irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.18

02:36:04sammyBZFlag : you check yet ?
02:42:32BZFlagnope. might not get to it tonight, next shipment goes outFriday morning.
02:45:52sammyok ,
04:19:08sammylunch time...
05:09:05sammyis back ...
05:18:11seletzGood morning :)
05:27:48sammyevering seletz ...
05:45:49seletzsammy: how is it going with your LCD stuff?
06:01:38sammynow I am testing the code you write ,I try porting blob on some new board (SA-1110), and that board have LCD panel, but I need to read about some hardware about memory and LCD first ...
06:01:52sammyso nothing new still try ...
06:06:19seletzBZFlag: question about your TUX phone: do you ship to europe? Does it work with
06:06:43seletzBZFlag: German telephone system?
06:10:36BZFlagI do ship to europe. no idea if it works with the phone system.
06:11:32sammyseletz : are you a German ?
06:12:29seletzsammy: no, not really. I'm Austrian, but live & work in germany.
06:13:29seletzBZFlag: $99, yes? What's included? Can i just start developing?
06:13:49sammyyour question I has asked the tim before ...
06:13:49seletzBZFlag: excl. schipping of course.
06:14:17sammyyou can see here first ...
06:15:05sammyI just order 5 to him yesterday ...
06:17:20sammyand if it can use in your phone system it's still a good develop platform
06:17:26sammyer can't
06:18:28sammyand so many stuff maintain by many people in #tuxscreen
06:18:49seletzsammy: 5 what the hell do you use _five_ devices for? building a TuxScreenCluster ?
06:19:43sammyonly I want is 2 , and the others is for some of my friend
06:20:55sammyI think this would not be the problem to get your Tux run in linux for you
06:22:32seletzWoha! US Postal Service is charging $31 for shipping to Germany!
06:24:38sammyif you know how much it charging to me , you will find out you are not the worst
06:27:13seletzsammy: where are you from?
06:27:34seletz_ugh_ Ok, I believe you.
06:27:39sammy$80 for one
06:29:25sammyso tim must forgive me to use Economy (Surface) Parcel Post , I don't have any choose :-\
06:30:14sammyI need to keep some $ to by PCMCIA card and etc...
06:31:15sammyer buy
06:31:30sammyand another keybord ...
06:32:26sammystart to ill-treat his keybord ...
06:33:24BZFlagsammy: no problem. I'll ship anyway you like, just as long as you are aware of how long it will take to get there.
06:34:24sammyBZFlag :is it 4~6 week ? right ?
06:37:46sammyI will accept it come before X'mas day , but hope not go through 2002...
06:39:27seletzBZFlag: Ok, i'll oreder one just for fun. Just have to wait for this damned paypal number mailed to me. grng.
06:40:20seletzBZFlag: hacking a phone with LCD running Linux. Cant wait :)
12:22:03Sammywhat's going on witht the server ,not stable ....
13:19:26sammyerikm : is that PIC bus can control with CPLD ?
13:21:17erikmPIC bus?
13:22:00sammybecause I don't have idea what the north bridge is does my friend , but I still keep asking about this ...:-p
13:22:33erikmoh, PCI bus
13:22:48sammysorry PCI bus right ...
13:22:51erikmhas been too much into PIC controllers today
13:23:30erikmthe north bridge is what in the PC world is usually called "chipset"
13:24:19prpplaguelikes PICS
13:24:32sammybut I saw all around the board and the manual today ,still don't know which chip like you say ...
13:24:36erikmprpplague: do you know if there is a gcc compiler for it?
13:27:17prpplagueerikm: don't know, i've always used dos based compilers
13:27:29erikmprpplague: but I don't do dos :)
13:28:34erikmsammy: I can't help you with that. if you want to get PCI up, you need to understand PCI.
13:28:35sammyso I am curious what can PCI bus can do in embedded system ?
13:28:47erikmbasically nothing
13:28:59erikmyou really don't need PCI in an embedded system
13:29:17sammyor maybe use for develop something ?
13:29:37erikmno, also not.
13:30:15erikmdoing PCI on a strongarm is possible, but it is a hack
13:30:25erikmespecially the cache coherency is a great problem
13:31:58sammyso I really don't know some company in Taiwan always make the board but no use to sale it espensive...
13:38:40prpplagueerikm: i always use Dr-Dos, but i haven't had time to play PICS in a long time
13:39:13prpplagueerikm: i wish there were small SOC's that ran linux that were as easy to implement as PICs
13:43:48sammybut anyway , follow the way like erikm say , porting the blob on it is my interesting thing's to do right now... ^_^
13:46:27prpplaguewelcome back
14:03:01prpplagueerikm: is a sa-1100 based board like the lart pretty easy to build?
