irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.22

00:46:39Sammymorning Russ
00:46:46Sammymorning ed__
04:04:31Sammygo lunch....
04:47:39Sammyis back ^_^
07:02:32SammyHello BZFlag : the guys say he want to think about it a lot , so I tell him I won't wait for him , and he will know what he should pay when he buy one , I had warn to him this morning...
07:04:00SammyBZFlag : so you can sent out X'mas (^_^) gift now ...
07:06:37Sammyand thanx for your nice waiting ,,, :-)
07:13:13BZFlaghis will be more later, and shipping will be more.
07:13:26BZFlaghis will be more later, as shipping will be more.
07:15:26SammyI had already warn him ,but he doesn't listen my suggest ....
07:16:54BZFlagok then. 4 + 1 right?
07:17:08BZFlagThey'll go out Tuesday morning.
07:17:32BZFlagoh, do you still need more that one invoice then?
07:23:07SammyThanx for Tuesday morning ...^_^
07:23:35Sammyjust  a total list wll be fine ...
07:24:41BZFlagok, will do.
07:33:28Sammyand about the invoice , actually I don't deed it but maybe the customhouse will check out the package and see the invoice , can you put at less one on the box outside for check ?
07:33:37Sammyer need
07:35:47BZFlagyes, one outside is all I will include.
07:36:27SammyBZFlag : Thank you :)
07:48:28SammyBZFlag : where is LCD_RAM_BASE address ?
10:14:47Sammyhello erikm
10:22:37seletz was last seen on #blob 4 days, 3 hours, 42 minutes and 17 seconds ago, saying: BZFlag: hacking a phone with LCD running Linux. Cant wait :) [Thu Oct 18 07:40:20 2001]
10:22:37Sammyibot : seen seletz ?
10:23:31Sammy was last seen on #blob 0 seconds ago, saying: ibot : seen Sammy ? [Mon Oct 22 11:23:31 2001]
10:23:31Sammyibot : seen Sammy ?
10:24:20Sammyerikm : do you know what address should I set in LCD_RAM_BASE ?
10:25:45erikma free RAM address where the framebuffer can live
10:26:15Sammyanywhere ?
12:30:38Sammyis playing Luna with Alessandro Safina ..
12:58:43prpplaguemorning all
13:03:33Sammymorning prpplague ...
13:04:29erikmhi prpplague
13:08:38prpplaguewill finish all distracting projects so that he may work on blob/arm/linux this week
13:08:42prpplagueor else
16:40:57sammy_wmserikm: you here ?
16:41:07erikmsammy_wms: yes
16:41:54sammy_wmsI has already change what I should change for "Puppy" sa-1110 develop board .
16:42:31erikmwhat blob version are you using?
16:42:52sammy_wmsThe CVS version
16:43:08sammy_wms2.0.4 with diag.
16:43:40sammy_wmsI need to rebuild-gcc the first right ?
16:44:00erikmso that's actually the CVS version, right?
16:45:02sammy_wmsbut when I do it twice , it sounds like missing something ..
16:45:56sammy_wmsam I lost some step ?
16:46:43erikmwhat is "something missing"?
16:47:48sammy_wmsthe massage say that it's can't find out mkparamblock
16:50:16erikmso did you change something over there?
16:51:31sammy_wmsI copy the into tools directory , and do rebuild-gcc x 2 then copy it to patent directory , then ./configure , is that right ?
16:53:00erikmsammy_wms: NOOOO!
16:53:01sammy_wmsI don't change anything in that directory , and build , so I think this maybe something I miss here ? right ?
16:53:22sammy_wmsoh oh ...
16:54:52sammy_wmscan you tell me about the hint ? let me to try it ?
16:55:31erikmsammy_wms: you just run tools/rebuild-gcc in the same directory where lives
16:55:49erikmsammy_wms: it's documented in the README file...
16:57:41sammy_wmsohh...silly -> Sammy  :-/
17:00:55sammy_wmsguess Sammy need some sleep ...
17:01:16sammy_wmsthanx erikm , night all
17:08:43erikmHi Russ|werk
17:09:15erikmso what about the new flash drivers?
17:09:37Russ|werkhan't had time to look at it too in depth yet
17:12:22erikmRuss|werk: the flash drivers are now in separate files, so if you link in two flash drivers you can select the correct one at run time
18:14:40prpplaguehowdy erikm
18:16:15erikmhi prpplague
20:31:43prpplagueup late today erikm
20:32:07erikmprpplague: yeah
20:32:21erikmprpplague: I've been discussing
20:33:08prpplaguechecks out the site
20:33:25prpplagueya we have a problem here in the us about tech freedoms
20:33:45erikmprpplague: there's not much on it yet, but it will most probably become the home of linux-2.2.20
20:34:22erikmsee the "Linux-2.2.10pre10" thread on linux-kernel
20:34:36erikmor the slashdot noise on
20:35:48erikm(read the /. stuff with threshold at least at 3)
20:36:57prpplaguenot a quick read, LOTS of important discussion there
20:40:33erikmthe point is that only US citizens can change the stupid DMCA and hold the SCCCA
20:41:47prpplaguei've meet bush several times, and every time i've mentioned how these laws are bad for technology and freedom
20:42:21erikmgood. keep on doing that.

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