irclog2html for blob on 2001.09.26

07:38:50SammyAmm.. if I what my LCD with Touch panel , is that any driver can use in kernel ?
07:39:19Sammyabout the touch panel ...
07:41:16Sammyand is that any effect about App ? if the driver is good or bad ?
11:03:57Sammyevering erikm
11:08:26Sammyerikm: someday before I asked you that you say LCD driver use the kernel sa1100fb.c ...
11:09:16Sammyand is that any driver about Touch panel in kernel too ?
11:18:32erikmthere is a UCB1200 touch screen driver, don't know in what state it currently is
11:23:57Sammybefore I see the MTD and jffs How to , what's the different between jffs and RAMdisk , sound's like the same thing ,right ?
11:25:49erikmramdisk lives in ram. JFFS2 filesystem lives in flash
11:27:18Sammybut ramdisk compress file also in flash ...?
11:28:14erikmno, compressed ramdisk lives in flash, and is decompressed into ram
11:28:20erikmthat's why it is called a ramdisk
11:28:32Sammywhat's jffs2 actually doing ?
11:28:40erikmJFFS2 lives in flash, and if you write to it, your flash will be updated
11:29:38Sammyhow to write ?
11:30:32erikmsame way as you  write to a normal disk. fd=open(file); write(fd, buf, len); close(fd);
11:30:51erikmMTD+JFFS2 make a real block device from the flash
11:33:20SammyAmm..if I copy a file from zmodem into ram then use MTD+jffs2 , and it's can updated into flash soon ? right ?
11:34:00erikmyes. so next time you'll reboot the file is still there
11:35:08Sammyerikm: something I still get clear , about blob and kernel ,ramdisk catch LART 4MB flash .
11:35:40Sammybut if I want to run QT and some app , where can I put in flash ?
11:36:37Sammycan't ? or I think wrong ?
11:36:43erikmit is quite easy to develop a board for the high speed bus that adds more flash to the second static memory bank
11:37:31erikmwe also have a PCMCIA board in development that allows you to add compact flash modules
11:37:36erikmor an IBM microdrive
11:38:39Sammyit's means that all QT and App need to put in something like CF card ...
11:40:33Sammyis that sa-1100 support 640*480 LCD panel or it can support to 800*600 LCD panel ?
11:41:44erikmit supports anything up to 1024x1024 *as long as it fits in the memory bandwidth*
11:45:27Sammybut what frequency for sa-1100 use ? 190 or 221 ? because when we are calc the clock for LCD mode line it's not enough ?why ?
11:56:07erikmthe sa1100 on the LART is spec'ed at 221MHz
11:56:56erikmit's not the clock
11:57:20erikmit's the memory bandwidth requirement of the LCD DMA controller
11:57:41erikmIntel has an application note about that on their strongarm pages
12:03:45Sammybut from the sa-1100 develop Manual say that PCD(pixel Clock divisor) ,pixel Clock Frequency = CCLK/2(PCD+2) , and when CCLK = 221 , but 800*600 can accept the freq is 38MHZ ~ 48MHZ ,
12:04:44Sammyand it's not in the side ...
12:07:36Sammynot in bandwidth support ...why is this ? confuse ?
12:08:01erikmit is easy
12:08:10erikmsuppose the memory bandwidth is 100MB/s
12:09:00erikmsuppose you want to do 1024x768, 16bpp, 60Hz
12:09:22erikmso you need 1024*768*2*60 = 90MB/s
12:09:40erikmthat won't fit
12:09:59Sammyno , 800*600 ,16bpp ,38~48Mhz
12:10:14erikmbecause you also need some headroom for the DRAM refresh cycles and the CPU itself
12:10:53erikmwhat's the refresh frequency for that mode?
12:11:21Sammy70 HZ
12:12:50erikmthat needs 64MB/s
12:13:23erikmwe already got problems with 640x480 16bpp 60Hz
12:13:34erikmso you better go for an 8 bit mode
12:18:01Sammywho to calc that ? is that ( 800*600*16*70) / (1024*1024) ?
