seletz...please.
07:31:49seletzamrutha: upon reset the DRAM controller basically sets DRAM into self-refresh mode, from which we have to "resurrect" the DRAM, which is done in mamsetup-sa1110.S
07:32:19seletzamrutha: this has to be done for all forms of reset, so for sleep reset, too.
07:32:22amruthaokie..the sequence in the blob is then....
07:33:13amruthacheck for the rcsr reggie, set up memory, dram..clear dh bit..get the pspr content..jump to i right??
07:33:16seletzIndex: start.S
07:33:16seletzRCS file: /cvsroot/blob/blob/src/blob/start.S,v
07:33:16seletzretrieving revision 1.5
07:33:16seletzdiff -u -r1.5 start.S
07:33:16seletz--- start.S     2001/11/04 23:18:05     1.5
07:33:18seletz+++ start.S     2001/11/08 08:35:43
07:33:20seletz@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@
07:33:22seletz #define ICMR    0x04
07:33:26seletz PWR_BASE:      .word   0x90020000
07:33:28seletz+#define PSSR   0x04
07:33:30seletz #define PSPR   0x08
07:33:33seletz #define PPCR   0x14
07:33:36seletz@@ -110,6 +111,11 @@
07:33:38seletz        /* yes, a wake-up. clear RCSR by writing a 1 (see from [1]) */        mov     r1, #0x08
07:33:40seletz        str     r1, [r0, #RCSR] ;
07:33:44seletz+       /* clear (write 1 DramHold bit of PSSR */
07:33:46seletz+       ldr r1, [r0, #PSSR]
07:33:48seletz+       orr r1, r1, 0x8
07:33:50seletz+       str r1, [r0, #PSSR]
07:33:54seletz        /* get the value from the PSPR and jump to it */
07:33:56seletz        ldr     r0, PWR_BASE
07:34:02seletzlook at it. after wake-up is detected i now clear DH
07:34:08seletz(clearing: writing 1)
07:34:32seletz(i mail the patch to you, this is just for discussion)
07:34:53amruthaokie seletz:
07:35:10amruthaor why don't you send the start.S (modified )itself..??
07:35:39amruthaseletz:did you work with 2.4.13??
07:35:47seletzwants to try it first before sending code ....
07:36:01seletzamrutha: i try to.
07:36:13seletzkernel compiled, trying out
07:36:26asamiseletz: hi
07:36:45seletzasami: hi! How about XScale?
07:37:37asamiseletz: I have a question, hope you won't laugh at me. In memsetup.h, how to calculate #define MDREFR_TRASR(X)         (X & (0x0000000f))
07:37:37asami#define MDREFR_DRI(X)           ((X & (0x00000fff)) << 4 )
07:37:38seletzasami: erikm committed yesterday some docs on porting blob, maybe you want to checkout?
07:38:25amruthaseletz: but how sure are you that rcsr reggie will be set for the sleep mode rest??
07:38:31amruthareset i mean..
07:39:07seletzasami: this are the SDRAM timing values, which you have to calculate, TRASR and DRI. Depends on your SDRAM chips
07:39:25seletzamrutha: yes.
07:40:06seletz(wrong window :)
07:40:12amruthaseletz:i tried the exact sequence for the blob 1.0.8 above ..but didn't i have to try on 2.0.5
07:40:28asamiseletz: hmm..... just don't know why 0x0000000f for MDREFR_TRASR.
07:41:00seletzasami: Dont you use XScale?
07:41:24asamiseletz: yes, I do.
07:41:49seletzasami: IIRC, this is only valid on SA1110. there TRASR is a 4-bit value.
07:41:55asamiseletz: I'm using Sabinal processor
07:42:45seletzasami: i basically just mask out the higher bits so i can safely OR the values.
07:43:18seletzasami: so MDREFR_TRASR(0xffff) does not harm and evaluates to 0xf.
07:44:03seletzasami: check out your processor doc if this defines are correct for XScale too.
07:44:31asamiseletz: see. I got it :) but why MDREFR_DRI is ((X & (0x00000fff)) << 4 )? why << 4?
07:45:01asamiseletz: sorry, my english sucks...
