irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.15

03:10:31Russmorning WeirdArms
03:13:16Emilyok what me to send it now?
03:16:25WeirdArmsHey russ
03:20:26Emilyaim sucks
03:20:28Emilyi cant type
03:20:43Russcan you join #flood then?
04:05:17SammyRuss ?
04:05:49Sammyyou here ?
04:06:32Sammydo you ever running QPE on tuxscreen ?
04:09:36Sammyor someone do this before ? WeirdArms ?
04:11:07WeirdArmsdon't have a tuxscreen
04:12:31Sammyoh , ok but do you ever run QPE on some platform for sa-1100 or sa-1110 ?
06:45:56seletzhi guys!
06:58:41erikm was last seen on #blob 2 days, 11 hours, 7 minutes and 42 seconds ago, saying: goes zzz [Fri Oct 12 20:50:59 2001]
06:58:41seletzibot: seen erikm?
06:59:10seletzgetting Strong Brownian Motion Producer
07:13:42seletz_got timed out or something, please kick seletz ....
08:29:04seletzshouting "Hurray! LCD working at last!"
10:36:23sammy_seletz : cool .
10:37:32sammy_seletz : are you here ?
10:42:01seletzsammy_: yes, now im here :)
10:49:35sammy_I have some question about LCD driver , I'll asking you later at home ....
10:49:59sammy_dinner time ...^_^
10:50:11seletzsammy_: maaahlzeit!
13:56:40seletz"Behold! My Board boots and my CSTN Display shows a nice Tux!"
14:29:25sammyhello all
14:31:27seletzhi again!
14:31:41seletzafk, bbl
14:33:12sammyseletz : asking about some question with LCD driver ?
15:14:52prpplagueis fighting frame relay circuits
15:22:53sammyomm..If I want my LCD on which file can I start ?
15:23:49sammystill confuse with the LCD and framebuffer
15:26:30seletzsammy: fisrt start getting the lcd spec for your lcd display
15:26:44seletzsammy: then work out correct LCCR0-3 settings
15:27:08sammythis is just for LCD on right ?
15:27:18seletzsammy: take a look for tat in blob/src/blob/lcd.c
15:27:28seletzsammy: erm. no.
15:27:50seletzsammy: what board/lcd panel do you use?
15:28:30sammyMy friend bollow me one panel with size is 800 * 600
15:29:16seletzsammy: ok, then all i said applies.
15:29:49sammywith that board he borrow
15:29:56seletzsammy: get lcd spec, work out correct LCCR0-3 (see blob/src/blob/lcd.c and include/blob/lcd.h)
15:30:15seletzsammy: and linux/driver/video/sa1100fb.c
15:30:53sammyerikm talk me about sa1100fb.c before , is that change too much ?
15:31:10seletzsammy: sa1100fb.c is full of examples you can use, probably one used your lcd panel already (800x600 is quite hefty, tough)
15:32:20seletzsammy: all you have to do is basically fill a struct with your lcd settings, add some code for lcd powerup etc, and it should work.
15:32:34sammyif I use diag , can it work ?
15:32:43seletzsammy: I'd rather play with the new lcd stuff in blob.
15:32:57seletzsammy: yes, diag, use that.
15:33:11seletzsammy: thats how i got my lcd up&running
15:33:49seletzsammy: IMHO the framework should be quite usable by now ...
15:34:22seletzsammy: sorry, i think its blob/src/diag/lcd.c ...
15:35:05sammyI start porting blob on that sa1110 board , try let the LCD on and with framebuffer
15:35:09seletzsammy: with diag you get a mutch faster dev-cycle, as the framebuffer under linux is not modularized yet.
15:36:03seletzsammy: yes, just pay attention to the memory settings you use. look at memsetup-sa1110.S
15:36:19seletzsammy: thats the first thin you should do.
15:36:47seletzsammy: use 133Mhz core clock and MEMCLK/2 for your first try.
15:38:00sammyshould I find some 320 x 240 LCD panel or I can try it on 800 X 600 ?
15:38:26seletzsammy: beware, tough: i changed today quite something in memsetup-sa1110.S i have to talk to erikm firstt
15:38:59seletzsammy: hmm, if you have a display already, then try it.
15:39:38sammyI am looking the code you write this two days .
15:39:46seletzsammy: beware of DMA congestion, tough. Memory bandwith is quite high if you want a decent refresh rate ...
15:40:30seletzsammy: people tried to get 640x480xtruecolor@75Hz to run with no success IIRC
15:40:40seletzsammy: _PAL_
15:41:58seletzwell, i'm off now. Got to eat something ...
15:42:03seletzbye all
15:42:18sammythanx , I'll try
15:42:41seletzsammy: good luck!
17:16:27sammyBZFalg : ?
23:02:24prpplaguenight all

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