irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.03

00:32:24sammymorning ...
00:34:50sammyRuss: I download the 2.4.9 and patch-2.4.9-ac10-rmk3  but when I patch it , it's have something wrong.
00:35:22sammyexpecially can't find out about jffs2's file . why ?
00:40:47sammyor maybe I get the wrong way to patch ?
00:43:24Russyou need to get the ac10 patch
00:44:04sammytwo patch file ?
00:45:00sammyyou mean one is patch-2.4.9-rmk3 another is patch-2.4.9-ac10 ?
00:45:15sammybegin search...
00:50:58Russfirst, the ac10 one
00:51:05Russthen, the ac10-rmk3 one
00:54:23sammyOK , Thanx , lose one step...(the ac10)
01:23:37sammyparch ok , compiler kernel again...
01:32:29ed__hey have any of your run X on the lart?
01:32:40ed__or similar
01:33:44ed__ok thanks
01:39:10RussI have
01:39:22Russremote display
04:08:53sammyhello BZFlag
06:00:47sammywhat is this question solve ?
06:01:20sammygetconstants.c:69: inconsistent operand constraints in an `asm'
06:01:21sammymake[2]: *** [/usr/src/linux/include/asm-arm/constants.h] Error 1
06:01:22sammymake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/arm/tools'
06:01:23sammymake[1]: *** [dep] Error 2
06:01:24sammymake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/arm/tools'
06:01:25sammymake: *** [archdep] Error 2
06:04:42sammyneed help...
08:13:23erikmmorning *
08:18:00sammymorning erikm ...
08:33:57sammyerikm : what's mean that inconsistent operand constraints ?
08:36:53erikmwhich inconsistant operand constraints?
08:38:01sammyok like this ...
08:38:22sammygetconstants.c:67: inconsistent operand constraints in an `asm'
08:38:23sammygetconstants.c:69: inconsistent operand constraints in an `asm'
08:38:24sammymake[2]: *** [/usr/src/linux/include/asm-arm/constants.h] Error 1
08:38:25sammymake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/arm/tools'
08:38:26sammymake[1]: *** [dep] Error 2
08:38:27sammymake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux/arch/arm/tools'
08:38:28sammymake: *** [archdep] Error 2
08:38:29sammy[root@sammy linux]#
08:43:56erikmdon't use old kernels
08:44:48erikmgetconstants.c in 2.4.9-ac10-rmk2-np1 only has 64 lines
08:45:25sammyso , which kernel I can use ,
08:46:23sammybecause this kernel is Russ tell me to download that kernel-2.4.9
08:46:39sammyand parch-2.4.9-ac10
08:47:06sammyand patch-2.4.9-ac10-rmk3
08:48:41sammyand the error massage  I list not all of then ...
08:50:07erikmehm 2.4.9-ac10-rmk3 does not do nasty things
08:50:19erikmI think you patched your kernel in the wrong way
08:51:50sammyis that bzcat patch-2.4.9-ac10.bz2 | patch -p1
12:04:25erikmadds errno.h to blob
12:42:15prpplaguemorning all
12:43:06erikmmorning prpplague
13:03:37erikmhmm, cleaning up the error handling also saves quite some precious flash space
13:04:57erikmI already saved about 500 bytes by having all functions use printerror(errno) instead of doing their own error printing
13:05:42prpplagueerikm: have you seen hnt's products? they have a dev board called the linuette box(sa-1110) which they boast boots with blob...
13:05:51erikmprpplague: no?
13:05:55erikmprpplague: url?
13:06:15prpplaguestand by, let me get it, i was talking to them last night...
13:08:48erikmhmm, it would be nice to get their changes
13:11:52erikmcould you talk them into submitting the code?
13:12:26prpplagueerikm: i've talked with someone lastnight, but i remembered its a week long holiday in korean this week..., i won't get a response back till monday of next week
13:13:39prpplagueerikm: but i will keep on them until i get a dev board, the code, or both
13:14:02erikmif you get the dev board and it comes with blob loaded they *have* to give you the code
13:14:38prpplagueerikm: right
13:18:09erikmwonders what MIZI linux is
13:19:38erikmfound it:
13:21:27erikmnotifies rmk about it
13:27:54prpplagueerikm: you found the blob mods?
13:28:03erikmno, did you?
13:28:49prpplaguei going through there ftp server now
13:31:01erikmthey are severely misguided, they use rpms
13:32:12prpplagueya i noticed that
13:32:42prpplaguei'm not seeing anything blob related
13:33:25erikm /pub/file contains some arm stuff, but no blob
13:36:35erikmI've seen all their ftp site, but no blob
13:38:18erikmhmm, I think I'm going to mail
13:38:54prpplagueerikm: looks like they are in korea too, don't look for a response till monday
13:39:54erikmdoesn't matter, as long as they respond
13:52:28erikmohh, another one
13:52:41erikmbut tis one has source available is the cvsweb server from MIZI
14:02:40erikmbut it's down
14:02:49ed__hey erik
14:02:52ed__have you run X on the lart?
14:03:01ed__we are having issues
14:04:04erikmwe did it before, yes
14:05:15ed__so it keeps complaining aabout not being able to open a vt or tty0
14:05:33erikmoh, like that
14:05:34ed__any clues on where to start?
14:05:43erikmcompile support for virtual consoles in the kernel
14:05:50ed__oh ok
14:06:02erikmand have the correct device nodes in /dev
14:06:07ed__kent says it is in there
14:06:26ed__the symbols were in there
14:08:16erikmed__: enable "Virtual terminal" and "Support for console on virtual terminal" in char devices
14:09:17erikmed__: disable "VGA text console" in Console drivers, and enable "Support for frame buffer devices" and "SA1100 LCD support"
14:09:24ed__ok cool
15:00:43erikmcommits generalised error handling functions to blob
15:10:19ed__erikm: thanks for the info...we've got the vt on to X
15:57:38erikmand another cleanup
15:57:45erikmmoves icache stuff into icache.c
16:27:15erikmwonders what to clean up next
16:29:16prpplagueerikm: the kitchen? the bathroom?
16:32:32erikmprpplague: heh
16:32:42erikmprpplague: I now have main.c in my cross hairs
16:33:06erikmprpplague: it's too long
16:56:48erikmright, reboot and help are in separate files
17:27:54erikmhi tim
17:28:07erikmBZFlag: I'm in a cleanup mood today
17:29:14erikmBZFlag: as you might have noticed from the blob-cvs-commit mailing list :)
17:30:25prpplagueBZFlag: after he's finish with blob, he's going to clean my car too...
18:18:36BZFlagand my cube at work I hope.
18:19:02erikmyour cube?
18:19:11erikmah, cubicle
18:31:25BZFlagyep. just moved, and my new one is a mess of disconnected hardware
19:39:19Russwhy errno, string
19:39:24Russwhy not errno: string
19:40:15erikmRuss: hmm?
19:40:23erikmRuss: what do you mean?
19:40:48Russinstead of a struct error_t
19:40:59Russjust a char array, with numbered initializers
19:42:31erikmhmm, yeah. could do that as well
19:42:48erikmwill make blob even smaller
19:42:52Russjust like sys_errno
19:43:23erikmI already shaved 700 bytes from the image with the cleanups from today :)
20:54:15erikmgoes zzz

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