07:45:45asamiseletz: read english is "perfect", but writing and listening are sucks
07:47:59seletzasami: look at the def of the MDREFR register. Then it becomes clear to you. DRI is a bit field which starts at bit 4 and goes up 12 bits. thats why & 0xfff and << 4. so you can say MDREFR_DRI(12) and it gets automagically shifted and truncated. So you can say MDREFR |= MDREFR_TRASR(9) | MDREFR(DRI(12).
07:48:42seletzfolks, i have to get this F*** kernel on assabet to run now. Sorry.
07:48:47seletzafk, bbl
07:53:51asamiseletz: I see, thanks.
08:37:35skandaseletz: whenever I try to download any kernel on to the blob, it abruptly terminates saying "Kernel Panic"
08:39:01skandaany program that I try to download abruptly hangs
08:39:10seletzskanda: "kernel panic" is an output from the kernel, not from blob
08:39:25skandahow do i solve that
08:39:48seletzskanda: compile a kernel that does not panic :)
08:40:30skandakernel 2.4.12 cannot be compiled to zImage or is it
08:40:55seletzskanda: why? make dep && make zImage
08:41:08skandai often end up getting an eroor saying "make bzImage" should be used instead of zImage
08:41:38seletzskanda: disable some drivers and make them modules.
08:42:18skandaseletz:in the assabet wake sequence,
08:42:29skandahow do i turn on certain LED's
08:42:36seletzskanda: generally its a good idea to have oly drivers in the kernel which are needed at bootimg time IMHO
08:42:54seletzskanda: see led.c and ledasm.S
08:43:06skandai do not have led.c
08:43:39seletzskanda: use blob 2.0.5
08:43:50amruthaseletz:how far did you succeed ??
08:43:54seletzskanda: newest cvs version, please.
08:44:28seletzamrutha: im now trying 2.4.12, 2.4.13 is hosed for assabet IMHO :(. Posted it on The List, we'll see.
08:44:49amruthaseletz: i do not see any BCR reggie in my manual..??
08:45:28seletzseletz: BCR is assabet-specific. read assabet dev manual.
08:45:44seletzamrutha: BCR boar control register
08:45:53amruthaoh!! ;-( so..2.4.13 not good for assabet??
08:47:07seletzamrutha: I test it ATM
08:48:13skandacd ..
08:57:16skandaseletz but what is LED_GPIO initialized to
08:57:41SammyGPIO 17 for assabet
08:57:52Sammyled on
08:58:27skandaok, but it does not glow in my assabet when I try to
08:58:38skandasorry ity does
08:59:18skandais it normal in blob 2.0.5 to skip the mem test part
08:59:39skandabecause i do not see anywhere the memory being initialized
08:59:46skandaon the screen though
09:01:04Sammywhen blob start , the led will on , that's mean your blob load from flash to memory
09:01:40Sammyyou can add some code in start.S to test ....
09:01:59Sammygo dinner :)
09:05:12skandacant we use bzImage as our kernel on to the Assabet, is it important that
09:05:24skandawe ahve to use zImage only on the Assabet
09:05:48seletzoh shit. 2.4.12-ac5-rmk1 doesnt even compile.
09:06:45seletzwhat the F*** is going on here?
09:07:00amruthaSELETZ:was that a trial version too??
09:07:12skandaseletz: is it important that we use zImage only or can we also use bzImage on the Assabet
09:07:39seletztrial version? It was a correctly patched, regular vanilla 2.4.12-ac5-rmk1 !
09:07:58amruthaseletz:2.4.12 does compile..
09:08:32amruthanot sure about the patch ac5-rmk1..
09:08:32skandabut i am not able to create a zImage even when I have made most of the
09:08:33seletzamrutha: What? you took a vanilla 2.4.12 from linus?
09:08:39skandasectors as modules
09:08:59amruthawell..i downloaded from the site..
09:09:39seletzamrutha: you need to patch 2.4.12 with alans patches, then patch it with russells patches.
09:09:59amruthais it really required?
09:10:05amruthaokie..i shall do that then.
09:10:07seletzamrutha: _yes_
09:10:53skandaseletz: is it important that we use zImage only or can we also use bzImage on the Assabet
09:11:02amruthaseletz: have you taken care of the bcr register??
09:15:26amruthaseletz:did you try 2.4.13-ac8-rmk??
