irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.19

00:38:49Sammyhello .
03:19:53SammyBZFlag : if I tell you something , don't hit me ....
03:20:18SammyI find the 6th ...hehehe
03:20:52Sammybut I and not sure are you sent it out ?
03:21:07BZFlaghehe. I still have not seen the money, so if you want to send the difference along...
03:21:37BZFlagI have not checked tonight, but I'm filling orders now. I will check in a few minutes.
03:23:05Sammyhow much to give me to ask the 6th one ?
03:23:25Sammyer how much time ?
03:26:04BZFlagI show a $585 deposit with my bank charging me 10, so I actually got $575
03:26:43BZFlaghow much did you send?
03:27:19BZFlagso apparently your bank charged $16 and mine $10
03:28:30Sammyhow can it be ?
03:29:23Sammynot that your bank only charged you $16 ?
03:29:50BZFlagno, my bank shows a wire of 585 minus a 10 dollar charge.
03:31:05Sammy? what's come from that's 10 dollars ?
03:31:36Sammyyou say that your bank only charged you $20 before ...
03:31:52Sammybut now why is that become $26 dollars ?
03:32:06BZFlagapparently my bank always charges $10 but then the other bank charges more.
03:32:22BZFlagbefore it looks like mine was $10 and the other bank was also $10
03:32:33BZFlagin this case mine is $10 but yours is $16
03:32:54BZFlagor perhaps there is some international broker in between that takes a fee?
03:33:12BZFlagI don't know. I DO know that I have $575 in my account.
03:33:21SammySHXX how can they do that ....
03:33:31BZFlagibot 6 * 99 + 149.60 + 83.30 - 575
03:34:07BZFlagso you owe me 251.90 and I can presume that the bank charges will be the same 10 + 16 so
03:34:17BZFlagibot 251.90 + 10 + 16
03:34:30BZFlagyou need to make a payment for $277.90
03:35:55Sammythat's guys tell me your bank only charged you $16 ...
03:36:06Sammyhe deceive about me ...
03:36:39Sammyhe don't say that I also need to charged for your bank about $10
03:37:28Sammythat's made me think that I send more $4 to you ......
03:37:41BZFlaghmm... I think there is some other agent between my bank and your bank that is charging the $16 can they do that ....XXit
03:39:14BZFlagoh wait...
03:39:39BZFlagwhat shipping did you want? economy? I included shipping for airmail in that figure...
03:40:24BZFlagibot 6 * 99 + 38.50 + 60.60 - 575 + 10 + 16
03:41:26BZFlagthat's 6 phones + 60.60 to ship 4 + 38.50 to ship 2 - $575 that I have now + 10 by bank charge + 16 someone else charges.
03:42:03BZFlagso you need to send $144.10
03:42:11BZFlagibot 6 * 99 + 38.50 + 60.60 - 575
03:42:31BZFlagof which I will actually get 118.10 which is the remainder that is owed.
03:43:26BZFlagsorry for miscalculating by using airmail lat time. $144.10 wire transfer ok?
03:44:56Sammyis asking the 6th guys
03:45:12BZFlagoh, ok. tell me what they say.
03:45:39SammyI am asking does he want to pay 144 to buy one ..
03:46:20BZFlag99 * 5 + 60.6 + 25.4
03:46:25BZFlagibot 99 * 5 + 60.6 + 25.4
03:46:47BZFlagibot: 581 - 575
03:47:07BZFlagI'm out $6 at present. =(
03:48:28Sammyis try to convince the guys ...
03:48:45BZFlagheh, good luck! you have my support. ;-)
03:50:57Sammyso the 6th need to sent you 144 + 6 , right ?
03:51:19Sammyif don't let you out $6 ...
03:53:15BZFlagno the 144.10 include the $6 I'm out and the 10 and 16 fees. so send 144.10
03:53:42BZFlagI will actually get 118.10 which is 112.10 for the new phone and the $6 That I'm out.
03:54:13BZFlagibot ( 601 + 144.10 ) / 6
03:54:49BZFlagand your cost including shipping and fees works out to $125 per phone.
03:56:49BZFlagclear? you need to send 144.10 to complete the order for 6 phones.