14:14:43prpplagueerikm: don't suppose you have a job in the UK for a linux/arm wannabie?
14:35:38erikmprpplague: ok, this is something we don't want everybody to know: it is possible to hand solder a sa-1100
14:37:58prpplagueerikm: cool
14:38:30erikmprpplague: we've done a couple of lart boards ourselves, but you need pretty expensive equipment to do it
14:38:32prpplagueerikm: i really need to order a lart
14:38:55erikmprpplague: that's why we don't tell it on the mailing list, cause otherwise people start doing it themselves and *will* fail
14:39:14prpplagueerikm: ya i know, soldering is an art form
14:39:29erikmprpplague: especially 0.6mm pitch...
14:44:55prpplagueerikm: i'd like to see a set of components that you could put together easily to create a sa system, maybe mount the sa-1100 on a pcb with larger solder points
14:46:58prpplaguemaybe a 5x7 pcb with generic solder points where you could drop your flash in, ram, cf or pcmcia, kinda a "do-it-yourself" kit
14:48:58erikmprpplague: it's not the solder points. it's the 0.6 mm pitch of those components
14:49:11erikmprpplague: everything is surface mounted
14:49:25erikmprpplague: quite hard to do with proper tools
14:52:04erikmprpplague: you need a soldering station with micro reflow tips, ESR safe work area, reflow oven, flux remover, ultrasonic cleaning equipment. etc.
14:52:15erikmprpplague: we're talking at least 5000 euro over here
16:29:16prpplagueerikm: back to what is was talking about on the modular board...
16:30:16prpplagueerikm: i just mean to take a 5x7 pcb and put just the basics on it (i.e. cpu,flash,ram) then everything else would be large bread board type grids
16:30:51erikmoh, like that
16:31:16erikmprpplague: well, make a KSB like daughterboard for LART with a bread board on it
16:31:33prpplagueerikm: ya that would do nicely
16:32:16prpplagueerikm: guess i need to not buy beer for a month and save my money for a LART
16:33:10erikmheh :)
16:57:22sammy_night all
19:20:01prpplagueerikm: up late tonight?
19:20:31erikmit's only 22:25 over here
19:20:51prpplagueoh well thats not too late
19:52:46erikmcompares a couple of flash partitioning schemes
19:57:23erikmthinks a combination of redboot and bootldr
19:58:56prpplagueif someone doesn't bet me to it, i'm going to try and add xmodem support
19:59:05erikmprpplague: go ahead
20:01:25prpplagueassume i get a free moment to do it...
20:02:54erikmprpplague: that's my problem as well. it doesn't have my priority right now, good flash code and flash partitioning are currently more important
20:03:15erikmprpplague: with those two parameter block support gets a lot easier, and with that network booting
20:05:35prpplagueerikm: i use networking booting for thin clients, but what kind of things will be using netboot on arm?
20:10:04erikmprpplague: nice for development: tftp kernel 3... 2... 1... done
20:12:42BZFlagprpplague: why not zmodem instead?
20:13:08erikmBZFlag: that doesn't help you that much
20:13:31BZFlagcould do auto dl then ;-)
20:13:54erikmBZFlag: ehm, yes. that would need a major rewrite for the command line parser. not worth it
20:14:14BZFlagI figure zboot (yopy) has it, lrzsz works on arm, and both are GPLed, so might as well, no?
20:14:39BZFlageven if autostart is not done yet, it can be done later.
20:15:08erikmBZFlag: I don't want unnecessary bloat in blob
20:15:24BZFlagI'm thinking zdown and uudown and then perhaps a shortcut of zflash and uuflash.
20:15:37BZFlagok, --with-zmodem ;-)
20:16:10BZFlagthe zmodem code in zboot is pretty small, it's mostly just hacked versions of the bases stuff in lrzsz
20:16:36BZFlagBut I agree, I'd look at the size diff tween xmodem and zmodem before making the choice.
20:16:59BZFlagxdown and xflash would work to. ;-)
20:17:42BZFlag(though technically is "upload" not "download" as the transfer is initiated on the other end.
20:18:28BZFlagso perhaps zup or xup ;-)
20:19:10erikmhmm, we could even do command aliases with Russ's paramter blocks
20:19:20BZFlagdid you ever get ipaq jtag info?
20:19:43erikmBZFlag: didn't yet mailed jamey, -ENOTIME
20:20:14BZFlagheh. I got the NDA from jamey but decided not to sign and return it.
20:22:28erikmfinds it interesting that quite some things from CVS get rewritten by people outside of compaq
20:52:39erikmgoes zzz

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