irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.07

00:31:01prpplaguemorning sammy
00:31:07Sammymonring all...
00:34:01Sammyhi prpplague :)
00:34:56prpplagueSammy: so what kinda fun stuff you working on today?
00:36:13Sammystill work go through blob 2.5.1-pre1 on my puppy :-)
00:37:51prpplagueya i dl'd a copy this morning, but all i've done today is work with network issues :(
01:26:52asamiI want to porting blot to Intel Xscale.
01:27:34asamiBut I have some question about blob programming
01:28:28asamias synced in 1 secs
01:28:28asami[10:30] < asami> I want to porting blot to Intel Xscale.
01:28:28asami[10:30] -!- lxrbot [] has quit IRC [So long, and
01:28:28asami          thanks for all the fish.]
01:28:28asami[10:30] -!- lxrbot [] has joined #blob
01:28:30asami[10:30] < asami> But I have some question about blob programming
01:30:43asamiabout set the clock speed, why cpuspeed:       .long   0x09 is equals to 190Mhz.
01:30:57asamiwould anyone can tell me, thanks
01:35:29BZFlagasami: see the sa1100 manual.
01:38:50asamiBZFlag: I have that manual. I just don't understand how to calculate .long 0x09 = 190Mhz
01:40:02asamiBZFlag: did I miss something about manual?
01:41:57asamiFor instance, #define CPU_SPEED (0x0a) is equals to ? Mhz?
01:42:09BZFlagpage 68?
01:42:18asamiWould you teach me, thanks
01:42:34BZFlagsection 8-2
01:43:22BZFlagtable 8-1
01:43:24asamiis checking it out
01:48:03asamiBZFlag: found it, thank you very much! :)
01:50:54asamiBZFlag: I'll try to porting it to XScale
01:52:52asamiBZFlag: my company will develope products using Xscale. I know that XScale is NDA...
01:58:03Sammyasami : curious what's products ?
02:01:43asamiSammy: wedpad and pda
02:02:59asamiI'm new to embedded systems area. Hope someone share his/her experience to me
02:04:01asamiwhich good embedded systems textbook? would anyone recommend me? thanks
02:07:33Sammyasami : another curious , where are you ?
02:08:15asamiSammy: Japan
02:08:34Sammyhehe so close :)
02:08:42asamiSammy: why you ask those questions? :)
02:09:10Sammynothing ...just curious :)
02:10:16asamiSammy: where are you?
02:11:06SammyThanx Tim , I also need it too :D
02:11:56asamiSammy: hmm.. where are you?
02:12:50Sammyasami : I am your neighbor ...
02:13:24asamiSammy: more specific please. Is it hard to say??
02:13:33Sammynot so far, also not to closed :D
02:13:52asamiSammy: Taiwan ? :)
02:13:56Sammya small country in aera
02:14:38Sammyer asia
02:16:40asamiSammy: Found it. You're working at C&C Technology Co.LTD.
02:17:03asamiSammy: next time, please be a honest man.
02:18:36asamiBZFlag: thanks
02:23:46Sammyasami : I am honest , and don't need to hide anything...
02:24:23Sammyasami : and taiwan also a small country in asia too
02:24:23asamiSammy: oh? but why you told me where you are in, eh?
06:53:27seletzhi everyone!
07:15:42Sammy is, like, prepare to order Tux , what I should do now
07:15:42asamiibot Sammy
07:17:53asamiI have one question: about blob-2.0.5pre1, include/blob/arch/h3600.h says: /* where do various parts live in RAM */
07:17:53asami#define BLOB_RAM_BASE           (0xc0100000)
07:17:53asami#define KERNEL_RAM_BASE         (0xC0008000)
07:17:53asami#define PARAM_RAM_BASE          (0xc0110000)
07:17:53asami#define RAMDISK_RAM_BASE        (0xC0400000)
07:18:58asamiI don't need the same address aboout those definitions, right?
07:19:25asamior they are defined in sa1110 manual?
07:19:59Sammyhehe come again...
07:21:58Sammylxrbot : honest ?
07:21:58lxrbotsammy: i don't know
07:22:09i haven't a clue, sammy
07:22:09Sammyibot : honest ?
07:22:24sammy: wish i knew
07:22:24Sammyibot : what is honest ?
07:22:56asamiSammy: can you answer my question?
07:26:58asamithoughs Sammy is nuts
07:36:29seletzasami: that depends on your board and kernel. What board/kernel do you use?
07:36:44seletzwas reading mail ...
07:37:58seletzPING asami
07:41:01Sammysounds like Xscale
07:42:30seletziPaq i think. he looked at h3600. asami, can you speak?
07:42:55Sammyseletz : asami say want to porting blob on XScale before ...
07:49:41asamiseletz: hi
07:50:38asamiseletz: I'm gonna porting it to Xscale, Sabinal processor.
07:51:33asamiseletz: around?
07:51:52seletzok, memory layout questuions?
07:52:03seletzasami: ?
07:52:18asamiseletz: yep
07:52:46seletzasami: ok. those layouts are board and kernel specific.
07:53:03asamiseletz: I just don't get it why it should set /* where do various parts live in RAM */
07:53:03asami#define BLOB_RAM_BASE           (0xc0100000)
07:53:03asami#define KERNEL_RAM_BASE         (0xC0008000)
07:53:04asami#define PARAM_RAM_BASE          (0xc0110000)
07:53:04asami#define RAMDISK_RAM_BASE        (0xC0400000)
07:53:49seletzasami: blob is stored on flash and gets copied to ram by the first-stage loader.
