irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.30

07:34:34Sammylxrbot : JTAG ?
07:34:35lxrbotsammy: i don't know
07:34:51Sammylxrbot : ramdisk ?
07:34:51lxrbotsammy: i don't know
07:35:02Sammylxrbot : kernel
07:35:13Sammylxrbot : kernel ?
07:35:14lxrboti don't know, sammy
07:35:34Sammylxrbot : erikm ?
07:35:34lxrboterikm 0wnz you (and me)
07:36:39Sammylxrbot : Russ ?
07:36:39lxrbotsammy: i don't know
07:36:55Sammylxrbot : what is kernel ?
07:36:56lxrbotsammy: i don't know
07:37:08Sammylxrbot : what is linux ?
07:37:09lxrbotlinux is a free OS designed to be similar to UNIX. It has almost all of the functionality of UNIX, despite its non-UNIX nature. The code and the support for Linux comes from the users and developers of the operating system. The latest version of the Linux kernel can be obtained from, or one of its mirrors.
07:37:32Sammylxrbot : what is erikm ?
07:37:33lxrboterikm 0wnz you (and me)
07:37:48Sammylxrbot : where is Sammy ?
07:37:49lxrbotsammy: i don't know
07:38:07Sammylxrbot : what you know ?
07:38:08lxrboti don't know, sammy
07:38:23Sammylxrbot : who are you ?
07:38:23lxrbothmmm... i am stupid
07:38:44Sammylxrbot : what is stupid ?
07:38:44lxrbotsammy: i don't know
07:39:03Sammylxrbot : 1 X 1?
07:39:03lxrboti don't know, sammy
07:55:52Sammyafter good conversations wiht lxrbot, back to work.....
08:26:22Sammyerering seletz.
08:27:14Sammyseletz : have you ever try CVS blob 2.0.4 on LART ?
08:29:35seletzSammy: no, i dont own a Lart board :(
08:31:00Sammysomeone help me to lay one 320 x 240 lcd panel , so My LART now have LCD :-)
08:31:21seletzSammy: did you try my lcd code stuff?
08:31:40Sammynow I am trying too ...
08:32:16seletzSammy: give me a hint when it works (or dont works)
08:32:43SammyOK, wait my good news
08:33:11Sammyseletz : your system 3 have BCR too ?
08:37:49SammyLCD hardware problem , fix now ...
08:39:39seletzSammy: nah. No Assabet-like BCR. Our HW designer gave me 3 Registers to care about :/
08:40:46seletzSomeone here knows what to program into the EEPROM for a SMC91x96 Ethernet Chip? The Spec doesnt mention it :/
09:34:16erikm was last seen on #blob 11 hours, 37 minutes and 43 seconds ago, saying: bye [Mon Oct 29 21:56:33 2001]
09:34:16seletzibot: seen erikm
10:24:56Sammydinner time ...
10:27:56seletzlxrbot: help
10:28:35Sammyseletz : you mean
10:29:03Sammylxrbot : what is linux ?
10:29:04lxrbotlinux is a free OS designed to be similar to UNIX. It has almost all of the functionality of UNIX, despite its non-UNIX nature. The code and the support for Linux comes from the users and developers of the operating system. The latest version of the Linux kernel can be obtained from, or one of its mirrors.
10:29:20Sammylxrbot : what is Sammy ?
10:29:21lxrboti don't know, sammy
10:29:33Sammylxrbot : what is lxrbot ?
10:29:33lxrboti think i am stupid
10:29:42seletzcool stuff
10:29:48Sammyhehe ...go dinner
10:31:44seletzlxrbot: where is irq_lock in 2.4.0
10:31:44seletzlxrbot: whereis irq_lock in 2.4.0
10:31:45lxrboti don't know, seletz
10:31:45lxrbotFatal error (Could not open "/mn/mnemosyne/info2/lxr/source/2.4.0//xref") from LXR on keyword irq_lock, kernel 2.4.0
10:59:24Sammyis back
10:59:54Sammyseletz : erikm say lxrbot is a define bot ...
