irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.29

16:03:06erikmseletz: it's really nonsense
16:03:15seletzi have to admit that i never used / seen a stripped down X system.
16:03:32erikmjim gettys and keith packard developed X on a 2MB VAX
16:03:52seletzOk, big point.
16:03:52erikmso what's the problem with your 32MB handheld?
16:04:38seletzone gets distracted by some linux distros, i suppose. There X _is_ big.
16:04:45seletzmost distros, i think.
16:04:51erikmthe X server *looks* big
16:05:13erikmthat's because it mmaps the complete framebuffer, which is indeed accounted to the X server
16:06:00seletzbut, OTOH, when i dont need a window manager, when i just need some buttons, some text and a drawing container for displaying data, would i use X?
16:07:05erikmbut lots of people want more than that: multiple windows, window stacking order, iconify, etc.
16:07:16seletzWell, there you have it. Our app will run in one window. No other windows. No window at all in fact.
16:07:24seletzYes. i know.
16:07:30seletzThen X is great.
16:08:07seletzyou can set DISPLAY and work remote. _thats_ great. One can use VNC. Great, too.
16:08:56erikmbtw, I'm going to move the USE_SERIAL[13] stuff into the architecture dependent header files
16:09:12seletzmakes sense.
16:09:42seletzwell, I got to eat something now. had no lunch at all.
16:10:18seletzbye guys!
16:10:20erikmhmm, yeah
16:10:24erikmSIGDINNER, I think
16:10:35seletzyes. so to speak :)
18:18:50prpplaguehowdy BZFlag
18:19:14prpplaguei talked to john lombardo today and mentioned the tuxscreen to him
18:22:16prpplagueBZFlag: he said he was going to buy one
18:23:05BZFlag ?
18:24:02erikmBZFlag: spooky idea to support a 40MB TuxScreen: we binary patch blob
18:24:37BZFlagor, or even wow.
18:24:47BZFlagerikm: yeah, what cha think?
18:25:01prpplagueBZFlag: how about this
18:25:02BZFlagerikm: I'd like to see a memdebug dump in a 40M phone.
18:25:29BZFlagperhaps we could find other aliases the would work for the onboard memory.
18:25:31erikmBZFlag: IIRC the only difference is the memory setup, right?
18:26:00erikm(so the stuff that goes in MDCNFG etc)
18:26:07BZFlagerikm: oh, I guess it could be that John Lombardo
18:26:19BZFlagerikm: right.
18:27:04erikmBZFlag: what happens with the memory map if you run a blob for a 16MB TuxScreen on a machine with 40MB?
18:28:20BZFlagah, that looks like the right place. ;-)
18:28:39BZFlagerikm: 16M shows up.
18:28:48erikmBZFlag: hmm. duh.
18:29:00erikmBZFlag: so we can't autodetect it.
18:29:10erikmBZFlag: shouldn't be a problem, though
18:29:21BZFlagInferno autodetects, but the existing register settings in blob won't
18:29:22Russ|werkI like the idea of putting mirrors together, instead of apart
18:29:47erikmRuss|werk: that's also a solution
18:29:49BZFlagRuss|werk: agreed. that's why I want to see a map.
18:30:18BZFlagif the 40M setting has workable aliases, then I suspect that memcnfg could be used for all configs.
18:30:31prpplagueBZFlag: sorry didn't mean to be obtuse, just thought you might want to know about him being interested in the tuxscreen
18:30:55BZFlagprpplague: no problem. thanx. it's the book John right?
18:30:57erikmRuss|werk: cause the other solution I was thinking about was to binary patch blob.
18:31:11BZFlagerikm: patched to do what?
18:31:36erikmBZFlag: make a command that binary patches the blob memory setup and write it back to flash
18:31:47erikmBZFlag: tricky, but works
18:32:19BZFlagno, it should be detectable. just add some code to deal with it that is ifdef SHANNON.
18:32:29BZFlagsee the inferno code for examples.
