irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.16

00:33:26Sammymorning all
04:28:09Sammylunch time ...
09:56:20Sammyerikm : you cool ...
09:57:58Sammyand I order the tux , so after I porting blob on the board like assabet , I can porting it to blob ,that's greet ...
10:08:21erikmblob already supports tuxscreen... :)
12:35:19erikmhi prpplague
12:36:06prpplaguehowdy erikm
12:36:47prpplaguei haven't had any time to be larted in the last week
12:37:27erikmgood, cause I did :)
12:37:40erikmcleaned up the flash code
12:38:24prpplaguecool, when do we get xmodem support??
12:39:01erikmas soon as somebody implements it
12:39:07erikmit's an open feature request
12:39:21erikmjust take the lrzsz xmodem code and put it in blob
12:40:37prpplagueerikm: well after i get my new communications guy up to speed and he can take over some of my support issue, i'm going to get really blob'ed
12:42:17prpplagueerikm: bought one of these off of ebay -
12:42:26prpplaguemaverik arm720t
12:45:22erikmprpplague: interesting as agadget, though I wonder what the real life value of an "internet connected picture frame" is :)
12:49:47prpplagueerikm: it seems to be on the same lines as the iopener, they only want $99 for the unit, but of $100 for a years worth of service
12:58:31erikmprpplague: like the tivo
12:59:16prpplagueerikm: the unit seems to be well documented
14:01:58erikmgrrr, net splits
14:49:40sammy_wmshello guys I am back ...
16:11:26sammyNight all
16:12:01sammystart ZzZ
17:00:27prpplagueerikm: you alive?
17:04:46erikmwakes up
17:19:53prpplagueerikm: i'm going to post a message to nk about the dead wood, how friendly is np about these requests?
17:21:04erikmit's just a call for information
17:22:09erikmprpplague: nico is not evil, if that's what you think. he can be quite harsh, but he always has reasons to be so
17:22:24prpplagueerikm: ok thanks, i know some linux gurus can be very passionate
17:22:44erikmprpplague: unlike rmk, who can sometimes be annoying
17:23:15erikmprpplague: (though he's actually a nice and somewhat shy person in real life)
17:38:03prpplaguemessage away...
17:38:14prpplaguemaybe i won't get flamed to death
18:40:00prpplaguewelcome back guys, i was beginning to feel deserted
18:40:51erikmbloody net splits
18:42:20prpplaguewell np didn't scold me too bad
18:45:19erikmI didn't see your message on l-a-k
19:04:13prpplagueerikm: i don't think it went through
19:04:45erikmprpplague: I think because the london internet exchange broke
19:06:53prpplagueerikm: i'm not sure i subscribed properly to l-a-k
19:07:11erikmthat doesn't matter, it's an open list
19:09:28BZFlaghey erikm. noticed you posted a bug for me. perhaps it will wake me up. ;-)
19:09:32prpplague   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
19:09:32prpplague<>... Deferred: Connection refused by
19:09:32prpplague550 <>... Host unknown (Name server: no data known)
19:12:45erikmprpplague: prolly because of the london IX
19:14:41erikmBZFlag: yup. why don't put the bug tracking system to work :)
19:20:21BZFlagheh, will do, but not today.
19:20:29BZFlaghave you gotten your phones up yet?
19:20:45BZFlagI keep meaning to track the sodimm discovery issue.
19:20:55BZFlag32M is seen as a 8M
19:21:15BZFlaghmmm. perhaps I'll open a bug? ;-)
19:22:50erikmBZFlag: none of the electronic shops over here cary a 220-->110V transformer
19:24:57BZFlagwow. perhaps you need to hack a 220v one then. =(
19:26:08erikmBZFlag: I think I just buy a 2:1 transformer and put it in a nice box
19:26:58erikmBZFlag: the most difficult part will be the proper US socket, but IIRC I still have one of those ridiculously unsafe US extension cords
19:27:47BZFlagit only handles 57-63 hz too, so you need to convert that. =(
19:28:28erikmeh, is that so?
19:29:33erikmdidn't look at it that good
19:29:52erikmI'd better design a proper one
19:29:54BZFlagI'd get a connector and a 3.3 and 5v power supply and try wiring it up.
19:30:20BZFlagnot sure what to do for the pfi though. try it without and see what happens? =)
19:30:51BZFlagI can hook a voltmeter up to one here and see what power shows up on that pin if any.
19:31:48BZFlagI suspect that the computer portion runs of 3.3v only and the DSP/phone uses the 5v
19:32:15erikmI sort of expect judging from the amount of current
19:41:59erikmRuss: you there?
19:42:06erikmor russ_...
19:43:13prpplagueerikm: why not just use a standard ps and put a new end on it?
19:43:13BZFlagso a 3.3v power supply with 4 AA batteries might work. ;-)
19:44:24BZFlagwould be nice to add a 5v->3.3v converter and then run the whole thing on 5 then battery only would be possible.
19:44:42erikmBZFlag: wouldn't be too hard
19:57:21BZFlagerikm: well now, you have some motivation, right? ;-)
19:57:41erikmthinks about the flash code
19:59:58erikmRuss: I'm thinking about splitting up the intel flash code in a 16bit and a 32bit variant
20:00:35erikmRuss: doing it in a single file would a) clutter it up and b) make an ugly hack with typedefs
20:08:01BZFlagok, I get like 2.4v on the pfi pin, but very low amperage. I assume it's bleeding back from some test circuit.
20:08:18BZFlagthe 3.3v and 5v leads are all live with nothing attached to pfi.
20:08:34BZFlagI assume you don't need to do anything with pfi to get the system to boot.
20:09:18erikmokm thanks

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