11:02:24Sammyso asking him define
11:02:43Sammylxrbot: what is windows
11:02:44lxrboti don't know, sammy
11:02:49Sammylxrbot: what is windows ?
11:02:50lxrboti don't know, sammy
11:02:59Sammylxrbot: what is iPAQ ?
11:03:00lxrboti don't know, sammy
11:03:14Sammylxrbot: what you know ?
11:03:15lxrbotsammy: i don't know
11:03:36somebody said lxrbot was my fellow bot. he knows a lot about the linux kernel and normally lives on #kernelnewbies.
11:03:36Sammyibot : what is lxrbot ?
11:53:47Sammyseletz : ?
14:03:57prpplaguemorning all
14:07:27prpplagueseletz: hows it going? was it you or sammy that was doing the sa-1110 memory code?
14:10:13seletzit was me. Going well, board runs linux.
14:10:26seletzat MEMCLK/2, that is.
14:11:57seletzi did also the memtest and lcd stuff in diag.
14:12:46seletzMore to come, tough. I think next it'll be ethernet SMC 91c96 Chip support in blob.
14:13:39seletzafk, bbl
14:18:38prpplagueseletz: cool, i have several sa-1110 lined up for which i'd like to use blob
14:19:09seletzthey should work w/o problems
14:19:46seletzgrab the source and add your board to the supported platforms list if they aren't in it yet.
14:20:14seletzthen write a your_board_name.{c|h} take assabet as an example.
14:20:36seletzWhat's your board like?
14:20:40prpplagueseletz: great, i'm still working on sa-1100 stuff right now
14:21:16prpplagueseletz: but this is what i'll be working with
14:24:08seletzprpplague: looks cool. Is it you who gets rid off the CE crap?
14:24:21seletzprpplague: read "port linux"
14:24:37prpplagueseletz: ya you can buy it without ce
14:25:22prpplagueseletz: yes this the one i'm porting linux on now -
14:25:45seletzbtw, do you know of a device driver for linux/usb slave which implements a external storage device?
14:26:07prpplaguealthough rmk would not be happy that we've refered to is as porting, rmk really did the porting, were just tweaking it
14:26:47prpplagueseletz: hmm, not as usb slave
14:27:50seletzprpplague: why, as host this cant work, can it? [our marketing people want our device get connected via usb to a windows host for ex.]
14:32:02prpplagueseletz: ohh i see what you mean
14:33:13prpplagueseletz: i've used this before -
14:36:24seletzprpplague: well, ok. Now i want our device act as such a "disk on key" thing. That way, our customers can easy drag&drop files from/to the handheld device running linux.
14:38:27prpplagueseletz: hmm, i've not done anything like that, but seems like you should be able to create a loop device which points to a dir and when usb connectivity in detected, the usb device is pointed to the loop device
14:39:23prpplagueseletz: if you find something out let me know, that would be valuable info
14:39:53seletzok. Just googled it [whil downloading 2.5 mb via serial line. ugh.]
14:43:47seletzah. has lots of infos :)
15:14:10prpplagueya thats where i got the info on working with the diskonkey stuff
15:14:45prpplaguei've even posted a few devices i've tested usb-linux with ( bar code scanner, card swipes, etc.)
15:15:10seletzthe got a spec on mass storage via usb. maybe i'll investigate further using the usb prog guide and the existing usb slave api.
16:23:24sammy_wmsseletz : you here ?
16:24:15sammy_wmsthe blob run 2.0.4 on lart a little problem ...
16:24:43seletzgot the newest cvs? eric yesterday fixed a stack problem
16:25:04sammy_wmsseletz : what will happen when your lcd code run ?
16:25:35seletzdepends :)
16:25:42seletzwhats the problem?