09:17:50seletzok folks. Just got a mail from rmk, and appearently its all my fault and i'm too deaf to compile a kernel. :((
09:18:18amruthaamrutha ... will be back9
09:18:28asamihmm... does it this book is free :)
09:26:12seletztrying harder
09:30:31seletzamrutha: ac8 is not released yet my rmk
09:37:43amruthatrying on 2.4.12?
09:37:57amruthabcos..i shall also parallely try here..
09:51:36amruthaseletz: how exactly do i patxh ac5-rmk1 on to my kernel??
09:51:36amruthapatch -p0 < patch name??
09:51:54seletzzcat ../patch.gz | patch -p1 while in linux dir
09:52:44amruthayou mean /usr/src/linux
11:15:47amruthaseletz: any progress??
13:05:38seletzamrutha: yes. It was All My Fault (tm)
13:06:44seletzamrutha: 2.4.13-ac5-rmk2 runs. suspends. wakes up (somewhat.) Now i'm too busy to test further, I#ll investigate this evening (3:00 pm here )
13:06:51seletzafk, bbl
13:40:21prpplaguemorning all
14:31:50prpplaguemornign seletz
14:34:29prpplagueseletz: just got an email from roland about the boards
14:35:18seletzah. what did he say?
14:37:49prpplaguejust getting started with details and pricing
14:38:27seletzprpplague: ah, basically he said "we know nothing as of now", did he?
14:40:21prpplagueseletz: ya i kinda got the "we don't have anything right now, but will sell it to ya right now"
14:40:44prpplagueseletz: roland if your standing over his shoulder, no offense
14:41:39seletzprpplague: well, sorry. I should have known. Oh my.
14:50:11prpplagueseletz: np
14:50:23prpplagueseletz: i'll keep on and see where we get
14:51:31seletzprpplague: ok. I'd like if i could have some more people working on that board. More people  leads to better tested products IMHO.
14:53:21prpplagueseletz: yep
14:53:43prpplagueseletz: hmm now he wants details about our company
14:54:18prpplagueseletz: should i respond "we are a company, we have money, we want to buy some boards, anything else?"
14:54:51prpplagueseletz: i'm really not a jerk, just haven't had enough coffee today....
14:56:31seletzprpplague: well, i dont know really, but IMHO he just wants to know what you want the boards for. And yes, if you have enough money :D
14:57:57prpplagueseletz: think head get a laugh said for sex toys?
15:23:02prpplagueseletz: i sure hope he gets back with a good price on a couple of dev boards
15:51:46prpplagueseletz: hmm roland has asked for a shipping address....
15:52:16prpplaguei wonder where erikm is today?
15:58:38seletzprpplague: no idea where he is, at last he answers to MAILs. Shipping address sounds good ...
16:00:23prpplagueseletz: ya erikm is one the friendliest gurus i've run across
16:00:41prpplagueseletz: he doesn't mind answering un-educated questions too much
16:00:58seletz_i_ know that. :(
16:01:47prpplagueseletz: lol, you've had some personal experience on that topic?
16:02:01seletzOften i think:why does someone helps me? Causing so much trouble, i do. I try to help others in reply.
16:03:04prpplagueseletz: ya me too, plus i try to write docs to help
16:04:51seletzwell, just look at today. Thats a black day for me. Cried loud on The List "2.4.13-ac5-rmk2 does not work on assabet", rmk sent me a mail "well, here is the prove [log of a telnet session to an assabet using this very kernel]" Oops #1. Then i write erik "i cant get this running, please help (whine..)". Then i suddenly find out that i'm too deaf to do it right. bah, should not even tried to get out of my bed today. sigh.
16:06:51prpplagueseletz: ya posting on that list can be hazardious
16:08:06seletzprpplague: _nod_
16:17:53seletzprpplague: well, at last I learned _very_ much in the past 2 months. And I think i contributed quite some code to blob. Code that works, actually.
16:18:13prpplagueseletz: ya i feel the same way
16:18:25prpplagueseletz: i just worry i'm not learning fast enough
16:18:52seletzmaybe the russell's and erik's out there even started like me :)
16:19:59seletzyes, its all quite a fast-changing world.
16:22:00sammy_wmsyeap, so much thing's to learn , not enough time to use ....
16:22:59sammy_wmsbut still need some rest ...night all
16:25:09seletzrest well, sammy.