07:53:50asamiseletz: ok, for example, 3600, the doc doesn't mention it
07:54:40seletzasami: you only need to know which bank of memory you use and its start/end adress.
07:55:48seletzasami: then decide where to copy the kernel (where the kernel wants to be in memory)
07:56:46seletzasami: then decide where blob can safely run in memory. see, above #defines sys that blob lives at 1MB offset from the first bank ob memory.
07:56:49asamiseletz: okay, I see. So I can define BLOB_RAM_BASE in 0xc0200000, right? If so, I also need modify the kernel, right?
07:57:21seletzasami: dont get confused. Dont mix blob with the kernel.
07:57:42seletzasami: the kernel knows _nothing_ about blob, and it does not need to know.
07:58:20seletzasami: blob's part is only to get the kernel copied from flash (wehreever you decide it lives in flash) to the right ram addr.
07:58:35asamiseletz: Okay. Now I know why BLOB_RAM_BASE is defined 0xc0100000, because blob lives at 1MB offset.
07:58:42seletzasami: yup.
07:59:06seletzasami: because the kernel is down at 0-1mb.
07:59:29asamiseletz: cool! next, why KERNEL_RAM_BASE defined 0xC0008000?
08:00:00seletzasami: thats because the kernel iPaq uses is built that way.
08:00:44asamiseletz: so it define in kernel source, right?
08:00:51seletzasami: look at the arch dependent makefiles in the kernel. there you see defines like TEXTADDR etc. also see russell kings website about that.
08:01:29seletzasami: actually its one makefile with arch dependent defines in it., IIRC
08:02:21seletzasami: but dont think about getting a kernel booted yet,  IMHO. Try to get blob working, then get diag started & working.
08:02:34seletzasami: know diag?
08:02:51sammy: i don't know
08:02:51Sammyibot : what is diag ?
08:03:13Sammyseletz : you must teach ibot ....
08:03:17asamiseletz: yep. TEXTADDR etc. defined in arch/arm/Makefile and arch/arm/boot/Makefile.
08:03:48seletzasami: look at russells website for that. Its nicely explained there.
08:04:15OK, seletz.
08:04:15seletzibot: diag is the diagnisis tool that comes with blob
08:04:35asamiseletz: ok. the final question is why PARAM_RAM_BASE = 0xc0110000?
08:04:37seletzasami: read what i said about diag?
08:04:43i guess diag is the diagnisis tool that comes with blob
08:04:43Sammyibot : what is diag ?
08:04:57Sammyseletz : good :D
08:06:14seletzasami: well, blob will get a feature called "param blocks", russ works on that. Basically you can store configuration parameters for varoius blob parts (and your own parts) in flash. Dont worry about it yet, IMHO.
08:06:42seletzasami: this parameter block will get loaded at this address in ram.
08:07:27seletzasami: but honestly, dont try blob+kernel first, try blob+diag first.
08:07:36asamiseletz: Okay, I see. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.
08:08:29seletzasami: no probblem, would be great if we could have another supported platform...
08:08:50asamiseletz: Thank you very much!!
08:09:03Sammyseletz : before I test your diag on LART , but still know less about the LCD hardware , so will be delay a little...
08:09:25Sammybut now the blob support PUPPY :)
08:10:26seletzasami: consider adding support files for your platform and talk with erikm (when he's here). Erik is much better in knowing the ins and outs of blob, because he wrote it :)
08:11:02asamiseletz: Ok. Does he often on irc?
08:11:08seletzSammy: puppy is now a supported platform?
08:11:26seletzasami: yes. almost every day. including weekend.
08:11:35asamiseletz: cool
08:12:04seletzasami: erikm hangs out a lot in #blob #kernelnewbies etc.
08:12:15seletzasami: mee too. :)
08:12:44Sammybut I still need to make it clear , then I think will tell blob guys to add it :)
08:12:46asamiis working on porting blob to xscale :)
08:13:09asamiseletz: I see :)
08:13:48seletzSammy: weeell, then make it _really_ clean! :-)
08:14:26Sammyseletz : erikm say set the LCD on lart must carefully , or not will be destory it ...
08:15:20Sammybut I hope if not destory LART will be fine
08:16:43SammyLCD is not matter ...but stil need to know more about the hardware and code to do it ...
08:18:19seletzSammy: yes. w/o the specs you are lost.
08:18:34seletzgetting coffee
08:32:49asamione stupid question. In command.h, why COMMAND_MAGIC = 0x436d6420 ?
09:16:38seletzcvs updating to 2.4.13-ac5-rmk2
09:23:33erikmmorning *
09:30:29seletzerikm: maybe we soon get blob on Xscale ....
09:31:19erikmseletz: if intel sends me an xscale board like they promised: yes
09:31:55erikm(24 blob-2.0.5-pre1 downloads from the lart site)
09:32:14seletzerikm: no, i did mean: someone is appearently working on it. This morning someone was on this channel who asked me some questions about blob. He will takl back to you later.
09:32:32erikmah, cool
09:33:02seletzbtw, cvs updating a kernel branch takes virtally forever :(
09:34:24seletztrying 2.4.13-ac5-rmk2 on pt system 3 ...