16:26:05sammy_wmslet me ask you front the first , is that when you configure must add --enable-lcd ?
16:26:34sammy_wmsor change the acconfig
16:27:17seletzwell, erik added some stuff in "use_lcd=yes" or so, on
16:27:20seletzlart this is no
16:27:37sammy_wmsbut I change it to yes,
16:27:59seletzdo a "--enable-maintainer-mode" too, then autoconf runs automatically when config changes
16:28:28sammy_wmsso the blob now know the LART have LCD right ?
16:29:51seletzyup. but you will most probably get an #error because you have to add some configuration of the LCCR registers first. I cannt do that on a example basis because it could f*** up your lcd when settings are wrong
16:30:13seletzlook at system3.h and system3.c
16:30:39sammy_wmsso the lcd not really on ...
16:30:59sammy_wmsstill have problem on hardware ...
16:31:04seletzwell, it wont compile.
16:31:17seletztell me your problem, please.
16:31:30seletzfrom start.
16:31:44seletzwhat did you do already and so on
16:32:03sammy_wmswhen blob on , and lcd do too,
16:32:39sammy_wmsbut after then , lcd just off
16:33:10sammy_wmsso I don't know is that diag still go run ?
16:33:55seletzno, the lcd stuff is in diag. Sorry for the confusion.
16:34:11seletzYou have to load diag.
16:34:22sammy_wmsload ?
16:34:25sammy_wmshow ?
16:34:34seletzdiag == kernel
16:34:38seletzdownload kernel
16:35:09seletzdiag gets startet the same way the kernel does.
16:35:39sammy_wmsdownload the kernel from outside ... and diag will go first the kernel right ?
16:36:08seletzinstall blob on ya board
16:36:25seletzdownload diag via the "download kernel" command
16:36:36seletzstart diag using "boot"
16:37:20seletzcurrently one cant have more than one kernel with blob. Erik works on some partition support. I will add tonight (so i hope)
16:37:39seletz_some_ support for hard-wired partiotions.
16:38:05seletz(will go away when erik's work is done.)
16:39:16sammy_wmsand then still go to  "login:" ?
16:40:19sammy_wmsor stop to waiting your ramdisk ?
16:40:23seletzuh-oh. /you confusing things.
16:40:48seletzmy lcd support is _only_ for diagnostics and test purposes.
16:41:05seletzthis lcd thing has _nothing_ to do with the kernel.
16:41:30seletz_no_ linux running when diag is running.
16:41:57sammy_wmsbut you say download kernel ?
16:42:00seletzjust for diagnostics, hence the name. perhaps a splash screen in the future.
16:42:36sammy_wmsso just sownload with the kernel
16:42:36seletzi said that. Well start over again. please forget anything you know already :)
16:43:12sammy_wmsoh :)
16:43:38seletzmoment SIGgirlfriend
16:44:12sammy_wmsoh, that's important things ,
16:44:21sammy_wmsneed to go ?
16:44:29seletzno phone
16:44:57seletzok. back to work :)
16:45:25sammy_wmshave a picture ?
16:46:13sammy_wmssuggest seletz put a girlfriend's picture beside the moniter :-)
16:46:22seletzerik and i wrote diag for diagnostic purposes. I needed all commands diag now has to get my board running and debug hardware etc.
16:47:12sammy_wmsI know...
16:47:19seletzas i came to test (Hardware, that is) the lcd of my board i wrote some test routines for diag.
16:47:28seletzthat's all.
16:47:37seletzso now comes the important stuff:
16:48:35seletzonce you get diag working with your lcd display you know your HW is ok and one can get over to linux and add support to the linux fb driver (for your board with LCD)
16:49:38seletzbecause you know your hw is good and you got your lcd working you have the settings _almost_ done. support for the fb driver can now easy added.