16:26:16prpplaguelater sammy_wms
16:26:48prpplagueseletz: erikm gave me a list of some good reading material, i ordered about $100 worth of books yesterday
16:27:58seletzprpplague: well, i spent more already. got the ARM ref manual/arch manual, got "understanding the linux kernel", got "linux device drivers" and got several LDP docs about linux.
16:28:27seletzprpplague: not counted the docs that came with the assabet/neponset.
16:28:59prpplagueseletz: doh
16:29:55prpplagueseletz: i was tell erikm yesterday that they say that men compensate by buying big card and boats, geeks compensate with big books, "my bookshelf is bigger than yours!"
16:30:18prpplagueseletz: i'll have to get those books too
16:31:50prpplagueseletz: have gotten those books yet?
16:31:55seletzprpplague: No, was not meant like that. Just wanted to state thet I get new books on regular basis (and read it).
16:32:12seletzprpplague: yes, for some time now.
16:32:27prpplagueseletz: i'm joking around..., i have a bad sense of humor
16:32:38prpplagueseletz: how are they?
16:33:50seletzprpplague: np. "understanding ..." is quite good for an raw overview, but mostly x86 based and only scraping 2.4 issues.
16:34:41seletzprpplague: "device drivers" is exellent. O'Reilly even published a pdf version for FREE. (full version)
16:34:54prpplagueseletz: cool, i'll mark that one
16:35:52seletzprpplague: the ARM books. well, ARM Architecture is very well written, and explains the ARM from ground up. A must, IMHO. Explains even tzhe very design goals, and all. Great.
16:36:11prpplagueseletz: i got an arm arch ref manual from ebay for $2
16:36:54prpplagueseletz: the shipping was more than the book
16:37:08seletzprpplague: "ARM Reference ..", well, its a ref manual, no more and no less. EVERY assembly mnemonic is explained (somewhat brief IMHO, and cryptic). If you want to understand start.S and memsetup*.S, get it.
16:38:27prpplagueseletz: so how much linux support have you got working on this board i'm talking to roland about?
16:38:29seletzprpplaue: well, the LDP has good docs, too: "linux 2.4 kernel internals" is great, "Kernel Hacker's Guide" tooo (but outdated and no longer maintained).
16:39:06seletzprpplague: well, full support. There will be _only_ linux running as OS for this board.
16:39:41prpplagueseletz: so the pcmcia and lcd/ts is fully functional now?
16:39:53seletzprpplague: currently i have working: 2.4.9-rmk2-np1 + jffs2 + blob + serial i/o
16:40:32prpplagueseletz: i'm still using 2.4.7 to work out my hardware issues
16:41:14seletzprpplague: lcd works, too. PCMCIA is not complete as of now. Ethernet too, PS/2 keyboard too. Thats all because of some weird IRQ things i dont fully understand yet (SA1111->SA1100 IRQ coupling and that)
16:42:15prpplagueseletz: pcmcia,ethernet and ps/2 not working yet?
16:42:37prpplagueseletz: does that fall into your job description?
16:42:44seletzprpplague: I _think_ i may have some HW problems there. That's why i wrote diag to test my Hardware. Was successful for LCD. Ethernet will be next, then PS/2 then.
16:42:56seletzprpplague: well, what description :)
16:43:10prpplagueseletz: same here
16:43:42prpplagueseletz: i'm working on pcmcia stuff now, lcd later
16:43:50seletzprpplague: I'm a "freelance SW developer" They expect me to know everything.
16:44:06seletzprpplague: Got the PCMCIA programmers guide, yes?
16:44:40prpplagueseletz: negative, i'm doing things the hardway....
16:44:50prpplagueseletz: its on order
16:45:12prpplagueseletz: i've been just loading the pcmcia drivers with tons of printk's
16:45:13seletzprpplague: i meant the "Linux Pcmcia Programmers Guide"
16:45:22prpplagueseletz: _nod_
16:46:14prpplagueseletz: if you setup a bunch of ansi colors, things look really pretty with that many printk's
16:46:58seletzprpplague: well, what i did on assabet/neponset: I wrote a simple pcmcia driver, built a dummy hw with 8 LEDs on it and IRQ-capable. Then i hooked up a square-generator at the irq line and tested my driver, it worked, errm, quite well. got to measure IRQ latency.