03:58:04Sammyok I know , It's clean , give me 5min to calc to that's guy....
03:58:13Sammyer clear
04:05:57SammyBZFlag : can you make some in invoice ?
04:06:13Sammybecause that guys work for school ...
04:06:40BZFlagI was planning one invoice for 6 phones, but I'll do as many as you like.
04:07:16Sammyand he say you know can use public expense...
04:07:35Sammybut need a invoice to do that ...
04:08:14Sammyand please only need to planning for his 6th ...
04:09:07Sammymean's the money in invoice is $144.1 maybe $145 is fine ...
04:09:12Sammycan you do that ?
04:09:52BZFlagso an invoice for 5 phones with the 575 payment on it and ...
04:10:09BZFlaganother invoice for 1 phone with $144.10 on it? sure.
04:10:51Sammyyes ,
04:11:10BZFlagit will say $99 phone cost + $45.10 shipping and handling. ok?
04:11:39BZFlagI suppose I should list "shipping/handling/bank fees" ?
04:13:11BZFlagme goes to prepare some phones. back in a bit.
04:14:07BZFlagoh, email me the name/address info for the invoice. they will all ship to your address, but I can make out the invoice to the other guy if you like.
04:14:51Sammyok , let me tell him ...
05:23:57SammyBZFlag : after talking about him , he say : if I say YES , the money sill can get into Tim's account , and tomorrow and sunday the bank here doesn't work ...
05:26:34Sammyso , " I " (he) want to think about it , in this two day's , and will tell you (me) "YES" or "NO" the deadline in monday ...
05:27:58Sammythen if he say YES , maybe I'll get the money and Mon maybe Tue, and sent it at that time ...
05:29:02BZFlagok, less phones to prepare tonight. email me when you decide.
05:30:15Sammythen you will the same get  the $144.1 maybe Wed or Thu ...
05:31:08Sammythen you can sent that phone to me ...YA ...waiting ...
05:32:30Sammyand about the invoice how to do , I'll with in the email ....
05:34:10SammyBTW , if that guy say "No" , How to give you $6 ...?
05:37:09BZFlagif the guy says no, don't worry about the $6
05:37:52BZFlagit would cost you $26 just to send the $6. not much sense in that.
05:44:02SammyThis is what I worry about
05:45:07SammyI am to be moved to tears of gratitude to thanx about you  :::-))
05:45:52BZFlagwell, I'm off to bed. I'll watch for that email from you. night.
07:59:15erikmmorning, *
08:06:53Sammyeverin' erikm
08:07:38Sammyerikm : oh...yesterday I tald you that board I use have some PCI port ...
08:07:53Sammyafter I really ask today , that
08:08:09Sammyjust alike PCI bus , but not ...
08:08:18Sammythat's AGP bus ...
08:10:01Sammyuse to control other static bank ...
08:10:52Sammybut you have to lay that board with alike AGP board ...
08:12:41Sammybut just only for develop use ...
08:19:06erikm*boggle* AGP?
08:19:52erikmI mean, PCI is already not the most brilliant idea, but AGP is realy bad
08:21:36Sammyomm... but it's not AGP port ...just alike ...
08:21:48Sammyhow can I say that ...?
08:22:05Sammyif you want to add some flash ram ...
08:22:34Sammybut the static bank 0 is already use ...
08:24:33Sammyso if you want to add it from 32MB to 64MB even 128 MB ,you must lay a board , and then connect port use this alike "AGP" port too connect on the develop board ...
08:25:46Sammythat's that guy borrow the board for me say ...
08:26:52Sammyforgive my poor english , can you know what I mean ?
09:23:26Sammyerikm : If I want download the blob into sa-1110 board , I should need to compiler one jflash for this platform ? should I ?
09:47:38erikmsorry sammy, there's a bit of a panic situation over here. the mail server just died and I'm bringing up a replacement server
09:52:06Sammyok , talk to you later ..
18:00:14prpplaguewhoo, new budget just arrived...
18:00:30prpplaguelots $$ for sa development
18:03:20erikmprpplague: cool
18:05:27sammy_wmserikm: have any idea with my jtag problem ..?
18:05:47Russ|werkwhat problem is that?
18:05:49erikmsammy_wms: what jtag problem?
