irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.26

00:44:35sammymorning Russ
07:54:10sammyevening erikm
07:59:13sammyerikm : I think is this a problem why my blob can't run on puppy ?
07:59:54sammybecause my memory is not layout on board
08:00:37sammyso with the GPIO need to control with som (BCR) to connect with ...
08:00:49erikmblob won't run if there is no memory on the board, no
08:01:10sammyreally ?
08:03:11sammyI saw the manual say that all the compact flash , codec , IRDA , stereo , LCD ,RS232 , LEDs must additional GPIO output function to control ...
08:05:27erikmread propoerly. IRDA, LCD, RS232, etc. have their own sets of IO pins, but some of them *can* be routed to different GPIO pins
08:06:31sammyerikm : you say no mean's no amy memory , or meam's can't run with like puppy this module memory ?
08:07:24sammyer any
08:07:44erikmsammy: you shouldn't need to set *any* GPIOs to get the memory running.
08:08:18erikmsammy: though some boards need to set some GPIOs to get the serial port running (look at src/blob/assabet.c in CVS)
08:08:33Russsammy: just pull out the schematics
08:08:42Russthe sales brochure isn't going to help you any
08:09:44erikmRuss: heh
08:12:30sammyRuss : pull out the schematics ?
08:15:27Russyes, the schematics for the board
08:16:22sammyRuss : I have some like user guide that ?
08:16:43Russyou want the schematics
08:17:11Russ(they may be contained in the user guide)
08:18:03sammyRuss : can you see this ?
08:19:08Russyes? and?
08:20:10sammyI can't find any schematics on User's Guide :-(
08:20:24Russwhat about the "Design Document"
08:21:20sammyMy friend say this company don't open their hardware layout
08:25:13erikmwell, at least they should document how to write software for it
08:25:37erikmtell them they get a linux bootloader for free if they give you that information
08:26:35sammythis board usr Angelboot , and the kernel and ramdisk all use Ethernet to download ...
08:26:50sammyer use
08:26:53Russyou really need to have schematics to do a port
08:27:07erikmRuss: or a proper description
08:28:04sammyerikm , Russ , can you see the down the board have two chips on small board connect on main board ?
08:28:26sammythat's 28F128 chips ...
08:28:47Russthat would be flash
08:29:09sammyI don't know is this the problem with I say that not on board ?
08:30:57sammyis that any effect that if the flash memory like this to download the bootloader to ram ?
08:31:52erikmsammy: blob doesn't care *where* the flash lives on the board. as long as the CPU can read from it
08:32:26sammyso that 's not this problem...
08:33:03sammybut erikm as you say , I had change everything I need to change for puppy , like you say ..
08:34:01sammyI still have't any idea why the minicom and the LED don't have any response ?
08:34:21sammyand how to debug this ?
08:36:13sammyand about the Jflash , the guys give me on for puppy , and use it is fine to download the Angelboot and blob on it ...
08:38:13erikmsammy: put some strategic led_blink calls in start.S
08:39:44erikmsammy: but be careful cause led_blink clobbers r0-r4
08:40:08erikmsammy: right after "bl ledinit" is a good idea
08:40:42erikmsammy: put this two lines just after "bl ledinit" in start.S:
08:41:24erikmmov r0, #10
08:41:27erikmbl led_blink
08:41:39erikmsammy: this should blink the LED 10 times
08:42:25sammyerikm : is that even the blob don't run to boot > and this should be run ....right ?
08:42:46erikmsammy: it's debug code
08:43:24erikmsammy: you can't mess up this. the CPU only masked interrupts, and switched to the correct speed at that point
08:43:43erikmsammy: btw, you *do* load blob at address 0x00000000, right?
08:44:19erikmsammy: if the LED doesn't blink, it means that you got the wrong LED GPIO
08:44:59sammybut if the board like assabet the LED GPIO always be 17 isn't ?
08:45:18erikm*all* SA1110 boards are like assabet
08:45:33sammyohh...sorry ,
08:45:37erikmbecause *all* sa1110 boards use the sa1110 cpu
08:46:09erikmthe devil is in the details: the LED doesn't *need* to be connected to GPIO 17
08:46:29erikmthe CreditLART is also like an Assabet. but its LED is connected to GPIO 23
08:47:53sammybut I have Internal GPIOs it's say GPIO 17 use to L3_MODE and LED
08:48:39erikmthat's for the Assabet yes. but not all SA1110 boards use GPIO 17 for L3_MODE and/or LED
08:48:58erikmCreditLART: LED == GPIO 23. L3_MODE = GPIO 20
08:49:59sammyso , if this come from puppy platform hardware specification for intel StrongARM sa1110 ?
08:50:30sammythat's must mean puppy LED_GPIO =17 ?
08:50:32sammyright ?
08:50:53sammyoh ?
08:51:34sammythat's means just for sa1110 ? right ...