16:48:06seletzprpplague: i could go up to 1200 Hz w/o problems. Each IRQ resulted into reading 512 words over the PCMCIA bus.
16:48:20prpplagueseletz: nice, fortunately most of the driver i'm working with is already working under linux, i'll just need to do some tweaking for arm
16:49:04prpplagueseletz: sounds like that would be a handy diag device
16:49:21seletzprpplague: Well, they design an analog measurement/data logging board for pcmcia, which i will write a driver for.
16:50:06prpplagueseletz: ya you had mentioned that, what size lcd's does the board support?
16:50:41seletzprpplague: thats what Pruftechnik does: Build an handheld data logger capable of measuring syncronous data through 2 channels at 115200 Baud @ 16 bit.
16:51:17seletzprpplague: its 640x480@8bpp
16:51:26seletzprpplague: CSTN
16:52:41seletzprpplague: CDSTD, actually
16:53:11seletzprpplague: getting tired. Dual Panel Color Super Twisted
16:54:42seletzprpplague: QT/embedded looks quite nice. Dis a real-time FFT display on ARM (not using intels primitives) at 10 frames per second, 2048 data points.
16:57:34prpplagueseletz: ohhh ya, thats what i've been looking for
16:58:09seletzprpplague: well, works right off with blob. Want lcd type ? :)
16:58:40prpplagueseletz: ya if you got some info that won't get you in trouble
16:58:41seletzprpplague: and sa1100-fb.c patched ?
16:59:46prpplagueseletz: have you guys designed a handheld case for it?
17:00:31seletzprpplague: ok, here it is: Kyocera Display type "KCS072VG1MB-A44", just google it for the specs. And yes, whe have.
17:00:54prpplagueseletz: lcd in portrait mode?
17:02:02prpplagueseletz: i think i'm in love
17:02:04seletzprpplague: portrait/landscape is no problem of the lcd display. Its a user space problem :). Use QT/embedded. There its just a configuring issue. Even switching at runtime is possible.
17:02:55prpplagueseletz: sorry, i meant was the case designed with the intent of the lcd to be placed in portrait postition?
17:03:04seletzprpplague: note that we design actually 2 versions, one ultra-portable with a different display (gray scale), and one with this display.
17:03:38seletzprpplague: O/course. Imagine a Gameboy Advanced, only bigger.
17:04:37prpplagueseletz: man, roland can give us a good price, i'll be in heaven
17:05:18prpplagueseletz: can you guys handle around qty 2k per year?
17:07:03seletzprpplague: well, that quantity we do in the US in 1/4 a year for the predecessor of this design.
17:07:13seletzprpplague: IIRC, that is.
17:08:11prpplagueseletz: cool
17:08:27prpplagueseletz: how many pcmcia slots?
17:08:35seletzprpplague: pruftechnik is a real BIG company.
17:10:27seletzprpplague: well, dont mis-understand me: The handheld design i talk about will only have internal PCMCIA connectors (1 cf slot and 1 raw PCMCIA bus for the analog board).
17:11:01seletzprpplague: but at 2k unit a year ....
17:11:35prpplagueseletz: ahh
17:11:49seletzprpplague: when do you want hit the market with your product?
17:12:28prpplagueseletz: this is a long term project, i've been give a r&d budget locked in for 5 years
17:12:30seletzprpplague: and what are your exact needs?
17:13:18seletzprpplague: well, maybe we could arrange something. That time range is quite reasonable.
17:13:40prpplagueanswers phone
17:15:13seletzprpplague: If you're really interested, could you mail me your needs? Please to my MAIL adress, not rolands.
17:15:28prpplagueseletz: ok i'm back
17:15:40seletzprpplague: ?
17:15:48prpplagueseletz: ok i
17:15:58prpplagueseletz: ok i'll make some notes
17:16:36seletzprpplague: remember (bacause of some internal management quirks) mail me, not roland. Just confuses everything.
17:17:49seletzafk, bbl
17:21:23prpplagueseletz: on the way
17:27:11seletzprpplague: just got your mail. Well Touchscreen is one thing we don't have yet. We use a touch bar. But i'll have to think & talk about it. 2k qty is a lot.
17:30:06prpplagueseletz: what kinda touch bar?

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