irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.02

00:42:21Sammymorning all .
03:08:49SammyRuss : is that  you patch the kernel for tuxscreen ?
03:10:22Sammyif I what to know that change add or del on it , how do I do that ?
03:11:40SammyMy problem now is I don't know what thing need to add on the kernel to support my platform ?
03:11:48Russjust look through the diff
03:12:08Russis it an sa1100_
03:14:08Sammybecause I use the patch by Russell king and 2.4 kernel and compiler it ,but can't work on lart ...
03:15:34Sammyand now I have a litte confuse to go next step , how to solve ?
03:16:23Sammyto know what patch on the kernel ? or is my problem on ramdisk ?
03:18:53Sammyis loading the kernel again...
03:21:18Russwhat board do you have?
03:23:38Russoh, so you want to patch a kernel
03:23:45Russlike 2.4.9-ac10-rmk3
03:25:03Russget linux-2.4.9, un tar it
03:25:11Russget the ac10 patch, use it
03:25:18Russget the rmk3 patch, use it
03:26:43Sammythen compiler it , download it ?
03:28:01Russthen make xconfig (or menuconfig, or lartconfig)
03:28:08Russthe compile it, then download the zImage
03:29:00Sammydoesn't need to make mrproper ?
03:29:29Sammy1) make prproper
03:29:40Sammy2) make lart_config
03:29:50Sammy3) make oldconfig
03:30:07Sammy4) make dep
03:30:15Sammy5) make zImage
03:30:36Sammyright ?
03:30:41Russyou probably want to do some configuration of your own too
03:32:32Sammyyou mean only make lartconfig -> make dep -> make zImage ?
03:33:04Russyou might want to make menuconfig/xconfig and look at what options are set
03:34:25Sammyso doesn't need to make mrproper and make oldconfig
03:35:09Sammymake menuconfig -> make dep -> make zImage
03:52:53Russits an extra step
03:55:05prpplaguehowdy guys
03:57:23Sammyis getting kernel and all patch ...
03:58:32prpplagueis search the web site for more devices to test blob with
06:39:06seletzguten morgen, erm, morning all!
06:40:11seletzgetting hot black liquid
08:07:21sammymorning erkim
08:08:52sammypatch again.
08:17:11sammyer morning <<erikm>> again ...
08:51:09sammyerikm : kernel question .
08:53:56sammymake kernel , if I make with make menuconfig , it's will got the error , but if I use make lart_config ->make oldconfig then it's pass , why ?
08:56:38erikmbecause lart_config is a sane configuration for LART
10:30:20seletzsammy: how do you change your name in IRC?
10:31:41sammy_use /nick
10:32:25seletz_codingworks :=)
11:16:59erikmhmm, forgot to reset my nick :)
11:17:19erikmcontinues coding
11:36:58sammyerikm :
11:37:11sammyyou around ?
11:50:01seletzhi erik
11:50:23seletzfinally got sa1110 powerup procedure running
11:50:44seletzsomeone to review it?
12:37:00prpplaguemorning all
12:37:51prpplagueerikm: you here ?
12:50:51prpplagueerikm: i've got be out of the office this morning, but i've working on the blob patch..
12:51:08prpplagueerikm: in the i've added the following:
12:51:10prpplagueif test "x$board_name" = "xsa1100_elf" ; then
12:51:10prpplague    cp src/start-ld-script-elf src/start-ld-script
12:51:10prpplague    cp src/start-ld-script-std src/start-ld-script
12:51:32prpplagueerikm: let me know if thats acceptable
13:06:15erikmprpplague: nope, there are nicer ways to do that
13:06:30erikmprpplague: see the conditionally compile stuff for clock.c for example
13:06:59prpplagueerikm: ok i'll check that out
13:07:10erikmprpplague: and your system breaks if srcdir != builddir
13:07:20erikmprpplague: (which is quite a normal situation)
13:07:33prpplaguedoh, didn't think about that...
13:08:07prpplagueerikm: bear with me here, this is my first patch for use other than myself...
13:09:18prpplagueerikm: i've got to go clean up a network mess, i'll be back later. if you're not here when i get back, have a nice day...
13:22:33erikmwalks off to deliver a LART
17:28:58prpplagueis away: back in a few
17:46:40prpplagueis back (gone 00:17:42)
17:47:18erikmprpplague: could you disable public away messages? it's not done on OPN
17:49:25prpplagueerikm: no problem, sorry
17:55:10prpplagueerikm: done, sorry about that, i'm not too familiar with some of the irc policies...
18:18:55erikmprpplague: well, the policy hasn't been written down for OPN, but public away messages are usually frowned upon
18:25:32prpplagueerikm: just got word, i've got two new models of strongarm based webpads coming in friday. i can;t wait to see how long it will take me to get blob running...
18:26:59erikmprpplague: should be a lot shorter right now :)
18:33:47prpplagueerikm: thats what i'm shooting for...
18:36:50erikmonly problem might be if it are sa1110 CPUs which still need a cleanup in the memory code
18:37:06erikmbut afaik seletz has code for that, so I don't touch it right now
19:00:14prpplagueerikm: yep looks like they are sa-1110 units 32mram/32mflash
19:01:52erikmcodes init/exit lists
19:41:04erikmcool, the code that does calls init/exit lists is 80 lines, 25 lines of that is stddisclaimer :)
19:54:08prpplagueerikm: cool
19:57:58prpplagueerikm: so you guys finaly agreed on a structure for the init levels?
20:02:22erikmoh, we agreed on the init levels
20:02:52erikmthe noise is about the parameter lists
20:27:25erikmstarts commiting
20:49:10erikmooh, this really works cute
20:49:21erikmmain() only gets shorter, that's a good sign :)
20:49:35prpplagueerikm: that is good!
20:55:50erikmgoes zzz

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