16:50:02seletzok, how do i start diag, anyway? i hear you askink. Well:
16:51:26seletzdiag is a completely separate binary from blob. they share quite some code, but they are separate binaries. one can even get diag working with other boot loaders. And thats the point: you need a bootloader to "boot" (read: start) diag.
16:51:57seletzso, now how do i get diag into memory using blob (my favorite boot loader)? Ok:
16:52:49seletzas diag is like the kernel, you can use the same command for downloading the kernel via seral line for diag.
16:54:20seletzBlob will put any binary downloaded with the "download kernel" command to the same address. so just "download kernel" and uuencode the diag binary to your serial line
16:54:40seletzthen start diag the same way you would start the kernel: "boot"
16:54:56seletzthe problem is now:
16:55:29seletzone cannot have the diag and the kernel in FLASH memory at the same time (as of now).
16:56:12seletzyes, you can just "flash kernel" when the diag is downloaded and you can autoboot into diag.
16:56:52sammy_wmsbut if I just say boot ?
16:57:23seletzwhen diag got downloaded first, then you get diag.
16:57:42seletzwhen blob starts, preloads the kernel.
16:58:55seletzBZFlag: hi. PAYPAL takes _forever_ to confirm my new account. As soon as i have a Paypal id i'll get one of your TuxScreen beasts :)
16:59:35seletzsammy_wms: ok?
16:59:41sammy_wmsseletz : ok .
17:00:20BZFlagseletz: cool.
17:00:33sammy_wmsnow is clear....
17:01:37sammy_wmsseletz :must try tomorrow , but as you say my problem is in my hardware still can't make sure :-\
17:02:21seletzsammy_wms: ok, then now look at system3.[c|h] in src/diag for examples. Dont look at contrast/brightness, this is specific to our board.
17:02:50sammy_wmsso I still don't can sure that if the problem is from the hardware or software ...
17:03:44sammy_wmsI'll test it ^_^
17:03:52seletzBut _why_ ? Do you have the correct settings for your LCD? Add them and it _should_ work right away!
17:04:56sammy_wmsbut the guy help me the layout the LCD hardware , don'
17:05:45sammy_wmsdon't say any imfornation about the LCD...
17:06:07seletzIsnt there a type number or something on the lcd?
17:06:18seletzJust google this.
17:06:36seletzSo did i, and came up with my lcd spec from kyocera ...
17:07:05sammy_wmsonly I just know is I got a LCD and is 320 x 240 and is 2 color ,
17:07:24sammy_wmsI'll check that tomorrow...
17:07:40seletzok. 2 color is'nt that much :/
17:09:55sammy_wmsseletz : so that I still need to rewrite the system3.X to go the diag ? right ?
17:10:59seletzno, add a separate file.
17:11:27seletzcopy system3.c if you wish, but beware. our hw is quite strange ...
17:12:34seletzwe use 3 BCR like registers to control HW. We use PWM from SA1111 to control contrast and brightness. you most probaply won't watnt to do that :)
17:12:58sammy_wmsseletz:does erikm use diag on LART before ?
17:14:02seletzi think he tried it once. Dont know for sure, tough. I think he doesn't like my coding style, but i really dont know.
17:14:47sammy_wmsand puppy also use BCR , so I am trying add code on blob and test it (the serial port )...
17:16:33sammy_wmsseletz : that's fine , don't worry about that , have a style is good for a man :)
17:17:29sammy_wmsand that's also good for someone (at least me) ^_^
17:18:55sammy_wmsbecause I am not as long as time to play this in this group , still have lot of thing to learn ...
17:19:37sammy_wmsif I have and can do something like you , I'll very glad to do that :-)
17:23:26sammy_wmsok , test it tomorrow , need some sleep , thand seletz :-)
17:23:33sammy_wmsnight all ...
17:23:39seletzbye sammy!
17:25:11sammy_wmszZz and er one word thanx selez not than"d" :)
18:43:54seletzbye all. get to sleep.

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