09:36:12seletzmake neponset_config
09:36:19seletz(wronk window)
09:36:28seletzargh. wronG
09:41:19erikmseletz: put the CVS repository on a separate disk, that makes it a lot faster
09:42:14seletzerikm: i wish i could ...  budget( currenttime ) <= 0
09:42:47erikmseletz: find an old 2G disk, that already makes a difference
09:43:34seletzstaring at an win2k (eeek!) disk i never used (and i refuse to use)
09:45:05seletzwhere are my kernel changes gone ....
09:46:23seletzah. forgot to merge. doh!
09:47:06seletzagain cvs updating
09:57:59seletztimely as a clock he is... :)
09:59:07Sammyalso SIGDINNER
09:59:25Sammygo eat dinner...
10:16:04skandaneed help on certain things
10:16:48skandaI am using the Assabet incorporating the SA1110 processor
10:17:40skandaI am using the Assabet incorporating the SA1110 processor
10:18:08seletzskanda: ok, should work right out of the box.
10:18:09skandai need help to wake up the processor, once I put it to sleep
10:19:04skandabut the processor wakes up, I determine this thru the CRO where the use of the GPIO pin re enables all the control signal to the memory
10:19:51seletzskanda: ok, the proc wakes up, then. Correct?
10:20:09seletzskanda: but it does not make it back to linux?
10:20:28skandabut I am not able to regain control back from the blob.
10:20:40skandathe blob just hangs there
10:20:58seletzdo you see output on your serial line?
10:21:41skandawhat kind of output
10:21:43seletzi.e. does blob accept commands?
10:22:12skandait just hangs
10:22:54seletzi.e. when you put your board to sleep mode, then wake it up, does blob respond? 9k6 8n1 settings?
10:23:11skandait does not
10:23:12seletzone moment, i have alook at in the source ...
10:23:20seletzstaring at code
10:23:51skandai use kernel version 2.4.2-2 and the blob-1.0.8
10:24:15skandamy attempts to compile version 2.0.* ends up in an error
10:24:44skandathe error reads "linux.c:174: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type"
10:24:48seletzskanda: sorry, only 2.0.5 supports correct wake-up.
10:25:11seletzskanda: try getting a newer kernel version. we are up to 2.4.13 now.
10:25:11amruthaactually with 2.0.5....we have another erroe..
10:25:13skandayeah okay, but i get these errors everytime I try to compile blob 2.0.5
10:25:22skandahai amrutha
10:25:42skandathe error reads "linux.c:174: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type"
10:25:45seletzok, lets sort this out. compile errors _should_ not happen.
10:25:50amruthahow good is 2.4.12??
10:26:34seletzcurrently using 2.4.8-ac12-rmk1-np1
10:26:54seletzamrutha: what errors do you get? assabet too? old kernel too?
10:26:57amruthathe error with 2.0.5 blob is that.. asm/arch/sa1100.h not found..
10:27:21seletzamrutha: ok, you have to configure the kernel for your board first.
10:27:34amruthayeah..i have done that..
10:27:41seletzamrutha: what kernel
10:28:12seletzchecking out things ... one moment
10:28:12skandahow come is it not good???
10:30:24amruthasomehow..the control never passes to the blob on resume..
10:30:59seletzamrutha: asm/arch/sa1100.h is not included in blob ...
10:31:39amruthasorry..1 sec..i shall check that..1 sec..
10:31:42seletzamrutha: blob/include/blob/sa1100.h includes asm-arm-arch-sa1100/SA-1100.h, and that's correct.
10:32:24amruthabut have you tried with assabet with 2.0.5 blob??...the sleep/resume sequence??
10:33:23seletzamrutha: /me have long gave up assabet /me developing own board. I cant test it ATM, sorry. We'll sort this out together, ok? probs..
10:34:25amruthaany idea if the suspend.S is portable??
10:34:29seletzamrutha: people reported success in sleep/resume some time ago with assabet. it _should_ work, but only with 2.0.5
10:34:31amruthai mean to the new blob?
10:35:09seletzamrutha: you have to get 2.0.5 to compile for assabet.
10:35:16amruthaknow anyone specifically who has implemented this on assabet?
10:35:26amruthai have done that too..
10:35:38seletzamrutha: yes. /me developed the mem setup code in blob.
10:35:44amruthaactually i have written another program called sleep.S
10:35:50seletzamrutha: for sa1110, that is.
10:36:03seletzamrutha: why?
10:36:10amruthawhich i download on to the kernel at the blob prompt..
10:36:38seletzamrutha: newer kernel have sleep support built-in
10:36:42amruthajust to put the assbet to sleep by setting the force sleep bit to 1..
10:37:02amruthaanything wrong with this approach??
10:37:24seletzamrutha: no, that's not the way to do it. You have to do _lot_ more to get sleep/resume to work!
10:37:38amruthataht's right..
10:37:47skandasorry i am back
10:38:08amruthahave taken care of all the pwer, register save and all that..
10:38:10seletzamrutha: i'm not an expert in this, but you can't just put the force sleep bit to 1 and hope this will work. no way.
10:38:36seletzamrutha: ok, took the kernel code as an example?
10:38:56amruthabut thepower wake up enable reg(pwer) is programmed such that gpio transitions are detected..
