irclog2html for blob on 2001.09.25

00:31:50Sammymorning all...
08:17:21Sammyevering ...
08:17:40Sammyerikm :-)
08:17:43erikmhi all
08:24:42SammyMy God, another typhoon come again ...;-(
08:28:11erikmoops, storm season over there?
08:31:22erikmgets a disk
08:42:29SammyI don't know , maybe the nature are punish us too give so many thing's and waste so many things from him ...
08:43:00Russits just the weather
08:43:24Russnot the first, nor the last time
08:44:19Sammybut the storm always come in Jul and Aug and now october ... still have typhoon so strange ...
08:47:39Russyou just need to look at the slightly more distant past
08:56:38Sammyhope not became another venice ....;-|
08:57:26erikmSammy: nothing unusual. just normal statistical variations
11:26:49sammy_need to come home and hide the typhoon ...
14:52:24prpplagueerikm: you alive, got a quick question...
15:05:47erikmwakes up
15:09:35prpplagueerikm: i guess i'm blind, but i can't seem to locate where the struct tag is defined
15:14:21erikmin kernel
15:28:17erikmI even documented the kernel sources nicely
15:28:52prpplagueerikm:  i noticed
15:31:56prpplagueerikm: as i understand it, the boot params "could be" hardcoded into the kernel, however the ultimate goal is not to have hardcoded arch/platform specific infor in the kernel, and that the bootload should be responsible for passing the correct boot params along to the kernel
15:34:01erikmthe only thing that the kernel still has hardcoded is the default command line, but that gets overwritten as soon as it finds an ATAG_CMDLINE structure
15:35:03erikmbtw, this is exactly how the LART worked before blob-2.0.3: everything was hardcoded in the fixup() function, but as soon as blob-2.0.3 got proper command line support I completely removed the fixup() function
15:35:15erikm(fixup() function  in kernel)
15:35:58prpplaguegotta ya
15:37:29prpplaguei see that in some of the other platforms that apparently are still using bootloaders that don't support commandline
15:38:50prpplaguenow theorecticaly i could write a set of tags to a flash location have have the kernel look at the flash location for the tags?
15:41:34erikmehm, yes
15:42:35erikmbut that wouldn't give you much flexibility
15:43:17prpplaguei.e. bad bootload, again the real goal would be a quality bootloader that handled the correct commandline
15:43:27erikmfor example: if a plug a 64MB memory board to my LART, blob detects it and issues an extra ATAG_MEM node so the kernel knows there is 96MB available
15:45:58prpplagueerikm: for me, its sometimes good to understand whats bad about a way of doing things, to really appreciate the direction of development
16:13:31prpplagueis away: lunch
17:03:24prpplagueis back (gone 00:49:52)
18:59:52prpplaguewelcome back
19:00:20prpplaguehope you've been hard at work shipping tuxscreens BZFlag
19:00:46BZFlagheh. didn't ship any today. Though there are already orders for tomorrow.
19:02:34prpplagueBZFlag: get an order from "Dave Anders" ?
19:05:18BZFlagwhat method and what date?
19:05:59prpplaguei sent the money order off last wed.
19:06:03prpplaguevia usmail
19:07:10BZFlagI don't have the mailed ones on record here. I'd have to look at home.
19:07:34BZFlagsend me an email with the date you sent it and the name and shipping address. I'll look it up.
19:07:52prpplagueBZFlag: ok thanks ??
19:10:01BZFlagor, either is fine.
19:14:15prpplagueon the way
20:07:16BZFlagare the pins for the jtag dongle labeled anywhere?
20:10:53erikmBZFlag: the LART jtag dongle schematics are available on the LART site
20:20:48BZFlagyes, but they do not include pin labels, just pure wiring.
20:21:29BZFlagI found the jtag connector info in the lart schematics, but I'm not sure which end is pin 1
20:31:53erikmlemme check on a real lart
20:33:32Russisn't there a key on pin 2 or something
20:33:37erikmpin1 = pin8 = GND
20:33:49erikmso at that point nothing will go wrong :)
20:34:29erikmok, put the dongle on the table, D25 connector pointing to you
20:34:56erikmand the largest number of pins on the D25 on the upper side
20:35:13erikm(which should also mean that the components are on the upper side)
20:35:35erikmthen and only then, pin 1 of the JTAG connector is the left most pin
21:33:20prpplagueRuss: you around for a question?
21:57:19prpplaguewhen allocating the ram location for the initrd image, how are the locations determined, i see that the lart is loading at 0xc080000 while the shannon is being loaded at 0xc800000, while the default is 0xc040000
21:59:12Russa place where it fits
22:05:04prpplagueso there is no major logic in deciding, just alocation that doesn't stradle banks, and has room?
22:34:54Russprpplague: right
22:46:03prpplagueRuss: one last question for today, can you give me some idea of the role KERNEL_RAM_OFFSET and RAMDISK_RAM_OFFSET play?

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