irclog2html for blob on 2001.11.06

00:44:03Sammymorning :)
02:19:58Sammyhi Russ ^_^
02:21:27SammyRuss : I think the cup here most of peopel always use to drink Tea ...
02:22:32Sammybut if you don't drink tra , it's can also be a coffee cup :)
02:25:29SammyI don't know ,because many other country peopel travel here always buy some pottery anyway ^_^
02:37:20Russits nice
02:37:25Russwhen does your b-day come up?
04:07:58Sammygo lunch....
07:53:12seletzhi guys! Morning!
07:54:03seletzreading mail
07:56:06Sammyevering seletz
08:01:42seletzAhhh, patching the 2.4.13-ac5 kernel now works with rmk2 patch ;-)
08:03:19seletzheavy CVSing new kernel ... ;-)
08:42:00Russbut still doesn't work for me
08:42:06Russstill hangs on bb mount -a
08:44:59seletzkernel 2.4.13-ac5-rmk2 does not work or what?
08:58:38Sammyyo erikm
09:05:18seletzhi erik
09:07:07seletzerikm: people seem to have problems with sleep wakeup when using blob, guess they use a old version (see posts on the list). Posted a request on the list to get this sorted out. Hope this helps (i cant test this ATM).
09:07:22erikmseletz: ok
09:07:53erikmseletz: I've seen that as well. the new 2.0.5-pre1 snapshot should help them sort this out
09:08:16seletzerikm: yes, i said that again. btw, rmk2 applies at last :)
09:10:33erikmjust read linux-arm-kernel
09:17:05erikmstarts working on a ramdisk for WeirdArms
09:19:22Sammyseletz : can you help me to explan barrier() __asm__ __volatile__("";;;""memory") ?
09:20:03seletzthis is to trick the gcc compiler out for not optimizing away the previoues code.
09:21:13erikmmore specifically, it tells the compiler that this assembly statement does some memory references, but it doesn't specify exactly which ones
09:21:22seletzessentially __asm( "";;;"memory") means that "memory" has changed and the compiler is not allowed to assume that he can optimize things coming from memory (the same adress) before.
09:21:58erikmso the only thing the compiler can do is to write out outstanding memory writes, and reload them again after the barrier
09:22:05seletzwith __asm() you can write assembly within c code. read the GNU gcc info pages on that.
09:22:47seletzSammy: got it?
09:23:02Sammyok clear :)
09:24:14seletzin practice, one uses the barrier() macro to be sure that the actual memory location is freshly read/written, and does not come from cache or is optimized away. call the barrier() in intel32.c every line .
09:26:17Sammygot it ...
12:37:45Sammyerikm : I don't get one more thing , where is the data_(from)(to)_flash () function ?
12:38:04erikmin flashasm.S
12:38:13erikm(grep is your friend)
12:39:32Sammyoh ..through it
12:41:25Sammyok catch it...
13:49:42prpplaguemorning all
13:50:38Sammyyo prpplague :D
13:52:47prpplaguehowdy Sammy
13:55:39erikmhi prpplague
13:56:48prpplagueerikm: hows the blob dl counter doing?
13:59:01erikm13 times from the LART site right now
13:59:08erikmdon't know yet about SF
14:00:24prpplaguehmm, i need to add to that...
14:01:07prpplagueerikm: looks like i'm going to spend all week working on hardware issues instead of coding...
14:01:29prpplaguemy job is keeping me from my work...
14:03:10erikmheh :)
14:03:19erikmalso does some non-blob related work
14:04:46prpplaguemy company is installing our accounting system at new chain of retail stores, the sales guys promisied them we'd use their existing barcode scanner, card swipes, printers and cash drawers
14:05:13prpplagueof course i didn't find out until they were onsite trying to set things up
14:05:27prpplaguefun fun fun
15:05:25Sammygo home ..
15:51:57erikmgoes home
18:05:56prpplaguehowdy BZFlag

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