10:39:25seletzwhich kernel? 2.4.12?
10:39:47seletzblob 2.0.5?
10:39:57amruthahow is 2.4.13 or 2.4.13 better than 2.4.12??
10:40:04amruthayes 2.0.5
10:40:31seletzno, should work.
10:40:54seletzdid you test it with the linux kernel? (not your code)
10:41:05skandablob 2.0.5 generates error everytime I try to compile
10:41:28amruthaatl;east with blob 1.0.8... when my program was downloaded on to the assabet..
10:41:28amruthathe processor used to go to sleep.
10:41:37amruthabut stops at starting kernel..
10:41:47seletzagain: blob 1.0.8 _CANT_ work with sleep/resume.
10:42:10seletzyou _HAVE_ to get 2.0.5 to compile.
10:42:11amruthai managed to check out the SD_CKE pin..
10:42:29seletzblob 1.0.8 does not correctly set up memory.
10:42:41amruthayeah..i more thing..
10:43:05seletztrying to compile 2.0.5 for assabet
10:43:22amruthawhen i compile the 2.0.5 with assbet..the last few lines..memory support and few me NO...why is that?
10:44:15seletzwell, you can enable enhanced features using configure --enable-XXXX
10:44:45skandawhere can you compile blob,
10:45:04skandashould it be in a specific directory or something or can you compile it anywhere
10:45:10amruthais the following right??
10:46:10amruthacc = arm-linux-gcc ./configure --with-board = assabet --with-linux-prefix =/..../linux --host= arm-linux-gnu
10:46:40skandawhats SIGPHONE anyway
10:46:58amruthaseletz: is it right??
10:47:45seletzat phone
10:51:10skandahai erik
10:53:08skandaits 2.4.12
10:53:43amruthai needed some help on 2.0.5 blob
10:54:30skandahello is anyone there
10:55:43amruthaseletz:r you there??
10:56:03erikmamrutha: seletz had a SIGPHONE
10:56:34amruthaerik:i needed some help on blob 2.0.5
10:58:43erikmamrutha: ask away
10:59:10erikmskanda: I haven't tried yet to compile blob against rmk's latest kernel
10:59:47amruthai have written a program sleep.S which i downlod on to the assabet at my blob prompt...
11:00:08amruthabut the control never passes back to the blob..
11:00:30erikmamrutha: does it behave the same as the linux-kernel does when it goes to sleep mode?
11:01:06amruthawell..i testwed the SD_CKE pin goes low
11:01:27skandayou mean download the linux kernel on to the Assabet's Flash and echo the suspend
11:01:33amruthawhen the sleep program is written to assabet and comes back too..but the control never passes to blob..
11:02:33erikmthe control *does* pass back to blob
11:02:58amruthathen how do make it branch to where the PSPR points to?
11:02:58skandawhich kerenel supports sleep/resume
11:03:25erikmbut blob assumes that there is a linux kernel to be started, so it only initialises the memory and branches to the kernel. the kernel restores the rest of the settings
11:03:43erikmamrutha: all kernels from linux-2.4.4-rmk*-np*
11:03:50skandaexactly, thats what we have done, but it never branches back i have to make any changes to blob 2.0.5??
11:04:17erikmamrutha: we think not, but we did not test it.
11:04:40erikmamrutha: also note that 2.0.5 is a *development* snapshot. it's not a working version and it might contain bugs
11:05:01amruthaoh!! so..what do you suggest as of now??
11:05:06amruthastick on to 1.0.8??
11:05:21skandaerik I will be sending my sleep program which i download onto the blob,
11:05:50skandacould you please check if its correct, I really need your help
11:06:02Sammygoes home ...
11:06:15erikmskanda: the easiest way to find out if you jump back to blob is to comment out the code that tests for a wakeup from sleep in start.S
11:06:25Sammysee all later , bye ^_^...
11:06:30erikmbye Sammy
11:06:39amruthabye sammy
11:07:05skandano either way resume fails in
11:07:18erikmskanda: if you get a blob> prompt, you can be sure that the wakeup went ok
11:07:31amruthawell.....the first thing the blob does is to check the RCSR reggie check if the sleep set..
11:07:39skandai am not getting blob prompt after i put it to sleep
11:07:39erikmamrutha: so comment that code out
11:07:54skandaerik accept this file
11:07:58erikmI did
11:08:13skandacould you kindly go through it
11:08:14amruthabut how will that help?
11:08:32erikmamrutha: in that way you can make sure that the machine indeed woke up
11:09:06skandaif you comment out the wakeup sequence how can you get the blob back
11:09:12erikmcause if you comment it out it will be a normal boot and you should get a blob prompt
11:09:28amruthaactually we have put the processor tos leep but setting the force sleep bit to 1
11:09:28erikmif not, there is something wrong with your hardware
11:09:53amruthano no...
11:09:58erikmyes yes
11:10:05amruthalemme explain how we have gone about it..
11:10:21skandaerik please see the aol.S file that I sent you
11:10:31amruthawe have a separate program to put it to sleep which we download on to the assabet at the blob prompt..
11:10:45erikmskanda: I accepted it, but throughput is 0 bytes/s
11:10:57amruthawe have aken care of pwer reg and other reggies..
11:11:24skandaok i will send it again
11:11:27amruthawhen i download the sleep.S program goes to sleep..
