irclog2html for blob on 2001.10.01

10:49:41erikmcvs updates
10:50:16erikmseletz: can you make normal functions from SHOWADR() and SHOWRUN()?
10:51:28erikmseletz: if you make them functions you only have to make one function call for SHOWRUN() instead of three
10:51:35erikmseletz: which saves space
10:53:17erikmcommit policy is easy: obvious bug fixes can always be comitted, larger changes should either be discussed over here, or on the lart mailing list
11:06:30seletzerikm: oops. I think i'd rather discussed my changes in chkmem.c before, right?
11:07:49seletzerikm: yes. Macros as SHOWRUN() considered as hacks by me, too.
11:08:40seletzerikm: should adhere to "do it right the first time", but it was late :^/
11:09:02ed__do right the 3rd or 4th keeps it interesting
11:10:05seletzBTW: does one of you guys use lincvs or do you all cmd-line cvs?
11:10:15erikmjust command line CVS
11:10:40erikmI'm fluent in CVS :)
11:10:41seletzguessed so. :)
11:12:27seletzI soon will add real support for our hw in blob. Something special to be done?
11:13:19seletzor is it just changing main.h, led.h and linux.h?
11:15:34erikmI documented in the README file
11:15:39erikmI think those are the files, yes
11:15:49erikmand the memory setup stuff
11:20:02seletzOK, i see nothing new in memsetup-sa1110.S. I'll add a couple of defines and ifdefs there, OK?
11:41:53erikmI'll clean up later, this weekend was the "build small ramdisk" weekend
11:45:06erikmseletz: if at all possible, check if blob still compiles for all other architectures before you submit something
11:45:28erikmseletz: utils/build/ contains some scripts for that
11:45:56erikmseletz: which use the fact that builddir!=srcdir for autoconf'ed makefiles
11:46:53seletzwell, yes. I shgould not have anything broken, tough.
11:47:18erikmbetter be sure....
11:47:26seletzSure. :)
12:08:04seletzerikm: is it ok to include SA-1100.h from linux kernel? Would make life much more comfortable.
12:08:21seletzerikm: in memsettp-sa1110.S
12:31:48erikminclude "sa1100.h"
12:31:59erikmit automatically includes it in the correct way
12:32:11erikmOTOH, no, that doesn't work
12:33:13erikmnot for assembly, that is
12:33:34seletzOk, then i include SA-1100.h, ok?
12:33:52erikmalso doesn't work
12:34:02seletz_aehm_ ?
12:34:21seletz#define _ASSEMBLY
12:34:34erikmI got funny errors last time I tried that. the assembler barfed on quite some symbols
12:35:17seletzwell, i'll try it, at last.
12:35:30erikmgo ahead
12:36:22erikmbut remember that indexed register access (like in memsetup-sa1100.S) is a *lot* smaller
12:38:09seletzi currently hack it that way :)
12:38:29seletzi only need the constatns for MDREFR
12:38:37seletzand MSCxxx
12:38:47seletz_much_ more readable
12:39:21erikmSA-1100.h doesn't have those things indexed
12:40:35seletzno, i want to do mov r0, #(SLFRSH | K2DB2 | K1RUN)
12:40:50seletzor similar, even #define it before
12:41:32erikmbetter copy those from SA-1100.h, I think, because SA-1100.h will also define things like MDCNFG
12:41:53seletzwell, ok. extra #include?
12:42:16seletzadditional file, i mean
12:42:25erikmno, don't think that's necessary. it's only used in a single file, right?
12:42:48seletzwell, perhaps memsetup-sa1100.S may use it also, no?
12:43:20erikmonly the MDCNFG stuff, but not K2DB2 etc
12:43:49erikmif you wan to #define it for MDCNFG make it a separate header file, yes
12:43:56erikm(memsetup.h or so)
12:44:04seletzagreed. So #defines in memsetup-sa1110.h. can be changed easy afterwards.