18:32:32prpplagueBZFlag: yes, he said he was interested in doing some research on how you guys implmented the buildroot and how you guys have been working on getting linux running
18:32:44erikmBZFlag: ok, if there is *some* way to autodetect it, we could do that as well.
18:33:04erikmBZFlag: problem is that we do autodetection from C, not from assembly
18:33:11BZFlagprpplague: have him join #TuxScreen and all shall be revealed. ;-)
18:33:25prpplagueBZFlag: i did
18:34:23BZFlagerikm: ah. yes. this would be easier in memsetup.S
18:34:48erikmoh, btw, now I moved the stack into the .bss section, we do have a problem when you configure with --eneable-all-features: the .bss overlaps with the kernel at 0xc0008000
18:34:59BZFlagELJ wants me to do an article.
18:35:31BZFlagerikm: so what's the long term plan to fix that one?
18:35:37erikmthe short term solution is to make the stack 4K instead of 8K, the long term solution is that I'm going to move blob to 0xc0000000 +1MB
18:35:58erikmor actually, I'm going to make the entry point for the second stage loader a configure time variable
18:36:08BZFlagerikm: not on a 40M tux you aren't. ;-)
18:36:28Russ|werkwhy not let blob figure out where to put itself based on a memory map?
18:36:46BZFlagRuss|werk: it's not relocatable at present, right?
18:36:56erikmRuss|werk: possible, but in that case you would need a complete ELF relocator
18:37:08erikmRuss|werk: and I'd like to avoid that
18:37:22Russ|werkwhat if you just did -fPIC
18:37:26erikmdoesn't work
18:37:40BZFlagRuss: that's only half the issue.
18:37:45erikmalready tried that: there is *no* difference between code with and without -fPIC
18:38:11BZFlagerikm: really? hmmm. I would have expected to get a jump table with -fPIC
18:38:28Russ|werkso....the only easy way to relacet blob would be with the MMU
18:38:47erikmRuss|werk: and *that's* something I would like to avoid
18:39:19erikmBZFlag: if there a 1MB memory region that a 16MB and a 40MB tuxscreen share?
18:39:39erikmBZFlag: if so, that would become the entry point for the TuxScreen
18:39:40BZFlagGPSFan says 0x00c8993f in MDCNFG does the trick.
18:40:04BZFlagerikm: there is, but there are no larger blocks.
18:40:18erikmBZFlag: blob doesn't need anything larger :)
18:40:27BZFlagah, but the kernel will.
18:40:40erikmthe zImage only needs 1MB
18:41:02erikmin theory you can create much larger zImages, but in practice that never happens
18:41:05BZFlagbut it needs to decompress and run someplace.
18:41:17BZFlagwell, the tux zImage is like 900k now.
18:41:30erikmwhat do you put in the kernel?
18:41:37BZFlagbut that's just cause that's how big the MTD partition was.
18:41:55BZFlagso I compiled pcmcia vfat ext2 reiserfs, etc all static.
18:41:57erikmBTW, any chance to feed the TuxScreen changes to rmk?
18:42:27BZFlagerikm: yes. I need to clean them up and send em in now that we have dsp code and such too.
18:42:44BZFlagRuss: you going to have some time for that? or should I do it?
18:42:52Russ|werkerikm: I gotta do that
18:42:56erikmBZFlag: just send him the basic stuff for the CPU
18:43:10Russ|werkwanted to find out why the newer kernel were locking on remount before I did though
18:43:15erikmhe won't take larger diffs anyway :)
18:43:16Russ|werkalso need to integrate with non-np
18:43:52erikmlock on remount.... is that with a jffs2 image?
18:44:09erikmhmm, I've seen that as well
18:44:10Russ|werkit happens in mtd code
18:44:15Russ|werkso its not just me
18:44:28Russ|werkI guess I'll go to the latest rmk/non-np and feed that
18:45:20erikmrmk spend some time with alan cox, and it turns out to be infectuous: he now also releases seven kernels a week ;)
18:45:44BZFlagcool -> debIAN at SLLUG.
