irclog2html for blob on 2001.09.24

01:13:30Sammymorning all...
03:46:58SammyRuss :help me some doc or place to know about download kernel and ramdisk in flash ... still indistinct
04:00:42BZFlagSammy: define mtd partitions in blob and in the kernel. blob is in the first, normally the kernel is in the second and the ramdisk/ramfs is in the third.
04:01:33BZFlagthe kernel and ramdisk get loaded by blob into memory and then a kernel parameter struct is created. it is passed into the kernel when the kernel is started.
04:01:59BZFlagit contains the location of the initrd (ramdisk, if any) and the rootfs device to mount.
04:03:09BZFlagthe kernel is normally run from ram, but stored in flash. so blob copies it into ram.
04:03:29BZFlagif you are using an initrd, it to would be normally stored in flash, but copied to ram.
04:03:56BZFlagif you just have a rootfs, then no initrd is copied, the kernel just mounts the rootfs.
04:26:39Sammythanx BZFlag , but some phrase still don't get what it mean , let me find out first and ask you later ...^_^
14:06:39prpplaguethanks for the help yesterday, got blob booting up, still some kinks to work out, but i'm on the right path
14:07:51erikmcool. already got a blob> prompt?
14:08:35prpplagueya, looks good
14:09:45erikmheya Russ
14:10:12erikmRuss|werk: prpplague over here chain booted into blob :)
14:12:00prpplagueerikm: i was going to ask about doing a DEFINE on the default baud rate for the blob console, was there reason that wasn't done?
14:12:52erikmno reason. the 9600 baud has a rationale, though
14:13:36prpplaguethe lack of flow control on some of the sa uarts?
14:13:52erikmeasier: it's the de facto unix standard
14:14:17erikmevery unix compatible terminal will work with it
14:14:32erikmeven old VT100 terminals (yes, we *do* use that)
14:14:53prpplaguei see your point
14:16:34erikmas soon as we get proper param block support, we will support different terminal speeds, but default will always be 9600 baud
14:17:31prpplaguewell i sure have to hand it to you, i really like blob
14:18:05prpplaguehow far off is support for flash partitioning?
14:18:58erikmwe certainly want support for it, but I'm not yet sure how to do it
14:21:10erikmwe currently have bootldr and redboot partitioning.
14:21:47erikmI usually don't favor the bootldr way of solving problems. most of the time they don't think before implementing
14:22:10erikmI haven't looked at redboot partitioning, though
14:23:13prpplagueya, i've seen those options in the kernel config, thats one thing i like about this native bootloader on the ELF, is that it seems to have a nice partitioning scheme
14:24:03erikmif you can figure out how it works we might be able to use it
14:24:12erikmif it is sane, though
14:26:23prpplaguegot all the specs
14:26:42prpplagueand initital permission to turn it into GPL
14:27:06erikmthat helps a lot
14:28:19prpplaguei plan on learning as much as i can about blob, so i hope i don't drive you guys too crazy...
14:37:05erikmno problems so far
14:37:18erikmat least you know what you're doing
14:38:01erikmI've had questions from people who really didn't understand what they were doing but were just given the assignment to port blob
14:41:54prpplaguethanks, i appreciate the compliment
16:38:20prpplagueerikm: got a question...
16:39:32Russ|werkask away
16:39:55prpplagueerikm: in the main.c file under the Reload function the variables "src" and "dst" are assigned and then MyMemCpy is called
16:40:58prpplaguefrom what i'm reading src is actually the ram location being copied to, and dst is the flash location being copied from
16:43:40erikmuhm, yes, that's confusing
16:43:54erikmsrc and dst should be swapped
16:44:17erikmI'll fix it in CVS
16:45:43prpplaguethanks, just wanted to make sure i wasn't crazy
16:48:55erikmfix is in CVS
16:50:15erikmprpplague: you might want to check out the latest CVS version to see what we're doing right now
16:51:11erikmprpplague: it has a completely new command line parser, and the start of the parameter blocks
16:51:56Russ|werknice commit
16:52:26erikmRuss|werk: yeah, thanks to prpplague
16:53:05erikmRuss|werk: I really didn't see it, I think I wrote that function two years ago
16:54:30prpplagueerikm: thanks, i'll probably stick with the stock 2.0.4 for a week or so, until i have a better feel for things
16:55:44erikmprpplague: hey, I didn't say that you should immediately use the CVS version :)
16:55:53erikmRuss|werk: another crazy idea I got:
16:56:41erikmmake an init ELF section into which components can register their init function
16:56:43erikman an exit ELF section as well
16:57:01Russ|werkwhat functions would do that
16:57:28erikmfor example the i-cache functions
16:57:35erikmor the serial init
16:57:52Russ|werkit didn't seem to cluttered to me, yet
16:58:04erikmthat's right
16:58:27Russ|werkbut it might help other arch's/boards that need special init functions
16:58:40erikmbut suppose we add bootp+tftp
16:58:49Russ|werkI don't know what those functions would be
