irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.06

14:51:13prpplaguehowdy sammy
14:51:59sammyhi ,prpplague :-)
14:54:40prpplaguehows it going?
15:44:14prpplaguesammy: you alive?
15:44:50sammywhat ?
15:45:12prpplaguesammy: don't believe we've met, my name is Dave Anders, i've been getting blob running as a secondary bootload on the ELF board(sa-1100)
15:46:06sammyand how is that ?
15:46:19sammycan it work ?
15:46:25prpplagueya works great
15:47:36prpplaguejust linked it to a new address and added some code to return the mmu back to a 1-1 mapping before going to rest-blob
15:49:43prpplaguesure makes booting linux easier when dealing with non-linux friendly bootloaders
15:50:07sammynow I am porting jffs2 on LART . and reading some doc on web site ...
17:15:11sammy_wmsis (ZZZ)
17:15:33prpplaguewhats that sammy_wms?
17:16:06sammy_wmsI am at home, just another nick ...
17:16:38prpplagueok, sorry for the distraction

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