18:46:28erikmBZFlag: btw: I signed an the compaq NDA, so if I really need, I know what wires to solder to my ipaq
18:46:55BZFlagcool. progress on that?
18:47:14erikmBZFlag: the chain loader works
18:47:23erikmBZFlag: so I can chain boot blob from bootldr
18:47:37BZFlagsweet. flash writes yet?
18:47:41erikmnot yet
18:47:54erikmI need to extend the flash driver for that
18:48:15erikmbecause you need to enable the programming voltage on the ipaq
18:49:11erikmand while I'm at it I'll also make flash lock&unlock functions
18:50:42BZFlagnice. now if we only had 12v input in the tux. ;-)
18:50:49erikmeh, why?
18:51:45Russ|werkneeds 12V to unlock
18:52:18erikmBTW, I think I'm going to steal the memory setup values from bootldr. there is no way to find out what memory chips the ipaq has without physically damaging the PCB :(
18:53:09erikm(the memory chips are hidden under a metal cover to reduce the amount of noise)
18:53:26Russ|werkcan't get that with the NDA?
18:53:52BZFlagerikm: check the ipaq archives. I'm sure it's been said there.
18:54:16BZFlagalso check the ipaq hardware upgrade folks. they should know too.
18:54:31prpplagueerikm: have you added a new section to blob for chain booting?
18:54:32erikmno, I'd need another NDA for that. the NDA I have right now only covers the location of the JTAG test pins
18:54:57erikmBZFlag: I now realise I can also get it from a running linux kernel ;)
18:58:59erikmBZFlag: btw, try compiling a kernel with -Os. makes it about 5% smaller and it still works
18:59:29erikmBZFlag: but ssssh! don't tell rmk! ;)
19:00:02Russ|werkhow about that thumb port then?
19:00:38erikmI think that would make the kernel larger
19:00:59erikmthumb has smaller instructions, but is not as expressive as arm
19:01:47erikmBZFlag: could you also put the blob output with an 8MB SODIMM on that page?
19:01:50BZFlagtry a thumb blob then. ;-)
19:02:27prpplagueerikm: nice, i hadn't looked at the new blob code in a while, the chain looks really good
19:02:55erikmprpplague: I think the chain loader should work with your platform as well, right?
19:03:23prpplagueerikm: almost, i need a small section of code to return the mmu to 1-1 and turn it off
19:04:08BZFlagerikm: added the 16M output
19:05:04erikmprpplague: I think we can combine that
19:05:17erikmBZFlag: /me looks
19:05:36BZFlagerikm: the output from current blob is the same for 16M and 40M setup.
19:05:46BZFlag8M just has the first 2 regions
19:06:10erikmBZFlag: right, so putting blob at 0xC8000000 works for all tuxscreens
19:06:13BZFlagI have not tried the new config on 8M or 16M
19:07:07BZFlagerikm: assuming that's not a block where the kernel would go due to aliases.
19:07:20BZFlagoh, I suppose the uncompressed kernel could go there, ;-)
19:07:38erikmno, the uncompressed kernel goes at 0xc0008000
19:07:57BZFlagI meant later pieces of it do to aliasing.
19:08:08prpplagueerikm: ok to send you and email with the details?
19:08:10erikmoh, ok
19:08:24erikmprpplague: ok
19:08:29prpplagueerikm: thanks
19:08:36BZFlagbut once the kernel boots we don't need the blob code in ram. ;-)
19:08:53BZFlagwhat's the blob apm status now?
19:09:08erikmBZFlag: that's right. once we start the kernel at 0xc0008000 we can overwrite blob
19:09:18erikmapm status?
19:09:51BZFlagdoes blob support apm resume on any hardware now?