11:11:49amruthabut the control does not pass back to blob..i mean i do not get a blob prompt again..
11:12:19amruthaerikm: is my approah wrong??
11:12:43erikmamrutha: with unpatched you shouldn't get a blob prompt at all because blob will find out that it is a wakeup from sleep and jump to the address in the PSPR
11:13:11skandaerik accept this file
11:13:17erikmskanda: I did
11:13:18amruthaexactly..but this does not happen erik...where cud have i gone wrong??
11:13:24skandadid you get it
11:13:27erikmskanda: are you behind a firewall or so
11:14:02erikmskanda: ok, then dcc send doesn't work. send it by mail
11:14:11skandaso i will be mailing it to you right now, please reply to me
11:14:18skandawill do that right now
11:14:35amruthaerikm: any suggestions?
11:14:36erikmamrutha: could be many things. does the LED go on>
11:15:31amruthaactually not..
11:16:09erikmamrutha: that's a sign that there is either something wrong in the way you go to sleep, or with your hardware
11:16:57amruthabut when i press my gpio pin...the SD_CKE pin goes low and when i press it again it comes back..isn't that an indication of processor coming back??
11:17:13erikmamrutha: because switching on the LED is the first thing that happens when blob boots
11:18:00amruthaactually i have a digital oscilloscope to check the pin..
11:18:13erikmamrutha: well, actually, the third thing. first all interrupts are disabled and the cpu is switched to the correct speed
11:19:24seletzHi all again. have found the bug.
11:19:33seletzi cvs commit it.
11:19:38erikmseletz: where is it?
11:19:41amruthahow sure can i be that on pressing the gpio pin for resume the rcsr reg will have a 1 in the sleep reset
11:19:46amruthain the blob??
11:19:49seletzerikm: newer kernels break blob due to changed SA-1100.h
11:20:07erikmseletz: oh, that one
11:20:12seletzerikm: its in sa1100.h in blob/arch
11:20:16erikmseletz: I was just CVS upgrading my kernel :)
11:20:29seletzerikm: shall i commit it??
11:20:44erikmseletz: please do, I'll test it with an older kernel
11:21:59erikmamrutha: I think you can be pretty sure about that if you programmed it correct. but if the LED doesn't switch on, it's an indication something terrible went wrong
11:22:23erikmamrutha: btw, what is your program supposed to do after a wakeup from sleep?
11:22:44seletzso now i get a SIGMEETING :(((
11:22:52amruthajust branch to the content of the pspr...where it says...woke up from sleep.
11:23:19erikmamrutha: ah, and do you setup the serial port before you do that?
11:23:50amruthahow do i go about that??
11:23:56amruthajust when it resumes..
11:24:17erikmamrutha: yes, because a resume is the same as a reset, so the serial port has to be initialised again
11:24:26amruthait shud branch to a location where the serial port is setup and then print??
11:24:32erikmamrutha: yes
11:24:48amruthabut what about dram refresh cycles??
11:24:54amruthaany problem with that?
11:24:56erikmamrutha: that's handled by blob
11:25:22erikmamrutha: blob only does the minimal amount of work to resume the system: setup dram and jump back to where the PSPR points to the pspr i set up my serial port and then print the msg??
11:26:05erikmamrutha: yes.
11:26:18amruthathanx erik. i shall try that right away..
11:26:20erikmamrutha: and if you are on an assabet, you also have to enable the serial tranceiver in the bcr
11:26:35amruthaokie..what else shud i take care of??
11:27:34erikmthat's about it, I think
11:28:25amruthathank you erik:
11:28:37amruthaany problem..i shall mail u..
11:28:44skandaerik I ahve sent you the file , I think you should be receiving it
11:29:37skandaseeting the serial lines is before the jump to PSPR right
11:29:37erikmskanda: stefan just fixed the bug in blob
11:30:04amruthaerik:what was the prob in the blob??
11:30:07erikmskanda: blob doesn't initialise the serial port. you have to do that yourself
11:30:16erikmamrutha: it didn't compile with new kernels
11:30:30erikmskanda: see my explanation to amrutha
11:30:49amruthaerik..1 sec
11:31:54amruthanothing erik..
11:32:04amruthafine..i'm clear..
11:34:29erikmskanda: eh, you can't push things on a stack in your function, there *is* no stack
11:37:09seletz_meetingback (phew)
11:37:49skandaok so how do I save OSMR and other related registers
11:38:10skandais it important that I have to do that or is it okay to skip that part
11:38:46skandano stack?
11:38:59skandabut this is a program which follows the blob..
11:40:41erikmskanda: hmm, so you're using blob's stack
11:40:45skandais the rest of the program right
11:41:05skandano the processors
11:41:22erikmskanda: there is no such thing as a processor stack
11:41:28amruthadon't you think ..once the blob has already been setup..
11:41:46amruthathe program which follows it will be the processors??
11:41:48skandareally??? I was not sure about it
11:41:58skandaok so how do I save OSMR and other related registers
11:42:01skandais it important that I have to do that or is it okay to skip that part
11:42:15erikmskanda: I don't think that's really important for now
11:42:32skandaok i think I will completly skip that part,
11:42:48skandaso other than that is the rest of my program okay for resume
11:42:54seletz_meetingafk, bbl
11:43:01seletzafk, bbl
11:43:19erikmskanda: actually, because you didn't use any other hardware, the only important part is to restore the serial settings
11:43:40erikmskanda: look at how diag is set up
11:43:41skandaok I will try that defnitely
11:43:45amruthacan i import the serial settings directly from the blob..