12:44:12seletz.S i mean
12:45:06erikmyes, just cvs add include/memsetup.h and also add the file to include/
13:09:45prpplaguemorning all
13:37:09erikmseletz: unless CheckMem/Poke/Peek gets called from somewhere else, there is no need to make them non-static functions
13:37:59seletzerikm: hmm. Its called by the command line parser, tough.
13:38:11erikmseletz: no
13:38:27seletzerik. "static: only used in this module" i thought.
13:38:34erikmseletz: the command line parser doesn't know about them, they are just function pointers exported by the __command() directive
13:39:13seletzwell, then _every_ command func should be static.
13:40:00seletzerikm: they get called by the parser, are'nt they?
13:40:51erikmseletz: every command function should be, and most are, yes
13:41:25erikmseletz: the nice thing about the new command structure is that you can add commands without having to export a function
13:42:29seletzerikm: yes. fully understand that. IMHO every function that is called outside its defining module should be non-static. otherwise static for functions would be useless.
13:42:58seletzerikm: its not too much an issue, tough
13:43:38erikmseletz: compare with linux: most module have init_module() function to initialise them, but it doesn't clash because those functions are static
13:45:15seletzerikm: good point. But OTOH command funcs should be named unique. bad things happen when link-order is important.
13:46:57erikmyes, I think the linker will complain about multiple defined modules
13:47:37erikmthough I think I can also encode the filename in the command list entry
13:48:13prpplagueerikm: i should have my mods for blob documented and a patch by friday
13:49:44erikmprpplague: cool
13:58:10erikmgoes home
14:21:11seletzsomeone here who knows arm asm?
14:31:38prpplagueseletz: only a little, not enough probably to help...
14:33:39seletzprpplague: give it a try. only a simple loop: i want to copy one table of longs to a specified address
14:34:04seletzprpplague: with auto-index
14:34:39seletzprpplague: i use "ldr r2, [r1], #4" to load data to r2
14:35:03seletzprpplague: and suppose that r1 is post-incremented with 4. right?
14:35:26seletzprpplague: r1 contains the base adr of the source table
14:36:03prpplaguesounds like you might be able to use something like this:
14:36:05prpplague/* r0 = source address
14:36:05prpplague * r1 = target address
14:36:05prpplague * r2 = source end address
14:36:05prpplague */
14:36:06prpplagueldmiar0!, {r3-r10}
14:36:07prpplaguestmiar1!, {r3-r10}
14:36:09prpplaguecmpr0, r2
14:37:12seletzprpplague: well, this is block-copy, is it not? Copies in units of 8 longs.
14:37:51prpplagueseletz: oops your right, didn't look close enough...
14:38:12seletzprpplague: what i really want is copy one long after each other. possibly odd number
14:38:52seletzprpplague: is above inexed load right? "ldr r2, [r1], #4" i mean?
14:39:17seletzprpplague: does it post-increment r1
14:40:33prpplagueseletz: that looks right, but again, i'm a newbie to arm asm...
14:41:26seletzprpplague: well, i'll keep on trying :^), but thank you nevertheless!
14:42:13prpplagueseletz: sorry i couldn't be of more help, i know how it is doing dev work...
14:44:07seletzprpplague: you helped me! i now keep investigating those ldmia xx!, {} mnemonics!
14:49:59prpplagueseletz: great!
15:57:39prpplaguewelcome back seletz...
17:43:30sammy......back to bed <@_@>
18:41:22prpplagueis away: lunch
19:23:20prpplagueis back (gone 00:41:59)
20:40:55EsSeNcEsup ppls
20:41:35EsSeNcEy'all not tiddlie peeps are ya
20:42:08EsSeNcEblobby blobby blobby
20:42:31EsSeNcEahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh life
20:42:57prpplaguemy wife might disagree about me being alive...
20:43:09EsSeNcEi know the feeling
20:43:40EsSeNcEfeels avive from the toes down
20:51:31prpplagueBZFlag: hows biz?
22:43:19prpplaguenight guys
22:43:26prpplaguehappy blobing....

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