12:18:16Sammyer how ?
12:20:37Sammysorry 800*600*2*70 = 64 MB right ?
12:24:48Sammybut turelly we want to use UNIPAC UB104S01 800*600 color TFT-LCD panel ,how can we currect the MB/s into 38~48 MHz ?
12:26:31erikmthat's more than half the memory bandwidth
12:26:49erikm(which is about 110MB/s according to lmbench)
12:39:06erikmspots an obvious bug in src/serial.c
12:40:14Sammygreat ...
12:51:15Sammy's time to go home ...
12:51:36Sammynight erikm , and.....................Thanx
12:54:23prpplaguemorning all
12:56:57prpplaguethat too...
13:06:28erikmmorning prpplague
13:10:52prpplagueworking hard today, or hardly working today?
13:11:13erikmdoing five things at the same time
13:12:19prpplaguei know what you mean...
13:15:31erikmsheesh, memory is really cheap
13:16:10erikmjust got 1GB of memory. 4 256MB DIMMs, about 40 US$ each.
13:19:48ed__rock on
13:19:53prpplaguei'm ready for flash to be that cheap
13:21:24ed__that ain't gonna happen
13:22:47prpplaguecan dream
13:23:06ed__no i think they passed laws against that
13:25:56erikmed__: of course, that's the US, right? :)
13:27:33prpplaguea law? guess i've missed that, what was the reason behind a law?
14:10:57prpplagueerikm: if the sa-1100 device i'm working with has a single 16meg ram bank would place the initrd at 0xc0400000 or 0xc0800000? russ tells me that it really doesn't matter where you put the initrd image as long as you have room...
14:12:58erikmhe's right. the kernel will get rid of the initrd image as soon as it's uncompressed
14:13:20erikmthe name ATAG_INITRD is misleading
14:13:33erikmit's actually ATAG_COMPRESSED_RAMDISK_IMAGE
14:16:01prpplaguethe kernel will read from the 0xc0000100 tags where the initrd image is located in ram and pass that information on to the ramdisk driver, correct?
14:16:20erikmand the ramdisk driver will decompress it
14:16:27prpplaguecool, its all starting to make sense...
14:17:06erikmand because we tell it params->u.ramdisk.start = 0, it will decompress it at whatever position it likes
14:23:11prpplaguei've notice that there are some differences in how some platforms are handling tags in the fixup sections
14:25:43erikmin an ideal world you don't want any stuff in the fixup code
14:26:28prpplaguethe bootloader should pass the correct info to the tag ram address and the kernel should read the info from there
14:31:30prpplaguegotta ya
14:32:07prpplaguecontinues the exploratory surgery of blob
16:00:33erikmre, guys
16:01:30erikmStefan Eletzhofer has memory test routines
16:02:31erikmI asked him to use the latest CVS sources so he can use the new command line parser to add them
16:03:05prpplaguecool, when do expect a comit?
16:03:12erikmI don't know yet
16:04:17erikmhe doesn't have CVS write access yet, I first want to see if his solution looks right
16:07:32BZFlaghave him send the patch into the SF patches database.
16:07:47erikmBZFlag: good idea, in that way I also learn how to use it :)
16:11:34BZFlaghe does a cvs diff -u > foo.patch and then opens a patch and attaches the file. then anyone can test it.
16:13:12erikmBZFlag: ok, thanks
16:20:11prpplagueis away: lunch
16:21:05phil_trickis away: I'm busy
16:24:22prpplagueis back (gone 00:04:10)
16:25:16prpplaguewell then i guess i'm not going to lunch
16:26:25erikmprpplague: -ETANSTAAFL? :)
16:27:20prpplagueerikm: ok i give it what is that?
16:27:47erikmTANSTAAFL: There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
16:28:09prpplaguelol, thats for sure
16:28:16erikmor as a coworker always says: free cheese only comes in mouse traps
16:28:25prpplaguelike that one better
20:39:34prpplaguehowdy russ
20:54:02erikmgoes zzz
21:28:30prpplaguenight all

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