11:44:04amruthai mean the part as in a hardware reset
11:44:10erikmamrutha: you can link against libblob.a and use that
11:44:25erikmamrutha: but that automatically means that your program will be GPL'ed as well
11:44:52amruthais that a problem??
11:45:01erikmamrutha: that might be your problem
11:45:30amruthawhere exactly do i link this..
11:45:57erikmamrutha: actually, diag is an excellent example of a program that is started from blob and uses libblob.a
11:46:36amruthaokie..i shall look into that.
11:46:59erikmamrutha: and blob-chain also is.
11:47:38erikmamrutha: blob-chain is the blob second stage loader with a chain booting first stage loader
11:49:15skandaerik, please go on a little slow, I am having trouble understanding all this
11:49:15seletzok, folks. I'm going now to test this power-stuff on an assabet i digged out. using blob 2.0.5 and 2.4.13-ac5-rmk2. Have to check out the sysctl() call first to get assabet sleeping. Anyone?
11:50:08erikmseletz: we might want to put a "sleep" test into diag
11:50:25amruthaerik : i find a start.S and a couple of other files in diag..
11:50:45amruthahow do i link against libblob.a?
11:51:06erikmamrutha: -L/path/to/blob/src/lib -lblob
11:51:26erikmamrutha: just like you link against any other library
11:51:45seletzerikm: yes, sure. i'll put this in diag as soon as possible. i neeed that really, you know :)
11:51:50skandawhats -L
11:52:00erikmskanda: man gcc
11:52:05skandaman gcc
11:52:36erikmgets something to drink
11:53:04amruthaseletz: checking the SD_CKE is a good idea??
11:53:21skandathat needs to be done in our makefile right ????
11:55:30seletzamrutha: sorry, i didnt follow the talk. Let me just test this on my assabet, ok?
11:55:52amruthayou mean power management??
11:56:18amruthado get back to me with results...please.
11:56:26seletzyes. as i said. I digged out an assabet, i'll test it with blob 2.0.5 and 2.4.13-ac5-rmk2. OK?
11:56:48amruthacan you do it with 2.4.12??? you wish...
11:59:56seletzamrutha: no. i'll take 2.4.13.
12:01:14amruthafine seletz :-)
12:06:03skandaseletz has the testing come through
12:17:36amruthaseletz:what is BCR??
12:32:53amruthabreakpoint address and control reggie??
12:40:50erikmBCR = Board Control Register
12:41:46erikmseletz: that means that wakeup from sleep works on assabet?
12:42:26seletzerikm: no, i'm in the middle of the test. be patient. :)
12:43:27seletzerikm: kernel compiles currently
12:43:39erikmok, /me waits
12:43:52erikmbtw, your patch to sa1100.h also works for older kernels
12:44:15seletzerikm: do you know how to invoke sleep with newer kernels? rmk added some sysctl() instead of /proc access :(
12:44:23seletzerikm: where do i read?
12:45:12erikmit's somewhere in /proc/sys/kernel/cpu, I think
12:46:22seletzerikm: no, rmk killed this. he made id acessible through sysctl() as supposed from ac
12:47:02seletzfind | xargs grep ... :)
12:47:13erikmsysctl() also live in /proc/sys
12:47:38seletzwell, then ... :)
12:47:53seletzlets see when the new kernel boots ....
12:48:16seletzstill compiling kernel (being on a slooow machine)
12:49:59seletzerikm: thought about making a new dev snapshot?
12:50:23erikmseletz: eh, right now?
12:50:41seletzerikm: well, blob does not compile when downloaded .
12:51:10seletzerikm: some sort of disappointing for people first trying blob.
12:51:36erikmseletz: well, we warned them about it
12:52:04seletzerikm: yes. ok. at last its called "development" snapshot. Your'e right.
12:53:28seletzbtw, my not-so-gifted network admin constantly switches his nt40 server (eek) on and off, hoping that's how he gets it working again :D
12:54:15erikmseletz: well, that's the triple-R method of problem solving which works wonderful with windows
12:54:35erikmtriple-R: Retry, Reboot, Reinstall
12:54:48erikmseletz: I guess he's at the second R right now
12:56:32erikmreceives a patch for the README file
13:05:55seletzmy network-admin strikes again! Wohaaaa!
14:15:01erikmhi prpplague
14:16:23prpplaguemorning erikm
15:12:22seletzhi again.
15:12:53seletzerikm: is it just me or does 2.4.13-ac5-rmk2 not boot at all on an assabet/neponset combination?
15:13:08erikmdidn't try it
15:15:23seletzwhat could i do wrong, i disabled all fancy stuff, and the kernel dioes not start. Added the printascii() hack to printk() and now at last see _something_. Gets to " Console: colour dummy device 80x30" and then fine. Guess I'll ask The List.
15:16:30seletzgrrr. 2.4.9 booted w/o probs. grrrr-grrr.
15:19:33prpplagueseletz: sorry guy, i can't help, i'm still kinda newbie myself
15:31:53seletzerikm: woha, porting blob how-to! Great!
