irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.11

02:56:33Sammyis now with a ramdisk support jffs2 on LART ...
09:52:12Sammyhello all
09:53:10Sammyerikm : now I can run jffs2 on LART , thanx all of all help :=)
09:54:01Sammybut still can't compiler mtd/util :=(
09:54:41SammyI have already ask andersee , but I still don't know why ?
09:55:03Sammysomething magic ...
10:05:05WeirdArmserikm: Whats new?
10:05:36erikm2.5.x will open RSN
10:09:03erikm"On the other hand, the good news is that I'll open 2.5.x RSN, just because Alan is so much better at maintaining things ;)" -- linus
10:10:19erikmwhich means that we'll finally get a stable 2.4 release
10:10:58erikmthe last couple of 2.4 releases have been devastating
10:11:13erikm2.4.x-ac was much more stable
10:12:06erikmthat's why RedHat, Mandrake, Caldera, and Conectiva ship -ac kernels (though they're usually called 2.4x-yy)
10:13:20erikmhi seletz
10:13:38Sammyhello , seletz
10:13:54seletzSammy: how was it goin with ecos?
10:14:57seletzreading The List
10:18:36seletzSammy: :) ok.
10:20:44seletzSammy: its on the way.
10:21:09seletzSammy: remember: dont do a make clean, or the configuration will be lost.
10:21:44SammyOk , this time I'll backup first ...
10:22:32seletzSammy: and my changes are in the hal/arm/sa11x0/_somwhere/assabet/current/include/hal_platform_setup.h or something like this.
10:22:59seletzSammy: there is a macro which evaluates to assembly code, there i changed the dram params.
10:26:56Sammyhmmm...ok , is this with all driver for assabet in it  ?
10:27:56seletzSammy: well, i home you have an arm-elf-gcc/ld somewhere, then you can do a mace and everything should work. There is also a pre-compiled version in install/bin
10:28:43seletzSammy: IIRC, arm-linux-gcc does _not_ work.
10:28:57erikmseletz: what's wrong with ln -s arm-linux-gcc arm-elf-gcc ?
10:29:29seletzerikm: well, IIRC it just does not work.
10:30:09seletzerikm: but it was a long weekend then ...
10:39:25erikmdelivers a new ramdisk to physics dept.
10:53:10Sammyseletz : about arm-elf-gcc which version is stable and pretty good for use ?
10:56:41seletzSammy: i use  2.95.3
11:20:36seletzerikm: what do i need to change to get flash running on my board?
11:20:52erikmflash commands, and flash block sizes
11:20:58erikmwhat kind of flash is it?
11:21:31seletzerokm: 2x intel e28f640
11:22:12erikmhmm, I think the LART flash commands without the funny flash mapping will do
11:24:25seletzerikm: you mean without RunningFromInternal()
11:25:19seletzerikm: i tried assabet settings, didnt work (after flashing kernel blob was gone :()
11:26:28erikmno, without the funny things in flashasm.S
11:26:37erikmbut that's only compiled for LART anyway
11:27:56seletzerikm: argh. asm!
11:30:07erikmseletz: it's C callable asm
11:31:01erikmseletz: it's one of the oldest parts of blob, jdb wrote it back in 1999
11:31:37seletzerikm: Ugh! What in hell is THAT? Looks like some encryption code :)
11:31:50WeirdArmsrussel is slow with the kernel list forwarding
11:33:43erikmseletz: that's how you get *fast* flash
11:33:58erikmWeirdArms: what kernel list forwarding?
11:34:32WeirdArmsdoesn't he moderate?
11:36:09erikmno, rmk certainly doesn't moderate linux-kernel. he has better things to do, you know
11:39:16WeirdArmsarm linux
11:42:08seletzerikm: flash code needs cleanup IMHO. quite unreadable, no?
11:43:27WeirdArmserikm: Doesn't Russel moderate arm-linux-kernel?
11:43:31WeirdArmsemail list
11:43:31erikmWeirdArms: no
11:43:44erikmWeirdArms: he has better things to do :)
11:44:19erikmseletz: yes, it's horrible, I want to clean it up this weekend
11:44:53erikmseletz: I have some old cold lying around from an ancient pre-1.0.0 blob version that sort of does it correct
11:44:58erikmseletz: but it needs rewriting
11:45:04seletzerikm: :) will we get something like flash_write( adr, size ) and flash read( adr, size )
11:45:21erikmseletz: something like that, yes
11:45:35erikmseletz: btw: flash_read(addr, size) is just memcpy()
11:45:47seletzerikm: IMHO the read/write routines should not know about kernel and initrd sizes
11:46:00erikmseletz: that's the partitioning part
11:46:18erikmseletz: which needs to be separated from the flash write part
11:46:38erikmseletz: that's one part of the rewrite issues
11:47:08Sammywhen I start kernel and it show something like this : jffs2_scan_empty(): Empty block at 0x000efffc ends at 0x000f0000 (with 0xe0021985)! Marking dirty , what 's the problem with that ?
