irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.23

00:34:22Sammymorning ....
03:57:13SammyRuss : ?
04:00:09SammyYou here ?
04:01:07Sammyhave you ever make Jflash for sa-1110 ?
08:42:25Sammyhm....erikm : ?
08:45:31erikmSammy: yes?
08:46:13Sammydo you have Jflash-linux for as-1110 ?
08:46:52erikmyes and no
08:47:15erikmyes, I have the assabet jflash code, but no, it doesn't work on all sa-1110 designs
08:47:30erikmyou *always* have to modify the code to the length of the jtag chain
08:47:51erikmand assabet has two devices in the jtag chain
08:48:02erikm(or was it three?)
08:48:33Sammynow I and change it , but stil cant make pass :-(
08:49:13SammyI can't wait to download the blob to puppy ....
08:50:22Sammycan you mail that for me ?
09:01:48seletzHello again!
09:03:05Sammyhello, seletz ...
09:03:21seletzlooking throug mail
09:27:31Sammyerikm are you go lunch ?
09:27:49Sammyor ?
09:27:51erikmnot anymore
09:29:10Sammycan you mail your code for me ?
09:29:56erikmSammy: you can get it from nicolas pitre's ftp sites
09:31:33Sammyok , codeing it ...
10:08:21seletzerikm: hi, just did a cvs update. What do i need to do to get flash working? We use INTEL flash chips, type E28F640.
10:08:51seletzerikm: hi, how are you? That was a bit rude ...
10:11:58erikmseletz: you need to fill out the flash descriptor and select the correct intel driver
10:12:15erikmseletz: look at LART, CreditLART or Assabet for examples
10:23:07erikmseletz: the flash descriptor is not used yet, but it will be used as soon as I implement flash partitioning support
10:31:14seletzerikm: so all i have to do is select intel32 as flash driver. Good.
10:31:37seletzerikm: what do the size and num values mean?
10:32:38seletzerikm: btw, i made some changes to sa1110 setup code which needs some discussion. May i send the code to you by mail?
10:34:39seletzafk bbl
11:04:48erikmseletz: yes, if you have two 16 bit intel flashes using the intel32 driver should do
11:05:11erikmseletz: the size is the size of a flash block, the num is the number of blocks with that size
11:05:44erikmseletz: the LART has a couple of smaller boot blocks in its flash and the rest of the flash is large blocks
11:05:59erikmseletz: the CreditLART has blocks of the same size
11:08:48erikmseletz: oh, yes, send the sa1110 code by mail ;)
12:06:33Sammyguys, see you later...
13:16:38erikmwoohoo! the new flash code works!
13:16:41erikm3837 words source image
13:16:41erikm0 words written to flash
13:16:42erikm3837 words skipped
13:16:42erikm0 erase operations
13:16:42erikm0 words scanned down
13:16:49erikmIOWIOW: flashing the same image twice doesn't do erase operations, so doesn't wear the flash
13:28:59seletzerikm: well, was away messing around with FFTs FIR&IIR filters. Preparing mail to send ...
13:29:33erikmseletz: oh, btw FFT in intel IPP is horribly slow
13:30:16seletzerikm: nah, doing integer FFT in C. Intel IPP does not give arbitary ffts.
13:30:41seletzerikm: only using IIR and FIR filtering from IPP lib.
13:34:03seletzerikm: mail sent.
13:35:59seletzerikm: well i'm off now for some different office, i'll talk back later.
13:36:13seletzbye all!
14:14:15erikmhrm. something not completely right in the flash code
14:41:49erikmspots the obvious bug
14:43:24erikmdownloading a gzipped ramdisk image to flash and telling the kernel it's a JFFS2 image obviously doesn't work
15:52:19sammy_wmsnight all...
16:18:40erikmright, the new flash code works
16:18:49erikmnow get rid of ye olde stuff

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