16:59:05Russ|werkI was thinking bootp/tftp would be done by paramater blocks
16:59:14erikmnot all boards want that. so instead of making #ifdef WANT_BOOTP init_bootp() #endif, we just call it
16:59:42erikmsomehow the network card needs to be initialised for that
16:59:53erikmand that's where the init call could come in handy
17:00:33erikmor suppose somebody wants framebuffer support with a splash screen
17:00:34Russ|werkyah, special hardware on a board
17:00:53Russ|werkerikm: splash screen is handled *very* well by a paramater block
17:01:07erikmparameter blocks don't execute code
17:01:26Russ|werkerikm: they have associated code that excecutes when a tag is found
17:01:39erikmdoesn't like that
17:01:45Russ|werklike when a splash screen is found, its loaded
17:02:02Russ|werkor when a option to load a kernel from tftp is found, its loaded from tftp
17:02:08erikmit should be a pure parameter list, not some kind of java
17:02:26Russ|werkits not really java, but it is an instruction list
17:03:00erikmthat's the part I don't like about it
17:03:23Russ|werkit seemed a much cleaner and expandable implementation that way
17:04:23Russ|werkwith it being all setting variables, if you want to add something, you have to add the global, add a initization for it, add a function that sets it when the block is read, and a function that does whatever it is
17:04:46Russ|werkwith the paramater blocks actually "doing things" you just need one function
17:05:25erikmwell, then rename the stuff into "macro blocks"
17:05:32erikmbecause that's what it is
17:05:44erikma parameter is different
17:05:47Russ|werkits what the kernel seems to do with some of the blocks
17:05:57erikmnot really
17:06:00Russ|werk(ie, setup mem zones)
17:07:18Russ|werkmight make it more difficlut to implement a dynamic configuration based on just variables
17:07:22erikmbrb, hooking up the netwinder
17:07:33Russ|werk(ie, if a gpio is set, or if tftp fails)
17:09:30prpplagueis away: need more coffee
17:15:34prpplagueis back (gone 00:06:04)
17:41:15prpplagueis away: lunch
17:54:28Russ|werkmorning tim
17:54:41Russ|werkdid you get a chance to see if those extra options were what you needed?
17:56:16BZFlagnope. crazy weekend. sorry. I will test it soon.
17:56:58erikmnetwinder hooked to keyboard switch, new NeTTrom flashed
18:20:54jpdmarquesHi guys,
18:21:29jpdmarquesI was reading the Blob source code to see if I could port it to the CerfBoard ...
18:21:54erikmCerf is sa1100, IIRC, right?
18:22:04jpdmarquesThe main problem concerns the registers for the SDRAM and Flash ... whta's the best approach to find the proper values?
18:22:18jpdmarquesCerf is SA1110
18:23:08erikmwell, I'm currently working on proper SA1110 support for assabet. once that's up, other archs should be easier
18:23:20jpdmarquesThe file in question in memsetup.S (mdcas00, mdcas20)
18:23:39Russ|werkjust read your data sheets
18:23:47Russ|werkits very well documented
18:23:51erikmRuss|werk: that's what I'm doing right now :)
18:24:10erikmRuss|werk: and putting debian-arm on the netwinder at the same time
18:25:24jpdmarquesHumm, ok, the StrongArm developers Guide?
18:25:41erikmyes, the sa1110 guide
18:25:56erikmand having a micron SDRAM data sheet also helps
18:26:04jpdmarquesDamn, 5MB ... :)
18:26:33erikm(micron data sheets are written in plain english, while asian stuff is usually written in jinglish)
18:38:36prpplagueis back (gone 00:57:21)
18:40:59prpplaguejpdmarques: what kinda of bootloader does the cerfboard linux sdk ship with?
18:41:41jpdmarquesHi don't know ...
18:41:58jpdmarquesThe boads they shipped me came with Windows CE preloaded
18:43:33erikmhmm, BZFlag might have a clue about that
18:44:16jpdmarquesIntrinsyc Software uCErfSA1110 Linux Loader, Executing at 0xC07D003C, Setting stack to 0xC0800000, ...
18:44:43jpdmarquesThey promessed that they would release the source code one month one, still nothing.
18:49:10prpplaguejpdmarques: ya i don't see anything on their web site about downloads
18:49:42jpdmarquesThey have a group at (CerfCube).
18:50:01jpdmarquesDownloads, try
19:00:52prpplaguethanks i'll have a look
19:01:15prpplaguei'm working on the ELF from
19:06:44jpdmarquesNice board!
19:14:33prpplaguejpdmarques: ya i like it, it just needs a little work to get it running linux smoothly
20:49:01prpplagueerikm: i don't suppose you guys have a tarbar with all the info on producing a the lart boards, or do i have to download each individual doc?
20:49:28erikmprpplague: no tarballs, sorry
20:50:33prpplagueok thanks, my pcb sub-contractor is interested in looking at the lart stuff for production
20:52:52erikmtalk to jdb
20:53:51erikmjdb == jan-derk bakker
20:54:01erikmyou'll find his email address in the blob sources
20:54:48prpplagueya, i was just looking at his page "I am notoriously slow in answering letters"
20:56:05erikmdepends if they're on topic
20:56:37erikmjust CC your question to me
20:56:43erikmso I can remind him
20:56:46erikmgoes zzz

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