11:47:32erikmSammy: dunno, jffs2 is quite verbose
11:47:43erikmSammy: overly verbose, sometimes
11:47:58erikmwalks of to do some kind of test
11:48:10seletzSammy: no problem. jffs2 scans each block and reports everything.
11:48:28seletzSammy: when you follow nicos advices for installing with redboot, then
11:49:04seletzSammy: you wrote a jffs2 img that is shorter than the real partition (to give it more room to grow).
11:49:35seletzSammy: then this data gets discovered by jffs2 and marked "dirty"
11:50:09seletzSammy: so no problem at all.
11:50:24Sammyor I must erase flash first and then reload it again ?
11:50:32seletzSammy: it _is_ verbose, tough.
11:50:55seletzSammy: hmmm. i dont think so. does it boot?
11:51:11seletzSammy: first time boot takes quite some time
11:51:57Sammyyes, it does , but I use the image make by erikm , it don't show this massage
11:55:52SammyI think maybe is my problem with making jffs2 image
11:55:52seletzSammy: well, you could mount it with mount -o loop on your host and do a jffs2 fsck on the image....
11:55:52Sammyyes , this is all I try first time .
11:55:52Sammymust try another image to make sure about it .
11:55:52Sammydoes any use ramdisk with QPE ?
11:55:52seletzSammy: yes, me.
11:56:19seletzSammy: oh, QPE, no. I just use QT/embedded. sorry.
11:57:25Sammywhat thing should I add into ramdisk to run that ?
11:57:41Sammyrun QT
11:58:17seletzSammy: dont know about QPE, only QT/embedded
11:58:27WeirdArmserikm: Hmm, I thought it was moderated, must just be bloody slow
11:59:01WeirdArmssent two emails and I've got neither of them yet
12:04:26WeirdArmsmaybe I'm not actually on it
12:09:53erikmjust got them
12:14:45Sammychange his place
12:18:30seletzintstant caffeine refill package (hot)
12:20:00WeirdArmsloves the possitive feedback he always gets regarding his ARM linux efforts
12:20:28erikmWeirdArms: I told rmk to be gentle on his feedback
12:21:04WeirdArmsanyway doesn't matter I'll work it out myself
12:21:33erikmdidn't yet brain wash nico
12:21:51WeirdArmsNah, Russels been good in the past
12:22:02WeirdArmsspecially when I was at delft he was really helpful
12:22:15WeirdArmsBut I've still got 2 major design things to work out
12:22:43erikmhmm, at that time I wasn't able to brain wash rmk directly
12:23:23WeirdArmserikm: are you interseted in looking at the fass patch?
12:23:44erikmWeirdArms: currently not, I'm hacking the pcmcia driver
12:31:08WeirdArmserikm: Are my questions to arm-linux-kernel unclear?
12:32:29erikmWeirdArms: not unclear,only highly specialistic
12:33:09erikmWeirdArms: I guess that only four or five people understand what you're talking about
12:33:19erikmWeirdArms: but it *is* on topic
12:33:43WeirdArmsYeah but those who know haven't said anything
12:33:49WeirdArmsIe Russel
12:34:00WeirdArmsPhillip also mentioned something in the past about looking at the PID
12:36:03erikmphillip == phil blundell?
12:40:14erikmWeirdArms: hmm, philb isn't that active anymore
12:43:56WeirdArmswhy's that
12:45:30WeirdArmsshould I bother sending a patch to the arm-linux-kernel list
12:46:43erikmof course
12:47:16erikmbut maybe you should explain what it does, so other people get interested and use your patch
12:48:31WeirdArmshmm time to update the document to match the code
13:05:14prpplaguehowdy all
13:05:21erikmhi prpplague
13:06:06prpplagueerikm: whats the status of sa1110 support on blob?
13:06:34erikmprpplague: works if you get your memeory parameters OK
13:09:33prpplagueerikm: and if you have them wrong? smokin?
13:09:48erikmno output on serial port
13:10:02erikmprpplague: and the LED switched off
13:10:24erikmprpplague: well, depends
13:10:42erikmprpplague: if the LED is still on, the copying from flash to ram went wrong
13:10:54erikmprpplague: if the LED is off, the jump to RAM went wrong
13:12:04prpplagueerikm: ohh we talkin LED diags, but nothing damaging?