15:32:53prpplagueseletz: thats what made me like from the start, is the excellent readme file
15:33:04prpplagues/like/like blob
15:33:47erikmseletz: yes, that's been there for quite some time
15:34:14erikmprpplague: note that the README file isn't up to date with the code
15:34:56seletzHmmm, i _should_ create a doc for diag, i guess.
15:34:57prpplagueerikm: ya i noticed some discrepences, however due to the detail of the doc, that really wasn't a big issue
15:35:20erikmseletz: I want to make a "doc" subdirectory anyway
15:35:36seletzerikm: sounds reasonable.
15:35:39erikmseletz: because I also want to explain some details about __initlist/__exitlist etc
15:36:01prpplagueerikm: i hope you got a good grade in school for blob....
15:36:10seletzerikm: great. Hope russ explains his paramblock stuff, too.
15:36:43erikmprpplague: hehe... no, I didn't learn this kind of coding at school :)
15:37:12erikmcvs adds doc directory
15:37:16seletzprpplague: one never learns actual coding at scool., only in reality.
15:37:37erikmseletz: *nod*
15:37:55prpplagueseletz: i'd like to think so, i only spend 2 years in college, didn't learn much
15:38:21seletzQED, i'd say.
15:42:24prpplaguewelcome back guys
15:42:44seletzerm, _you_ were off :)
15:43:01prpplaguenetwork split
15:43:26prpplaguedid i miss anything interesting?
15:43:34erikmnot really
15:43:57erikmI'll commit my very basic porting-to-ipaq guide to CVS
15:44:17erikmsee it as a start for a new "porting blob" guide
15:45:44seletzerikm: I'll have to write an how-to install blob for my customer. This will be a nice-formatted thing (probably from text->pdf). I'll be happy to add this thing to the doc dir.
15:46:19seletzerikm: Will be nichely written for (l)users who barely have exp with linux.
15:47:23erikmseletz: good idea. you might want to work together with wookey, he already has such stuff for LART
15:47:47seletzerikm: is it on the web?
15:48:03erikmseletz: I think it's somewhere on aleph1's website
15:48:35seletzI'll check it out when i start. But first get things working :)
15:49:23prpplagueerikm: btw is there an e.t.a. on the availablity of creditlart?
15:49:25erikmseletz: just mail him. wookey usually likes to work together on this kind of things
15:49:31erikmprpplague: not really
15:49:58seletzerikm: great, i'll do.
15:50:57prpplagueerikm: think i should hold off on getting a lart and wait for creditlart?
15:52:31seletzerikm: are lart boards available? I always thoght they're some sort of academical experiment/prototype boards? How much are they?
15:52:35erikmprpplague: I think the creditlart will at least take three to four months
15:52:48erikmseletz: aleph1 sells them
15:53:01seletzchecking out
15:53:59prpplagueerikm: i need to work on learning more of the hardware portion of arm
15:57:15seletzugh. adds up to 800.- british pounds. but wait,  assabet was $1.500.- :)
16:15:00seletzerikm: assabet + neponset combination breaks when using blob. Blob correctly detects the 3rd bank of memory, and ads this to the atag nodes. 3rd bank is on neponset board, and thus slower, which f*** up the kernel. (No NUMA yet :)
16:15:43seletzerikm: i currently test a hack ...
16:16:09erikmseletz: I think the sanest thing is to see assabet+neponset as a different machine, just like the kernel does
16:16:46seletzerikm: yup. But wait unitl i confirm my statement.
16:17:20sammy_wmsmaybe I should sleep now , but I got the mail from my friend to asked me about the IPAQ hardware layout ....
16:17:35seletzerikm: btw, sadly enough the kernel does _not_ see assabet+neponset separately. Its a mess there, too.
16:17:44sammy_wmserikm : can you tell me the NDA way ?
16:17:56erikmsammy_wms: no
16:18:19erikmsammy_wms: this is what you can get from the web, which is enough to get you going
16:18:45sammy_wmsbecause I don't know how to answer his question :(
16:19:18sammy_wmsexpecially after he borrow me the puppy ....
16:20:10erikmsammy_wms: I can't help you anyway, because my NDA with compaq only covers the location of the JTAG test pins
16:20:38sammy_wmsdon't have all hardware layout ?
16:21:09erikmsammy_wms: no, that was not necessary, so I didn't get it
16:21:32sammy_wmsok , I'll let him stop mail again and again ...
16:21:46erikmsammy_wms: the URL I just gave you covers the hardware
16:21:49seletzerikm: first hacking test failed, so my guess not yet confirmed. But anyway, assabet+neponset is currently handled wrong, IMHO. But i'm getting tired of compiling kernels, so i'll leave now. grmpf.
16:22:45sammy_wmsI don't tell him you NDA it , but I already tell him the NDA way about the jemmy ...
16:23:01erikmsammy_wms: what does he want to know?
16:23:19erikmsammy_wms: because all the ipaq programming information is available on the web
16:23:58seletzbye folks, until tomorrow.
16:24:23sammy_wmsI don't know , JTAG is first , but all hardware inside what it use maybe the final...
16:24:42erikmbye seletz
16:24:57sammy_wmsseletz_goin_home: bye :)
16:25:05prpplagueseletz_goin_home: later
16:25:15erikmseletz_goin_home: he doesn't need JTAG unless he's writing a bootloader
16:25:29erikmuh, that was for sammy_wms
16:26:01sammy_wmsand beside this , the JTAG layout is also useful for me :)
16:26:09erikmyou don't need it
16:26:21sammy_wmsbut now you are right ...