19:10:19erikmoh, resume. well, I've heard both positive and negative stories
19:11:51BZFlagI have not gotten to testing that yet, but some of the new bids Lineo is doing will need it. If we get one I'll test it and fix it if I find issues. perhaps I'll add tux suspend support too. ;-)
19:12:50erikmBZFlag: not all EDODRAMs support it
19:13:02erikmBZFlag: you need EDO RAM that can do self refresh
19:16:21erikmBZFlag: SDRAM supports it though, so if you have an SA1110 system with SDRAM you can test it
19:35:46prpplagueerikm: just a email with some details, don't feel obligated to work on anything
19:36:22erikmjust got email and looks
19:55:41erikmmarcj rendered a blob logo:
19:58:04erikmor the greyscale version:
20:01:01prpplagueneeds a different background otherwise looks good
20:01:31Russ|werkjust make the grey transparent
20:01:58erikmthis was only a first shot
20:02:20erikmwe need a splash screen for the ipaq
20:02:31erikmotherwise that will be the first thing that people are going to ask
20:02:44Russ|werkI got my splash screen code
20:02:52Russ|werkset the registers, deflate the image
20:03:11erikmRuss: what kind of compression do you use?
20:03:33erikmok, so how do I compress that?
20:03:39Russ|werkwith zlib
20:04:32erikmhmm, I was actually thinking about some kind of run length coding
20:04:52Russ|werkdefalte will end up being used in other places....
20:05:12erikmok, in that case it makes sense
20:05:14Russ|werkand deflate does RLE anyway
20:06:58Russ|werka simple RLE scheme would be less code though
20:09:00erikmbut I thought that your jffs2 code didn't use zlib?
20:11:56Russ|werkit uses my own deflate code
20:12:00Russ|werkmuch smaller
20:12:12Russ|werklittle slower, and a little less error checking though
21:33:30erikmgoes home
21:56:32erikmhas a day off tomorrow
22:35:52prpplaguehowdy russ
22:36:07prpplaguewerking hard or hardly werking?
22:37:43Russ|werkgetting a new kernel and ups set up
22:38:57prpplaguestill working on fs problems
22:40:32Russ|werkon your box?
22:41:06prpplagueon my sa-1100 board
22:42:53Russ|werkwhich problems would those be?
22:43:26prpplaguei keep getting problems with sig4 "Illegal instruction"
22:43:43Russ| toolchain?
22:44:09prpplagueerikm toolchain from rmk website
22:44:40Russ|werkdo you have a floating point emulator in your kernel?
22:45:42prpplagueshould be, i'll using the standard brutus config
22:47:39prpplagueRuss: whats that CONFIG_ listed as?
22:49:15Russ|werkeither NWFPE
22:49:24Russ|werkor the fast fpe
22:49:31Russ|werkjust do make xconfig and check for it
22:50:15prpplaguethat must be it..
22:50:28prpplaguei wonder why the default brutus config didn't grab it
22:50:42Russ|werker, maybe CONFIG_FPE_NWFPE
22:50:43prpplagueneither configured
22:50:56prpplagueya they are listed just not configured
22:52:17prpplagueRuss: i'll try again
22:56:03prpplagueRuss: i swear this 1.7 gets slower the longer you leave it on
22:56:43Russ|werkonce it gets to a certain temp, it switches to half speed iirc
22:56:49Russ|werkmight need a bigger fan
22:57:48prpplaguehmm, brb , reboot
23:00:39prpplagueohh ya much better
23:01:14prpplagueRuss: thanks for the help of
23:01:26prpplagueon the problem
23:02:13prpplagueRuss: i'll be sure and put you on the "thanks here's a free steak and beer" list
23:18:44prpplagueRuss: hot darn, i owe you a round of really good beer
23:19:19prpplagueRuss: is that documented anywhere or is that suppose to be common sense?
23:21:27Russ|werkprobably, its mainly on the linux-arm list
23:22:07prpplaguei though i went through the list, but i'm going write this down on my web site
23:24:35prpplaguethanks again, i'm off to home to jump between reading dr.seus and sa-11xx ref manuals

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