13:12:19erikmno, not afaik
13:12:31erikmprpplague: I never managed an assabet with it :)
13:12:45prpplagueerikm: well soon see...
13:13:01prpplagueargh, i'm not awake this morning
13:13:05erikmmanaged to burn, I mean
13:29:08seletzerikm: silly question: how do i force an 8-bit write to an register in C?
13:30:29erikmwell, you'd better not, all SA11x0 registers are 32 bit
13:30:43seletzerikm: well, yes. not my cpld.
13:30:56erikmbut if you really want you can just cast it to unsigned char
13:31:44seletzerikm: (*((unsigned char*)x)), yes?
13:32:15erikmhow far apart are the CPLD ports?
13:32:36erikmif you align them on 4 bytes you can just write words to it
13:33:10seletzthey are on 0x10000090
14:02:02seletzerikm: is objdump buggy? i.e. diassembles offsets of branches not correctly?
14:11:42seletzwell hi again.
14:12:09seletzerikm: did you see my last msg about objdump?
14:12:12prpplagueyep, had to reboot this p4 box, it gets really slow after 4or5 days
14:15:36erikmseletz: no, objdump is not broken
14:15:57erikmseletz: but an .o file is not yet properly relocated and linked by the linker
14:16:20erikmseletz: objdump -D -S blob-rest-elf32 shows it properly
14:36:34WeirdArmserikm: Nico was a bit harsh
14:39:44erikmrmk just released ac11-rmk1
14:40:26WeirdArmsactually I'm sick of this
14:40:38erikmI'll ask nico not to be so harsh
14:40:44WeirdArmsAll I've had is negativeity about this project
14:40:49WeirdArmsI don't know why I'm bothering
14:52:20erikmWeirdArms: ok if I invite nico over here?
14:54:29sammy_wmsnight all
14:54:46erikmnight sammy
15:01:26erikmWeirdArms: the best advise I can give you right now is to talk directly to rmk
15:01:47erikmWeirdArms: IOW: avoid linux-arm-kernel for the time being
15:02:02erikmWeirdArms: (well, for the fass stuff, that is)
15:02:13WeirdArmsI'll just do it myself
15:02:33WeirdArmsI only ask because it saves time if people point out where things are
15:03:16erikmWeirdArms: rmk just assured me that he is positive about your work
15:51:36seletz  /part home ...
21:06:09RussI noticed today was some gay day on campus...
21:06:21Russseems to be a flaming day on linux-arm/kernel
21:08:25prpplagueRuss: i've had a chance to check it out, but weirdarms seemed a little upset
21:08:35prpplagues/had/not had
21:42:10prpplagueRuss: you have a LART?
21:43:21Russ3 lartish boards
21:44:34prpplagueRuss: are you using any type of apm with them?
21:45:31Russno, they have one of those round power jacks
21:46:22prpplagueman thats down right pretty
21:46:26Russand then there is a dual ethernet board that goes with it
21:47:13prpplagueprefered internet technologies?
21:47:28RussI don't know, my work does weird marketing things
21:47:36Russthats what they wanted me to write on it
21:48:23prpplagueRuss: can you buy that somewhere?
21:48:33Russnot right now
21:48:47Russgoing to do a run of 50 w/ethernet soon
21:49:14prpplagueRuss: nice, i'm trying to convince my pcb sub-contractor to build a run of larts
21:49:42RussI want to just sell it as a platform, and then provide project opensoure project pages
21:50:02Russits just a college job though
21:50:38Russvery cool to be able to play with such things
21:50:51prpplagueRuss: i agree
21:51:04RussI may need to do a redesign with sa1110 and sdram soon though
21:51:27prpplagueRuss: got a waiting list?
21:51:51Russno, we will be selling it as a masq/firewall/vpn box
21:52:12Russit doesn't have a low speed/100mil connector like the lart does
21:52:43Russif you are thinking of doing a run, it would probably be cheaper to just buy a kit from aleph1
21:52:50Russanyway, shower
21:52:56prpplagueRuss: thanks
21:53:24prpplagueRuss: they'd be doing it for free, we spend alot with them
22:03:10prpplagueRuss: they've never done anything with arm, only x86 stuff, so they are a little scared
22:14:32Russwhats the difference to the board house?
22:14:57Russarm is so much simpler than x86 (I've never done x86, but I've seen the boards)
22:16:49prpplagueRuss: i agree, its just that they don't know that yet

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