16:26:36sammy_wmsI really don't need it ...
16:26:43erikmhaving signed an NDA only hinders you in doing your work
16:27:18sammy_wmswhy ?
16:27:39erikmbecause you have to be very careful in what you tell and to who you talk
16:27:54erikmI'd rather not signed that NDA with Compaq
16:28:13sammy_wmsoh , I know
16:28:45sammy_wmslike use the OS ( WXX ) ^_^
16:29:21sammy_wmsexpecially XP
16:29:41erikmone of the nice things of working without NDAs is that you can talk to everybody about anything. and because you're not bounded by anything, people are much more likely to share information
16:30:24sammy_wmsyeah , I agree that ...
16:31:39erikmthat's why I can go to both IBM Watson research labs and Compaq Cambridge research labs all in one week and talk about that kind of stuff
16:33:44erikmsammy_wms: but anyway, send your friend the URL I just gave you, he most likely doesn't need anything more
16:34:04sammy_wmsohmm, really hardy ....
16:34:14sammy_wmsOK I'll tell him
16:34:43sammy_wmsI find out some curious things ,
16:35:09sammy_wmswhen I use the ./configure for assabet
16:35:34sammy_wmsand do it on puppy , still can work , why ?
16:35:57sammy_wmsnot still mean's also
16:36:00erikmsheer luck
16:36:30erikmso does it work or not?
16:36:54sammy_wmsyes , it _really_ work ...
16:37:12erikmok, sheer luck
16:38:00sammy_wmsconfig with puppy and assabet both all can work ...
16:39:05sammy_wmsbut I still curoius why , and go througt the blob code , to make it clear , and find out why ?
16:39:59sammy_wmserikm: if I get the code clear , can I send the diff to you and let you add it to the blob ?
16:43:05sammy_wmsok , I'll use this few day's to let the blob naked and go through something you rewrite new :)
16:45:36...but sammy is prepare to order Tux , what I should do now ?...
16:45:36sammy_wmsibot : Sammy is now porting blob on PUPPY .
16:48:06sammy_wmshow to let ibot know the thing's I do now ?
16:48:47erikmsammy_wms: use "ibot: no, sammy is ..."
16:49:02...but sammy is prepare to order Tux , what I should do now ?...
16:49:02sammy_wmsibot : Sammy is now porting blob on PUPPY .
16:49:16...but sammy is prepare to order Tux , what I should do now ?...
16:49:16sammy_wmsibot :no, Sammy is now porting blob on PUPPY .
16:49:30...but sammy is prepare to order Tux , what I should do now ?...
16:49:30erikmibot: no, Sammy is now porting blob on PUPPY
16:50:32sammy_wms: i'm not following you...
16:50:32sammy_wmsibot: I want your memory now >(
16:50:46erikmno, Sammy is now porting blob on PUPPY
16:50:51i already had it that way, erikm.
16:50:51erikmibot: no, Sammy is now porting blob on PUPPY
16:51:08erikmsammy_wms: ok, it helps if you /msg him corrections
16:51:13sammy is, like, now porting blob on PUPPY
16:51:13erikmibot: sammy?
16:51:43sammy_wmsok , thank you ...
16:51:59sammy_wmsnight erikm and all :)
17:27:28prpplagueerikm: mind if i ask a strange question? do you set goals for yourself on how much you learn and comprehend about programming concepts on a regular basis?
17:28:13erikmno, not really
17:29:06erikmI just come about a problem and tackle it
17:29:36erikmprpplague: there are however a couple of books that influenced my programming
17:29:45prpplaguedo tell
17:29:55erikmthe C programming language, ANSI edition. K&R
17:30:17erikmprogramming pearls, 2nd edition. Jon Bentley
17:30:33erikmthe practice of programming. kernighan & pike
17:31:00erikmand to a lesser extent:
17:31:54erikmthe mythical man month, 25th anniversary edition. fred brooks
17:33:55prpplaguei'll check them out
17:34:17prpplaguei'm just wondering about my problem solving techniques
17:34:57erikmprogramming pearls is good for that
17:36:03prpplaguei always solve the problem, but sometimes it takes a week ot two for me learn and comprehend what i need to know
17:39:54prpplagueerikm: that the one your talking about?
17:43:39erikmthat's the K&R book yes
17:44:24erikmhere is programming pearls:
17:44:30prpplagueerikm: thanks for the suggestions
17:46:46erikmprpplague: btw, the first reviewer for "programming pearls" is severly misguided. jon bentley's book is still up-to-date
17:48:32prpplagueargh, when i added "the c programming language" to my cart, amazon asked would you like to purchase visual c++ !
17:53:43erikmhmm, /me thinks about buying
17:56:15prpplaguehmm looks nice
17:57:57prpplaguewell just bought cprogramming, programming pearls, and practice of programming
17:57:58erikmcompares prices
17:59:35erikmmight as well get it from price is no difference, but they ship faster
18:00:07prpplagueerikm: for you or me?
18:00:17erikmfor me
18:03:22prpplagueyou know they say most men compensate by buy large cars and boats, i wonder if geeks compensate by buying large books?
18:03:59prpplague"my bookshelf is bigger that yours!"

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