08:52:07erikmthe GP in GPIO means General Purpose. that means that it's up to the board designer to decide what he wants to connect to that GPIO. the assabet people decided that GPIO17 is a LED. the LART people decided that GPIO23 is a LED. you should ask what the puppy people did
08:52:55sammyohhh......finally ......I know.......
08:54:22sammyso like Russ say , if I want to know LED GPIO , still need the hardware layout  or schmatic?
08:56:03erikmor you just ask them what is connected to which GPIO
08:56:22erikmthey don't need to send you the schematics for that
08:57:03sammybeside this ....
08:58:18sammyif the LED can on 10 times ..mean's blob  start run in memory ...?
08:58:41erikmif the LED blinks 10 times, it means that the first stage loader works
08:59:19sammyand if minicom don't see any move ..?
08:59:35erikmthat means that the second stage loader fails
09:00:18erikmif the LED is off, it means that the memory is not properly initialised, if the LED is on, it means that the serial port is not properly initialised
09:02:04sammyif it's serial port , any reason be the (BCR) ?
09:02:30sammyor nothing with BCR ?
09:02:36erikmif the board *has* a BCR yes. the BCR is assabet specific. the CreditLART doesn't even *have* a BCR
09:03:36erikmagain, ask the puppy designers
09:04:03erikmlunch time...
09:04:48sammythanx erikm ...ask the LED GPIO first ....
12:22:54sammyerikm : ?
12:25:21sammythe test way you tell me that can work , and the GPIO is also 17 ( I asked ) and 10 times run , but
12:25:41sammythe minocom still don't show any massage ...
12:27:59sammyso that is the serial port question ......
12:57:53erikmsammy: try the other serial port. if it still doesn't work, ask the puppy guys if there is a magic trick to enable the RS232
13:05:23erikmjust received the ipaq NDA from Compaq
13:09:27prpplagueerikm: does this mean blob will soon be available for the ipaq?
13:10:16erikmprpplague: yes :)
13:10:33erikmprpplague: it should allow me to solder a jtag interface to my ipaq
13:14:12prpplaguedamit, so one has stolen my lwe pen......
13:14:50sammyso erikm : can I asking you how to layout a JTAG from H3600 ?
13:15:28sammyor you can tell me ? or I still need to NDA from you ?
13:18:03sammybecause Tangent tell me to NDA , but need to ask jamey ...
13:18:42sammybut I think now asking erikm is also work ?
13:27:37erikmsammy: you can ask me how to make a jtag interface to your ipaq, but I wouldn't be allowed to tell you
13:54:13sammyerikm : I need to NDA to you  ?
13:55:49erikmsammy: no, I don't have the right to give you an NDA for the ipaq
13:56:33sammyso if I ask you can you give me some hints ? ^_^%
13:57:21sammyor still need to ask jamey ? follow the step ?
14:00:33sammybut my iPAQ is not ready to be break , but some guys want ....
14:00:59erikmsammy: you won't need an NDA to put blob on the board, but I do
14:02:00sammyand  the JTAG layout ?
14:02:56sammybecause my IPAQ use bootldr and Q/T , I feel this is better beautiful then WxxCE
14:03:33sammyI like the screen use in linux ...^_^
14:05:13sammystill don't want to break , but my friend tell me to ask some one on channel , how to get the hardware layout ...
14:06:31sammyanyway , still work on puppy .....hope blob work on it soon.....^_^
14:09:22erikmsammy: you can use bootldr to write blob to the ipaq
14:09:30erikmsammy: so you still won't need an NDA for that
14:10:33erikmSammy: you can use bootldr to write blob to the ipaq
14:10:34erikmSammy: so you still won't need an NDA for that
14:13:56Sammybut I run some software on QT ,and feel cool , I still hate Wxx , just like now , auto reboot without me say yes( now I use wxx2xxx)
14:15:12Sammyso , I still don't want to remove that , not now , maybe follow the erikm step :-)
14:16:05SammyI still have thing to do , porting puppy , waiting tuxscreen and porting it ...
14:19:11Sammythis ask is just for another IPAQ (wainting die or better strong) ....
14:19:42SammyJTAG still so hard to do....
14:19:58Sammyneed go home...
14:20:14Sammynight all
14:20:45erikmSammy: there is *really* no need to sign an NDA with compaq only because I did it as well...
14:23:32Sammysee you later :-)
16:35:58erikmjust received the ipaq jtag information
17:25:50prpplagueerikm: do you really like the ipaq?
17:26:05erikmprpplague: well, yes
17:28:22prpplagueerikm: i was always a big fan of the itsy project, but the ipaq just hasn't interested me, guess i should at least buy to play with
17:28:53erikmprpplague: we have an itsy II over here
17:29:34prpplagueerikm: thats cool
17:30:33erikmanyway, I'm going home
17:30:39erikmthere is a scheduled network outage in half an hour, so I will be cut off anyway :)
17:30:46erikmthey're upgrading the power cable to the main server room in the university. the same room also holds all routers, etc. etc.
17:31:53prpplagueerikm: have a good one

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