18:06:05erikmhas been in BOFH mode all day
18:06:18Russ|werkjflash usually isn't a problem
18:06:44sammy_wmswith download the blob into sa-1110 board...
18:07:10sammy_wmscan I use Jflash-linux ?
18:07:15erikmsammy_wms: you usually need to rewrite jflash to work with newer boards
18:07:40sammy_wmsget the sorce and make for sa-1110 ?
18:07:59erikmsammy_wms: get the source, change for your platform, make
18:11:14sammy_wmsabout the kernel with the platform ? what thing's should be care about when make kernel ?
18:11:30sammy_wmsor I can use make assabet_config ?
18:11:49erikmif it is a new platform you need an architecture number first
18:12:20sammy_wmsbut you know , that board just alike the assabet ...
18:12:50erikmall boards are just like assabet
18:13:10erikmand still all boards need an architecture number
18:13:39sammy_wmsnew ? or from arm linux ?
18:14:19erikmtuxscreen looks just like LART. except the flash, the PCMCIA hardware, the network card, etc. etc.
18:14:56sammy_wmsI'll get that ....................................................soon
18:16:00sammy_wmsso I don't need to choose many thing's in menuconfig , and can let the kernel work ?
18:17:26Russ|werkI think you might be too many steps ahead of yourself
18:17:48Russ|werkfirst arch number, then the blob porting (memory timings, flash timings, etc)
18:17:58Russ|werkthen, put the arch in the kernel
18:17:59prpplaguedoes motorola make an arm core?
18:18:03Russ|werkthen, configure
18:18:19erikmprpplague: afaik yes. there was something about that on the register a month ago
18:19:17sammy_wmsRuss|werk : this is the board that I am porting right now
18:21:28sammy_wmsbecause I think it's the board alike the assabet and also can use the kernel ...
18:21:36sammy_wmsRuss : ?
18:21:37prpplaguesammy_wms: looks nice
18:21:40Russ|werkNameserver not responding
18:21:40Russ| A record not found, try again
18:21:47Russ|werksammy_wms: ...
18:21:57Russ|werksammy_wms: step one: get an arch number
18:22:08prpplaguesammy_wms: how much did that set you back?
18:23:06sammy_wmsno , some of friend borrow me that ..
18:24:00sammy_wmsso that's why I ask erikm how much does the assabet cost ?
18:24:40BZFlag == poorly formatted web site/page
18:24:56Russ|werkBZFlag: best viewed at 320x240
18:25:10BZFlagRuss|werk: or not at all.
18:25:32erikmsammy_wms: I really don't know. I got one for free from intel
18:25:51erikmsammy_wms: (only recently)
18:25:54sammy_wmsI know , and doesn't matter..^_^
18:27:55sammy_wmstry and try hardware
18:29:51erikmgoes home
18:30:00sammy_wmsomm...if I can porting blob on it , can I add the arch number to arm linux ?
18:30:39BZFlagsammy_wms: yes. normally you request the arch number first though.
18:33:02sammy_wmsbefore porting on it or after ?
18:34:26sammy_wmshow is the step about that ?
18:36:18sammy_wmsthe first time porting on another board ,just a newbies ,how many thing's I need to know ?
18:38:21sammy_wmsRuss|werk : I had already sent the thing's that I say to give you before .
18:41:16sammy_wmsjust wait for a few days maybe week to get it : )
18:49:53prpplaguesammy_wms: i'm doing a port for the first time, and its not hard, the hard part is knowing what questions to ask, and where to get the info your looking for
18:59:33BZFlagsammy_wms: 1 get arch number, 2 add to you local kernel tree, 3 build blob, 4 test blob, 5 repeat 3 and 4 till it works, 6 build kernel, 7 flash kernel, 8 repeat 6 and 7 till it works, 9 submit diffs to blob and kernel maintainers.
19:00:54prpplagueBZFlag: you make it sound like a chick trying to die her hair...
19:01:28BZFlaglather, rinse, repeat.
19:08:24sammy_wmsok , copy into my database after take a shower...
19:10:05sammy_wmsstart build this follow the tim say tomorrow ...thanx for all ...night ...
19:10:50sammy_wmsis zZz

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