irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.10

03:08:48sammymorning all ...
03:09:54sammyRuss : < Happy Birthday >
08:49:20seletzhi all
09:47:01seletzsinging "where have all the people gone ..." .....
13:40:11prpplaguehowdy WeirdArms
13:49:18WeirdArmsNearly got my Fast Address-Space Switching for ARM Linux done
13:49:30WeirdArmsat least something that will show some improvements
14:06:44prpplagueWeirdArms: i'm battling "Illegal Instruction" errors....
14:18:17WeirdArmsit didn't like the Stack being moved :(
14:40:43WeirdArmssetting the stack to 1 might not be so good
14:45:57prpplagueWeirdArms: how long have you been working with linux on SA?
14:46:48WeirdArmsI've been working with the SA for a while
14:46:54WeirdArmsI designed/built the PLEB
14:47:09WeirdArmsdid a microkernel design and partial implimentation around the same time
14:47:13WeirdArmsthat was 98/99
14:47:21WeirdArmshad a bit of time off it
14:47:39WeirdArmsand at the end of last year spent time with the LART/BLOB guys working on ARM Linux
14:48:24WeirdArmsthen I didn't get much time during the year till now to get back to it
14:48:51prpplagueWeirdArms: i've been working with sa about 6months, i love it, but it seems to take twice the effect to understand whats going on compared to x86
14:49:37WeirdArmsI've never used the x86
14:49:41WeirdArmsI'm used to RISC
14:49:55WeirdArmsI know the ARM very well too since I've been studing it for a few years
14:50:44prpplagueWeirdArms: thats been my project for the last year, but now i see i should have been working on arm based systems
14:53:02WeirdArmslooks cool
15:04:16WeirdArmswell sleep time
15:04:18WeirdArmsits 2am
15:52:42sammyhello all
16:01:18prpplaguehowdy sammy
16:09:32sammyhello prpplague :-)
16:22:19sammyirc in my new Red Hat 7
16:22:52sammyer irc in my new Red Hat 7.0 is not stable ...:-(
16:23:58prpplagueya i just reloaded my old p233 laptop with 6.2 ,7.x just ran too slow and seemed unstable
16:26:59sammydo you use debian ?
16:27:17sammyer debain ?
16:27:35prpplaguesammy: i'm not that educated yet...
16:28:20prpplaguei still use rhat because its quick to install, but they don't use straight kernel, they patch the heck out of it
16:30:04sammyme too , even I have really _think_ about use debain , but still don't have time to try it ...
16:31:01prpplaguebesides, i'm trying to spend my time learning about embedded linux
16:31:09sammyI only take 2hr to install 7.0 , and everything expecially CLE 1.0 is OK it
16:32:29prpplaguewell, off to lunch, bbiaf
16:32:40sammyso hacking on embedded linux now is more interesting then that OS , so happy hacking ... ^_^
16:34:00prpplague_lunchsammy: don't get me wrong, i love the idea of have a large selection of dists, but you have to budget your time
16:34:44prpplague_lunchsammy: too much to learn, too little time
16:35:14sammyyeah...this is also my problem ...
16:36:16sammyonly I can do is take my sleep time , and hacking on it
16:36:59sammyget some drink
17:26:43sammyRuss :
17:26:51sammyare you around ?
17:27:16RussI'm here, for a bit
17:28:03sammyhow is your birthday ?
17:28:20Russpretty good so far
17:29:09sammyhave a birthday party ?
17:29:24Russits not even noon yet
17:29:26Russanyway, class
17:29:52sammyclass ?
17:30:00sammyschool class ?
17:32:26sammyanyway you really need to get the gift inside with a girl ...haha
17:54:49prpplagueRuss: so how old are you?
18:13:51sammyshould sleep a while ...
18:13:55sammynight all
18:55:12Russprpplague: 22
19:08:17prpplagueRuss: heading out to the nudie bar to celebrate?
19:14:24prpplaguelol, jk

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